Diy Install Micro Loc Extensions Tutorial

Heyyyy Loc Loves!!! Super excited to finally have installed my own micro loc extensions using my Ley Locs extensions and method! Comment below your thoughts and how many locs you think I have for the loc count game!

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Location - Stockbridge, Georgia.

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Music by SouthStreet24-Media

Into & Outro

This is ashley welcome to my channel. If you watch my other videos, you are used to my voice, but you have not seen my face yet here's my face so uh i am ashley again. I am the lock shop on the creator of lee locks, which are basically lock extensions that you can install yourself or if you install with someone else all the work is already done for you, so yeah uh. I hope it's not a bad echo. Let me open this door, so it won't be echoing, but i am super excited to start my own micro, lock extensions journey and i'm going to take y'all on a journey with me. I'M going to show you all how i part my own hair and how i install my own locks and in future videos i will be giving you updates about the locks, so super excited. As you can see, i am starting off with a taper cut. So all this this is enough lymph, but when we get to like this area, it's still a little bit short see. So it's going to be this part here, then i'm going to install my locs and then sometime a few months from now, whenever my size in the very back of my head grows in is when i will install my micro locks on these areas. I was gon na wait until my hair was fully grown in, but this forest right here like i can't deal, i cannot deal i'm happy that my hair is growing nice and thick and full, but honey me doing two strand twists on this every night. Every night. It just i can't do it. I can't do loose natural hair no more on myself, so we got ta lock these up and yeah so uh. My typical, i had gotten a tablecloth, i want to say, like five or six months ago, and my hair was short short like my size was shaved, and this was really low. I'M going to pop a picture but yeah goodbye, loose natural hair, i'm about to wash my hair and then i'm going to come back with how i part my hair so see y'all soon, all right, so my hair is freshly washed and what i'm going to do Is comb it out so that it's stretched? My hair is still like soaking wet, but take these off all right. So i'm literally sitting on my yes bathroom counter oops and, as you can see, i got my phone and so i'm going to zoom in and try to see my compartment here. So actually, i can't zoom in more on a selfie view, so this is going to have to work alrighty. So, of course the back is too short uh. What'S up y'all, this is ashley from the future and you know i had all intention to show y'all how to part your own hair but baby. My parts did not come out nice. They did not come out straight whatsoever. So what i'm going to do is go ahead and fast forward. All this save us both some time, because this is this is no no way to part your hair all right. The main thing you need to take from me attempting to part my hair is that once i had it parted, i did small box braids all along my hair, so part your hair and get you some small box, braids and then you're gon na be good to Go for your installation, aren't you all? I'M done braiding my hair. As you can see, are they perfect hell? No to the no? No? No, but they are perfect enough for me um. As you can see. This is how much hair i have left out and to be honest with you like i, i may come and braid this, because it's an it's enough. I don't know, i don't know if i install my locks and the this part is annoying me. I may come back and braid it sooner than i expected right now, i'm counting to braided uh a month or two for now, but yeah, here's the back again. They are not perfect, try my best but uh yeah. If you are looking for perfection, i suggest you go to a hairstylist to part your hair and to do these box braids. If you were not aware, these braids are a way to start micro locks uh. Basically, i could, you know just leave these for a year and they will be locked and probably down here, but anybody got time for that. So that is why we do extensions because honey. I want it down my shoulders. Okay, so now i'm going to go ahead and create my extensions, since i know how many locks i'll need to make i'll go ahead and create my extensions based on that, and i will be back to show you how i install my extensions yeah. I bet i can expect, but you know it means i already have my locks in but y'all. This has been like a few days later. It'S taking me so long to install it, because what i'm i'm i'm just so excited to get my hair done. So what i was doing was creating the locks and then put it in my head, so i'll create one lock put it in my head, create one lock put it in my head, and you know instead of having like 150 of these already ready - and i can Just install, i was doing it one by one, so i can't tell y'all how long this takes, because i was making them and then putting them in. But what i'm gon na do is these three here i save these three for y'all and i'm not done with my whole head yet. So that's why it looks like this, but i'm gon na go ahead and do these three because i have somewhere to go and i need to be presentable, real quick. So what i'm going to do is pretend that i had these shipped to me. So these are three locks, because i have three locks here and i'm going to time myself putting these in my head and that's going to be how we gauge how long it takes for you if you buy these for me to put in your head. So that's how we're going to do it so yeah, let's go ahead and get going, i'm going to show you how i do two in real time. It'Ll be quick. I don't i don't know either it'll be real time. I sped up, but i'm at least do one in real time. So what i got is my extension here. This is the loose hair for the top, and this is the ends. This is it's micro size, because these are miracle logs and i left like a little goddess and when you wet the end, it's going to curl up. So i love a little goddess. Kinky curly look at the ends and then i have extra afro, kinky bulk hair. So if you buy these essentials for me, you of course get the locks and then you'll get extra kinky bulk here all right, let's put the timer on. So what you do? I don't care about preserving my limb, so i'm going to crochet up here. If you care about preserving your lymph you're going to braid this at the bottom of your hair, but i don't care about preserving my natural limb, all right. I got that crochet in and what i'm going to do is braid. So the extensions create two legs and then my natural braid that i have created one leg, just gon na braid it by the braid and there is overlap which is fine, because when you wrap it's going to mission, so here's the overlap all right. So now i'm going to get a small piece of the afro kinky book hair and i'm going to crochet that into the same base and let's wrap i like to wrap tightly around the roots. And then i start to go down. And at this point i'm going to go ahead and grab this piece and wrap all of it together, wrap tight and wrap um close together. You don't want to have gaps because then your natural hair is going to be showing so wrap, tight, wrap, close and i'm actually about to grab some more hair, because i still have to cover this. So we're not going to crochet this in we're just going to start where we left off and wrap tight and go ahead and grab the rest of this keywrap man. Here'S the little piece that i need to cover up, so i'm gon na go past that little piece like another inch and then i'm gon na wrap back up, wrap it down right back up until i have no my hair left. So i just wrapped over that piece still wrapping down now, i'm about to wrap up and it just helps seals it. Then i'm going to wrap it down and i'm just going to wrap until that last strand is wrapped all right now. This is silly lots when i make weight loss i like to do little kinks and you know stuff like that. That'S it so that took us three minutes and 40 seconds um, and that is with me talking and explaining. So i'm gon na do one more without me, saying anything and we're gon na see how long or how fast that is. Then i'm gon na try and gauge how long the install would take all together. So, let's get this one here, i'm not gon na explain anything. I'M just gon na go ahead and do it all right timer. You know, i've heard can't explain every part and i should know by now touch the ground. I found the perfect place. Don'T wake me like we always do. Even if i say i don't love you, you know it's not true. I am take your hand in that took two minutes and 50 seconds. So i'm just going to go ahead and say it takes three minutes to install each lock factors that can change the time it like you, like. I said. If you decide, if you have long hair, let's say your hair stops here and you braid the lead lock from here um. Then you will have to wrap all your natural hair up to this point, so that will be long uh longer than the amount of time. Because you have to wrap all your natural hair, so the shorter your hair, the quicker it will go um, but overall, the lead locks are a quicker solution to wrap in period. Because i do i do all the wrapping for you besides just your natural hair. So i'm gon na go ahead and wrap this one one more time. I'M gon na tie myself to see if i get to three minutes again and i think i'm going to explain one more time how to do this. So, let's reset, actually i'm not even going to time myself, we just want to say it takes three minutes from the meltdown that i got all right. So what you do is you take the ends of the lead, lock and either remove that? Let'S do this. Let'S say you want to use the length of your hair i'ma go up to about right here, so i'm going to braid and braid it in together, so this is going to be one leg. This is the second leg. My natural hair is the middle piece. It'S completely fine doing this way, just make sure you braid, tight and y'all can see. This is where the braid starts all right, so just like, before we're gon na get some kinky book here and we're just gon na wrap over it to secure it. That'S all so, if you, if you want to keep your length, you just braid about an inch away from the ends, because i don't want to slip out same wrapping. If you don't fall out of yourself, you are set honey, because this is just what that is. Just using human hair, all right, i'm going to come across that braid. It'S right here, switch to the other piece: try not to pull it down until you wrap it so see it slipped out, because i was pulling down on it all right. So i'm gon na show you another thing. So let's say you just wrap all your natural hair. This might be easier to braid using the human hair instead of braiding using your natural hair, because your natural hair has probably got shine on it. A little bit. Slippy slippery, so i'm glad that happened on camera. Let'S just do it this way, i prefer to crochet my roots, because i know it won't slip, but let's just do it this way, all right, tugging on it a lot more secure. Now i'm just going to wrap from where is that this technique works for all sizes, small, medium, large micro. You do the same technique all right. Now, i'm just going to keep wrapping until this runs out until it runs out honey. This will help secure it. Even more so just keep going. I got a little piece, i'm working with just keep going going up and down all right. So that's two different methods. Here'S a look, looks exactly the same. Secure, yes, very secure, both of them and yeah. So i'm going to go ahead and finish. I have to do this little patch right here and then i did decide to do my size. I did majority of this side already, so i got to finish my size and i'm going to show you how to find yourself. You guys i finally finished as much as i could do. I should say and honey she is giving me boujee boo, hot mamas. Okay y'all, like my confidence, is so high with my hair, like this came out so good. Look, i'm giving you soupy sweet edges, honey, y'all! You know i got my favorite dress on listen like my confidence is so high with my hair. Like this, i got these glasses on because my eyebrows is atrocious. Y'All seen it in the beginning of the video and um, so the eyebrows is throwing off the look of me feeling cute but y'all i feel so good. I feel amazing, my hair like this, i love it so much. You can follow this tutorial i'll sing. You, the hair - and you can look amazing like me, and the good thing about this y'all - is that it's this. This is this. Is your hair, like it's always going to look like this? It'S always going to be given like my worst hair day. It still look good, okay, y'all, like i just i just i love it so much. I love it y'all. I went from freaking events from recess to jody from daria all right. So what that means said, let me show you all. I did not finish the bat. The back was just too short and my hair is way softer in the back, so it just kept slipping now. But let's look it's lightweight enough. I could go ahead and put her up honey in a bun. If i want to she's lightweight enough like come on now going from the vents to the uh to jody you're, going to expect a little bit of weights a little bit of weight. But honestly it's going to be very easy to get used to. And it's very lightweight in comparison to having the human hair added onto your head. So you know this is bone life girl. This is cute all right, so let me show y'all the back could not finish the bag so in about a month or two we're gon na braid this up and lock this up too. So it took me for freaking ever um y'all. This is so cute. It took me forever, so i'm just gon na say my luck journey started the first week of december and being my eggs. How long have you had your vlog since the first week of december um? What else may i need to know she's a little tight like i wrap my roots. If you have full logs you or tight braids, it feels like that um, i'm only going to do root rewraps every six weeks. So every six weeks is gon na be tight, but you know she's gon na be getting though she's gon na be giving so make sure you all subscribe subscribe subscribe, because i'm going to be showing you all how i wash my hair, different styles, how i curl It like i got a lot of videos in the store. Speaking of my eyebrows, i'm going to have an eyebrow grow challenge that i'm going to put on here so subscribe, says, subscribe and let's go ahead and get into it's time for the lock count. Game comment below how many locks you think are in her head all right, y'all see you in the next one give me a reason and i'll pretend i'm in control, just like the seasons you're taking the time for me.

Pretty Thug: Started my hair with medium two strand twists, but I like this method better so I’m gonna redo it this way, thanks sis!!!

Andrea Manning: I like your technique it is definitely helpful, and you did a great job.

Kodi Kreek: They look great! I'm inspired ☺️

Elizabeth Johnson: Absolutely beautiful!!

Gina S: You did such a good job. And you’re gorgeous

Elle: Awesome jobI wish I watched your video before I DIY'd my hair. You look Marvelous

vanessa shaw: Wow! Looks totally natural too!

Kresscina Sims: What a great job! How to you refresh the roots? Just crotchet?

Ashley Callender: I like your method. I have wrapped locs too but she did mine a little diff than that

Lorper Zankwayea: It very beautiful great job

FortiesLocdandFine: Awesome job!

yolandascott1975: How did you seal it after you wrapped it? I did not see you put anything on it, so did it stay in place and for how long! Looks great

Lovely Blazze: Luv it great job

Mo0ney thomas: You did a good job

Quiara Harper: Looks great

Demetrius Scott: Love it

bizzy vee: Love your videos

Juanita Croft Griffin : I would’ve just instant loc that little piece instead of wrapping more hair great job tho and it would’ve saved u some time as well

Toniimarr: Question how do you make the extensions before you put them in? Like how did you make the loc love your videos bye❤️

MsAngelique1995: Question> Let's say you want to keep the extensions in permanently?Can you do a DIY on how to maintain new hair growth with the loc extensions in

Quiara Harper: Will this same method work with thicker locs/traditional size

MoreSand12: Not Vince from recess Your hair looks great!

GeminiLotus♊️: If I paid a loctician to do this how much would you estimate it cost me cuz I’m not gonna do this on my own lol

Portia Watson: Can we get an update on these locs? Pros and cons

MsJokert6: How do you avoid slippage?

Kee: Did it turn out to actually be 150 locs or where there more at the end?

Mo0ney thomas: Wow you have a lot of patience you save money

Fedna Jean: What size are these?

Seductive Nail by S: Do you have a video where you make the micro loc extensions

Lilyan Kay: Can I do this on mini twists

Niki Boo: Hi do u do them for other ppl?

Cola Chelsey: Your cut was cute girl!

Leiko W: long does the human extension last? Is it permanent and wont pull out?

Stephanie Shaw: What kind of hair are you using?

Christelle G: Is it synthetic or human hair?

maquesha47: Awww you're so pretty

Providence Jones: How many locs? My guess is 110?

Special Love: Not Ashley from the future

Teach Myna: I thought this was interlocking.

Cola Chelsey: LMAO not hell naw to the naw naw naw

Renae Star: I like the look, but would they be sister locs? They look bigger than micro locs.

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