Affordable & Easy Hair Extensions? Secret Hair Extension Double Volume Review - Itsjudytime

Here's my full review on the Secret Extensions. You can find them on Amazon:

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Hey guys, I'm back for another review. I am a facebook junkie, I'm on Facebook quite often - and I noticed especially lately - there's always all these beauty ads on my feet. So I stumbled across these hair extensions by Daisy Fuentes they're like hair extensions for dummies, because you don't have to clip on anything. It look so easy. It'S almost comical. How easy a look! Oh, I did. Five scene sets and I believe in five and you get a better deal, so I think it was by coolants. The observer see is in here. The first set I bought is 39.99 and then the second one is $ 29.99 and I paid a total of 59 ninety-eight for the two and there's tons of different shades to choose from, I think, is about 10 different shades, so I picked black. So I appreciate that the packaging is pretty simple and just straight to it so you're not paying and we've seen a lot for packaging. So that's nice take this out. It'S like very little in here, because I've I've turned on the hair extensions before, but there's like a lot of them and they're really heavy, but this one seems pretty small. Oh my gosh, this looks like my hair. It'S really soft and it looks like real hair and here's the string for some reason. I thought the string was going to be clear, but it's kind of like a dark brown. So I'm supposed to put the hair behind me put the elastic over my face kind of like I'm putting on an elastic hair band, all right so over my hair and I bring the size of my hair in front. I would be surprised if you could. Actually, oh wow, you can actually tell if your friend this does seem like a lot. It feels weird, though I feel like it's about to flip off, so my hair is a little longer than these extensions. Let'S see if it's really invisible, you know, I feel with my hair, really does look fuller and it's blended nice, so this is happening as I'm pulling my hair back like this. It'S please some of my actual hair. It'S making it look really weird. If I were at the club and Elif ances - and I just go like this - having a gay old time - mmm do not wear the koozie part, it just came right off. Okay, let's try to put it a little closer towards the front of my face. You know be a secret hair extensions, they're, not new. It'S been around for a few years at least two years now, so I personally like it closer to the forehead, because I feel like I help more security just like if you were to wear an elastic headband, you don't want to wear it back here, because it's Going to like slip off, and especially since this is holding some weight, but it still feels lightweight. This is not bad at all, even though it is synthetic hair. It says here in the instructions that you can use styling tools up to 320 degrees. So I heated up my curling iron, but I don't need it because it ready has like a curl in it anyway. So this is what they do in the infomercial. They say that you can double up different colors, so you could have like an ombre effect. Pretty heavy, this is trying to feel a little heavy and I don't know if you can tell a difference. I mean I do have a lot of hair and I have thick hair, but this does seem extra Vava voom. It'S really easy. I like that. It'S affordable because hair extensions, especially if you get the real hair that can cost a few hundred dollars so far. I say it's a good buy, but the real test is trying this out in real life and hurting it throughout the day. Let'S see how well it holds up, it is almost 12:00 in the afternoon I'll check back in a few hours, almost 3:00 in the afternoon yeah. So this happened about 30 minutes ago and I was just tired of fixing my hair because I was literally I was I'm not in kidding you, I'm like this every 15 to 20 minutes. When I look in the mirror every time I look left to right or I'm doing whatever the hair will creep up, and it just looks so weird so I went to Ulta and you know, thank goodness, there's mirrors everywhere and I caught like a piece of hair Sticking up so I'm like going like this and I felt so awkward cuz, I you know and look like I'm picking something in my hair or I was just playing with my hair way too much. While I was there, it was especially irritating while I was driving, because I'm looking to my left and my right just checking my blind side and I could feel my hair tugging and the bottom part would shift. So that was constantly happening and I it just felt like all I could think about were these hair extensions. While I was out so far, it's not going too well, and I wonder if this, because I doubled up - and I have these two - what I'm going to do for the rest of day is just wear one of the hair extensions and see how it goes. Maybe you won't pull on my hair as much okay guys, so this feels significantly lighter and make almost like a night and day difference removing that. But then again you can tell that definitely not as volumous except the luminance or volume in so I'm going to go on with my day. I will check back in a few hours or maybe at the end of the day it is 10:30 in the evening, but definitely been much more manageable. I kind of forgot that I had them on it, just wasn't as heavy and it didn't flinch around as much, and I think, like the last two hours, I had my hair up in a hair clip. So I just pulled it all up like this with no problem was one set. I didn't really have any issues, but then again I just don't notice a significant difference. Let me remove this and then we'll see see not much if you want to add a little bit of volume and you have thin hair get this as long as it is your hair length, maybe a few inches below your shoulders. This will blend in nice. Otherwise, if you have like hair to your chin, it probably won't blend as seamless so pro. I like the idea and the simplicity of it. I think it straight to the point is easy and accessible like it's good. If you want instant volume for your hair cons, I feel like once that really isn't enough. I don't think it's going to make a significant difference. No, no! No! No! No, however, with two you're going to have definitely more volume, but then on the downside, it's too heavy when you have to set on totally like an inconvenience that kind of clings on to your hair, and then you have like oh my gosh. It was just. It was really annoying overall, I'd say this is beneficial if you have like a photo shoot, maybe you're going to an event for like an hour or two, and that doesn't require lots of fancy. You definitely cannot whip your hair back and forth. After all, this thing is going to come flying off. If you want to try mommy's, hair fur, yeah, hey, hey, look a little bleak cops'll, alright guys! So that's right up on the extension comment below. If you tried this in your thoughts thumbs up. If you found this review helpful, don't forget to check out my other channels. It'S mommy's life plan is vlog 5 videos with my kiddos and also check out my daily vlog channel was long almost every day. Thank you so much for watching and you will see later bye.

ItsMeBriLee: Am I the only one that thought she already had the extensions in at the start of the video? Judy your hair is so full and beautiful already!

LifeWithGer: I'm never ever going to get sick of watching itsjudytime reviews

heymamakay: you definitely do not need any extensions whatsoever! your hair is very beautiful as is, nice and full! luv ya Judy! also, I honestly thought you had the extensions in already from the beginning lol

Real Sylvia: Lol I liked this review! I saw the infomercial on t.v. a few years back and was not convinced! Glad Judy confirmed it and it was indeed comical

Bijou by Becca: I actually made my own halo extensions! I took all my clip ins and threaded them together and took a clear string and measured it to the length of my head. I kept the clips on just in case but I like a halo style better than clip ins. Better for your hair too:)

Mauli Shah: Love all the videos lately! Glad to see you get back into itsjudytime again! Love your vlogs but felt like you weren't posting a lot on your original channel. Would really like to see more tutorial type of videos!

Allthingsgray: I think it's a little too risky clip ins all the way thanks for the review

Lupita Machado: I had them i liked them for a couple of months, i washed them and curled them with aluminum foil since there synthetic hair they hold in pretty well i sometimes used bobby pins... they shed after some time tho especially if you curl them or wash them often... i was so excited when i first got them. There good on the go i would always wear them curled and put a side pony tail or a braid lol when i didn't feel like doing my hair. Try wearing them in the front like by your forehead hope this helps have a good day and god bless you

LuvNerdyLina29: That infomercial recreation tho love ya Judy!

Vicki Drexler: Thank you for your review on these. I was literly looking at these on Amazon. I was like I should probably see if there's reviews on this product on Amazon.

Mikaylas World: Thank you for an honest review !

Kimberley E: Wow!! It really blends into your natural hair so well!! Just too bad it doesn't stay in a little better.... but it really looks beautiful!

theflowerhead: I have the older version, and I put it on diff. I like it for a quick fix with a hair accident. The band is clear and sticks well. The double volume needs like a little cut so it's not "ready to go". It makes a fantastic ponytail though. Even shopping and changing I was fine all day. There's a lot of stuff to try though. It's only 16". :< Ty for review! It blends with my hair 100% so I just wanna take the hair somewhere and ask someone to reproduce it for me.

Lisa L: She should prank Keira and Miya with this hair and make them think they pulled her hair out

Trinitea: been waiting for this review for foreverrrrr you look amazing Judy

RIZ DETZ: Wow thats cool. Very quick and simple. Voluminous and pretty. Thanks for the review

Shanjida Hoq: I came across ur channel again after so long!! Loveeeee how much you're glowing & happier ☺️

anca21bi: I saw this on clearance in Target. Ya know...that red tag, it was like $10.

BellaEnCali: They sell these daisy Fuentes extensions at Ross for $12.00 Judy!! And anyone else looking for them :)

Ms. Oliver’s Life: I added a wig clip to mine, just in case. It's never ever fallen out.

Olivia Grace: They look so natural on you!!! Benjis reaction was the best hahah

Sophie R: im new to your channel and when you started the vid i was sure you already had the extension in! your hair is amazing

Courtney Dolly: Omg I thought you already were wearing some, your hair is so beautiful! You don't even need these.

kimbi: "Keira hit mee" what a cutie, reminds me of myself when I was a baby, I tattled on each and everything my siblings did to me haaha

Jessa Jarrell: Hidden Crown extensions are just like this and a lot fuller then these but they are more expensive but they are waaayyyy better !!!

KZ Goodlife: Not sure if I would have spent that much just to wear them for a "special occasion" lol, I think I'll pass. Love your reviews Judy!

Ashley Rodriguez: Bobby pin it in the back. It definitely blends in with your hair maybe use it and do a updo

Taylor Manning: you'd have to use Bobby pins to secure the band and maybe the base of the hair , I think these are great BC the synthetic hair looks like real hair , so what I would do is cut the string off and sew actual clip to the hair and make then into real extensions and I think two would work BC they are so thick.

Elizabeth L. Alanis: wow looks amazing. I would be scared my little one just pull it off!!!

Vanessa: I bought similar ones and put it in, I walked out the door and I could feel it coming off. Ended up taking it off and the elastic broke off. I feel like wearing these should be only when you sit and don’t move. Lol

Eggplant Iguana: amber scholl did a video on something like this and they look pretty great! you should check it out. hers are really thick and stay on by like adjusting the string thing

chiquitalatinafun: I have always wondered about those. Thanks for the info!

costaricanpolishlady: thank you for your honest review!!!

Paz Cruz: Very helpful review

Karaskorner: I did a video on this but it was a Halo knock off from AliExpress! I got it for $6.00! The hair was actually beautiful!


Lory Ven: this sweater looks amazing on you :)

ldycop74: You remind me of Mariah Carey a bit, it took me a long time to realize who you resembled. Naturally beautiful

BeautyByDionnaD: Still laughing at Benji's reaction lol but great review Judy

High Mountain Mama: THANK YOU! For this review. I was considering getting these. Now I really don't think I will honestly.

Tiffany Maca: I was such a sucker to these hair extensions.... After watching late night infomercials. I agree that they are light...But I'm scared to ware them out, bc they might slip off. Thanks for doing that for me. LOL!! *NoteToSelf: Not to double up.

Vanessa: Saw an advertise on instagram a few seconds ago thats why i‘m here thanks judy for your video!

Ammie Lin: Omg this is hilarious. Great review.

Katie Jo Seiber: Thank you for the review!!

anaїs lake: judy please do a lighted mirror review. !!! ❤️✨

Benji22: Girl, I've seen these at Ross for $3.99

Fati_zuniga: Judy dont get mad at me but I got mine at Ross for $3.99.

old cup: Judy you already have nice long thick hair. My hair is so thin especially in the front and Im only 23. I used to have nice thicker hair but when I had my second child my hair hasnt been the same.

AnythingPlanning: Am I the only one imagining Judy putting the hair extensions on the front of her head like a beard and showing the kids lol

dulce sanchez: "Do not where this to the theme parks! I only imagined that in my head and I died laughing!

ITS AQI'S LIFE: Hey Judy please do a makeup tutorial on this look I just want to know how you contour and highlight love your cheeks

its guts: I think it didn't go well because you're putting them underneath, you're suppose to put them on top and then pull your top crown layer over the string so it blends and doesn't move around on your head. just a tip^.^ you're gorgeous!

Sharon Money: You guys on YouTube who put in hair extensions have thick, great quality hair. Not sure why you need them at all.

SenoraLene: Your hair is so shiny!! What kind of shampoo and hair products do you currently use? Next itsjudytime tutorial :)

Girly Girl: You don't need that hair Judy you have beautiful hair

sandra666: In my area it gets pretty windy, I don't think they'd last here.

Rothana85: Voluminous! Like the mascara from Loreal

jessica071509: can you try the Halo extensions! it's the same concept but better quality

Annelie B: I believe that you are supposed to place it on the crown of your head and then pull through the hair inside the circle...

Angela: Will that elastic damage hair follicles?

Mzmoz Ette: Love you Judy! ❤️

Romina Eugenio: Did you check the band if you're able to tighten it? Because I know Weylie wears extensions like those (the more expensive alternative) but she's able to tighten them so that they won't budge

Makayla Singleton: it’s so hard to have blonde extensions there are to many shades of it. i can never get the right shade.

Jessica M: Does anyone have recommendations for good clip in extensions?

beachtime 14: Hahahahahahaaha this was so funny! Love you judy!!

rhea mendoza: Hi Judy! I was wondering what you ask for when you get a haircut?? I love your hairrr

Ethelreda Nadia Am: Loving it!!!!! Give me one pleaseeeeeee

mari Ramirez: looks great

tamika PinkeezClub: Ty so much. I apreaciater you making this video. Helped me out big time lol

Victoria Hall: "Kiera hit me"

Alicia Caceres: For anyone who will comment about her saying "having a gay time" please remember that the original meaning is happy!

Ton Teezy: The part when the hair slipped off. LMAO!!! This video is hilarious. Please stop purchasing items from your Facebook feed.

Mama 456: lmao "in the club having a gay old time" that cracked me up

mal0u111: this was a fun review haha

MHL: Look up amber scholl extension crown she shows how to place it correctly so u don't get that hair problem

Hana: hi Judy have you thought about making toy reviews with the girls on youtube kids?

Rocha Alberty: Where did you buy hair extensions?

Jessie Gilsdorf: “If I was at the club...” hahaha

Roxane Maluto: hi Judy, Can you please do a review on lipsense please.. thanks

RJsLoventure: they had some of this at dollar tree around last year but it was a demi lavato product..

Steff Rey: I think I could sow in some hair clips on the lace band.

nicolexlove16: I don't wanna be mean but you should prank the kids with this just be wearing it & then out of nowhere when they're looking at you pull it out & watch their reactions since they never like your face masks or hair curlers hahaha

rere rachmanya: "Kiya hit me" LOL

Sandra Galvez: Judy you can do a video abouth the foundation wet ' n wild please!!!

Meet The Garcias: Hey Judy! I would love for you to watch my vlog videos! ☺️ you inspire me so much!

hey kay: seems ok as long as you don't go to EDC with it.

Sunflower Yellows: Lol what are the odds I have that same screen saver pic on my phone that Judy have

Sunflower Yellows: Hey Judy, is black your natural hair color since you were a baby or you ever color it with black hair color cus your hair look so healthy and shiny. Can you please do a hair care routine. Thank you

Regine Pineda: Ate judy please do review on wet n wild photofocus foundation and pressed powder.

J S: I love the commercials impersonation!

Clarissa Domingo: I thought you were going to say to not where it to the club, but then you said theme parks hahah!

Ashiya: judy, please make a video related to health

Lyn Rey: omgosh i bought that when it first came out and boy did i regret it! it kept coming off my head. i threw it away the same day hahahaha...such a waste of money smh

JQuadcam: When you put both of them on what if you tried putting one on each side?! Does that make sense lol idk if it will work but that way you can wear both and get that volume and hopefully not so much weight in one spot...?!

Rjj: I Bobby pin mine on I wear 2 of them Bobby pins make huge difference

Zeina Vee: Please can you do update hair extensions or can you try out bellami hair extensions clips?

Alex M.: I buy like faux pony tails and things like that at Sally's for super cheap..they don't last long but they are synthetic and since I have shorter hair it's fun to pretend like I have a long and perfect pony! But honestly I think this product would be annoying lol

Catherine Mosher: Judy pls do a haul where u buy ur top clothes sweater like this ones. Pls ur mentioned it to the video blog everywhere. ty

Vicki: haha this video was so humorous!

tbhandarijonas: Lmfao yes Judy it's Voluminous (Vol-oo-min-ous)

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