Weekly Vlog | Dying My Hair & Tattoo Removal

Haven’t done a weekly vlog ever so here’s one for you:) I’ll be dying my hair at home & having tattoo removal done on an old tattoo! Laser tattoo removal sucks but it is what it is! Yes tattoo removal is safe but there is a difference between removing a tattoo on pale skin and brown skin so if you'd like a sit down video on my tattoo removal on dark skin, let me know! Dying my hair darker always sucks the first couple days until it lightens up, it almost feels like I dyed it jet black:(! Hope you all enjoy this Vlog in Colorado and weekly vlog in my life! Let me know if you like videos like this and I’ll make them a thing!

#weeklyvloginmylife #dyinghairdarker #lasertattooremoval

So so so sometimes my bad decision - [ Applause, ], okay, sorry guys, so i am looking for specific tribal ish kind of material. I'M hoping i find it okay, so i think i found the type that it is. The only thing now is the color. Also. This is really pretty as well. Well, i think we may have a winner guys. Is this the kind all right guys so change of plans marion? I showed him and he said it doesn't match and it looks cheap. So i guess we won't be getting that we're. Just gon na grab his fabric and head home. This is the one you have you just wear the trash. Yes, it is okay. Thank you so much you too manny. So i got a bunch of stuff. This is actually probably not wise to do, but i have ion color and for nnn. This is what i did my reach with the other day: bottom: silk color in 611, which is like a six ash, and then i have my well attached color and a 743. Now this is like a reddish color. I did this because my hair is still a bit blonde and i did not feel the hair, so i'm just going to put just a hint of this in and then i'm using a 10 volume developer we're gon na. Take this make sure we're gon na head upstairs. So i did my reach a dark color and i realized this brown color. I don't like that washing. I went ahead and dyed my extensions. They are taking color nicely. They probably won't need to be on as long you see where it gets really thin. No, i'm just showing how to cut it. Like yes, cut that off, just like an inch, maybe cutting oh cut off about an inch all right guys so we're here. The next day - and this is what my hair looks like - i don't think i ended up sharing with you guys what i ended up doing, but last night after marion cut my hair, i was just like. Do i really want to put in microlinks or do i want to go in with a partial sew-in and last night it was on a whim? I didn't even pull out my camera. I just started braiding up my hair and this morning i just installed it, and so this is what it looks like installed now, the hair, i'm so happy that i decided to go with the short curly. It was literally between this and my long bundles and i was like ooh since i got dark. Hair might as well go straight dark. You know, but then i'm like well, my hair is damaged from dying it. So i really want to start moisturizing it and everything - and this is the only hair that i can wet my hair and just do a twist up without putting heat to it. Uh now the color, the color, hmm, the color, the color job is fantastic. I didn't think that i was gon na, be able to do it like that now, when i put on the six the level six and the four mixing it together in my head, i was like this is gon na be a bit lighter. I put a level three and four on my roots so with the ends, i'm like yeah, six and four make a level five, it's going to be a little bit lighter. Can you guys see this? It looks almost the exact same. It'S like super dark. I don't know how i feel about it. I think it has to grow on me, and i also think i need to wash my hair out, because i normally look better after a few washes. I think, because of my skin tone and just how my body shape, you know how some people look better with like well hair. That'S like very structured. I don't look good with structured things like so how that just kind of made me look kind of crazy with it being so tight right. I look better with like flowy like this is just my vibe, so that kind of hair that kind of vibe that free-flowing vibe um that i think suits me looks better with like highlighted, hair or like really free-flowing hair. I hope this is making sense anyways when it's super dark like this and it's all one solid color. It does not flatter me, so i do have to wash it out a few times for it to look a little bit better, which i'm not upset about it, because my whole point in dyeing. It was so that when my natural hair started growing back in um and i started washing this hair because, obviously you wash your hair, the color will start to fade. This color won't be too far off from my natural color now onto sew-in. I did the sewing and i did film it. I'M gon na try to upload that video. It was not super in detail, but i did. I was able to film it yeah. I don't know it kind of looks good, but i feel like my skin tone, is not really something's off something's off, so i i don't know it could be too dark. For my skin tone make me look a little bit ghosty. I did have to put on a little bit of blush, so that's that's a telltale of when your hair color is off when you feel like you have to put on more makeup to make yourself look alive. That'S a telltale that hey! This is a little too dark, so next time i wash my hair, i do plan on using clarifying shampoo to try to get out some of this color so that i'm not looking ghostly right. It'S time to do some work. Manny you want to get on here. Get up here, go show yourself, show yourself to the people. My name is me. You know i like to work hard minnie our hair matches. Oh my goodness guys manny is my dog. Look at my hair. Is his hair color. His collar is my shirt color. Oh, so cute, no, listen! Y'All! These kids want to act up in school, want to go to school and embarrass you want to make like they got no home training. So i told my son don't go to school ambassador, no! More i'll take care of you, son. I give anything you want. I discipline you but you're going to bash me like this. You know so now i'm going to cut his hair turn that thing on uh baby morning guys. So we are heading to blackout laser and i'm trying to find the address for my second session for my tattoo removal, so i'm gon na bring you guys along with us. I think i broke it. Oh my gosh, did you oh hitting this? No, it has faded a little bit, but it still has to be perfect, glasses, [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ]. Oh all, right so we're out and my wrist. I don't know if you guys can see, but it's really starting to like swell up turn left marion since we are over on this side wants to go to one of his favorite stores lowe's. Here we are 20 minutes later and it is really starting to swell up hey

CiearraB: Ok The Coffee and avocado was so satisfying to watch! That’s transition sis I feel the same about hair and make up It’s so true but I feel the darker color makes your skin look very glowy yes a bit lighter but that’s your skin color and it beautiful and works with every color you wear and have worn ❤️my husband had his neck tattoo removed years ago and he said it huuurtt but you just sitting there like it was nothing.lol I hope the swelling went down. Very much enjoyed the vlog!

Blue Skies: Sis you looked absolutely gorgeous with dark hair but you have to be the one who likes it. I loved the style of today's video. It was great.

Heather Tee: Loveeeeeee the hair!!! That curl pattern is so natural on you. And the length too. I need details lol

Heather Tee: How many sessions do you have to go through for removal?

Crystal Lewis: I do the same thing with my black poodle we both have dark curly hair

Crystal Lewis: I love ❤️ the hair color

Rick And Rum TV: Rick and Rum here checking you out

soufian News: 16thank you with all my heart

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