♡ Its My Birthdayyy!!!





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Hey everybody, i'm just gon na wait and see some of y'all get in here. Did i make it public? Let me make sure i made it public. Okay, you guys can see me. Thank you. You guys are so sweet, so my birthday did fall on a tuesday and i actually had reservations today for dinner and stuff, but i canceled them. I don't know something in my soul was just like you should stay home like i really just want to stay home. This year i thought i was gon na like want to go out and party, and but no i literally just wanted to stay in this year. Um, i don't know that might change by the weekend, but as of right now i don't know someone was just telling me to stay home and i said i was gon na start. Listening to my good and that's what i'm doing. I know you guys aren't used to the influencers like not having this extravagant birthday stuff to share, but yeah um. I did get some gifts um one of my good friends. She sent me a um, edible arrangement. I ate it already. Uh, a hair company sent me flowers, um, and i have some other things in my p.o box. I got to go pick up, but yeah i didn't get a cake. I got a um, a cupcake. I got a cupcake, i ate it already. I don't. I don't need a a whole big cake like i really don't. I really don't, and usually when people ask me um what i'll like gifts i might want. I always say nothing because i don't know i feel like when people have to ask you what's like like what to get like what to get you i'm just like that's, okay, but not like a not like that, but it's just like i feel like. If you don't already know, then it's fine, you don't have to like think hard about giving me any type of gift or something like that. Like i'm, not even like that and plus i buy myself everything i want, so i just be like what i am. However, gon na have some shots: yeah, i'm just gon na take some shots to making it another 365 days around the sun um. I had a really rough last, two and a half months getting over long coated. So you know i just want a few shots. Just a few shots, nothing serious um. This is my yummy hair, the one i did a video on that nobody watched um i'll link, the hair and stuff below but um. Maybe i could link it now hold on kyrie, kyrie, kyrie kyrie. Remember what i said. Sorry, you guys, if you hear him screaming it's roblox, he's back in the in the front, acting crazy playing roblox um. I think that's the link to the video. Thank you so much y'all for the happy birthday wishes. I really appreciate them, y'all, so sweet! Oh, i'm kind of scared to take this shot. Oh live, because what, if i gag or throw up, i'm so scared, my hand's shaking, don't laugh at how i take shots. I just started drinking when i was like 27 or 26. So don't judge me. Okay! Oh, oh y'all. If i start getting like two tipsy, i'm gon na get off because i'll be saying anything and y'all can't blame me for what tipsy me says: right right must be a scorpio thing. What'S the scorpio thing, oh yeah and i got ta put a little bit of this in my shot this and this like a little squirt, because it's so strong. I just do like two shots. I like to cheat when i say shots. My chest is hot. Wait! A minute wait, a minute. My chest is so hot you guys. Thank you. Y'All are so sweet. Thank you. I probably won't be on here long um, not too long i haven't, did i eat today i ate did i eat today. I ate breakfast at like nine o'clock ten o'clock so i'll be drunk soon tipsy. You know what i don't like wine, anything okay y'all, so i can't drink bubbly stuff. I remember i had my first drink. It was like right at the prom right. I know i ain't supposed to drink whatever i had a drink right at the prom and my chest felt like it was like balled up like it felt like something was squeezing my chest. I like it hurt so bad. I think i had like gray, goose and cranberry juice right ever since then. I really hadn't drank any liquor until i was like 26 27. It was new year's and i had some patron shots and ever since then i've been drinking tequila but anyways. I can't drink vodka, i can't drink champagne, i can't drink bubbly. I can't drink like wine, i could drink wine, but if i drink too much of it, it really gives me like heartburn acid reflux. I don't know the only thing i literally can drink tequila and lime juice. Okay, i prefer fresh lime juice, but this would do because i got it's a little sweet but like i like tequila and lime, preferably 1942, but this will do this. This will do um. After prime, i don't i don't remember, i think we went to um ihop and then i don't know i only really drink on special occasions like i literally just can't just i don't understand how people just drink every day. Thank you girl. I am old. I don't even want to ask how long you've been watching me, because it's going it's going to show my age, i'm old, y'alls, um, it's crazy hold on you, guys, i'm trying to put a little link up. How do i do this? Hey? Do you guys got that little thing on instagram when it says to add yours like i, don't have that little um that little link do y'all know what i'm talking about. It'S like a little thing that that you click and it says add yours, like you just say: um you in high school and then you can add your picture from high school or anywhere. I don't have the ad your feature yet, but i've been seeing everybody. I'Ve been seeing everybody do it and i'm just like: where is mine, uh instagram, where is mine? Oh shia, you've been watching me forever. Oh god bo. I like a long hair, thick red bone, [ Laughter, ], oh girl. That was so damn funny. I was like what the hell is going on here. Thank you, [ Laughter, ]. Oh that's so funny, oh wow, i'm pretty sure everybody that comes in my lives are usually like my long-term supporters. I mean instagram, i mean youtube, don't really promote my stuff like that. So my hair, i um, i could put the link here's the link right here to the video of the hair. I got in right now. Oh thank you guys. Thank you, y'all! So sweet! You know what i love. I love the term og until i met latoya forever right, so i met latoya um in atlanta a year ago. I think, and somebody called us, oh geez and we was like well. She was like. I don't want to be called og. That made me feel very old and i was like you know what, when you say it like that, i agree. Oh gee make you feel like so old and has been that's how i be feeling, but i still accept it as a compliment, but it still make you feel like very much great aunt very much grandma. Thank you. Oh my god. Glam free number, nine girl. I am 26 okay. I am 26., i'm 26., so i'm 26.! Oh this capri, cable capri! Oh my god girl. As soon as you said this capri. You know what i thought about. You know what i thought about. Y'All little group ball, [ Laughter, ]! Oh! I am not 26, i'm lying, i'm not 26.. I wish i was 26, but that's that's what age i'm going to tell y'all. I am all right. Let me tell y'all i'm 26., oh my my hook is going to waste. I got my my tequila, my hookah. My supporters, this is a happy birthday, the same yes, but go ahead and delete your comment before people see it [ Laughter, ], yeah. This hair is long y'all. It'S really long! Thank you, we're saying, but i'ma tell people i'ma just start saying: i'm 26 20. Maybe maybe i should say like 28 is 28 better. I might be a a bit too mature for 26, i'm going to say, like 28 28 yeah yeah 28 that sound better um. I'M sorry, i'm trying to read the comments and follow and and think and mix with tequila is like what's going on. Oh, you know what we could do. We actually do my q and a um. Damn i don't know how much was it? Oh, i got ta go to my archives, okay and then go to my stories now. What did i ask y'all to give me those q and a questions? Okay, i got so many questions. Okay, let's start with the first one, it's so many y'all, so the first one says: where did you get your nose rings and your nose hoops from so i usually get all my nose during some ebay. I tell y'all all the time i usually get all my nose rings from ebay um. If you go on ebay and search indian style, nose rings, it'll come up. Okay and i'll link. The video that i um. I gave you guys direct links in a video. I did like a couple of years ago, i'll um link it uh. Somebody asked what happened to all your picks on instagram. I followed you on instagram and youtube for years, so y'all. Sometimes i give these moves and i don't even i don't want to say a depression, but i just get in these moves where it's just like. I don't want to be on social media and i'm literally signed like contracts with some like hair companies and all this type of stuff. So i can't even deactivate my instagram if i want right so sometimes i just want to take my pictures down and cut off the comments, because i don't feel like having the activity on my freaking notifications like sometime. I just i don't know i just get in these modes while i feel like. I don't want people looking at me. So then i'll i'll take down all my pictures and i've. I did this before. Usually, when i do that, i want to um redo my my feed. I want to make it look like i don't know, change my aesthetic or something like that, but most of the time i have these ideas to change aesthetic. I never even do it. So i to a waste of time, but i don't know i just got sick of those pictures i feel like they was old and just blah, and i wanted all my savage um pictures down, because i don't want creepy men's, come to my instagram and send me Dm because there's always some creepy man asking me to be a sugar baby, some creepy old man. So i took those pictures down and now i don't have any man saying anything to me. Um. The next question says general things about marriage me and my boyfriend. I'M moving towards that and i love insight, um, marriage, marriage, i just will say like think long and hard and make sure this is the person you want to marry. Sometimes after marriage, after kids, people can drastically change, you can like people, a person can wake up. Next day and be like, i want to deal with you, it happens. So i'm just saying like take your time, take your time. Um make sure before you marry anyone. You know yourself make sure before you marry anyone you've had time to be single. You'Ve had time by yourself, you've lived by yourself, make sure you've experienced all of those things before you marry someone, because you don't want to marry him and then you 30, 40 and then you'd be like. Ah, what, if, like you, don't want to have what ifs so make sure you experience things you single until you marry? Okay, don't let nobody tell you otherwise you're single until you're married and it just experience. Life live life like live life for yourself. First, because you need to know yourself fully before you can give yourself to another person: okay, because sometimes we be in love, but that love might not be long lasting, sometimes we're in love just for a period and not a lifetime with certain people. Okay, so just really take your time. Take your time take your time, but don't take too much time. Don'T get some little boy, eight years, okay, because, unlike men, women are on a time clock. Okay, men be 50 and 60, just finding love and married a 30 year old girlfriend have a baby guess what we can't do that we can't afford to give some man 10 years, and then he turned out to be ancient like no live for yourself. A lot of stuff is overrated. That'S all i'm saying that's all i'm saying um! Okay, somebody said music tastes, playlist, okay, okay, i'm gon na go to my playlist and show it to you guys, y'all, better, not laugh at my music, because i listen to them all type of stuff. Like um, i've been trying to make y'all. Okay, i don't know if it's just me now. I love summer walker. I am a big fan: love her album love, her love, the new album love, the old album love it, but i've been finding myself trying to force myself to listen to this new album that first album hit so different, but i think i love that first album. So much because i really like sexy, erotic, lovey-dovey type of music. I don't really like. I think, that's why i never got into jasmine sullivan like that right. I don't really like music. Where is like, i don't know it's hard to explain. I can't find the words, but i hope y'all know what i mean: um bo [, Laughter, ], you're, so funny girl, but um, i'm hoping this new album grows on me. Okay, i like like three songs off of the album, but the rest of the album is like it's like it. I don't um. I guess i don't like heartbreak music super sad like, but then i can't say that because i listen to janae aiko, you know what i'm saying. So it's like it's like back and forth um, but love summer walker, um, love lucky day, drake freak ocean, um, janae aiko. I like this girl. I can't pronounce her name, but i like her yeah. They survive. I like her um. I like giving tims um six lack wiz kid storylines, so i'm tori learns. I hate to admit, not like some of his music story lines. Um. I like cake camp jeremiah. I, like some kanye west of some trevor star trevor scott, some of his stuff um love park next door, um yeah, i just bryson tiller, dbsn tank um, daniel caesar, scissor future song; future; hmm, some future um, sir her star her. Oh god, um k, lonnie um city girls, chris brown, i hate admitting i hate admitting the colors music i'll be listening to chris brown, um rihanna. Of course, young thug i like some young, the genuine that's old, russ um earth. Caroline sean mark kelly. It'S on r, kelly, um miguel, sierra brent faiz. You know, you know, make sure everything up in here, um yeah, the hair i got on is um from yummy. I love rest too. I know it's all the problematic people i can't i'll be trying to like detach from like er curling. First brown cherry songs i'll be trying to detach, but it's like, i got certain songs of theirs that i just i can't get them out of my soul. I literally can't i can't i love nicki too. I can't i can't get it out of my soul, i be trying, so i mean i was listening to travis scott the other day before this stuff happened and then like it's on my playlist and it came on. I was just thinking like is this: is this casting a spell on me? Is it spells in this music? Like that's what i started thinking, i'm sorry. Y'All did i say, frank ocean. I love frank ocean. I love frank ocean. I got some so many different things. I listen to y'all like it's. If you guys haven't noticed, i really don't listen to a lot of rap. Do it like a shelby day, baby y'all, oh my god, i can tell i'm old. Let me tell y'all what i'm trying to do so i tried to do some tic tocs didn't work, not looking right, giving very much, not in sync with the music. I can't do it. Somebody needs to give me lessons. I keep trying like a little dancing ones like i can. I practice the dance, but it just when i filmed it. It just ain't right and instead of being one of them old people that post tic tocs with a lips moving and the song ain't. I just i just ain't gon na post it i'm gon na keep practicing until i get it right, but tick tock like people be thinking. It'S easy. It'S really not it's! It'S really not easy. Thank you all right, y'all, i'm tipsy! Now do you feel like adele song sound the same? I don't listen to a deal. She might be one person, sorry i'm a little oily. She might be one person. I really don't listen to like that. Like um, i do not listen to a deal. So all right, y'all, don't start talking about chaos up in here. I don't want to hear i'm handling. I don't i don't want it. I don't wanna. I don't want the chat to go the wrong way. I do watch on keisha sometime yeah. I haven't watched any of her current videos. Last time i was watching, keisha was the stuff going on with um some other people, and i was just like this is a lot and i kind of zoned out, but i always check in and see her babies they so cute. Okay, you guys, let me go to the next question. Um, can you do a perfume collection and hook a tutorial? Maybe a cooking video sure i actually was going to film um perfume collection really really soon so stay tuned. For that always somebody else's birthday, happy birthday, octavia, okay, the next question says: love you any advice, sorry y'all! He will be having me burpee, i'm so sorry, um. The next question says: love you any advice for black curvy girl, starting youtube and fashion vlogs. Honestly, don't even do it if you don't have a confidence like if you gon na cut on that camera and be like? I look sad or i like, don't do it like, and i'm giving you advice that i need to take right. Your confidence got to be up here cause if it's not everybody's gon na notice, it everybody's gon na notice, if your confidence is not up here - okay, they're gon na notice it. So if you're, not you know giving what you're supposed to don't. Even do it me honestly, i feel like it's really hard for curvy or plus size or whatever y'all want to call it girls to become successful on youtube, because i feel like even plus size. Curvy women don't want to see other plus size, curvy women, it's like they want to see slim curvy or whatever it's it's hard, so i'm not gon na say, don't do it, but you're gon na have to work like five times as hard as your counterparts. Like definitely not gon na be easy, unless you got that super stacked up body, no stomach, no arms, no back! All you is, is hips and legs yeah yeah. So good luck with that um. Somebody asked what's my sign, of course, i'm a scorpio. The next question says: do you want more kids? No hell? No, how else can i say? No? No! No! I you know what i'm lying. I do want a daughter, but i'm not i'm not getting pregnant again. I can't be pregnant again can't do it. The next question says: are you queer? No, i like beings men's men's penises men's no. What am i queer? No, the next question says updated shower routine video did i do a shower routine before you know what i would do a shower routine video, because i don't have my best friend join me to do that. Video because y'all wouldn't believe how many women don't know how to care for their lady parts or don't know how to keep their lady parts clean or fresh or whatever, like a lot of women, don't know, and they don't even have necessarily much to do with your. How you washing up it's a lot of stuff women, don't know, and i'm just like you've been having sex and having kids and don't know this, i'm confused, i'm just saying so. Yes, i would do that. Um next question says: what is your favorite content create to create hair nails and makeup honestly, my favorite content to create is um between nails and hair. I like makeup, but then i don't like makeup, because i do my makeup like this every day like i don't really wear a lot of makeup when i do it's like gold or sparkle or like i'm very basic when it comes to makeup - and i know y'all Want to see cut creases and big cats, and i'm just i'm not like that. So when i do makeup, i feel like the video every time i do a makeup video i feel like it looks the same. You know next question says: are you an extrovert or introvert? I think i'm one of these those people, that's in the middle, more so leaning on introvert, um, obviously y'all gon na say i'm an introvert because i'm at home in my office on my birthday right um. I'M an only child so by nature. I'M an introvert like i don't know how else to be, but i will say i get tired of being by myself. Okay and then i want to socialize, but my social battery. Once it's drained, i want to go home. I want to go home, i don't want to be around y'all no more. I can't take you no more, i'm tired of your voice, i'm tired of what you're saying i'm tired of you. So i i definitely like being around people, and i definitely like going out and all this stuff, but i i have to really want to do that and after so long i'm ready to go. That'S why traveling with people it kind of scares me. I think i'm going to start traveling by myself, but traveling with people kind of scares me because after two days, i'm ready for you to get the hell away from me. I'M tired of you, i'm tired of everything you doing maybe next time i travel. I need to get my own hotel and not share a hotel. Anyone because i don't. I don't know it's just the whole. Maybe i am a um introvert. I don't know y'all. I guess i am um. The next question says: do you ever sell your wigs? Not really a question to to get to know you but a question i want to know um. I actually donate my wigs all the time, so i don't sell them no more y'all. If i was to sell wigs, they would be new wigs. I don't want to sell y'all, my always so i donate them. Excuse me, y'all um next question says: what's your favorite thing about chicago the food, the food, the food like, i don't know what else to say. Every time i go out of town i'll be so hungry i'll be hungry like everywhere else, food is just not hitting. I mean i don't care where i go, it could be new orleans, okay and i'ma still be hungry, i'ma still be hungry. I guess because i'm used to chicago food when i'm gone for a period of time, i started missing it. Thank you um. Let me tell y'all something about chicago chicago is not violent. Chicago is not scary. I don't know. That'S like me, saying everywhere in new orleans. Is voodoo hoodoo vampire voodoo? No, like that's how they portray on tv chicago is not scary, it's not violent. Obviously we have our violent areas. Problematic people, but that's a small percentage of this city like chicago, is not a scary city might be a little boring. We don't have much urban nightlife. That'S why i love atlanta, because in atlanta, like i love going to a restaurant or a bar and being around like people that look like me here in chicago anything like that when it's like an urban club, they shut it down. They always shutting down, because some people here don't know how to act like i, i think a lot of people in chicago are kind of mean. Like people are in new york, it's just our culture. I guess that might there might be another reason why i don't vlog y'all, because i just be feeling like if i'm walking down the street and i'm holding my camera and somebody looking at me, i'm gon na be like. Can i help you like? I don't mean to do that, but it's just like. I can't help it because i really am in the back of my head. I really be wondering like what is you looking at? You never seen nobody holding the camera. I think that's that chicago me. I'M trying to break it, i'm trying to break it, so i can give you guys the content you want, but i literally like if i'm blogging somebody looking i'll be like. Can i help you? Oh like that's? I can't i can't help it and i'm not even a conversational person but i'll be on that sometime. I don't know what else to say, but chicago is not a scary place. I just feel like. If you come here, have a destination don't be in the hood? Don'T be in the hood and go where you going pick your restaurants you're, going to pick your bars you're, going to pick the malls you're going to go back to your hotel and get back on your flight and go where you wait like don't be trying to Hang out on nobody block, i'm from here i haven't even been on the block. Okay, i'm from here i ain't been on the block. I don't know the blocks, i don't know nothing about the blocks, i'm from beverly, so i don't. I don't know none of that. I don't know that lifestyle um okay, the next question - is what's the worst thing about being a mom um. Okay, before i had a child, i literally didn't realize that i'm in control of a whole human, like i literally, have to raise a human. It'S not the worst part, i would say it's a scary part. It'S just like. I don't know if i'm necessarily doing all the right things i'm doing my best, but i think it's really scary having your own human and having to raise it like. I really think it's like frightening and okay. I can answer the worst part. The worst thing, i think, is sleep since i've had a child, i feel like i haven't, had good sleep since before i had a baby like soon as you have a kid. What is sleep? Who is sleep? Who is sleep sleep? No, no! No, like a sober i can lay down and just rest. No, no. What'S sleep, what's sleep, what is personal time? What is silence, what is silence, silence is gone. Silence is gone. Those are probably the worst parts about being a parent, because you can't go come and go as you. Please you can't sleep. It'S no silence, i'm an only child. I'M used to be quiet. I'M used to silence it's it's over with that's the worst part. That'S the worst part, and then it's like these little tick tocks and it's like the mom she doing something. She literally forget her kid is there and the kid pop up and they like scream like oh, i forgot she was there. I swear to god. That happens. Like sometimes you you just be like dang, i'm really a mama, i'm really a mama like i do that all the time like i'll be looking at kyrie like i'm, really your mom. Sometimes i be thinking because i was the only child and i still feel so. Young, it feels like kind of like a little sibling, but not really because i still have to like you know, discipline him and stuff, but to extend it feels. Like i don't know it's i don't know. Maybe that's just me. I don't know if other moms ever feel like that with their kids, but yeah. I definitely get that feeling. Sometimes it's weird, though everybody always call me weird when i say it: whatever y'all lying y'all, filthy too y'all be feeling like that with y'all kids, too um. The next question says how to maintain relationships, while also focusing on your mental health. I really don't think you can do both. I really think you have to handle your mental health before you're in a relationship, because if you have mental issues and most people don't even know that they have them in past trauma, if you don't know them and recognize them and fix them. Your relationship is about to be trash, it might start good, but y'all. Both can't keep pretending all that trauma and past issues are going to start spilling out. This is why i said earlier: it's really important to get to know yourself before getting into these committed relationships or marriages or whatever like get to know yourself. I don't know why everyone is so scared of being by themselves, maybe because i'm an only child. I don't feel like that, but i don't understand what people be like. I need somebody to hold me and i i need like i mean i get it, but at the same time i'm like, but what's the point of somebody holding you at night, if it's a whole lot of toxic going on, you know what i'm saying like it's Like it, don't make sense to me but um. Definitely, if you have mental issues, you need to get your mental health on track. Okay, you need to get yourself on track before you can give to someone else, so y'all can pour into each other. You get what i'm saying i hope so i hope so um. The next question says: what would you like to see yourself doing in the future um, i don't know like. I know, i'm too old, not to know, but honestly, i'm one of them people. I just don't know i feel like i'm. I pick up new skills really quick and um. I can do a lot of services when it comes to nails, makeup, hair um. I think i'm gon na start getting into the um like making sewing and altering clothing. So i just like to always learn a skill with my hands that way i can always make money and i don't have to be under somebody nine to five. I always want to have some type of skill with my hands, so i can always have an income and be my own boss. Like that's really important to me um, i know people don't like being the help, but in the service industry it's always going to be lucrative money, especially in the beauty industry like women are not gon na stop trying to look better period so yeah, that's just that's. Just i don't know what i'm gon na do in the future, whatever whatever services you guys need, i'm sure i'm gon na always improve techniques, stay up on trends like that's how my brain works, i'm never gon na be that stylist that gets stuck in certain ways. Like i'm always gon na keep elevating techniques, keep learning what's new and keep you know, that's that's just how i am i've always been like that um. Who knows, i might start doing tattoos who knows like that's how that's how i am, though, like i would around and learn how to do. Tattoos honestly um next question says what helps you boost your confidence as a plus-sized woman, i'm struggling what makes you think, i'm not confident, because i'm plus-sized, okay, no seriously, you guys y'all, got ta, stop seeing a plus-sized girl and think she insecure, because she take a Picture or because she like seriously everybody that's plus size, is not insecure about their weight. I have insecurities about my weight, but it's a lot of plus size women that don't like my cousin. She is so freaking confident, like my cousin cook, cookie she's, so damn confident and she ain't confident like you wouldn't notice. She is so confident, and i wish i was like her all the time like she is so confident she wear certain stuff like i don't like necessarily wearing my arms out. My back out my legs out, like i like, being very covered, my cousin, will put on a swimsuit she will put on you know i just like. Oh, you look good, so i really don't know how to give you advice, i would just say maybe fake it until you make it or if you that insecure in yourself, you literally have to do the work to lose the weight like that's all you can do. I mean, i really don't know what else to say me: i'm kind of uncomfortable with it, because i think i want to lose weight, but it's you know. I have no discipline, so we just gon na go to the next question. Um. Can you can you do an update on your dating life and your feelings on dating today for black women? Well, i don't have a dating wife but um dagging today for black women. I was just saying y'all slip. This lip gloss is on mine um. I would say black women's i'll, be all options, stop seeing another race amanda being like ill. If y'all haven't noticed our men love other races, they're so open to it. I know it's natural for us to want our counterparts because they are attractive and brown and nice waves and beautiful right, but our counterparts don't feel like we're not top priority for our counterparts right. So i really feel like black women need to open their options. Stop like rejecting a mixed man or a white man or a hispanic man or like give other people a chance like, like i mean they, will give these other races a chance, so quick, so quick, so quick, so quick! I just wish black women would do that. Like soon as you talk about dating um, another race or like black women, be like uh, no uh, pink, uh, it's pink, it's pink! Why have y'all noticed our man? Don'T do that they literally hype it up, they'd, be so into dating another race like i just think black women should open their options and i'm not saying date him and put him on a pedestal, because at the end of the day, these are all men right, But i mean give it a chance, i'm not saying our men treat the other races better. I mean cuz. Look at the baby, look at what he did to his preference. You know what i'm saying just i mean i guess. The only thing you could do is date around until you find a suitable suitor. That'S all you can do that's all you can do whether he be black white, mixed asian hispanic, whatever date around until you find a suitable suitor, and if that is tiring, like i said earlier, focus on yourself, stop always thinking you need a man because half the Time you need a man, that's not making your like these y'all want. These men is not making your life easier. You want a man, so bad just to say you got one in our community. The women are obsessed with titles, we're obsessed with being a wife. Okay, now that you're, a wife, is your life easier? Do you feel comfortable? Can you submit to your leading husband if you can't, why are you thirsty to be a wife to a that's, not i mean i don't get it or. Why are you thirsty for this man propose to you? If he's not, you know, i don't get it like. I think a lot of black women were obsessed more with the s they think you know, i'm a wife like as a status, but it's a lot of single wives. If y'all didn't know, it's a lot of married people that feel single, feel lonely. Single moms and married, like, like i said, learn to love yourself, learn what you want date around, find your suitable suitor period. Like i don't know what else to say, i don't know what else to say. I think everybody is like getting married and having a partner is not the end-all be-all of life like you still need stable relationships outside of your romantic one. Try to find a best friend, okay, i mean god damn we are so obsessed with men. We are so obsessed with men. I don't know, that's just what i think, um obsessed with a lot of men, that ain't worth being obsessed about um. The next question says: are you still experiencing long-covered symptoms? No literally one day y'all, i woke up and everything was gone. Everything was gone and i was so happy um. The next question says: i'm sorry: what is your weight loss secrets? The shade? Okay, y'all? Honestly, i think my weight be going up and down because, like some sometimes i just get in this depression, where i don't really eat a lot and when i don't eat a lot like, i would lose a lot of weight. But it'd be, i think, it's water weight and and muscle mass it don't be fat. So i don't know i don't got no weight loss secrets. The only secret to losing weight is consuming less calories than you burn period period period period. That'S that's it and i already know it, but it's harder to do than saying it. Okay, um! I got this from a jury store. This uh ricky got this to me a long time ago, and then this i i don't know. I can't remember you guys, but if you go to the middle of your mall like those little boots that be having like gold jury, you can get all of this stuff from there literally and that's pretty much all the questions. Y'All asked boring. Y'All ask such boring questions y'all, ask nothing so boring um. The hair i have on you guys is yummy. I did the video on it, but y'all know youtube. Don'T really promote my videos much so um. You guys probably didn't see. It probably didn't see it. I don't know why, but yeah you guys, probably didn't see it. If you guys wan na know what powder i'm wearing it's um, hey! There'S me it's makeup forever and this is in the color y535. I know y'all gon na ask what is pmo. I never know what abbreviations are, i'm so old y'all know yummy about to have a black friday sale. Oh since y'all want to live, i'm gon na give y'all a sneak peek. Other people can't see this because they ain't they don't know yet. So i'm getting ready to do a video for their curly and this i'm doing a short texture. This hair do y'all see this. Do y'all see this hair. This hair is so pretty. I can't wait to make my wig um. I already uh bleached the knots and colored. My closure got a little black on it. That'S okay! Um! I already colored my closure beautiful closure um. This is a five by five. I think yeah, five by five y'all. I can't wait to make this wig it's about to be so cute and look how thick these bundles are y'all, especially when your short lips. You only need two bundles, like you: don't need a lot of bundles at all and i'm gon na do a video showing you guys how to make a unit. Okay, because my old one is really old and i felt like you know. Let me just make an update how to make a unit video, so that's coming soon so stay tuned. For that i hope you guys actually watch it. I hope y'all watch it. I i hand, so i don't know how to use the sewing machine. I bought a sewing machine tried to sew my wig and i broke my sewing machine, so that was a waste of two hundred dollars. So yeah i'ma stick to my hand. No, i'm not a fancy ambassador anymore, because i didn't resign. My contract, because you guys i talked about this all the time - it was really hard for me to do that. Contract like getting naked basically on youtube, was really tough for me like it was like it was so challenging. It was so challenging y'all, but i did it and i was proud of myself for doing it, but i don't know i don't know if i can do it again. I don't know i mean i already got another channel, but do you guys know you need like so many watch hours just to get monetized, and then you have to wait to be accepted all over again to the youtube program like youtube is something else look at This water, oh really um dominique, oh, i thought she were one of my clients dominique, but i think her last name was mathers. I don't think it was matthews. I don't know dominique did i do your hair before i'm trying to make sure you the same dominique. I don't know why i'm coughing my throat - oh thank you. I don't know, i think it's because i'm sometimes when i drink like it make my throat like, like i don't know and i'll be coughing or it could be the hookah. I don't know um, i'm just gon na take another shot see. This is why this is my problem with me and shots right. So once you start shots and you kind of keep going, my hookah is tobacco-free. Okay, okay, i smoke tobacco-free hookah, [ Laughter, ] um. I'M gon na start back doing people here again, it's just hard for me to find a salon suite within area. I don't have to drive an hour just to have a salon suite. You know what i'm saying like. I want one near me, but chicago was so freaking expensive. The one that i found was literally 575 a week 5.75 a week for a salon suite a week. I could just rent a freaking apartment like 575 a week, but it does include security, and you know all that stuff. It is really safe. So i might end up getting a salon suite at least i'll be safe. People don't have to come in my home because i started i started not liking like people. I didn't know coming into my house like something like that. Just didn't it didn't line up with me anymore, when i did it at um, my mom's house. They were all in the house, you know so it's like ain't nobody's gon na come in here and do something to me. But here i'm in the house - and i don't want anybody to like bust my head really me and karen got the same birthday. I love her. I haven't seen her on instagram in so long like this. That'S what i mean social media be controlling this algorithm and you don't even see people you follow people you subscribe to, like that's really weird to me um. What did you say? Am i a fan of marvel movies? I mean i like x-men, i like x-men, that's about it, it's mortal kombat marvel. I can't believe i really sat here and let my hookah just burn up. Why y'all? Let me do that. Why y'all? Let me do that. Yeah people don't ever get alerts when i upload videos, which is really weird to me. Y'All love this hair y'all. I'Ve been posted about this hair. Okay, there's another link to the hair. Y'All can leave my life and go watch about this hair um. The latest episode of queens what is queens? What is that i want to see that y'all insecure is my giving insecure is not giving it's not. I don't know why i love issa. All i do. Every episode is saying: issa is so pretty issa is so pretty she is. So that's all i say the whole episode. I like that outfit. I like her hair, like that she looks so cute today. That'S all i say every time i watch the episodes because they're so boring, i'm convinced somebody else was. Writing and easter had nothing to do with this goddamn latest season of insecure last season. I don't like how isa was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Nathan is mentally ill. She don't i'm not saying that you know he hasn't rehabbed and recovered and went through therapy, but i just feel like nathan is not stable, he's literally gon na. Do that again, he's gon na run off again i guarantee y'all he's gon na. Do that again, and then here's lawrence with his new baby on the way i'm not going to put, i didn't sign up to be step mama. No, he said i don't need neither one of them who i thought they was gon na make her be with. Is kofi, but then they turned around and made kofi the criminal. Kofi is the damn. Not the criminal he's just like an like. They really made him an, and i was like now y'all know. Y'All should have made kofi the lover boy like he always is like. I thought he was gon na come in and sweep issa off her feet and i was gon na be so in love with seeing kofi and issa just like peanut butter and chocolate like mixed together. Like that's what i thought i was gon na see, and then they pissed me off. That was my first disappointment. Okay, my second disappointment. No, my first disappointment was how they laughed after that girl from college robbed him, because they should have showed issa and molly whipping her ass. I'M like she took that and they they got her laughing her molly laughed in the back seat. I said oh, this is it's too bougie for me too bougie for me, and then i don't know. I think issa needs to just date. Somebody new or just in the season with her and her friends like i would love to just see with her and molly. I just want to see her and molly doing stuff. Let molly make molly the focus or something or talk more about lauren's situation with candola condola, whatever the hell, her name is y'all. That episode was so real. I was watching that episode like this. I was literally silent. The whole fight i felt like i was watching my damn mommy and daddy fight. I was like, oh when it was happening like it was so good that was the best episode. It'S been four episodes right or three yeah. That was the best episode the rest of them been trash. I really didn't care about this last one with issa being jealous of nathan and that girl from instagram. I was just like. Oh, what and molly molly made me mad last season too, and you guys, you know what i hate now i love when they showcase black women with short hair, but i feel like the cut that they gave. Molly is kind of to me when a woman has her short hair lined up it's masculine. I don't care who it's on. I just feel like molly has strong beautiful features like why i got ta, give her a masculine haircut to me that haircut is masculine. I don't like that haircut on molly at all, and i'm i don't. I don't know why. Every time it's like a beautiful african girl, the media has to promote her with a masculine haircut. That'S really confusing, like she can have short hair without it being like lined up and faded and boxed like y'all could've just made her hair short. I don't know if you guys watched um. What was it called black lightning, the mother on black lightning like she had short hair, and it was so cute. It wasn't straightened, it was natural and short, but it was feminine. It wasn't, it wasn't grace. I know they probably was like. Oh, she pretty we're gon na give her to grace jones like no grace jones works on grace jones, like everybody cannot pull off, that look, it'll make them look masculine and i freaking i hate that i hate it. I hate it. I don't like it didn't like it. I was like when i saw it. I was like next didn't like it east of trash. Why y'all say issa is trash? I don't think eastern is trash. I think issa is in love with lawrence and she's up that he got a baby. His first baby is not hers. I think that's what's wrong with issa. Unfortunately, i saw a lot of issues with their situation season one, and i knew we would end up here. I knew we would end up here. I knew he would get somebody pregnant and issa would be sad about it. I knew we would end up here. Kelly does look good this season, don't kelly. Look cute like her looks everything is so cute this season. I do. Watch bmf, i just don't like the lineup short hair is so pretty i love short natural looks, but when it's lined up, i feel like it makes you look masculine to me, but i thought um decided to move on, but i don't know i don't know. Somebody said issa is trash. Oh you said it's a trash. Oh i'm gon na, say, house, easter trash, you say it's a trash right, lupita hair always looks feminine and so pretty so feminine. So pretty i love her natural short hair so pretty, but when it's lined up like like molly, had a haircut like drake - and i was just like who, why would they cut molly hair like that? And it's always dark-skinned women, always i i don't like that. I don't like that. I noticed that, with fashion models like when i was growing up, i really used to always watch runways and i would um like i still get bizarre magazines and i just noticed every time it's a dark-skinned african model. They shave all her hair off or give her a line up or make her hair look really masculine. I was just like it's okay to have a balance like you could have some girls with a line lineup. You can have some girls with short hair right, but all of them all of them like we need balance, have short hair. Have an afro have straight hair. Have some braids have long hair? You know what i mean like black. Dark-Skinned women need diversity. They don't need to keep showing just one look. I don't like that. I don't i really don't like that, and that really annoyed me and i'm i was thinking like who the hell is the stylist on insecure this season, who who, who made that call who the hell made. This call like see easter, hair is always so pretty, and so feminine and mommy's hair used to be too natural is fine short is fine, but the lineup and the taper is tapered too y'all. It'S not just line up. She got a taper, a taper on the side, not just the back on the side. She got a boosie fade. Why would y'all give molly a lucy fade, but you can show off your beautiful face. Facial features without giving me a boosy fade shave it all off. Yeah or pull it all back, give me a high bun. Give me a ballerina bun. Why y'all giving molly a boosie fade? No, no, not feeling it not feeling it. I don't care, and it's not just molly anytime. I see that i just i don't like it hell. Sometimes i don't like seeing men with super crispy linings like something about it. Just looks super duper edged up you paying attention too much to everything you could have short hair. I'M talking about the boosie fade the taper, the lining, i didn't say nothing about it being short, it could be short, kinky short straight. It could have been bald. I would rather her hair been bald like they could have gave her. The ti fade with that boosie fade with that lineup. No, i don't like it. No y'all know: molly got a booty fade. Come on. No, it's um. It'S a busy fade, that's what it's called boosie fade. Yeah. I talked to my brothers today, i'm so glad. There'S no school tomorrow, but it's report card pickup and i told kyrie if it's a bag right on that report card, i'm throwing it's happily in the garbage. Now, i'm joking! That'S one thing i want to um talk about you guys. I think so many parents are so angry or upset when the kids get a bad grade. You guys, honestly, when kids, when smart kids, that you know you know they're smart, i know they're capable aren't excelling in school. It'S really a it's. Probably a problem going on. Like so, you have to talk to your kids: don't beat your kids when they get f or d. Some of y'all beat y'all kids when they get a c. This is a hookah but yeah um. Can you guys hear me cuz y'all, saying y'all can't hear um? This is hookah but um. What i was gon na say: yeah kids learn differently and i feel like if your kids aren't selling like you literally should like talk to them. You know what i'm saying like you should literally talk to your children. Try to figure out what a problem is. Try to ask them like what what aren't you getting do you need extra help? Do you need a change of environment like it's a reason why kids, just straight out failing you know what i'm saying so be and beating your kids don't work. That'S just gon na make them scared of you. That'S gon na make them feel more like that's. What'S going to happen, um, let's see you guys, i'm going to get off of here um. What do you think about danny and the baby, or did i miss that already i'm late to this chat, y'all, danny and the baby? Okay, here's my tape. I don't, i think, both of them wrong and a lot of people are saying, because you call out the baby you're taping for danny, i'm not doing that, but i'm so tired of always saying she's stupid. She did. She did that she did. The baby is wrong. Sometimes men need to be held accountable. Just like women need to learn. Men need to learn, i'm sick of hearing. She should have chose better. No, he should have chose better and be it better. I hate that he got up on there and said trying to trap a black man. No sir, she can't trap you. If you don't give her a baby. You gave her a baby. You gave her a baby. You gave her a baby. You want to come in her. You want to have sex raw. You shouldn't have gave up your precious rich black man sperm too many of these too many of these negroids be getting well, they say they're getting tricked, i don't think they're getting tricked. I think they're obsessed with girls that look like danny. They want them, girls to have their babies, that's a mixed baby and once they had a babies, they want to dispose of them girls after they then lied, lied and made them feel like they. They man or whatever that's not right and then on the other side i feel like danny, should know better. You know you, you know what type of dude he is and if he he's saying, trap a black man, a rich black man. I'M sorry, my rich black man, why you is she a colorist? Why are you, why are you giving her your seed, you as a rich black man, shouldn't entertain women like that, just something to think about like? Why are you entertaining it? Why are you entertaining her because you're obsessed with how she looks right, because that's the only thing that is different about her, is how she looks? Oh thank you. Thank you for the super chat. Oh my god. Thank you. Look it's on both of them. I feel like she's at fault, because she thought she was better and she thought she would change him and she thought she would become wifey because of how she looks now she knows better. She should do better. I do feel some sort of sympathy because she did just have a baby in x, y and z, but i feel it but then i kind of don't because it's like come on sis you're colorist and you thought you were gon na change this man. If you don't care about the women that look like him and the kids that look like him, what makes you think he don't care about you like she, she like y'all, y'all, they playing the game wrong like i, don't.

Nique at Nite: Happy birthday beautiful

Princess: Happy birthday Ivyyyy I wish you many more blessings!!

Angela Amina: Happy blessed birthday, Ivy! Hoping you have many, many more

visavisqb: We are blessed to have you another year. Happy Birthday Gorgeous!

Shonda's Transforming Everyday: Scorpio Season is the Best!!! ❤️

Janice Joyner: Happy Birthday my baby turned 8 yesterday. We went bowling it was low key but gr8.

SCORPIOSUNMOON: ✨✨✨✨ Happy Birthday Fellow Scorpio Queen!!

GyaBunn!_Baybee: Happy Birthday from one Scorpio to another...mine is coming soon!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Ms oddballz: Happy birthday Ivy hope you have wonderful time and many blessings

Tiffany Smith: Happy Birthday fellow Scorpio ♏️. I pray you live to see many more

Ashley Johnson: Happy Birthday!! I love the hair! I will be buying some bundles from yummy soon

Tamika Mckoy: Awww I just missed you Happy new year to you on your birthday ❣️❣️❣️

Erica M: Happy Birthday Ivy! Youtube OG

Ali Jones: Happy Birthday Ivyyyy ❤️

CherokeeBella🪶: Happy Birthday IVy! Scorpio gANG

Michelle Carter: Hey fellow Scorpio!! Happy Birthday Ivy. Mine was on Nov 3rd.

Incolorwig: Happy birthday dear, sincerely wish you all the best ,beautiful

Shanequa Joe: Happy Birthday Beautiful Sistah!!!


Danny Girl: Happy Birthday, it’s my birthday too. And I decided to stay home tonight as well.

Reginna MissMe: Happy Birthday Chica ‍♀️

Emmi: Yasss Scorpiooo. My birthday was yesterday. Happy Birthday!!

TheDatgurl210: Omg we have the same bday I knew it was something about you that I liked happy birthday!!!! I have been watching you since 20 15 and you really the goat sending much love to you and yours enjoy your day

africanchica5: Happy Blessed Birthday!

primebeautie: Happy Birthday Beautiful

debbie harvey: Happy birthday Ivy!

fatouseckprimus: Happy birthday Ivy!

JeNeSaisQuoi Jacque: Happy Birthday Fellow Scorpio

Jayonna Albano: omg! we have the same birthday! happy birthday beautiful! ♏️

Jamesha: HBD

Mir None: Happy Birthday gorgeous !!!!!

James Hall: Happy Birthday Ebony Queen

Ashley: Happy birthday Ivy

GlamTechBoutique: Happy Birthday Luv!

Delois Marie: Happy birthday gorgeous love your hair drop a video

leelee 2sweet: ❤️❤️❤️❤️HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Self Made Beauty: Happy birthday beautiful ✨

Ms_ shenice: Happy Belated Birthday ❤️❤️❤️❤️

ChiChi: Happy birthday beautiful!

Terry Thomas: HBD! Enjoy!


G B: Not a boosie fade… ivy you crazy

Cynthia Patton: Happy Birthday!!



JUST MO LIFE: Happy birthday!!

L M: Happy birthday Scorpio mine is the 18!!♏️♏️

Yolanda McNeill: Happy Birthday ❤️ ❤️

RSD: Happy birthday!

Lisa Ru the Goddess: Happy Birthday

PATRICIA WHITE: happy birthday beautiful!!!


Kai H.: Happy Birthday

NightBlossom: Happy birthday beautiful doll

Sunber Virgin Hair: Happy birthday!!!!happy every day!

debbie harvey: Love you so much

A Jazzy Lifestyle: Happy Birthday

imtylomonroe: Happy Birthday♏️ Scorpio Sistaaa

Lyoness Life: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Chell: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Tori Ford: Pretty and beautiful as always ivy happy birthday live your hair and makeup

Pieces of Michelle: Happy Birthday

Kelvin Usher: Happy birthday

NativeNewYorker: Happy Birthday

Sheena Henry: Happy Birthday enjoy your special day

Latoya Carter: You may have to update your app.

Lisa J: Happy birthday

Erica Davis: Happy birthday beautiful

Olivia S.: Happy Birthday

Sandra Holmes: Happy Birthday to you and my birthday is tomorrow Love the hair

AfroMixie Chick: Happy birthday !!!!!!!

Cynthia Jackson: Happy Birthday

Tess Loggins: What is the hair you are rocking?

Dawn Evans: Happy Birthday

soleil Hollingsworth: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mines is today too!!

UNCUT TV UGA: Happy birthday

Patrice Brown: Happy birthday

Theresa Allison: Happy birthday

Horace Henderson: Happy birthday

S Hank: Happy Birthday Beautiful

ProperMadeEnt: Happy bday

ProperMadeEnt: Happy bday

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