How-To: Hybrid Hair Extensions Application With Sew-In And Tape-In Methods

Learn how and when to combine hair extensions application methods and how to do sew-in hair extensions wefts and tape-in hair extensions wefts from Hotheads Master Educator @natalieruzgis.

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To our facebook live, hey guys, i'm going to give everybody a second to join and welcome. I'M so excited to be here today. My name is natalie ruskis. I am a hot heads, hair extensions master educator. I am here today to introduce you to something really special. We are going to be telling you all about um, our online education and certification programs that we have going on i'm going to give you a little sneak peek to some advanced education, which is super dope um. If you guys don't know me, my name is natalie rescues. Welcome, i'm going to be demonstrating to our hybrid method of both our tape in and our sew and left, so you can see both of them together. It'S an amazing thing that i have in my tool belt as a stylist behind the chair. I am a stylist here in beautiful chicago downtown chicago. I have a studio called thrive, hair, collective and i have been with hot hair extensions in the business um. We just went black for like a second, but i am so excited to be here today. I think we've got everybody live. So, let's get into this a little bit. I want to tell you guys, just a little bit about hot heads and introduce you to like a little sneak peek of what our online certification is. Also if you're joining us live. Definitely leave me some comments. I have my laptop over here and people who are asking the most questions. I'M going to choose and commenting on things. I'M going to choose a winner today for our giveaway and our giveaway is hair, i'm so excited to give away a pack of our beautiful color melt, hand-tied hair so definitely interact with me. Ask me the questions, i'm here to share knowledge and teach you all. My pro tips and tricks um - and i will see you guys on the flip side - let's get into a little bit of education, so i just want to talk a little bit about the company that i'm here representing hotheads. They really changed my career a whole lot. Six years ago, when i got involved with them and it's because they really care about what the stylist is asking for, they, they really ask us what would make your life easier and then they go ahead and they create those products and they're always simple, fast and Extraordinary um, our mission statement, i think, is so huge. I know i'm a big nerd and i'm like making notes of this, but it really is important and it's so much more than just doing hair behind the chair right um. Our mission statement is hot heads. Creates products that are non-damaging safe while making the application process fast and affordable for industry professionals, so us a stylist right um. We have two really cool things that i just always love to mention, because i think it sets us apart as a company, and i'm super proud to be part of something this - that we have two initiatives that are growing more than just hair. So we have a zero carbon footprint, something called project zero, and then we have heart for india, which is like a non-political non-governmental um, non-religious organization that goes back directly into the communities where we are getting the hair donations from and providing education access to education for Young women and that's just really huge um if you ever have any other questions about that, definitely check them out on instagram um and it's really cool and i'm so proud to be part of a company. That'S offering a like the best hair out there and b super cool stuff growing more than just hair um. So recently we launched something called the sew-in method and i feel like a lot of people out there today are really talking about like do you do hand-tied, hair and the truth is i do a sew-in method using hand-tied and machine weft hair hot heads really did A great job and they are giving us all the tools that we need to create. The looks that we want - and i love that i can use both machine weft and hand-tied hair from them. So we use a foundational platform that we use silicone beads to build and that's something that you'll definitely get certified and learn more about in our online education if you ever want to sign up for any of these classes. So this is like a sneak peek of what we teach in the class. You can go to, backslash, virtual learning and that's where you can sign up to come into one of my classes. I would love to have you on a monday afternoon um. So we have like i mentioned: we have two different types of hair, both hand tied and machine hair, and that's huge. I don't have to choose one or the other. Both of them are great for their own reasons. Let me just show you really fast the difference between the two, because people always ask me: how do i choose and today, when i show you my mannequin, my beautiful model dev today um i'm going to show you. I used both machine weft and hand tied together, which i think is really awesome, and one of the reasons why i think it's so great is that it really creates a strong perimeter and then flush to the head. So this is our beautiful machine weft here. Let me shake her out um. This is number six, our color number six. This is actually what i used today on my beautiful model, deb and, as you can see, i always like to show this as a visual. You look at how dense that is. So i can barely read those words and so when someone asks me the difference between machine weft and hand-tied hair, but also this machine left, you guys it's so thin and you can't see any return or mustache right. It'S really really an amazing product, but then we've got our beautiful hand-tied hair here and just to show you the difference between the two, you can kind of see the letters, but it's still really dense too, also, incredibly invisible so gorgeous. I always want to sing song like dance with this. Whenever i have it in my hands, it's so much fun, but the other cool thing. I don't know if you're noticing this, but you can see that there are little white see if i can see it on my black little white strings in the center, and this is something unique to hot heads. We can customize this weft so that you can cut it directly in the center and and be able to cut hand-tied hair, which normally we all know in these three professionals that you cannot cut hand-tied hair. So this is a huge, huge customizable option that is unique to hot heads and really amazing, um and then again this is the hair color. This is our color melt, so it transitions it really mimics like a balayage and what's really happening out there today in our market, i'm gon na pop over and just check some of the comments right now since we are live and i've um got some of you Awesome, it looks like we have some people from england thanks guys for asking all these questions. So some of these questions that you have like people are asking me: how long do they last um the pricing? All of these things are definitely things that we offer and we can teach you all about in our virtual learning. But as far as our sew-in method and our tape-in method do you guys want some more information. Maybe - and i swear the boring part of me talking and going over notes will be over soon and we will get into doing some actual hair because i am going to demonstrate today. So i have deb here that i have shoes over there actually um, that i have installed one row of our sew-in method and then i'm going to demonstrate putting some tape in in with it and creating a hybrid method, but really fast. Let'S just talk about the benefits, because one isn't better than the other of our sew-in versus our tape in right, because i love using both together really because then there's really no limits to the hair that i can create and the clients that i can reach um With these two different methods, so the sewing and the tape both are great for all hair types, fine, coarse, medium, normal wavy straight fine, all of it right. So we can use it on everybody. The one little bit of difference in this one is that sew-ins are a little lower maintenance and let me explain why, with our tape in method, it is so so amazing, but we do have to worry about oil, alcohol and ethanol, interacting with those tapes and breaking Things down so with our sew-in. We don't have any interactions with the tape, so we can do any sort of chemical service. You can do a keratin, you can do a perm. You can do color the same day as your application, as well as with it in the head. So that's a really big point of difference and a little bit of a benefit for our sew-in. Also, it lasts a little bit longer. So the cadence of your reapplication time or when a client needs to come in and get their hair redone or moved up reapplication with our sew-in. It'S eight to ten weeks and with our tape. It'S six to eight weeks. So there's a little bit of a difference and that you can really just choose two on like what that client. That'S getting their hair colored. If they're a single processor highlights you can really kind of make those decisions based on that too um. The other really cool point of contact, so when we really think about where the hair is placed, when we do our tape, ins and also you guys, i know i'm talking about stones because it's like the newest hottest thing, but tape ins are like my bread and Butter and it's what i do probably the most of - and i just love it because i can make huge transformations. So if i'm going from really really short to really really long, tapen is going to be my number one fan. I'M always going to go to that and it's completely the best way to do it because of the points of contact. So we can cover in a bricklay pattern, um 60 to 80 of the head versus our sew-in - that we're really only touching 10 to 20, which is also great too, when we're worried about doing top knots and styling. Our sew-in is completely flawless and undetectable and amazing, but both of them are really great. That'S why i couldn't choose today and that's why i'm going to show you guys a hybrid of both um. The other thing - that's really cool about our sew-in method - is that it's trending right. It'S everything that we're seeing on facebook, pinterest youtube instagram all of the social media platforms that we all love in our business and it's something that clients are coming in and asking about right. So without further ado, should we get into this a little bit? I feel like we should. We should show you some hair and i can talk about the actual hair a little bit too um and some of our offerings, i'm so glad that you guys could join me here in my home today. This is really exciting. All right. So this is our beautiful deb and i'm going to come a little closer so that you guys can really see what's going on underneath this, so i went ahead and i installed a one row sew in weft on deck today and, as you can tell actually, let's Just take her off so i can you can kind of see too. This is already blending really nicely um. I technically i feel like i really could this is 22 inches. So it's really really long and amazing. I feel like i could probably just leave this. I mean one row could be enough. That'S that's! What'S so amazing about this method. Is that um? I actually personally am wearing one row of sewn in my personal hair today, and it really is, it packs a punch and it really does work. But let's go the extra mile and use some creative energy and add some tape ins to this. So let me just show you underneath here. Actually, let's check comments a little bit too. Where can we purchase is one of our and okay. So a couple of the questions that are in there are: where can you purchase these these hair extensions? So hot heads is sold through your local distributor? You can head over to and check out the list of distributors and that's where you can find where to purchase these um and then definitely sign up for some of our virtual education too, because that's really the coolest part of what we've been doing lately um. You know, obviously, virtual education is everything these days and when we made the pivot to offer virtual education, we were so curious how it was gon na go and i have to say it's been so amazing. I'Ve really enjoyed spending my mondays with stylists from all over the country versus just me here in chicago, which has been so cool. So i'm just opening this up, so you guys can i'm gon na come a little closer too? So you can see the sew in weft and i'll explain how i chose the colors and what we did here today. You can really get a little sneak peek of this system. Okay, so here is our sew and left and she's got two different colors. So i've got there's those silicone lined beads um, that's our little secret platform that you guys will learn in our virtual education classes, and i use two different colors on here. So i use number six and number eight and i wanted to be able to add so. There'S a hand-tied weft on top of a machine weft, so the machine weft is underneath here. That'S that more dense, one that i showed you guys earlier and then the hand-tied weft is, on top of that to add a little pop of color as it really matches, and then i thought we would add. So i i have a couple of head sheets that i want to share with you guys, um. I came up with my favorite three placements for the hybrid method, so when i'm using both sew-in method with the tape ends, and today we are going to do one of these, which i think would be really fun so today i wanted to show you this method And i'll leave this up, so you guys can see it so there's my sew-in right and then my tape ins are located on top of there and it's in a bricklay pattern still. But it's just going to add some pops of color so that you can see some bright pieces come through. I really love using hair extensions in a color manner, instead of just using it for always length and volume um and that mermaid typical hair that you that we all love. I love using hair extensions to add color. When somebody brings me a picture of like a beautiful balayage. Can you offer a balayage without using bleach, because i can, with these hair extensions and that's something? That'S really unique and i want i want to challenge each and every one of you to start to think about hair extensions in that way. So some of the questions i think i just popped over and checked on, my laptop that you guys are asking me - are about damage and worrying about people with really really fine hair. I'M a great example of this. You guys i have, as you can see, super fine baby blonde hair um. I definitely have my hair has gotten so much healthier now that i'm using hair extensions to kind of protect my hair and not color everywhere. I'M doing a partial highlight on myself these days, but also with clients um behind the chair. I use hair extensions all the time to sometimes give their hair a little bit of a break. I don't have to use lightener or as much color to create those looks. I can use hair extensions to give their hair a little bit of a break and take take a moment of be off the color um train right. So i'm going to be using today. Um we're gon na be using number six and then number 23, 23. 6R. So this is our rooted ultimates. These are really really unique in that. Let me just show you the difference between these two. These are two of our offerings. We have our originals and our ultimates and if you guys can kind of see the difference between these two give you a little bit more right um. You can see that these look like they're, really growing right out of the scalp, so they are unique to hot heads. These are gon na look like they're growing directly out of our scalp of depth today, which is super exciting and we're going to put some of these in, to add some pops of color. Let'S see if we have any other questions. Oh my gosh there's. So many of you here, i'm so excited awesome. Okay, so, let's get into it! So now that you've seen our sew in weft, i'm gon na take her down and start to do some placement and i'm going to show you a little bit of an advanced technique, because i know you guys want to see something a little bit different, and this Would be something that after you've been certified in our tape and method, you could kind of play with on placement on clients. So i sometimes like to start right from the front, so i want to impact my client when she's sitting in the chair, all she's looking at is like that front piece. She wants to see those money pieces that balayage piece, so i'm going to begin right up front so that it it packs a punch, and so my rule of thumb - and this is just on average - is i like to use my comb and where that begins, to Tick-Tock is as about as high as i want to go, but i really want to create a strong front money piece. So i'm going to go the higher up on the head, the closer you can get to the hairline, which kind of doesn't make any sense. But when you really think about when we push hair back and we tuck behind the ear, that's where we want to stay further away from the hairline, but up top we're going to be filling in this corner really nicely. So somebody is asking if they can apply them themselves, girl. I wish i could do my own hair extensions. My life would be so much easier, but no um. I really definitely always recommend any kind of hair extensions, getting it done by a professional and, more importantly, a professional. That'S certified um, that's how you keep hair uh, not damaged, is really doing it in a proper application. So great question um, maybe maybe you'll win some hair or we can find you a local stylist wherever you are. That would be really fun, so i'm gon na be using the originals and the ultimates. I'M also going to do something kind of cool and unique. Is i'm going to use my texturizing sheer to blend some of the color, so i'm going to start off by using one of our originals. So if you've taken one of our classes, you'll know that we use something called the aok method. So i make an a-ok sign and that is what is going to create my hinge. So i can apply this. Oh, let's get a little closer, so you guys can see me actually do this right. Sorry, she needs to be oiled. Okay. So i'm going to create this thin veil and my check for this. My secret check is i like to place my comb underneath there and then that way. I can see that i can see the silver. What that means, and what's unique about our adhesive, is that the adhesive won't stick to hair. So if i place that on there right now, it won't actually stick into the hair comes right out when the adhesive meets the other side of another piece of our hair. That is what creates that watertight seal and that's what makes it stick on the hair. That'S also why it's not damaging to hair, which is super amazing, too so a-okay, i'm going to create a little hinge with my pinky place that in up at the scalp sorry, you can't see and drop it down, and then i just roll my finger right on Top um - i don't know about you guys, but you can you can't even see it in the hair it matches so perfectly um. I think some of you, too are asking if this video will be available and yes, this will be up on um behind the chairs. Facebook, as well as their youtube, so this is the cool step that i'm going to take. I want you guys to watch this. I know it looks really scary, but this is when so. If i were just to place this in here, yes, it would match. But i really don't want it to be that loud of a bright piece. So i'm going to do something a little crazy and i'm going to go in right up there and i'm going to pull through and take out a little bit of weight. Now, when i place this on top it really, i actually, i think i'm gon na go twice, because i really just want it to be a really soft balayage. Look and that's how i'll create it, and i'm only gon na be using three pieces of extensions on each side to go in with the sew-in. That'S all i really need to cover some of this okay. So let's take a peek at that. This looks really amazing. Oh yeah awesome: let's do another! Does that freak you guys out that i just went in with a texturizing shirt to a hair extension. I hope not. I hope it inspires you guys to try something a little offbeat. You know i love using hair extensions in unique ways, but creating really natural, beautiful hair. I like to say that my specialty is hair extensions that don't look like hair extensions right so the same thing so now that's where my last extension ends, i'm going to do what i like to call like a stair step placement. So i'm going to go right in the middle of that and place another extend and i'll be working. My way back basically create update, but i'm starting top so placing that in a really important thing, that you'll learn in one of our classes is placement of hair extensions and not placing them too close to the scalp. So we drop down a quarter of an inch. So that it moves with the scalp just like real hair would and it's not uncomfortable for your client, and then it's also going to be not damaging right. So i'm going in again you guys ready for this one flip it over to and then that created this nice thin veil, and i put that right on top and that matches her hair perfectly and now. I'Ve created basically like what a money piece would look like in the front, which is really exactly what i wanted to do without actually having to use any sort of color. Let'S check back at some of our questions that we have and let me open this up, so you guys can see that stair step right. So it goes one two we'll do another, a third one right there and then that's actually perfect, because that's where we're going to meet up to our sew in weft. So i love always to talk a little bit about getting into extensions. I know it's really intimidating a lot of stylists that have been doing here for many years or if you're brand new are intimidated to start offering this service, because it's like so much money and how do you charge properly? How do i even learn how to do any of these things, and that's what's really great about our education? When i first got introduced to hot heads, i was a brand new stylist and i was just trying to get my footing and they really taught me so much about having confidence behind the chair and having these offerings that are so easy. I don't think one of the things that i mentioned, but we can. I can do a full head of hair extensions in one hour or less so think about what you charge for a haircut and what you could potentially charge for a full head of hair extensions. In one hour right, so my boss, at the time, actually asked me um. What was it that i was doing that was so different, because my numbers had tripled in a quarter and it was just because i started adding hair extensions onto my service menu. So i really want to challenge you. I don't care if you've been in the business for 20 years or two months or you're still in school, um get your butt into one of our classes, and i want to give you the confidence to be able to offer these hair extensions to everybody. So, oh yeah, so one of the questions too, is that people are asking about some of our other offerings that we have so i'm demoing today, a hybrid method of our sew-in and our tape in hair extensions. But people are asking me about some of the other things that hot heads has and definitely go check out. Our website go check out our instagram and facebook, and you can see some of these other methods that we have. We have um temporary clip-in pieces that are like hair toppers, so we have something called the over the top which covers like most of the top of the hair, so anyone who's really thinning on top, where hair extensions really wouldn't make a difference. Hair extensions live from you know the occipital bone down if anybody's thinning, really on top and needs that sort of help. We have something called hairware, which is a semi-permanent demi-permanent option that tapes in as well as our clip-in pieces like the over-the-top and my personal favorite. The bangover um, the it's a temporary bang, so never i refuse to let anybody cut bangs unless, like we really have a deep discussion about it behind the chair, i go straight to the over the top and i actually keep one in my salon. Top drawer and love to use it as like a tool to show, and honestly too, when my hair is dirty. I just throw it on and put my hair in a top knot right, but those are great questions about like thinning hair and like is it safe to use hair extensions? You know it definitely is one of those conversations that you want to have with the client when you're doing your consultation, making sure that their hair is strong enough to really hang on to the hair extensions. We would never want to add these into anybody's hair. That um is, you know chemically compromised or needs a little bit of a break. That'S actually when i would reach to maybe the over the top um or are the band for um a temporary solution to get their hair healthy before we actually do hair extensions, okay, so i'm gon na do my last side of the stair step in roll down And then one more time, i'll demo, this scary, but amazing technique of using my texturizing shear to make it whisper instead of shout for color, i like to flip it over then too. This is so much fun and especially you know. It'S been really interesting. Being a hair, stylist um in the times right now, you know we're in the middle of a global pandemic. Um um salons are still open here in chicago, and i thought maybe that hair extensions wouldn't be as popular because people are going to be. You know staying home and more low maintenance boy was i wrong. Everybody is wanting way more hair extensions wanting to explore more color options and wanting to do everything that makes their life easier to look better because we're all living virtually on camera right. All my clients are staring at themselves for eight hours a day on a camera versus at home, where they never see anything. So i feel, like everybody, wants their most ideal hair and i'm actually doing so many more hair extensions and it's been really really fun to explore some of those things with my clients. Also people's budgets have changed. I know people have lost jobs and it's really really difficult, but also people aren't going out and spending money on vacations and going out as much too so i feel, like their budget, has been reallocated to hair extensions, oh yeah, so now you can see that this Flawlessly blends, i want to mention really fast too, that hot heads does this amazing thing where i'm able to do what i like to call ghost haircuts on my clients after i install hair extensions because, as you can see, i put three pieces in on her side And it really blended in so nicely if you can look at the bottom of our hair, all of our hair moves and looks like real hair because it comes pre-texturized on the bottom two inches. I think that really sets us apart as a company and really makes my job as a stylist, so easy um that i joke around with my ghost haircuts and that way too, people that are coming in for hair extensions. They are asking for length and volume and they want the maximum amount whenever they see hair hitting the floor. That represents dollars hitting the floor, so i don't have to cut very much to even blend this in which is awesome. I know her hair's so long. It'S not even fitting in the screen i'm gon na take her off so that you can see we can kind of take a 360 view of what this looks like and then i'll check out some more questions for you guys. So this is the side without it and which doesn't look bad, but this is the side that has them in, and we can see that that adds a little bit of a color pop. I mean i don't really the only thing that i really feel like. I want to cut, is i just want to do a little bit of blending here on the side? I also really love to showcase hair extensions straight. You know we all can hide anything with a little bit of curls right, but when we use showcase hair extension straight, it really is something unique and awesome. This is um. I used 22 inches in the sew-in row and then i used 18 to 20 inches for our tapes and i'm gon na pull out a little bit. So you guys can see my actual body position when i'm cutting my favorite tool for cutting hair extensions is actually my guarded razor. I actually do a ton of razor cuts um. I think it just moves a little bit more naturally, and i know it's kind of a scary thing, but i'm going to teach you my favorite pro tip have two things that really make a huge difference when you're cutting hair extensions and with dry hair with a Feather razor, so i like to start remember how i said i always like to start right in the front so that the client sees it. This is always how i start my haircuts when i'm cutting hair extensions, because if there ever is a discrepancy between those front pieces and the length, that's the one thing that client is staring at and wondering about. So my number, my first tip that i'm going to give you guys when i'm cutting with a feather razor is. I do something called the extension shake. So i shake out where her natural hair is. You can see how all that fell out and now i'm just holding the hair extensions that i installed in her hair and that's what i'm going to be cutting so now, i'm going to just visually kind of mark it with my fingers. That'S where her the ends of her hair are and where i want to start cutting, and my second tip that i told you guys i would give you is to start your engine and start above where that is so that's about right. There i'm going to start my engine, so i'm going to start moving in the direction i'm going to elevate slightly because that's going to create a softer line right. So i'm going to start right about here, i'm going to start above it i'm going to start my engine and then go in versus going in and down um. It makes a scary cut right. So if i start the movement of how deep i want my stroke to be so little stroke is like this medium stroke, large stroke and what that's going to create is a strong line, a softer line, the softest line right. So i'm going to start right above that i'm going to go with a medium stroke and just move my way down and what's not scary too, is i'm using a guarded razor. So it's not going to hurt me um and that's i mean look at that. Just created a really soft line and a very soft face frame where i didn't take off a ton of length, but it just made that blend in a little bit more. I could also do that. I love to cut extensions, um visually, doing the same thing for layers, so i'll kind of do the extension shakeout start my engine and work my way down for a little bit of a layer too. All right, let me grab my laptop, so i can kind of check on some of these questions that you guys might have and we need to choose a winner, because i think we've got about 10 minutes left before we're done. Let'S check here. Okay, let's see, i can't wait to try this hybrid, my salon, i'm so excited for you to try it too. I you guys the coolest thing about a hybrid method and high by hybrid. I can mean two different things. You can use our sew in machine weft and hand tied together or you can use the sew in method with the tape and method. I personally love marrying those two. I love that i have a tool belt that hot heads has given me. So many different options to use on many different people's hair types and lifestyles right. One of my favorite anecdotal things is i actually here in chicago. I do a lot of fitness professionals and when it comes to them getting sweaty constantly. The sew-in method is so great because there's no interaction with any sort of adhesive, so they can get as sweaty as they need to be, and i don't have to worry about that, interacting with any sort of adhesive in their hair. Okay, let's check this out. So what kind of clients would use hand tied and what kind of clients would use tapes? So it's really um that comes down to your consultation. It'S definitely something in our virtual learning classes that we, we have a whole entire section, where we really dive deep into talking about consultations and how to figure out which method to choose or how much hair to order style and salt. So i'd say the desired result. Is the biggest thing? So what are what are you trying to achieve? The only time i'm really ever going to choose one versus the other is if somebody is going from really really short to really really long. Always i'm going for my tape, ins and then maybe as their hair grows out, then i can start to add in a sew-in or doing a hybrid method. That'S a great question um. I think we're getting a lot of questions too about how much the classes are. So i am totally a hair stylist and not a salesperson, but all the information on the classes are located on and you can check that out um. So who wants to win some hair? I mean i've got some hair to give away. I have a pack of our color melt, hand-tied hair, and that could be so amazing for you to try out on a client, especially since our our color amount, hair mimics. What a balayage would look like, and so it's matching really what we're seeing out there on the market right. Oh, my gosh, you guys are so great with all these questions. Um, i'm a mom of four and i'm loving virtual classes. It'S hard to travel for education totally. I mean it's been amazing. As an educator um, i used to have to travel on the road at least once every other week. I would say, and now i'm able to be in my living room and invite you guys to learn things, and i get creative right here and don't have to go anywhere. My commute was exactly 30 seconds from my bedroom over to here, so we're so happy to be offering more virtual things. I think it's really been one of the silver linings of you know the world that we live in today, that we're able to reach so many different people, and i can meet you from canada. I can meet you from kansas city. I can meet you from florida or california, so it's super cool um. Let'S see new comments, i would love to try some hair extensions. So let's choose our winner: i'm just gon na like scroll and stop and see who wins it and then um hot heads will let you know okay, so i am going to choose jayton hawkings um. You asked some great questions and one of them being does hot heads. Hair extensions have hair extensions for curly hair, and i really want to talk about that. I love talking about texture and different textures of hair um hot heads, hair extensions. The way that our hair is made is that it's a natural body wave and you can technically i put it in many different hair types - um i'd, say really curly hair. I would perm it um and but you're allowed to do that with our sew-in method. You can take the wefts and customize that curl pattern. However, you need it or you can do like a keratin or straightening treatment to their hair and then add it in so that it matches the body wave. That'S a great question, but texture is one of those things that i think people are scared of with hair extensions, but you don't have to be there's always a way to find to either make the hair match the texture of their hair or make their hair match. The texture of our hair right um, thank you guys so much for joining me. I think we've got like a couple more minutes. I thought we would just show really fast the stair step positioning of our hair extensions and the color and wrap things up and thanks for joining me. This is so much fun. I hope that i get to come back and maybe offer some more education to you. Guys - and i really hope to see all of you in our classes - um our virtual online classes that we have. We have so many coming up in in 2021 um. I know we're all hairstylists are in the thick of our what i like to call our super bowl season. Uh december right. The holiday season is madness, so taking some time to elevate your craft and take a class is the gift that you should give yourself for christmas or hanukkah or any of the other holidays. The holiday season right. So here is our stair step, so it sounds just like what it looks like right. So it goes from one two three and then it matched up to right where my sew-in weft is so. This is our hybrid, a little a small little sneak peek of our hybrid application um. Let me put up really fast again to the head sheet, so you guys can kind of see my placement of what i was doing here today. So this is our stair step. I added three of our hair tape and hair extensions to her side to our more croutons. Congratulations on winning our hair um. I will we will hot heads will contact you and you get your color model. Oh my gosh: where did it go? This is so exciting because this hair is super amazing. I have hair all over my place, so you get one of our packs of hand-tied hair and i'm so excited for you to try. This definitely tag hotheads and follow hotheads, hair, extensions on instagram and facebook. We want to see you guys, you want to see your work. We want to see what you're trying, if you're, practicing on a mannequin um. We want to see everything that is the world of hair extensions. Um me too, me me included. My name is natalie ruskas. I'M at n-a-t-a-l-i-e r-u-z gis, on instagram and on facebook, um and, of course, thank you so much to This has been so much fun just hanging out with you guys and sharing some of my nerdy knowledge of hair extensions. It'S my favorite thing in the whole entire world to talk about here with deb and sharing the hybrid method um. So i challenge all of you to go out there and try using both tape and sew-ins and then see you in class. All right awesome guys, i'm going to sign off, take care, happy holidays,

Virginia Ackerknecht: Thank you for this wonderful, informative video! I love your easy going personality. You belong in front of the camera ! Your comfort level when speaking is so inviting.

Dede Vaughn: Can you do both tape-ins and beaded wefts?

C M: I would like to know how many sessions it takes

Ashley Balduff: Can you do chemotherapy extensions? For one with hair growing back that have 2 inches.

Robert Lindsey: COOL,I like your channel, I received the same one from three days ago, delivery by EMS,great quality !!!

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