Pixie Hair Transformation Using Tape Hair Extensions

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Hi welcome to my channel. How are you this is my very first video. So go easy on me um. I just wanted to make a video, because at the moment i actually have a pixie haircut trying to grow out, and you know when you wake up and you think, do you know what i actually want to have a change um. So i have done a lot of research and i really really love the idea of taping hair extensions um. So here is my video. This is my journey, so i got this tape in here from amazon, i got two shades. I'Ve got the platinum and i've got like a bleach blonde. I want that multi-tonal kind of look um and i got them both on prime, purely because i am a needy beyonc um, this one i have washed because um i wanted to wash it with purple shampoo. So i used half shampoo, normal shampoo and half purple shampoo and it took really well. It'S not stained like some of the purple shampoos do when you use them on fake hair, so i was actually really impressed with the first hair. Wash i've not done anything with it, just washed it, let it naturally dry, so i've not even blow dried or anything like that. So um here goes. Let'S see what it looks like in my hair, one: two, three four: five

Lpg 8: Very short video but very cool. My hair is the same length and I was contemplating putting tape ins in my hair.

Lea Seberg Fladstad: Has anyone else started wearing extensions also just because you have also had problems having short and thin hair for a long time and not been able to get long and thick hair again which you don't have patience or not even have time to wait for some special reasons as me? How long can tape extensions be on hair, can it be used again several times on hair, how long can it last before it gets worn out, how many tape exensions do I need for short and thin hair when I want long and thick hair, how can I keep it on my hair without it falling off, does it feels natural like our own hair when we wear it, will tape attachment be invisible on short and thin hair, can it make hair worn, how to blow-dry my hair and tape extensions without it being worn if the tape extensions have to be blow-dryed every time I wash both the tape extensions and my hair and are there any products other than just extra tape, remover and another shampoo and conditioner the tape extensions also needs?

Bridges family channel Funny dogs: I love it!! My hair is really short and it’s in the ugly grow out stage. I was thinking of also getting some tape extensions but I’m afraid they will show if I put my hair in a pony tail. Do yours show when you pull your hair back?

Sarah Coll: Hiya lovely thank goodness you posted this I have the same hair as you!! Could you link the extensions I'd love to have long hair again

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