Review: Bold Hold Lace Tape :( Allergic Reaction | Iam_Nettamonroe

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Hair: Mermaid Dream 18" frontal 20" 22" 22" bundles

Hi guys this member welcome back to my channel this damn coming to you with an update. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I was trying out this gold always tape now, the reason being it wasn't really for myself. Everybody knows that before I give anything on anybody else, I check things on myself. There is never a time where I'm testing something on a client. So, like that's wrong, I'm not going to have you pay need to be an experiment not going to do that. So I have clients who want the run souls and you guys know I specialize in the ghoulish method, but what I need for the ghouls method is hair right here, like hair right above the ER need you braid that section. If i can't braid a section of hair right there, then there's no way for me to be able to do the ghoulish frontal. The way that i do it. I am self-taught on that. So there's there's no way for me to do that. I haven't figured it out yet so on you know, ask people with alopecia people would just hair loss issues, people with got a damaged follicles and everything, and they want the frontal, because it's going to get into my hairline, something that they don't have, and it's amazing To be able to give that to them, so i'm gon na test it out on go fine on glue. I have tested out, of course, the 30-second glue it just called liquid gold, or something like that. I got tested out three different types of glues and my only lasts for like two days. I always assumed that it's because I have oily skin, so it never really is able to get a goal, even though the ghost blonde glue, I believe it says um. You know it works against sweats and it works again the oiliness and it works against. You know it's waterproof, blah blah blah. I still you know it still was coming up after like two days. I would get my three days max, so what I've been seeing it and I'm pretty short exhausting, is to be bold, hold, lace, tape and I've seen a lot of reviews about it. I see it on Instagram a whole lot and um. I saw someone under that said that their um their stuff lasts for two to three weeks and you know they go ahead and pick it off and they put it back on and it does not stick to the lace or anything. So I'm like you know what that's really good, if you don't have to clean off your lace from an adhesive that's up and on yeah, so I wanted to try it and I felt like it would be a good option for people who have you know, hair Off and then it probably still is because this review is what happened to me since Isis. Is that only me so in a way, I'm not saying do not go out and buy this, I'm just saying that if you have sensitive skin like me, you might want to rethink that, or at least just pay attention to the Sun that I'm gon na tell You so I installed the Bohol a tape with my frontal on a Friday and I'm going to go ahead and insert a picture of the results of that it was freaking, beautiful, amazing, luscious natural, like when I tell y'all honey edges. Edges was up and yeah. I went on ahead installed it. It was amazing, I tied it down at nighttime, like they tell you to do they Co. You tie it down when you are working out. If you're in, like any kind of sweaty situation, when you go to sleep, pretty much any kind of activities that you're going to be doing where you know you might sweat or whatever word you know, get a shower tie it down and then once you cool off You can pick the scarf off and it's back to normal, so I tied it down at night when I woke up the next day my whole. What'S poppin, I show all of these pictures. I posted a picture on Instagram. I posted it on my snapchat posted. You know I'm over here like yeah honey. This is Bob this bumble. Let'S see how long you last, let's see how long this is gon na last right here. So it's a route today, I'm networking everything and then I realize in my hairline it's a little sore. It'S nothing that hurts it's just. You know a little bit sore and I just you know I let it go up the bouquet. You know I'm probably just getting used to the feeling, I'm not used to having any form of adhesive. I really got it full with adhesive like that, so I'm just going to go ahead and you know how can you switch? You know in a couple of days the next day it started hurting a little bit more, but I was like you know: it's probably what it takes me three days to get used to it. My you know when you bring all the last Thursday is good actions. You Dupre's a kind of similar better. You know after like a thirty day, so that day went on, and I was pretending not to know about this. You know it hurts. Dale was so that day when I, when I was at hand still before it's not nothing unbearable, but you know it's just a little sore. So then Monday comes and Monday it's more sore than the previous two days. So that's when I was like hold up slipping. My feet up, so that's when I started like you know, trying to touch on it, see what was going on everything, of course, into our laces over top of everything I couldn't see what was going on, but you know I was just like all right. Well, let me just let me just Mousavi see, what's going to happen and everything my friends hold still looks amazing. I actually posted a video on Instagram about my frontal. You know it was feel pop. It just was so you know getting more and more storage. They'Ve gone so the next day comes and is getting somewhere is really irritating, but it is just. I can't tell your life, I'm not going to say there was like, but it was like. You know this is really uncomfortable. I think I did you take this thing off go through with the alcohol. The latest comes right off, it was great, the leaf comes completely off and there's no tape on the links within the tape is left around. My hairline, which I fully expected because I've seen the tutorials on it and on so what I use to remove. The tape is c22, it's like a spray and then he says, removal spray. I hate the smell, but it works amazing. So I just sprayed them on my hairline. Well, not Caroline, and I just sprayed that on the area. So let's do a take loosen up and then once they loosened up. I just went ahead and just forgot it or not, but what I noticed is when I pull when I filled it all and it came off really really easily. I don't know if it was the c22 reacting with it because it actually started like burning gas. Like I think the c22 and the part that had all types of tape on it kind of just it wasn't aged a lot and I didn't lose any edges, I'm going to show you a video on like what happened with my hairline. So I honestly feel like I am just really allergic to the ball. I think I've never had a breakout behind any type of like adhesive like glue on any of the three forms of glue that I've used. I have never had any kind of thing like that happen to me, and I also you know I forgot to me, and I never had that happen to me either. So this is the first time that any form of adhesives has caused need to break out. Like this. My whole entire hairline was like a big wet like a it's like a it was like lifted like you know how like get out with a weapon Stan like it was just all the way across the dam. Hairline was a wet and then like around and on top of the West in some places it was like little lumps like little bitty like red a bump, and then I was just like. Oh I just went on here and install the cone like. I normally do with install my laughing van onto my own frontal. You knew y'all and I just put it back over my riddle away, but I was like yo there's, no way that I'm gon na be able to get. This is just it's not for me. I don't know what it is about that below they say I just can't do it. I also seen another tutorial one: what a girl pretty little on butter's then she put the bowl hole on top of it. I'M really not trying to do all that. I'M not but okay, it's probably just me so for people who I'm gung ho below. Let'S take ain't, nobody saying each other wrong, I'm just saying that for me did not work for me. It actually gave me a reaction. It actually held my front down and my frontal was like y'all, don't understand my frontal one to the Select key, my friend cool. When I tell y'all about person y'all, that's it was beautiful, but it's just you know, I'm not trying to risk my skin breaking out behind a damn lazy frontal who do that? No number right now it is you know on my regular - will. Listen! That'S it like! I do every other time it actually is still healing. It'S still healing right now on the video that I inserted in this video actually was taking. Yesterday I cut the frontal off on Tuesday yesterday, Thursday. So it's still, you know, you can still see that. Two days later it was still what's up a little bump on it now Tuesday's work tool. It was really really really red, and you know it was real tender like the area was kind of shiny, almost like it took off a layer of skin, but I honestly don't think the taste took a layer of skin off by itself. I feel like from when, with whatever that in area, underneath the tape wasn't, it was so irritated, then the c22 being. On top of that, I feel like you made it flare up worse. Do I so like I still we've had like a breakout underneath that yeah because they were partying so bad. Something was wrong, but it was like the c22 cottages, the most like it's like certified a match on their life. Oh so yeah. That is my experience with the bow holy tape. I still have plenty of oh holy tape and if a client wants me to try to use it on them, I'll definitely do it because, like I said it was a beautiful install and you know I just had funny skin, I had funny seen y'all know. I funny skin, I throw my funny skin all the time everybody doesn't have that issue. So I'm pretty sure if I use always somebody else, it probably won't have the same. You know the same reaction. I haven't seen anybody have the same reaction as me. You know so it probably is just me or people with just really sensitive skin. You shouldn't do something like that. My end is that overly sensitive either because I feel like it would act it up with this with the adhesives like the glues and stuff too. But you know it's whatever it just didn't. Work me and everything in for everybody in Bohol, they say is just not for me, but you have to involve Old Lace tape and you look all over YouTube. Everybody go to the most part. People have like really positive reviews. I really seen a bad review and if you go all over Instagram when people you always take the oh good, it looks amazing yeah. I know it's a lot of people who absolutely love, love, love, bowling tape, swear by it. It is like their Holy Grail and I'm not telling you that you are wrong, but don't you come on here and be like you need some time. I know I didn't do anything wrong. They got the Dogons website on a pack and you can go watch the video and it's later give you a whole entire. What'S the hair diagram give you the whole entire rundown on how to apply out just my skin and I'm going to say it again, you're just my skin and am i helping other people, I'm pretty sure, I'm not the only one that will ever have an allergic Reaction to something like that, you know just don't come over here like trying to be like. Well, I don't know what's wrong with you, I told you was wrong, be I told you my skin. It'S monkey, though you know, I'm happy that it work for you. Congratulations! I'M really happy I'm actually slightly jealous, but it did work for you because my friends who was - and my friends would like that. Okay, hopefully this video helps someone. So you know just know the science when something is wrong, go ahead and pick off, don't put yourself through. All of that, I want to thank you all for watching. Make sure that you guys like comment and subscribe, follow me on Instagram. I am underscore down my road. My snapchat is the same. My facebook is, I am NOT Monro just one word and on yes, anything else, anything else. No Scott and check down the description box for any like contact, information and coupon codes of Johnson v8 hope you guys enjoyed this video I'll, see you in the next one bye.

alexandriaberea: Omg I just took mine out and my whole hair line has small red sores and it itches and my temples hurt soooooo bad!!!!! And i used the glue. My hair was so laid but now i got to find something else

Ashlee Stephens: I am experiencing the same thing right now. Thank you for sharing your experience because I thought I was crazy.

Cardella Manning: Omg same thing happened to me with the bold hold glue but it was like ten times worse there was puss and it was bleeding ( but through all that I did not lose any hair at all). I must admit it did it’s job lasted two weeks but I just couldn’t take the discomfort any longer. I would post pics but I’m to a shamed

VyxentheMua: Im experiencing the same issue im so sad because my frontal looks so good. My temples hurt and itch in certain spots so im hoping and praying when i go get my frontal redone it wont be too bad. The thing is im not sure if its the got to be glued, hold spray or adhesive thats irritating me.

Melanin Strength: Good to see I'm not alone! I hate adhesives so i mainly do glueless. Bold hold didnt even work for me.

Shakira B.: The same thing happened to me today with the bold hold glue

Sparkle1213: I saw the picture of your hair and it looked gorg! Unfortunately everything doesnt work for everybody. Thank the lord you still have your edges!!

Bee Lathan: Currently experiencing this. I have little red bumps all over the front of my hair line. I had a reaction to ghost bond so I got the esha waterproof glue and after a few days with the esha glue it was super itchy and kinda burned. I took the wig off and I was horrified! It looked like a chemical burn. I never put it on my hair line I always apply a little before my h.l. but the reaction went into my hair line and I have red bumps all over my forehead. I'm literally thinking about going to the hospital for this. I don't have any open wounds but this reaction is so bad. My hairline has 2 spots of discoloration but it's healed almost completely but my forehead is covered in tiny red bumps.

Kaviia smith: This just happened to me with the tape and I use the skin protectant like she said. I haven’t had a reaction to the glues but the glue hasn’t been holding my wigs down. I did a removal and applied got2b glued because I’ve used it before

Anita Adesida: Never tried the tape but I just tried the bold hold cream and I have the same reactions to the creme even with the skin protector. I’ve also tried ghost bond and both glues made my skin react just like yours so yeah I’m just sensitive to the glue products unfortunately I’ll just keep using my gorilla snot and freeze spray for my frontals. Never failed me yet

Life with giselle: BAD HEADACHE the first day but didn't think it was the adhesive. Started feeling the frontal loosed and then I noticed it was wet. Searched this video and used alcohol and c22 to get it off. Ni burning. Thank you

lifewithlex: I had this same reaction to the glue (regular and active) I was all red and sore let myself heal for a few months and then tried ghost bond. Same reaction but worse now my entire hairline is discolored, it’s a shame because I loved the results of my hair but anything longer than a couple days and it tore my skin up.

zoola mae: Oh my god this happened to me I just searched this to see if I was the only one this really sucked and I'm freaked out I haven't sores and was soooo painful under the lace this sucks I paid $450 for my install and one week and now this

Sassy: I have a feeling this has happened to a lot of people hopefully you all have written the owner and let them know they made me to change the formula

Marie Chanyne: I had the exact same reaction to the Bold Hold adhesive cream, almost like a chemical burn. Same with the Got2B, I'm gonna try the bold hold tape next, hopefully the tape doesn't do the same thing !

Hella Nuts: Literally purchased the Bold Hold Active, along with the skin protector and lace remover. Installed a brand new freshly washed unit with Bold Hold Active. I used a test amount on the back of my ear to see if I would have an allergic reaction. Everything seemed fine. Just like this video, I felt my skin reacting after about 4 hours. I ran home and took the unit off, my forehead was swollen. I have been using tea tree and aloe to heal it. Horrible experience. I definitely have sensitive skin and this product is definitely not for sensitive skin.

XIARRADIAMOND: Smh same thing is happening with me now and its even worse!

TheBarrLife: Same thing happen to me! My hair was bomb too but hell it was a itchy mess!! Bumps, burning, and irritation. Thew much! I even sent the hair diagram a message but no response. I was sad to take it off but the pain I had to let it go. Let me try the got2b.

alexiuhbram: Happened to me too smh I was really thinkin I was crazy ‍♀️

Damia Michelle: Thanks for the video. I'm allergic to the 30sec glue and got the same welts you got with the tape. I wanted to try the tape but I guess I'll save my little bit of money and try another method

covergirllgberry: I experienced the same reaction. The glue started itching after a few hours. After day two I had to remove it. My hairline was swollen with little bumps

Cne' Wright: I’m literally experiencing the same thing but with the glue! How long did it take for your head to heal? Did you use anything specific to clean or heal that area?

Natural by Necessity: Thank you for sharing. I took my wig off after a week because it was itching in one pot on my temple and felt like a raised blister. Took it off and did have a dime size boil blister type bump with small red bumps around perimeter. Now trying to let it heal and using got2b glued now. I will take your advice and use got2b or some type of scalp protector before using the tape again.

thicklips27: It wasn't the c22 its the tape. I had the same reaction from the glue and I had burns and im headed to the doctors now. I had a bad allergic reaction too

Wawa: The same just happened to me I have school in the morning and I went to try to put it one glueless but I can’t deal with it the rash is too much for me it’s so disgusting I am so disappointed .btw I used the glue not the tape

Angel of Beauty: Came across this video because this is happening to me right now.. forst time I ever tried a wig and the hairdresser used bold hold

FREDDY & ERIC: Same thing happened to my GF. I don’t know what’s in it but she broke out bad from it. The same as yours but worse. There’s a line on her forehead and it’s darker than the feast of her hair and her skin looks shines around her head.

Dessi: I just used it && got an allergic reaction . Very itching and Red Bumps so sad because it works so good . Does anyone know how to get rid of the bumps

Vangie Mullins: The Got2Be Glue gel (clear) broke me out after 1 1/2 years of using it. I was hoping to get a good review on the tape,,but I have sensitive skin as well. So this probably won't work for me either. Great review.

Kashdollly Jones: I got the opposite the tape worked for me but the GLUE i got some nasty bumps on the side of my head :/

Denice Tatum: This happened to me!! I wish I could find something else like it

MsPeachesG: I just had a reaction to it but it never happened to me before that and I've been using their product for a while now. I'm sad because I will no longer be using the glue

Leah M: The same thing happened to meee. I had a red band and it’s burned and itched

RK Gang: I've seen on they're page one of the stylist put the got 2 b freeze spray down for skin protectant. I had an allergic reaction to the cling adhesive.

SHARNISE KATHERINE: Happens with the glue alone itself too

x thx: Can you elaborate how you use Got2B to create a protective barrier? Which Got2B product, how many layers, and does it really let you wear tape for weeks?

Moni: Just happened to me too. Hair was laid tho, have to look for an other option..

X: Yup! Same reaction. Currently healing

JustCall MeNuNu: see I never tried this , it happened to me with the ghost bond glue .. what did you do as far as your hairline where you broke out ? did you put anything on it or anything or did you just let it heal by it’s self I need answers

Gilmarlee Hernandez: Im such a natural hair girl n this lace front acting up ..... grabs coconut oil❤️

sade hall: I'm experiencing the same thing at this moment but I used the ghost bond glue took it off figured it was that then I went to use my old go to which is the ebin new york glue n tge the same thing happened which was so weird to me.

DBoppityBop: Had a reaction to Ghost Bond the second time I used it. A couple days in had itchiness and soreness that increased daily. Removed it and was lumped and bumped up . I’m a natural but I remember them perm days. It felt like a chemical burn for sure. I have slight scarring which makes my hairline and edges look weird . Never had a problem with bold hold besides itching but now I’m just too scared to try any of them again. Gotta see about elastic band and combs.

Dominicmat: Same thing happened to me

Quiera Smith: It broke me out too

That damn Sanae !: I had a reaction like that to supertape adhesive...

Aryana Claiborne: I had the same reaction but with the créeme instead

Luxkeys: I thought I was bugging. I have little red bumps around my hairline. I can’t use that stuff again.

Tinnelle Shalon: I never put c22 on my skin because it does burn ... I use that to get the glue off of my frontal ... I just use coconut oil to remove any adhesive I use ...

OHSOCHAR: so i’m here a few years later... but i have Lupus and i am up right now thinking i am having a lupus flare up but now i’m thinking i’m having an allergic reaction to the bold hold. i have never had a flare up like this before and the bold hold now that i have washed it off from around my edges up my body feels calm now. hopefully when i wake up isn’t he morning it’s the result of an allergic reaction, it’s just i just started wearing wigs myself, and i do hair and have used this on other people... are there any place flies for sensitive skin?

QueenCoCoaMocha: ghost bond supreme: just had to take it off after bald cap method. Only about 4 days bumps on the temple edges soreness! and it didnt even stick it was a tacky decent mess to me but looked good to others. I have walkers but the glue is so messy. Hate I wasted my money...I'll have to let it heal before using other methods. I'm going to finally buy or make those clip-in bangs bc wanting the melted edges have become an obsession and the bangs will hide that for about a month then maybe a break with crochet braids and then a beauty supply cheap bob then back to the crochet for the baby delivery THEN I'll try to melt the lace again...

Angel Brown: That's the same thing that happened to me

Shalon Sampson: Same thing with got2b ,I am bald on the front looks like I'm receding I'm so scared to put anything on to hold it down I'm so embarrassed hoping to grow my edges back any suggestions I'm open...

Chiquita Mitchell: OMG!!!! That's what happen too me... I had to take mys out after 2 weeks... but the tape was great for my frontal..

Tammie F. Taylor: Bold Hold Active cream irritated me, but Ghost Bond didn't. Which is so annoying because Bold Hold dries so much faster with less mess than Ghost Bond. Guess I have to switch back to that messy Ghost Bond.

Jaga Gumaneh: So how do you get rid of the bumps ?

KeepingUpWithNocie: I have the same reaction with got2b

Deevine: I have a lot of information to share on Glue & tape reactions

Alisha Ortiz: Great video

Sonya Collins: Girrrrl front of my head is itching like crazy. I lifted the back up already my nape area has itchy bumps.... I can't do this tape.

brittany rush: Did u get the skin protect spray

Christina Brown: great video

Linda Sims: will it last if i sweat a lot?

Gaetana Dixon: OMG This just happen to me. I also use the glueless method but I wanted to try something different. None of my hair came out, the glue wasnt stuck to my lace, it came off really easy but it left me with welp across my forehead and bumps by my temple. It also started to hurt a few days after I put it on. I didnt use the skin protectant because it was sold out. Do you think that could have help?

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