Slick Bun And Edges Tutorial, With Curly Bangs (Little Girl Hairstyles)

Okay guys so, let's get started. What I'm doing right here is taking out the four braids in the back. She had this style in for a couple of days, and so now I'm just taking it out so that I can redo it and show you guys how I do the sleek bun with the bangs, I'm just making sure to finger comb each section as I take It out, which is another way of detangling her hair, as you can see, offers a little fidgety right here, because she was tired, but she still did a really great job through this video, so yeah, I'm just taking the barrettes out and I'm braiding the hair and Then finger comb in the back okay. So now I'm gon na take this pick and just start detangling, her hair, even more I'm gon na start at the bottom and work my way up to the top and get the roots a little bit. So after I spray it and get it all wet, I just like to brush it up a little bit and then kind of pick out the ponytail part of her hair. This is just a little bit of leave-in conditioner it softens the hair and like makes it easier to mold, then I'm adding some more water and then using a bristle brush to just like slick up her edges. It'S really easy guys, a little more add more water and brush it, so that it like gets into that perfect bun, and this is actually the most important part. This is how to form the bun. You can do any kind you want, but this is how I do hers and I'm actually gon na slow down. So you guys can get a better look at exactly how I did it. So I'm basically just folding the hair over my thumb and then still lighting. My thumb right out of that little hole and then kind of just like slicking the hairs down over. So it's perfect and then right after that, I just grab a little hair tie and I just put it right around the bun so that it holds it in place. You only have to like do it. You know one little roundabout or whatever you call it, but yeah that's pretty much it guys. It was like super easy. This is like my go-to style for her and then now, I'm just gon na get some more gel and like a little toothbrush and kind of just do all her edges and everything so yeah. This is the easy part now now we're just licking it up. Okay and for the last part, I'm just gon na remove this clip that was holding onto her bangs he's gon na finger comb them a little bit and then I'm gon na show you guys how long they are. I guess I don't honestly, don't know what I'm doing here. I just love playing with her hair, but then I'm just gon na grab this brush and comb through. It always work your way from the bottom up to prevent breakage and just you know, make sure that you're detangling it properly without hurting her or damaging her hair. Now I am going to spray some more water so that her bangs are completely saturated. So it's just it just makes for better curls, and I want her face to be as perfect as possible because they are the focal point of the hairstyle, the bangs. So I'm just working the water in with my hand, and then I'm just gon na add some gel and like make sure that I like slick it down at the base and then just work. It all the way through all the way down to the ends. So now I'm just gon na take this Denman brush and comb through it. Until I feel like I've got the best curls I mean like you can come, do it as much as possible, but you really only have to do it one. So I do it all. The way down and then I slowly let the curls bounce up and now I'm just gon na separate the curls and kind of get them exactly how one thing and yeah you guys. This is just a super, easy style and you see really easy to do. Doesn'T take much work, I'm just separating them and just kind of make it any look. You know more like babies, instead of just all in what the center of the Rings and I'm going to add into the flower, because I feel like the girls. I always thank you and they have little babies and flowers, but yeah you can do whatever you want, and this is the final look guys

Latrice Gill: I'll be trying this style soon on my little loves! Thank you for sharing your simple and easy style with us!

Mojo7d1nonly C: This was very helpful, I’m a single dad with two girls. I’m trying this tonight.

LaurisaMarie: She is so cute. I'll be trying this on my daughter head.

Ariana Jones: Your daughter has a lot of hair.

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