How To Cut & Style Bangs - By Boys And Girls Hairstyles

How to Cut & Style Bangs - By Boys and Girls Hairstyles

RaDona shows how to cut and style bangs. She also gives some helpful tips on maintaining or growing out bangs

Hi i'm radonna from boys and girls hairstyles today i have katie with me and i'm really excited she's, going to change her hair up with some veins, so um just a little bit of information for you guys if you're wanting to change your hair but you're not Wanting to chop it off, you don't want to color it anything like that. Um bangs are a very good change. Um, especially it'll, be fun right katie. When you pull it up. I was telling her. She was asking what i thought, and i love uh she's gon na look really good with things um and then i'm going to show you guys on the sides how to do it, because when you pull it up, we're gon na have a little bit. You know that come down with her being so it kind of frames her face um and then it feels like it's more styled when you pull your hair back or slick it back. So if you're getting sick of that, like i never get ready, i just pull my hair back. This is a fun good way. Okay, other advice that i have is i mean you obviously want to like check out their hairline and stuff. She does have a little calicut, but that's not bad enough like it actually will just give her a little bit of volume when we do them um. The other thing is, you need to. You know somebody with a short short forehead. You obviously don't want to do. Bangs on she has a good forehead for bangs um. We are gon na. Do them, you know by her brows here, but then we're going to come this way, um and frame her face. So, okay, we're going to bring some down. This is the other thing i was telling katie. Is i'm going to kind of do a more wispy, i'm not going to do them really blunt and we're going to. I know that feels weird in front of your face right, so sorry about that. Okay, so, depending on how much of a bang you want, i'm just going to show you how much i'm bringing down here and you kind of want to like you know, loosen it up, see how the hair falls, and especially after we dry um, we'll see what Hair is going to drop um, you know down into its place and then, if it does kind of fall over the bang you're going to want to cut it again because you're going to know that when you dry every time, it's obviously gon na drop there. So, okay, so we're gon na do it about this thick. For now i told her um. What i like to do is try this much and then, if she loves it, she can come back and get them thicker if she would like um, okay and just take the middle section. So take the middle section. Okay - and you don't want to hold your bangs down tight, okay, that's the you! Don'T want to hold them down tight! You want to grab them and kind of loosen them, because if you pull them down tight and cut they're going to shrink back up, okay, so you're going to kind of come loose. Now i'm going to come by her her eyebrows here and i'm going to come on an angle and if you want to, obviously you can do them a little bit longer at first. You can always go shorter. Remember you can't put it back on so if you feel like you need to go a little longer at first and that's awesome. Well, you can't look at me like that. Her mom's here giving her given her some grief teasing her. I love it. Okay, so you can see how that kind of spread after i grab that it kind of spreads this way. Okay, now you're going to grab the hair to the side again, don't pull down hard on it. You'Re gon na kind of loosen it okay, you're gon na, come from where that guide point is, and you're gon na come up and open and shut the shear softly in little like back and forth back and forth, so you're you're kind of doing this. Okay. So you can kind of see how that's starting to frame her face a little bit and again when you go to dry the hair you're going to see um how it looks and if you need to fix the sides um, you know texture, it cut it more. Shorter, whatever that's fine um, it almost gives it the finishing touch when you do some cutting after are you getting excited? Are you getting nervous? No, i was just giving good, looks, okay, so now other side. Of course, i'm gon na kind of loosen that up. Okay, i'm gon na come on this side and come from. I know sorry, that's right! In your face. Okay, i was telling katie too um. It'S hair, i mean bangs. When they grow out, you can start pushing them to the side. Do a little swooping um! It'S just hair, it does grow back if she ends up, not loving, loving it. I think she's gon na, like it even more than she thinks she's gon na like it, especially when she pulls her hair out. Okay. So now what i want to do is come through this area and i'm going to come up here now. Don'T take a chunk just do it softly open, shut, open, shut, open, shut, okay, so there's gon na be a shorter one up there and it goes into lung. Then up here same thing, open and shut softly up here. This just texturizes the bangs and makes it so they're, not so blunt, so if you're wanting more of a blunt blunt bang, obviously you wouldn't do this, but this will just i was telling her. I think it would look really cute to do more of a soft, wispy, bang um and then, like i said, if she loves it, then she can come back and get more, make it a little thicker and and what i love about bangs you guys is seriously. If you guys pull your hair up a lot um, it really is such a good look to have. So it's something. So you don't so you you know, look ready or whatever um okay, so i'm gon na bring these texturizing shears in don't come by the scalp. Okay, you're gon na come through here and i'm just gon na. Do one two three same here, one two three here, one two, three: okay and then on the sides going down, don't come by the hairline. You want to stay out. Okay, i'm just going to texturize that just so you don't have these wispy bangs and bulky sides you want to like whisk it all in together. Okay, now this side, katie! Yes, are you getting excited, i'm getting excited! It'S my favorite mom. I wonder what dad's gon na think well you'll see shortly, so i'm just going to put some of this in um, okay, one other thing about veins, you guys so, especially if you're like katie, if you have had no bangs for a while, your hair is already Kind of trained in just hanging to the side right so um, sometimes i mean it's easier for some people. Katie'S will will be fine and easy um you're going to want to train your banks. What i mean by that is: don't just let them air dry you're going to want to dry them each time in their place, and then it'll start getting that memory. But you do need to dry them or they're, going to just split and do what they did before. Okay, let me put a little bit here: okay, so hers are just a tiny bit dry, so i'm just going to spray that a tiny bit okay. So obviously you don't want them soft and wet when you start drying them, but just towel dry them. Okay, then i like to go on low. So when i do things, katie you'll just go low and you'll just kind of push them forward with your fingers. So that's the first thing you're going to do before you start drying or styling your hair. You want to dry them into place and i like it on low that way: they're not flying everywhere. Okay! So with me, just like messing with it like this just drying it down putting it into place, i told you see how there's some hairs that will just kind of fall. This is what i'm talking about, so this is going to fall. That way, so you're going to come in you're, going to take some of that hair away. Okay, now i'm gon na wait for the sides to take anymore, because i want to flat iron it okay, so i'm just gon na hold it like this. Okay, see how there's a couple little ones, that's what i'm talking about is are those hairs that fall down when you dry okay, so i'm going to flat iron when we're done um, but i'm going to just dry this hair and then um, i'm going to show You what we need to do, okay, now, if you want a little bit more volume in the bang, i'm going to show you guys what to do so. That'S just going to hang the bottom part. Okay, you're going to come in here with the bang and you're going to flat iron, it and kind of lift, and obviously you don't want it curled i mean some of you might want it curled at the bottom. Okay, so that's going to lift it up through there, then you can come and straighten this part. So it's not the curl, curl and and you'll seriously you'll get that down really fast it'll. Take just a second to do your bangs anticipation. Are you getting like? No i'm just watching. Ah it's exciting, can you tell i love to change people's hair yeah? I get more excited than the client most the time i just i always get excited to do my hair, though oh thanks, your sweetheart. Definitely she is a sweetheart. So is her mom she's super awesome she's over there, lately, okay, all right! So now i'm coming back to double check this so um. Just wanting to flatten your knife, just a little bit more seems to be too curled there we go. Does she love it? I wonder if her mom's over there like this is so cute. Okay, one more thing: if you don't have any paste or anything, you can take a tiny bit of hairspray spray it on your fingers and just come through the bang, just kind of separate that okay spray, it. Okay, i'm going to turn you to the mirror and then i'm going to show you guys - and this is what i recommend also is after you do the vein, then like pretend or pull it up, okay and then, because you want to see where it's falling on Their face you want it obviously to look right on both sides. Okay, here you go thanks. I have babies. Do you like yeah, do you feel like they need to be more separated, or is that separated enough? That'S separated enough. I like it. Okay, does it feel like it's probably just weird, i know so you did it okay, so you're just going to pull this up, i told you see up is what makes it i think, um okay, so you can see you guys like when she's just gon na Go to pull her hair back! That'S what's gon na fall! Okay! So we're gon na want to kind of shape this up over here to kind of blend into that. Okay. So i'm just gon na hold that hair back. Oh see it's so cute when it's up. I, like it okay, so come in here, take a little bit more length off. Okay, sorry, look at me this way, katie just you need to see a little bit this way. Okay, so this part just seems like too thick. Okay, so i'm going to come in sorry, i didn't need to move your head like that and i'm going to take a little bit of this. So i'm doing the same thing i open and shut my shears, because that way you don't cut. It short like this way, but it just thins it out, seeing that's so cute. She can kind of poof that a little bit when you pull it up. If you want love, love it, okay, how are you feeling katie? I like it good, i'm so excited? Okay, you guys thank you, katie um they're, such good friends to me, and i appreciate it and i'm so happy that i got to do it. So. Thank you so much. I think you look darling. You look really really cute um. I hope you guys have a fantastic day thanks for all of your support and watching and have a good day see ya. You

Nails by Sharon H: I’ve just let my hair grow out and it’s almost the same as Katie’s. What I did, was I watched a tutorial for a “wolf cut!” I separated my hair into two ponytails and then point cut it to the length I wanted (I parted it at my ears and pulled the back ponytail straight up, and the front ponytail all the way forward). By pulling the front hairs forward, into a ponytail, it automatically layered the sides for me! Now, I want to make my bangs a little thicker because my hair is thinning on top. I was going to make a triangle and then cut it straight across since I want a thicker, more defined bang. Is that okay to do? Thank you in advance and thank you for sharing a longer haircut as I’ve grown out my pixie and want to see more styles for long hair!

Valjean Macias: What a cute model for such a cute style. Beautiful smile makes the hair look even prettier .Nice to see a younger person with a nice attitude.

T K: Radona this is adorable! Is this your daughter? She looks like you too! Great job!

Rosemary Walsh: So Cute!

Arlene Korth: Sooooo cute!

Corey Acre: such a beautiful result ra Donna

Sandra Mccoy: She looks adorable.❤️

inna172134: Cute very pretty.

Corey Acre: I like the color in her hair. it seems to realy stand out. I wonder if its natural.

Teresa Staggs: Radona, I have a pair shape face with alot of forehead. Width of face is bottom part of my face. Would bangs be good for me?

Brooke Foster: OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ------------------------------------------------------⏯Cliklink----------------------------------------------------------THE NEW VIDEOS SEX ⓉⓊⒷⒺⓈⒺⓍ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY 18+ PHOTOS HE RE私のヌードセックス トップAVビデオに参加する ❤️ ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした $ #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、W #かならりやばかったですね! ! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)#やっぱり人参最高%! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾W#再編ありがとうです!#いたもん(#笑)在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品`.

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