Testing Viral Tiktok Hair Hacks! *3 Hair Types*

Thanks to Glaze for sponsoring today’s video. Click right here to shop their hair glosses: https://bit.ly/3dfUZ2n And don’t forget to use code ClevverxGlaze20 for 20% off! The code ClevverxGlaze will work too!

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Testing #tiktok #hairhacks!

FTC Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by Glaze Hair Co!

Today we are tackling tick, tock, hair, hacks she's already making it look really easy. That sounds wrong yeah. It sounds really wrong. Oh i did it what's up y'all welcome back to clevver style hi there. You guys know how we like to do it on this channel. We love exploring tick-tock hacks, we have done tick-tock, clothing, hacks, tick-tock, beauty, hacks, and today we are tackling tick-tock hair hacks. We are diving into those hair hacks and really trying to decipher if they're really as easy as those short clips make. It seem honestly when it comes to hacks. I am skeptical like the makeup hacks the food hacks. I don't really trust it, but for whatever reason, when it comes to hair hacks, i'm like you can't really fake a hair hat. You know yeah it's out there for everyone to see, but there is really only one way to find out before we get to tackling these hacks. We need to tell you guys about today's video sponsored by glenn. Glaze is a brand new company with a product. We are so obsessed with they've created a tinted, semi-permanent hair conditioning gloss. It comes in nine color, matching shades and a transparent super gloss option, and it leaves you with smooth glossy hair with vibrant color and the shine and the color last up to wait for it. 10 washes insane dude. It'S super easy to use, only takes 10 minutes and uh. We should know because we all used it today. That'S why we're looking shiny, bouncing and behaving. I was wondering why i looked extra stunning tonight. Okay, so y'all know that my hair routine takes two days, so i got my product yesterday and when i opened up the glaze put it on put my gloves on slapped on my petroleum jelly ran it through my hair and honestly, it felt like my hair was Softer yep afterwards, which i wasn't expecting, i think what i love the most about it, because i'm opposite to you i like to be in and out the door. So i love that it was super fast and convenient that it didn't take long at all. You just damp your hair, you put it in and you let it sit for 10 minutes and then you're good to go yeah and you guys, i'm the same as jackie. I am like the quickest when it comes to hair, but i today was like. Oh, that was actually so easy. I didn't really have to do anything else like added step wise, you know, and it did i mean i feel your hair looks. It looks good. It gave a good shine yeah. It looks really good. I knew just by looking in the mirror that the curls were popping like the color sleek espresso did me well, okay, but then, when i saw these before and after pictures, you guys it looks so good. I'M not i'm gon na to my own horn and glaze's horn. It looks so good when i saw these before and after pictures and it's only 16 for a bottle, but not only that use our promo code, because you know you guys. We got you clever x. Glaze 2 0 to get extra 20 off guys. Glaze wants to make sure your hair is always ready for anything whether it's an interview a date, a girls weekend, the holidays with your crazy family. Okay blaze has got you so get down in the description. Click the glaze link and check them out all right. Well, let's get into these tick tock hacks. Should we so my hack that i'm trying first is by naturalnessa03. She rocks her beautiful, queen, fro love it and what she does is she creates faux bangs and she makes it seem super easy. I want to test out to see if it's actually as easy as it looks so. First of all, i don't have bangs. So what i'm going to do is i'm going to take some bobby pins. You can use whatever size bobby pins. We have large ones here, as we have here. Here'S we got some bobby pins. We got some large ones and some small ones. What accent is that i think this hack is gon na be easy, but how well do you make it look, is, i think, is the question right: do they look like real bangs or they look like you well, first of all, you know, naturalness didn't say anything About being hard to get the bobby pins so she's already making it look real, easy okay. So what i'm gon na do is basically pin back here a little bit and so that they'll fall like i really didn't understand, because natural nasa just did it to music. She wasn't saying anything right: just did it all quick, but this is. This is what she was doing. Okay, so i don't know how far do you put it back? I'M not gon na put it back too far, because i don't want them to be too short. Okay, so you almost pin it back the other way and then they come forward. Okay, smart wait, wait a minute wait! Let me see, i feel like that, really works with your hair wow. That was actually so easy. It was to do it. Okay, so natural nessa didn't lie to us. It actually takes like maybe 10 seconds hold on. I want to try to hear my back. Oh god, it probably was so bad. I think the way i can cheat with having a fro is like there's already so much volume, so i can eat like yeah. Look like anything's folded over wow. You really just did that yeah, the other ways i've done. It is just by taking a an afro pick and going from behind and just picking it up, so that that's really a lot of volume at the top, and then it just does the same thing, but this is a way that could definitely make it stay. I hate this on so many levels like what the hell is actually going on, but i put it all the way back: it's not for you, okay, so for my next hack, it's from lover of afros27, hey morgan, how you doing so what she does is. She makes like high poofs and low poofs, but with a like a little lace, shoelace. Oh i've seen these on tick, tock and honestly, i think they're so fascinating. It'S so fun to see the hair just all of a sudden go whoosh. So what i'm essentially doing is like if you used a hair tie, but without hair so much easier if it works. Oh here we go. Wait. Wait, wait! Wait! I have a big okay head. What is the goal? You want it to be? Like a headband? Look the goal is for it to pull and then pull your hair yeah go against gravity. Maybe it's the shoestring material because it it's not. Maybe you need something. Silky yeah. I think i need something: let's try it. Let'S try this yeah because i think it's the that that doesn't even just seem good for your hair contraption. We had down there: okay, yeah that looks better for your hair, well yeah. That was actually really bad for my hair, yeah um. Okay, let me try it with this one. Oh there we go there, we go it's going, it's happening, oh wait! So it wasn't even tied before you're. Oh there we go there, we go. Oh, oh! No! No, we lost it, but it worked really well for morgan and i think it's because her hair is a little bit finer than mine. I can tell when she's pushing it back and also hers is it's like mine's, like very styled. Right now has a lot of product in it. Hers is more like blown out and just like more of it's a natural state, so it makes it a little bit easier for it to slide so it totally works. I just would rather use a headband well, it was worth a try: okay, jacket, you're next, okay, i'm really excited about my hack. It comes from curls by kish and what she does is she puts in deep conditioner and coils her hair. So the whole point of doing this is to kind of train your hair to be more curled, which i think is actually a really good tip, because when i deep condition my hair, which is probably a no-no, i brush it back. And then i put it in a bun and let it stay and that doesn't make sense. It'S like you're training, your hair, to be straight yeah. That sounds raw yeah. It sounds really wrong. That can't be right, so i did try it. I used the glaze product and then i coiled my hair, and i let it sit for the 10 minutes that you're supposed to keep the glaze in and then i rinsed it out, and i think when it comes to deep conditioning your curls, it takes a while For you to see the the changes in your curl pattern, but i will say when i was coiling my hair, the spirals were like popping, it's it's the normal curls, but i i truly believe that this hack will work and i felt better about it. Can i tell the difference right off the bat? No, but i feel like if i continue doing that with my deep conditioner, i have a feeling that it's definitely gon na improve my curls. Definitely try it. The next hack that i tried it comes from this tick. Talker named ilani, her curls are poppin poppin. She has beautiful curls um, but what she does is, after she has her curly hair for two to three days to refresh in her curls. She has this really cool hack, where you use your conditioner and you put it in a spray bottle. So now you have this like water, that's infused with conditioner and you spray it on your hair and supposed to refresh in your curls. There are products already out there, but i feel like if you're in a pinch right and say you ran out frugal and you want to be frugal, you don't want to spend more money on another product. You can essentially because i think that's what they do right. So they just she just basically takes out the conditioner, and you know, let's see if it actually blends well, i was gon na say i picture this being chunky at the bottom. Okay, so chunky monkey, oh it smells so good too. Ah, i mean it's definitely mixing. Let me fill what it feels like on my hair watch out now i wan na get you oh oh. I feel it it's actually in the the water yeah so like when my curls aren't as fresh and say i want to like revamp it. I got something to do the next day and it's going to look crunchy in the morning. I could totally use something like this to like take my strands and then re uh, flexi, rod them yeah overnight a few hours or just put a blow dryer on and then boom bam bam. So i would definitely no it's a good hug. My favorite phrase is work, smarter, not harder, and that's just what that feels like okay, so for my hacks i went more the hair style route just to play around because we got a lot of hair over here. I found this girl brillka project. She does this kind of interesting like beard braid looking hack, and then you flip it over your head to pull it backwards, and then it creates this sort of like princess braid, oh cool, something i like that. We'Re gon na start a little lower on the first one because you have to get them all over your head. This is cool. I can already tell it's gon na work, yo madeline, your hair looks so good. Honestly, it looks a little bit blonder and it's so shiny. It'S so shiny guys, it's the glaze. I used the honey blonde one because i i wanted it to change my life and it did it actually loki looks kind of cool in the front, maybe that oh wow, that looks cool okay, so i am officially the bearded lady. We are ready to join the circus yeah. Basically, it's just kind of like a front fishtail that we're going to now cool slippy reveal, i feel like this could even be a new dress. That'S what i'm saying: okay, okay, i'm starting at the top, bring it around town! Oh my god he's doing it. It'S doing it. I already look like a duchess or something it looks so good cool, but this is doing what it needs to do wait. It looks like princess wow, that's a really really pretty that's cool. It looks good regardless. It'S just cool like to make your hair in different paths. I mean there is no right answer like she just made this up. So in theory, you can play around yeah perfect. It to your head shape things like that totally i mean normally to get this kind of like style. It takes a lot of work, that's easy fast, something you do on your own and it looks like you did something cool with your hair. I feel good about this overall, i'm gon na go home and probably keep tweaking and play around with it, and i will come back new and improved. The rules of hair care are simple and finite. For my second uh tiktok hair hack, we checked out tossed hair extensions on tick, tock, that's their username and they did the simplest ponytail hack ever except we've been like staring at this and studying it, and she had a girl doing her hair in the tik tok. So i'm recruiting jackie you're being recruited. I'M a boy write me out. I hope i don't let you down, i know. Well, it's it's it. We were just saying like watching it, it's one of those things where it does look so easy and then all of a sudden it gets confusing real quick. They turn on his head yeah. I was following it and then all of a sudden i got lost and i was like what the heck is she doing? Okay, so what she does is you get the two strands and then you tie them together like this loop. Why am i doing it like? A tutorial like i'm like and then you do this, you invented it, and then you see her flipping it underneath then what she does is she takes this and creates a hole. Oh i did it sorry. I just got so excited, i'm so excited. Then you take the rest of the hair and you take this and pull that through, and then you tighten this, i'm sure god, oh my god, oh isn't that nice. That is such a great way to like hide the ponytail. Yes, was it easy to do? It was so easy to do once you get the concept totally. You know i feel like. I was watching the tick tock again, because i couldn't see what was happening and then it was done. I feel like we all got something from our hacks today yeah and thank you again to glaze for sponsoring this video you guys, if you're interested in trying out glaze, you could always go to our description below and click the link bouncing and behaving all right. That'S it

justasmalltowngirl: I am super impressed with the Glaze before and after photos. Not only did this stuff make their hair look refreshed, but it also somehow made it look like a fresh blow out and not slept on, as well as making their faces look like they put on make-up! Wow!

Ashley Padgett: The shoelace hack that Drew did actually works really well. We have the same hair type and thickness, and that hack makes it a heck of a lot easier to do puffs

Mama Belle: Drew: “I don’t have bangs” *flips hair* Hair lands looking like…perfect bangs.

Berri Flood: Okay, not knocking the Glaze product, but y’all legit were made to look like hobos in the before photos lol.

Lucy lenerd: The second hack that Jackie did is what me and my mother use. It's a simple way to keep your hair soft, hydrated and, like they said in the tiktok, refresh your curls. It might not work for everyone though.

Luis Lenoir Starace Verde: When you have short hair like mine the only hack you can do is to look at hacks and safe for 2/3 years from now you girls are the best. So much positivity in this channel

Layl: I see Drew, I click. It's that simple <3

Lorin Weisheit: So excited about the Glaze product! I have two tones in my hair right now (blonde but with my natural dark grow-out situation) so I just bought the transparent glaze. With shipping/delivery and Clevver's discount code, it was ONLY 20 DOLLARS. I'm so excited! Thank you Clevver for the hookup fr love you guys and LOVED this vid idea! <333

itsjbdoee: I've been using the shoelace for years but a different opinion is getting the stretchy headbands and cutting it. Workes the same way, but its stretcher

Daga Luv: I want to see Jackie get her hair done professionally.

Shannon Forsberg: I'm usually skeptical of sponsor products but my goodness their hair really do be poppin. They all look amazing but I think Mads's is most impressive considering she didn't do anything else to it. It looks thicker but still sleek at the same time!

moviekris0426: I really liked this episode, particularly Madeleine’s hairstyles. My hair is more similar to hers, but it never wants to do anything lol

mich: I can actually see a huge difference in Madeleine’s hair from the gloss it’s soooo nice

Sofi Cardoso: The girls saying that conditioner wouldn't mix well with water.. my brain: they never ran out of conditioner and had to make work the 2 drops that were left?

Taty Lee: I’ve been loving the hair videos every now and then. I think they’re so fun and interesting to watch. We don’t see a lot of these type of videos on this channel anymore but we definitely need more

Jenere Hunte: I really thought all naturals did the high puff with a shoelace lol. Drew, when I do my puffs, I flip my head upside down, so you could try that and see if it works better for you. It helps to get all the hair out the way so it's easier to get the hair slick with the showlace.

Catalaya: Why do I feel like I'm watching a home shopping network and these ladies have become the new wave of QVC sales women?

Morgyn: I really love this trio !!! Beautiful ladies

vivian: the shoelace hack is the way most naturals put their hair up, you can use anything but you just need to maybe spray the outer perimeter of your hair with water or put some conditioner on/brush it a little

xXaRIANa HilTONxX: I use a leave-in conditioner (creme of nature with argan oil: strength and shine leave-in conditioner) and water instead of a regular conditioner with water (that's used for closing the hair follicles after using shampoo) to refresh my curls. I think leaving regular conditioner in your hair for longer than the time it says on the bottle is a bad idea. Eventually it can do more harm than good. I might be confused though about what was actually used because they didn't really specify what type of conditioner is being left in the hair...

Tess McClaine: Loved these hair hacks! As always the ladies of Clevver look gorgeous in ANY hairstyle!❤️

OhLookItsLuis: I can’t wait to try glaze oh my gosh yalls hair look so SHINYYYY

Stars World: I love a good drew and Jackie combo

Sam: Madeline should put a flower in each of those mini elastics! Hide the joins and keep all the layering texture, a super cute style if tweaked!

Madeleine Byrne: Fun fact, Linus was sitting in my lap the whole time : )

Yasmin Oliveira: I always do my afro puff like the tutorial that drew showed, it works great in the natural state of the hair

Keke Young: Drew didn’t do the shoelace one right. It really does work

Cynthia Russell: I have been doing the conditioner in a bottle with water forever! It works great on mornings when your in a hurry and don’t want to wash your hair!

Basia Dejworek: The Lifehack with training your hair works, but like Jackie said, they have to get used to it

Lauren Schenck: You did great Jackie! Madeline’s hair looks incredible beautiful BRAVO Jackie

Maddy B: Some people will finger coil their hair and pin it up while drying. I’ve tried that with the front pieces cuz mine are a lil more damaged and need some help sometimes lol. I usually don’t have the patience for it but it definitely works

Danielle Oliver: Love how the before photos look like your coming off a 2 day bender with no sleep

Tamara Abdelal: Love the fact that clever is getting sponsors now its good to see their hard work pay off, just goes to show how much it grew and how far the girls have come in the past few years

emily bratten: I have short curly hair and I think the spray bottle hack would be a lot easier than my original routine

kieran bang: the two hacks Madeleine pick look so good but my hair is too thin for that so jealous of her hair


Madeleine Byrne: YESSS, we love a movie montage glowup makeover : )

kbaby82: I always do the water and conditioner hack to refresh my curls.

meglie1: Drew looks so cute with bangs!

Baby Bath: Drew did the 2nd hack wrong you’re supposed to put the shoelace in the front of your hair but the 2 strings behind the ear cross over each other in the back of your head by your neck and then pull & tie

ricoda morgan: Drew was supposed to tie the hairband to make it easier to get the puff . Hope you see this btw love your vids.

Sara Duszynski: i use a water bottle with leave in conditioner (usually a spray version) and add some hair oils to refresh curls.

Katie: Wish you would have tried more styles for curly hair because I feel like those are a little hard to come by. Nice video though!

Angelina Gill: yip that's some good hair hacks I gonna try them

lfutrell82: Hey pretty ladies. I do the shoestring hack all the time.

Lauren Schenck: You all are SOOO GORGEOUS STUNNING

Lauren Schenck: CHEERS LADIES!! Time for a gingerbread cocktails cheeseplate

Nikki Burton: I'm going to try that last hack bc I have a lot of hair lol It's so much cuter and you can't see the hair tie

tabitha escoe: The first one the puff was awesome all three were good I'm going to try that last one with my straight hair wig

t tt: ‏jackie and, it's take you fast with your hair because your hair it's easier to handle, be sensitive little bit to others

Bella J: Really love these three together great video and great hacksss❤️❤️❤️

Amanda Barthel: Just ordered mine super impressed by the photos

Sarah Rahmani: Make a part 2

makattak: I’m always in awe how beautiful these clevver ladies are, y’all are killing it

Soraya Auguste: Dre try again it works u just have to tie it lightly and then pull the end and it will work

Melz: Yay Jackie!! It's been too long!!

Miss Adventure: I've been looking for a good faux bang.. I might try this one, but I have long dreads... Maybe not the one??

Quay GracefulDeva: I like how you see them in more videos together

Nlsc13: Re: glaze !!! I liked it a lot BUT Worstttttt!!! packaging!! HOW do you get it OUT of the bottle? I’m going to need a frigging box cutter!!!!

Sarah Erdelen: You guys are great! Love your videos so much!

Cathy Krieg: Love this!

Lauren Schenck: I love you ❤️ all so much Drew Jackie and Madeline so much

Danique Van Den Berg: I got major princess Yasmine vibes from Madeline her fist hack

Shanice Salmon: I HAVE to try the afro bangs hack

DeAnna Mae: love this sm

Judane Heron: I've been using hack #2 since forever

Clevver Style: Which hack impressed you the most?!

Karyna Romero: My favorite Hack was the 3rd hack !

earthangelraina _: Love y’all

Deborah M: DREWS HAIR! I want it

Trisha Ryan: The comment about being a bearded lady and ready for the circus is appalling. People like Rose Geil have to deal with these awful comments all the time and treated like a freak show, like they're not regular people.

Capones Lady: you ladies!!! 1st dress!!

Samantha Sax: okay life savors with some of these hair hacks okayyyyyy!!!!

S Martin: I was legit looking for a coloring conditioner yesterday The code doesn’t work?

Crimson Kitty: More hair hacks please!

megha bisht: Video starts at 3.00. thank me later ✌

Jordan Elizabeth: dre you need a longer silk something or shoe lace for hack 2


Lauren Schenck: SOO READY!!!! MY FAVORITE VIDEOS!!!!

Shankar Roy: Hiiiii... Traveling right now and feeling super nauseous... This video came out at the right time... Feeling loads better right now

Bayou Beauties: The discount code isn’t working

Rubaiya Reza: see no shine in the hair, they seem dull

Katelyn Till: They need a strawberry blonde!!!!

Anthony La Badie: I f-ing ❤ ❤ ❤ you guys!!!

It'sMya: What kind of products do you use

Lauren Schenck: Definitely tying GLAZE

SydneyFabxoxo12: I'm trying to use coupon code and it won't work :(

Dhanashree M: Drews hair loook fab

K Bear: 'Refreshen'

Shayna Weinstein: I tried to use the discount code and it said it was not valid.

Lisa McGrath: awesomeness

Sarah Lopez: HELLO, good video!

Pavani Suresh: Pls try Indian fashion clothing

A AG: I hate tik tok and tik tok hacks but these worked out

Emma Kitzmiller: Firsttttt

Jnelle Trim: Remember God loves you♥️. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Please turn your life around and repent. The clock is ticking..

Charlotte Miller: Hellloooooo

Miss Mosotho: 2nd

Raju ahammad: Hi

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