I'Ve Been Waiting Forever To Get My Haircut Like This [Bangs Vlog!!!]

I finally got my haircut! Just adding to the list of things I'm crossing off the bucket list!

So I am headed to the store I have to buy. Basically I'm back into my apartment tomorrow. Officially and I have to buy all my groceries and my school supplies for classes. Probably gon na do all DS and Walmart my two favourite places so cheap and it's about 12 o'clock. Now I have a hair appointment at 3:00, so I'm gon na try my hardest to like get this all done and make it to my hair appointment on time. But we're so excited it's. Finally, the hair appointment day, people of the Internet, my name is Chelsea. I smiled a lot. I have a little too much energy and I've decided it's time. I start living life to the fullest. So here I am. I do crazy things. Yeah, so the Cheerios weren't really cutting it. That'S all in 8k. So we're currently a lot of egg Donald hi yeah. Can I have a medium mango pineapple smoothie all right. Thank you. I honestly don't really know it's good for me, but you know we're trying to be healthy here. I'M, like, I guess you'd say, there's a semester starting for me. So, like I've been to my apartment a few times, but I'm officially moving back in tomorrow and that's what I'm gon na like start working again and like be on campus, I'm actually pretty excited like another. Like my surgeries done in stuff, I'm feeling really good and I'm really excited for this semester. I think it's gon na be pretty awesome. I am kind of nervous, like you know, just getting back into the groove. It'S always a little nerve-wracking, but um especially cuz. It'S probably gon na be a busier semester than the last, but I'm so excited like there's, so many awesome things planned and I'm so excited for it and, like I just I mean I'm, I love college. I, like the classes - oh I'm weird, but no I'm just so excited. I think, there's things coming um, not sure, even totally what they all are. I just feel like it's gon na be good, like I'm so excited for the semester. Oh my gosh, so I just got home and brought all my groceries in and there's a package here from my best friend and I don't know what it is, but I'm gon na cry. Basically, I love getting mail. If you send me something in the mail like that's the key to my heart, like I, don't got ta open it now. Oh my gosh she's, so cute! Basically, I had surgery. It'S been about like 12 days 13 days since my surgery, I'm doing really well. It was rough for a while, but yeah I've really been doing well lately and but basically she sent me a care package like this. Is the sweetest thing I didn't know this was coming so basically her note says hope you enjoy this care package with Kit Kats and a pineapple themed. Mug love the concept. So basically I have this thing with pineapples. I don't like pineapples, but I love the concept. So so cute, it's just perfect. Oh my gosh no way look at all the KitKat heads, I'm gon na kick cats forever we're trying to be healthy here. Oh my gosh, yes, socks! I love it. They'Re little twinkle lights. That is precious! I love. It says hello gorgeous and there's a bunch of pineapples. Oh my gosh. I love it. I'M not a coffee drinker, but I love love, love, mugs, I'm a huge tea person, huge hot cocoa person. This is amazing. I love it so much she's literally the best. Oh my gosh, this made like my week Wow, so we have made it to the hair salon in time, thank goodness ha ha ha and so yeah. So basically the Hearst, oh I'm getting today. I'Ve wanted for a while, and it was on my list of things. I always wanted to do and have been too scared and chicken to actually just go and do it so I'm so excited today's the day, we're doing it. I might love it. I might hate it. You know we're gon na find out in an hour and it's kind of exciting like if I hate it. I hate it. If I love it, I love it like just ready for to try it out. Here we go. Basically, I have bangs. Now I don't even tell we know how I feel about this yet but like I did it and I'm super excited, because this is not on my bucket list for so long and yeah. So my eyebrows look super crazy cuz. I just got them waxed. Just take a second to appreciate the ridiculous amount of little hairs are on my head right now in my poor red eyebrows. Oh my gosh. We need a shower people. Oh, so I feel like not needing the chill down before. I can totally tell what I think of the hair, but yeah. I think I'm really gon na, like it pull it up for sure Wow we got bangs y'all got bangs yeah. This is gon na. Take some getting used to and messing with it. Definitely my hairs kind of confused right. Now. It'S like what's happening so we're definitely have to teach it to be bangs. Oh, we get there wow wow what a day what a day. Oh my gosh, I feel so weird honestly, I don't even need some fact that I got bangs. I think it's the fact that we are crushing this bucket list and I'm so I love it so we're chick-fil-a, I'm waiting for my bumper have to get here with my little cousin, Avery and Kylie and Noah um. I'M gon na have chick-fil-a I'm very curious to see what they think of the bangs they're, seeing fresh out of the salon. Um yeah so we'll see what they think but yeah. Since I moved back in sparse and be really nice to just have like a little lunch dinner with them before, I feel bad. The lonely Bubba brought us the chick-fil-a and watch. So did you recognize me today where we add, I got my bangs Avery. What'S your opinion, don't say that on the camera dude? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, my favorite animal yeah Avery! I don't! I don't want to mess up. My bangs see your shoes light up Joe's on his way. Wow yeah we had our chick-fil-a we're head home. Um any other place tonight. Freezing every just goes right home. The heat is working, yeah,

Grafton Morgan Jessica: Your video is so good. I so loved it when you got emotional over your friend sending you a care package that was real nice for your friend to do that. And oh my gosh your bangs definitely keep them you rock them. Not everybody is made for bangs but you definitely are. To help style your bangs get a small flat iron and use it to style those awesome bangs. Good luck in school I can tell you are one that will excel.

Rlax31: Great video and excellent editing!

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