I Cut My Own Bangs In Quarantine And It Was The Best Decision I'Ve Ever Made (Hi Brad Mondo)

Instagram: @laurrrherg

Hi everybody today is a very exciting day. As you already know, I am going to be committing a quarantine crime, so I've been wanting bangs for a really long time, because my forehead is pretty freakin big. I contoured it so it looks smaller than it does naturally, but yeah my foreheads, pretty big. I'Ve always had hair that just like left my forehead completely open. The more that I look at other girls with bangs and you know pictured on myself - I'm like so much better with bangs, so, instead of just waiting to go, get it cut by a professional. I am feeling extremely driven today to just do this myself. I'Ve been wanting to do it myself for a few weeks now, so it's not that spontaneous, I haven't even eaten breakfast. Yet that's how I watched like two videos on how to do this and honestly, if it doesn't work out, I'm really not that concerned about it. I don't really care that much about my hair, especially not right now, because it's quarantined me go away, don't really what I want to do is I watched Brad mando's video on bangs and like what bangs are best for you. I know that my head is quite wide leave quite a job, so I don't want to take my bangs super wide and short is I'll. Just like make my face. That can be really wide. I'M gon na kind of make feeling short in the middle and then make it so like right before doing this video. I found these on my countertop like they're, not mine, I don't know where they came from. I think it's a sign. It'S like yeah. Do it do it? I also only had coffee, so I am extremely like nobody knows. I'M doing this. I told my mom, I'm filming a video, but she doesn't know what it is my boyfriend doesn't know. Nobody knows I posted on Instagram last night that I was thinking about doing this, but I never said that I was or when - and I didn't even know that I was gon na - be doing this today - I'm not really following an exact tutorial. I'M I'm just kind of smashing information. I got from a bunch of videos, kind of doing it intuitively. I have a cowlick right here: you're not supposed to get bangs and in a cowlick, but I don't care I've gone crazy enough recently had so much stress and so many facets of my life recently. Another big issue is, I hope, widow's peak and my hair line goes back, which is another reason I need these bangs, but it makes it harder to do it because, like I have a ton of hair right here and then it thins out. Okay, that's it's not! That much hair, so not like that concerned just kidding. I'M concerned, I think the last time I went and got my hair done. It was like talking to my hairdresser about getting bangs and she's like don't. I have so many things like. I have the cowlick. Actually, you know what, though, like the cowl it kind of makes it vol s and they're cute, so whatever do it bro? I'M scared, though this is really hard, because it's right in front my eyes. I can't see anything, but I'm gon na take the middlemost strands and cut these short. I can't whatever I'm gon na cut them kind of long right now I do it and then I'm gon na do this thing right. I think I need more hair. This is actually really cute and loved it so far, so I'm gon na take the middlemost pieces again and cut them even shorter. Oh I love it like. I can already tell that my head is perfect for bangs and everybody that ever told me that I shouldn't get bangs you're, just a hater. I think it's so cute. I love it. I think it's awesome. Oh my god. I'M happy! Okay. Did you just hear my stomach? I'M hungry, I love it like it's not even styled, and I just love it. I think I'm gon na have to like curl it a little bit the rest away. They'Re such trash too right now, okay, we're gon na make it shorter, Oh God, okay, so I took more hair out. I'M just gon na use it to look for my face a little bit. Okay, it's still too long. It looks cute mom. I still think I need to cut it short, our butts all up in my eyeballs. You know I'm not bouncy things. I am totally a bang person, it's so cute. I don't have pants on I'm clearly a master hair cutter right wow. This is just ripping my hair out. Okay, that's parts hard. Why am i professional? This was my destiny? Okay, this is so cute. I love it okay, so that's the final product when I walk around they like kind of go in weird places, but I definitely think that I need bangs like it's the best for my face and yeah. My cowlick has already given me problems, but I don't care. I like it a lot, let's see how it looks with my hair down. I love it. I love it. I think it's great. What are you shakes of it? Okay, so I am absolutely loving it so far, but just from going downstairs and facetiming Sam and moving around a little bit, it is directly in my eyes, so I'm gon na cut it a little bit more and hopefully not screwed up. Why did I never do this before? Okay, I think I'm just gon na stop here. I freaking love it. I can't believe I never did this before. I love it. It'S beautiful! I love it. It definitely kind of annoying. I'M gon na have to get used to it being in my eyes like this, I think it looks a little bit weird whatever. Thank you so much for watching this turned out way better than I expected it was so much easier than I expected. That'S pretty rare if you haven't done so yet. Please subscribe to my channel, I'm sure I'll, be putting out some more stuff check out my other videos. You know the drill. Alright have a wonderful day, everybody and if you're inspired, maybe you should go and cut yourself. Obey

laurelherg: Sorry guys, I realized after uploading this that the music is a bit too loud. I'll fix that in future videos!

Oaklee McKall: your mom's reaction is the funniest and cutest thing lol

cherrygator: I've been hesitant to get bangs for so long because I wasn't sure how it would work with my cowlick and widow's peak...and here you are with both! Maybe I can finally do it :)

feelinglikealazymassivesackofshit: "It looks cute mommm!" "WOOOOOOOOOOO" OMG YOUR MOM IS ADORABLE HAHA

Naomi Schwaiger: Your mom in the background makes this amazing haha

Blanca Cruz: Omg your mom is too cute! They look so good on you!

It’s Heidi Elise: she looks so good with bangs!

- Kyo -: 6:20 best part of the video ❤️

Elle T.: I absolutely love your mom . Her reaction is everything, and you look STUNNING with bangs. I’m about to attempt this quarantine crime myself, and this is giving me motivation .

Amalia S: when you put your hair down... OMG PERFECT! oh and love your mom's energy!

Ross Rica Salvador: I love how excited she is with her bangs even if it wasn't even done yet

Brisa Zuniga: You’re mom though she’s the type of person you need rooting for you

Cass: Thank you for this video!! I followed it exactly when I was feeling brave one evening and my bangs came out soooo cute and I get so many compliments!!

Rylee Cooper: WOAH that actually looks so good... I'm doing it... im getting bangs

scribble: There is so much positive energy in this video! I love the way you reacted with pure glee after each snip, and your mom was hysterical!

Arthur’s Hat: Girl, you were made for bangs! You did a perfect job! They look so so cute!! And you and your mom remind me of me and my mom.

DANI DANTE: We all need a best friend/hype woman like your mama❤️ love the bangs girl!

Kerri: OMG this is exactly what I needed to see, I've been wanting to cut mine for a while now and this video helped me make up my mind, thank you :) BTW your Mom is so cute and you look amazing!!! New subbie!

cynbillings: You look great with bangs...and I loved watching you take it off bit by bit. And I love that you’re not a pro stylists because it encourages the rest of us to believe we can do it!! Nice work!

Melanie Moss: I’ve watched like 5 tutorials and you just got me so HYPED for this. Love the cut, you look gorgeous

Makaela Cabral: I’ve been contemplating cutting my bangs!! Definitely think I’m going to now. Your mom is so cute and so are you ❤️❤️❤️

Shivania Govender: I love how supportive your mom is, you are so lucky!

lilyvampwolf: You did an amazing job. Better than some stylists that have been cutting for years. I've been a hairstylist for about a decade now and I think you'd do very well in a salon. Those bangs are adorable on you!

makowavves: Literally moments away from cutting my bangs like this you did amazing and I can't help it lol

DaisyDaisy: Bangs look so good on you and I LOVEEE your moms energy!

Kristen: Your excitement was awesome! First video I’ve seen in a long time that seemed so genuine and real, just subscribed about to go cut my bangs now lol

Piggy Lover: Wow what a change ! It's adorable, and I like the way you got braver with each snip. Excellent job girl!

Tessa Rodriguez: Dude. I love this video. Around the same time this was posted was when I cut myself some bangs. Quarantine was hard and I had been wanting bangs anyways. So i was like screw it. Screw what everyone else says because I want bangs. AND IT WAS THE BEST DECISION EVER

Nishtha Nayak: I cut my bangs yesterday, after wtatching your video, on my own , and ngl i was lowkey nervous but heyyy it turned out well! I look nice.

Kayden Robideau: omg i love how supportive your mom is haha!!

Maddie D: bangs look SO good on you!! and i love your moms enthusiasm lol

Gummy_: I'm getting bangs between April 2- april 11 so I will update y'all and see if I like it or I made the worst mistake of my life LOL Edit: I LOVE THEM!! there some getting used to but there are so cute

Lara Ribeiro: I was watching Brad Mondo's video about bangs and accidentally clicked on your video. Best accident ever!! I was very afraid of getting bangs and I feel like we have similar face shapes (strong jawline, kind of wide) and seeing how good you look is giving me the confidence I needed to finally get bangs!! Thank you for your video and let's hope I look half as cute as you do hahahah

natasha niesen: I love your moms reaction! She’s so cute! You look amazing!

MaryAnn De Lara: O.M.G!!!! First time watching you on here and ... I AM IN LOVE!!! I’ve been wanting to do bangs... You gave me so much motivation to do this now

Marisa Fay: I’ve been wanting to do bangs n ur inspiring me rn LOVE IT ! And ur moms reaction is so cute and funny !

OGXORIRI: I AM IN LOVE (even tho I’m a year late) I just did a Big Bang chop too, AND IM IN LOVE TOOOO. You go sister!

seung momoo: Your mom is a MOOD I love her

Kathryn Fazekas: You’ve just given me so much strength to cut my own bangs. I’m legit doing it right now

Kimberly: I found this video because I was thinking about getting bangs this week as well and I think I will do it. You look really good and your mom is literally the coolest Her reaction was so funny

Emi Seeman: I love how her mum is so enthusiastic

Dixiegirl 803: I know this is an old video, but just now watching it. Oh my hell, this is the best hair cutting video I've ever seen! I was crying laughing the whole time. You did an amazing job, and look so cute!

‹3: I'm literally going to cut bangs and use this video as inspiration, you literally look so cute

Kelly Brown: I never comment on videos, but I wanted to say how much I LOVE how much your mom was your hype woman! She was cracking me up!

Isä Flores: These look so good omg. Im gonna do mine tomorrow after I cut my friends hair. I havent had bangs since like March

Holly Nicholle Shaw: I love that she's just totally down to earth, funny and helpful too!

Spooky Lullaby: Your energy. Your mom’s energy. You just helped me figure out how to cut my hair. You got a new follower.

Sam Jarvis: Your mom. She's amazing! How could someone fail in life with such an inspirational & quirky mom!?

Love Light: That was not the best decision, the best decision was to share this video on YouTube for us to see. Amazing haircut! Thank you!

The Bonnie Scott: You look great with bangs! It's always scary right before the big cut! I found that out myself recently. lol :-)

mia prince: OMG I WISH MY MOM WOULD HYPE ME UP LIKE THAT (also your hair looks AMAZING)

Amy Kolstee: It looks beautiful! You did a great job!

J Sam: u r such a special human. glad i came across your vid. it inspired me to cut my hair- and i love it! thanks for putting such great energy out there. keep on keepin on!

infamousboo02: Looks amazing on you! Best decision ever! :)

Tapanga Malanga: You look amazing! Trimming my bangs later today and needed this!

Estrella Garcia: Your mom is the best mom ever she actually adores you and loved your bangs... my mom hated me when I did mine, but I’m about to do right now again‍♀️‍♀️

Jennifer Morsbach: totally agree with youuu, bangs look soooo freaking good on you

Caroline LC: Your mum made me cry of laughing !!! I love it!

Jen W: I love your mom she needs her own channel!!

Alyssa Epolito: Love that you curled them! My daughter hates the blow dryer but also your mom hyping you is the best!

Leslie Vanessa: i love your mom protect her at all costs lol

KayBaby143 Art: Beautiful transformation girl!!! Love this!

Bonney Streich: Whoever told you no bangs they were wrong! You look amazing with them!

Jessica Martinez: Your mom is my hero lol Great tutorial! Can’t wait to try it

Lilly Spilane: Did I dye my hair: yes AM I bored: yes Do I really want to cut my bangs even though everyone told me I shouldn't?: Maybe..

Kaela Elizabeth: The bangs are super cute, but your giggle is also the cutest thing ever! I'm so glad you loved them!

Lorie Green: You look really good with bangs...& you did a fabulous job cutting them yourself.

Marissa Adame: Oh my goodness! You look so amazing !! Such a great job <33

Justine White: You're mom is a hoot! Love her!!

Eunhye Saranghaeyo: It looks so good on you girl,good job!

Naz: I've been wanting to cut my own bangs for over a month now, but I feel like it won't suit me. Looks great on you though! <3

axnjxn3: You look so good! Also your mom reminds me so much of mine. She’s like my crazy personal cheerleader

Amber Bailey: Girl I just used your video to cut my bangs and I LOVE them! I'll never go back to no bangs!

Tiffany Alvarado: I love Mom’s reaction! ❤️

Layla: It looks amazing❤️ and your mum is hilarious xD

Simply Ana: Omg you’re hilarious and it turned out super cute!!! new subbie

Karen Paul: You look GREAT with bangs! you've done an awesome job. and your mom she's so funny... ahahaha

Holly Roni: You look SOOOOO cute with bangs. I’m considering going back to bangs. My hair is really super duper long right now, the longest I’ve ever had it. My stylist told me she wouldn’t cut bangs into it. Well, boo to her. But your mom is awesome.

Ashley Russell: you did an amazing job!

Kalle Landry: It’s giving me so much inspiration and motivation to do it! Someone tell me to do it at home!!

Melissa Olson: Your mom is everything , it’s the support for me I love her

KM: Literally inspired me to cut my bangs... right now and I’m 58. Thank you. Doing it as soon as I stop typing.

Chelsea Edgar: You and your mom is so wholesome

Ana Haynes: Your moms energy is so amazing love it

Yasmin K: when she was like I look beautiful I felt that

heretocomment _: Her talking about her hairdresser telling her to not get bangs Me if I was a hair dresser: yes do it I support it! Period ‍♀️

Lauren: Your mom is the hype woman we all need in our lives I srsly love her

Sarah Shaw: I have been eating to do this for so long!!! You are truly brave! Lol they look awesome!

Gazelle CB: That's the prettiest fringe cut I have ever seen on YouTube. It came out so so well. And it definitely shows that you are a bang person.

hannah herrera: Your mom hyping you up is the best vibe.. y’all are adorable.

Raven Bonilla Reyes: Ok I have to say. I love your mom she is such a mood ❤️

Alysia Burns: Good for you! Your bangs look great! Definitely suits your face.

Jayde Washuta: these are my DREAM bangs! Great job!! <3

poopie: your mom is the most wholesome being on this planet

layne doon: the bangs really suit you,,,oh to see the joy on your face was so nice to see,i was holding my breath with every snip,but you done a fantastic job ,,xx

Michele Roach: LOVE your bangs, great job!

Re - Players: Your WAY underrated! You are so cute with, and without bangs. really enjoy your content!❤️❤️❤️

Lex 🦋: The reaction from both of you.. just too fricken cute

Lucinda Nichols: Your mom screaming in the background was awesome!!! Love your bangs.

Audrée & Jamie: I have a cowlick in the same spot but worse and bangs are the best thing I’ve ever done. I went to a high end hairdresser to create the bang and he made it heavy-ish and it manages to hold my cowlick down. As soon as they start to get longer though they split at the cowlick but regular cutting takes care of it. Your bangs look phenomenal!!!

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