Cutting Bangs Into My Wig ✂️✨ How To Cut Straight Across Full Fringe Tutorial

Today we’ll be restyling + cutting this caramel brown wig that I have from Lush Wigs by changing the original side bangs into a full blunt fringe! I’ve had this wig for a while now but haven’t worn it much, so I thought that it was time to give it a makeover

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#wigstyling #wigtutorial

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Hey guys it's wise, oh, are you done the cat is are back yet again, sorry for today's a video. This was kind of like a spontaneous sort of video idea for a while. Now I've had like a lot of ideas for videos, and I've been trying to like to figure out when to film which video, but for some reason this week today. I just really didn't feel like doing anything that I had previously planned. It all just felt kind of not good enough in a way and just kind of not well. I wanted to do so. I suddenly just decided I have this week in my collection that I barely wear that I've wanted to restyle for a while now. So why don't I just record that and make that a video and have done some videos where I'm like styling a wig and cutting it slightly coming in some layers and changing partings in lace, fronts and stuff. But I've never really shown myself cutting a fringe into my weeks, which I feel like is something a lot of people want to do with their wigs when they get them, and I have cut fringes into my wigs a few times in the past. I haven't done it recently like for a while, so I don't really know how today is gon na go. Hopefully I am still able to do that, but we will see - and I just thought this could be a pretty chill kind of chatty - a video where we just sit down style. A wig talk all that stuff, just a really chill video where we get to hang out and restart away. Let me know in the comments, if you like this type of video, if you'd like to see more of this sort of thing like I said this was just a very spontaneous decision, so hopefully this video isn't all over the place and makes sense but yeah before We get started it's just a little bit of an update since the new year started. I kind of adopted a sort of schedule, sort of thing where I upload weekly. It used to be every Friday and then I changed that to like every Friday, Saturday or Sunday. So not quite as strict of a schedule, and last week you may have noticed that I didn't upload on either of those days I've been trying to figure out what works best for me and the channel and stuff and for my life. Basically, I've got to say along with all of the stuff I do on Instagram, which you can follow. If you would like my Instagram it's. Why so Qian I'll leave a link in the description and also somewhere on the screen, will be my username, basically doing all that and uploading weekly and trying to keep up with the Instagram staff and also trying to find time for recreational stuff? It'S a lot. Um. Doesn'T seem like it's that much work when you're like on the outside when you're part of the audience watching, but it's the little work which I am fine with, because I am passionate about this. But I think from this point forward. I'M gon na just not have such a strict schedule so that my content in general can improve. I can be less stressed, I'll still be trying to upload weekly as best I can, but I'm not gon na be stressing myself out as much as I have been, and I'm not gon na be putting myself down as much moving forward. If I happen to miss the end of the week deadline, basically so just saying you know so that you are more up to date with that, if that's something that you cared about, if all of that means nothing to you, then sorry for wasting your time. Let'S move on to today's video today, we've got this week right here that we're gon na be restyling. This is from lush weeks. I believe this week was called caramel, but they don't do it on the website anymore, unfortunately, but they do have some other Brown wigs on their website and you can always always find just plain brown, wigs anywhere on eBay and Amazon. Of course, if you're getting a wig from eBay or Amazon, be careful in my experience buying wigs from eBay and Amazon, it's a very hit-or-miss sort of thing, as sometimes you may get a really really good, wig really cheap. Sometimes you may get an absolutely awful terrible quality wig otherwise week stores like lush, wigs and star style, wigs, which are two of my favorite wig brands of all times. I trust those stores a lot for getting a good quality wigs, but to this week today we have a nice, simple brown sort of wavy brown wig, and this actually has a long side fringe. So here we have the wig. I have worn this before in the side fringe sort of style that it has. If you can see it does have a long fringe which we are going to be changing into a full blunt fringe. So let's put this wig on, I like to cut my fringes while the wig is on my head, because then I can know like where exactly the fringe is gon na be goodbye cat is, I miss you. It'S really hot in here, maybe just because I'm wearing a jumper when it's warm nice and now, let's just move this fringe out of the way while I've just brush it through it's a little bit tangled in places brush the fringe a little bit to make sure. There'S no tangles in it goodbye! I can just about see through this just about okay, so I'm just gon na take two pieces from the side here and just to bring them out so that my eyes have a chance to see and keep this middle bit here. Just forwards, so when I cut fringes into my wig, I would always start in the middle here and then do the sides afterwards. So I'm just gon na get these two pieces out. The way that I'm going to take this piece make sure it's all brushed through. This is probably a bit of a big brush to be doing this with I'm gon na. Take my scissors and basically cut where I want it to be, but maybe just a little bit below. I just find that to be more like safe, like obviously, if you cut too much, you can't put it back. If you cut it too long, you can snip away at it. Even if you do cut it a bit too long and you like the way you've cut it, you can just pull the wig back on your head, just a tiny bit so that it kind of sits right on your head. You know, I know a lot of people see it cutting a wig as a very intimidating experience, but if you do happen to make the fringe a little bit too short or a little bit too long, you can just kind of move the wig a little bit On your head, so just taking this piece and making sure it's all straight and flat like this, find where I want to cut the fringe, I'm gon na take the scissors and just gently slow the trim away at it. This probably isn't gon na be very straight to begin with, but I'll straighten it up afterwards. Okay, so obviously you can see it's not quite the straightest. It'S a bit of a slope. I don't really have like a set method of cutting my fringes. I just kind of eyeball it and see where he's cutting and I do it so I'm just going to take this piece here actually now that I would like spread at that side out. I really like how that looks. I think that came out really well, so I'm gon na try and cut this side and try to match the other side, which can be the more difficult part of cutting the fringe. So I'm just gon na roughly cut a bit longer than I think it needs to be, and then I'm gon na adjust. It be careful of your eyes when you're doing this, because the little pieces of hair can get in your eyes and it can feel very annoying. So, like I said, as you can probably see, I don't really have like a set method. I just kind of try and cut where needs cutting, but I've got ta say this is actually coming along really and nicely already. I do want to cut away a bit more of this side because this piece is pretty big and intrusive, so I'm just gon na extend the fringe a bit further out and cut more of this away brush through that a little bit, because it's gotten a little Bit tangley as I've been working on it, I'm just gon na tuck this behind my ear. For now, where are my scissors? Where did it go? I have lost my scissors. Twelve seconds later, I was sitting on them. That'S dangerous and I've got a piece of hair in my eye. Oh, I feel like that in itself is the reason a lot of people like to cut their fringes with their wigs on like a mannequin head or something I think we are getting somewhere. I think it's still too long on the side. It literally is the most difficult thing trying to get both sides even like 100 %. I'M not gon na sit here and say that I am an expert on cutting wigs because I definitely am not do it works for you, I'm just gon na brush through it a little bit it's important to keep brushing it through. So you can like really see. What'S going on, one negative I'll, definitely say about cutting a wig like this? Is so many tiny pieces of synthetic hair just gets everywhere and it's so difficult to like completely get rid of it? I think we are nearly done with that. Like I said, I haven't done this in a really long time, so I was expecting this to be really difficult, so brushing through yet again just to make sure I haven't like missed any random pieces falling down and see if I need to kind of neaten up The cut along here still looks like it's a bit too long on this side. I'Ve got a piece of hair in my way, again go away. So if you want to make your fringe a bit less of a blocky sort of cut, you can just kind of take your scissors and, oh, my god, take your scissors like this and kind of cut more upwards along. If that makes sense, because on this side, I'm noticing that it's a bit more kind of not so much of a straight cut, it's kind of a bit more like I don't know what the words be like textured. I guess, whereas this side is a bit more straight, where I was just taking the chunks and just cutting across so I'm just gon na try and make that match the other side a little bit. It also does help if you have actual hair cutting that scissors, but I don't know where mine have gone. They disappeared a while ago, and I haven't seen them since so I'm just using these scissors honestly, any scissors will do as long as they are sharp enough. Just like a random longer bit here, I'm just gon na carefully trim that back a little bit. I think we are pretty much done. I feel like in my mirror and on my cameras a little monitor. It looks nice and even three tangle you down at the bottom here, make sure to cut off me. Random strands, have kind of slips away through and get hacking tiny piece of pair of your eyelashes. So, as for all of the hair that has fallen on my face, I don't know if you can see from here. Obviously a lot of hair that I've trimmed has fallen on my face. There'S some hair that's falling like on my nose and stuff, and that can be really annoying. What I'm gon na do is take this brush that I barely use and just kind of brush it away. I definitely think using a brush to swipe away the hair is the easiest way to get rid of it from the skin of your face. So that's pretty much all of that gone so now. I think I just want to kind of backcomb a little bit at the top here and just give it a bit more puffy volume. If you know I mean I have been kind of just doing this, I don't know how to describe this just kind of finger. I'M just using my fingers to make it a bit more volume eyes, but after a while it tends to just flatten back out again. Like I mean, if you want a week to be like this, then obviously you can, but I like to add a bit more. Like to my wigs, I got a bit of a smaller brush. I don't really back home my wigs and much. You don't really want to tease the hair too much because it will just kind of get damaged and stuff in it's hard to untangle. So I usually just take like just a little bit just a section and very lightly backcomb under it kind of brush out the top layers. Just that tiny bit of backcombing is enough for this side and it should hold a bit better and again on this side. Literally, you only need to do the tiniest bit. I feel like synthetic wigs are a lot easier to backcomb, then normal human hair. So I think that this wig is now completely finished. Let me know what you think of it in the comments below. I actually love this wig way more now and then I did before we started, so I am super super happy with it. I think it looks so cute this way and I'm so glad I decided to do this. I think it looks just so so nice but yeah. Let me know in the comments what you think of this wig now and also don't forget to let me know in the comments, if you like this sort of video, if you to see more of this sort of thing than I may may or may not have More videos like this, but let me know either way. I would obviously be more likely to do this again if people like it so don't forget to give this video a like as well. If you enjoyed it that'll, let me know if you enjoyed it before we wrap this video up again, if you'd like to follow me on my other social medias, my Instagram is pfizer Chen and my twitter is our channel dextra and at the end, but yeah. I guess that concludes today's videos. So thank you so much for watching. I really hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it, don't forget to leave this video a like, and I forget, to subscribe. If you haven't already and don't forget to click the little notification about to be notified, whenever I upload a new video, I hope you have a wonderful day and I shall see you guys in the next video bye guys.

suezochan: I probably don’t even need to give any sort of explanation for this but just in case you were wondering why I have a few more little bumps on my face than usual, I recently went up to a stronger percentage retinoid to combat my acne which can cause breakouts for the first few weeks while your skin gets used to it! It sucks but it could hopefully help in the long run :^) hope you enjoy the video! xo

Dainty Brighton: Ahhhh! Once again you have inspired me, thank you!!! I tried to cut the fringe on what I now call my "practice wig" (and . . . it did not go well (hence the nickname). Watching how you did it here makes me think maybe I can do it and I am inspired to have another go at it :D

WaywardKrissikat 92: I'm terrible at cutting fringes, so useful to see your technique, I'm definitely starting in the middle next time♥

Charlene Allen: I love all of your videos to see how you style and cut your wigs is really helpful. And having a set schedule can put a lot of pressure on yourself so what you're doing is the right way to go ❤️ (btw I'm german. Sorry if I made any faults in my sentences )

muchloveaddi: thank you soooo much! i have trouble cutting my wigs evenly, and i mostly cosplay characters with bangs, so thank you for showing us this technique! <3

Taxi For An Actress. The Book: Cool video very helpful!!great wig!

Lina S.: I was searching about the wigs of this enterprise, looking if it is looking natural as a lot of people said. I saw this one and was like "Maybe it'll be brilliant like a fake wig and the color ugly!" Cause the light change a lot of thing. I'm happy to found your video, I can see directly the texture and the color.

Kaity: I just got my first wig ever and yours looks exactly like it!! Although mine is green and the bangs are horrid

só mais um dia: It's very cute. I liked the video.

Annie K: In your video, just get to it. Half your video was over explaining why you haven’t shot a video. No one wants to hear about that- we’re here for the wig cutting- which you did an excellent job in. Your false eyelashes however also need to be cut, they are too long and have your Eyes looking droopy. Trim the ends off a bit and they will look like a million bucks

Hazel Clifton: ‘’Very pretty”

꧁A Fox Named Mulder꧂: I went to the Lush website to find this wig, but I'm unsure as to which one it is?

Innocent Guy: That thumbnail looked like MC from mystic messenger with her bangs covering her eyes.

ArmyTitaTellMeWhatsWrong: Nice vid. But maybe cut down on the random rumbling for the intro. Instead talk it through during the tutorial. Its been more than 3mins

Fierce Lioness: Oh my god on with it already

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