Wig Talk Wednesday!! Cutting Bangs Into A Jon Renau Cameron!

Thanks for joining us for our Wig Talk Wednesday! Today we are demonstrating how to cut a side bang into a Jon Renau Cameron. Kim's wig tends to fall into her face to heavily and make her crazy so we decided to experiment and cut some of the weight off so it would be easily wearable throughout the day.

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Sweet boutique and today we are going to try nothing, we're not gon na try we're gon na. Do it. Oh yeah, okay, this is one of Kim's favorite, wigs, but she's been complaining about it falling in her face a lot. So this drives. Why don't? We got experiments and we kind of have this whole um speech that we give when somebody comes in and they want to cut bangs in a lace front wig because you're paying extra for that feature. So we always want to make sure you get the feature, and so we don't like to do that. But when it's she's worn this now for a couple months and when it's driving her crazy, then you're like okay well and the problem with cutting a bang, a lace front. Is it's designed to go back away from your face. So you see that little wave where it goes back, so when you start talking about cutting a thing in it, if you don't know what you're doing and you're not a licensed stylist has been doing this for a long time. It can look like you've got a really funky kalloch yeah, and so that's also one reason that people they'll buy a wig online or something and then they'll get it in. They go and add a bang and then all of a sudden they think it's ruined because they cut it in the bangs. You know sticking out going every which way, because it wasn't made to do that. So you know that's something that you really have to know. What you're doing or know a reputable wig salon or a wig stylist that can fix that for you, because the hairs are made to do where they are so I mean that's just the truth of it, but anyway just hope. Y'All had a good week. Oh hi Elizabeth - and this is Cameron by John Renault and 12 FS, 8 and Missy - has on January by John Renault in 10 RH 16. So I think which is close to my natural color. I like this league, yeah lot. It'S prettier. I love the highlights of it, so at least we know you can see over here. It still says that were now it says we're online with YouTube but she's from YouTube. So that's good anyway. Um we're gon na just do that. We'Ve I've never cut a vein in this before so we're probably gon na, since it doesn't really have a lot of layering. We'Re gon na have to add a little bit of face framing here, so it doesn't just look like a banging down and we're just gon na. Take it step by step in maybe cut a little bit more as we go. I'M gon na see mine here. You'Ll see what I'm doing and a lot of people think that we do thing. You know secret and we don't want you to find out when she came here. That'S not true. We'Re just gon na do everything for you right here yeah! So let's get started, I'm gon na. Let him watch the comments and see you vegan AIDS or anything yeah in the meantime, but we're gon na get our tape on you know, and we have we do we get. We get phone calls from all over the United States. People come in here. They want to know um yeah, you get a phone call. Can you cut my wig? Well, it's style is so style dependent, something sometimes you can cut the wig. Sometimes you can't hi Peggy hi Peggy hi Kiki hi Janelle she's back morning, just what you thought it was safe. I'M just kidding Janelle was funny. We do not um Kiki, we do not carry human hair. Everything we do at Mimi's is top quality synthetic. So no we do not carry human hair so anyway. So when we get those phone calls it's it's. We can't ever answer on the phone. It is so style. I'M sorry, I'm gon na have to turn around. You have to listen to a talking head. You can see well, I never showed up. So it's always a talking head and it's style dependent. It has to do with how the wig is hanging in the front so um. Typically, we tell people, we we've got to see the wig and sometimes people text us pictures and we get a fairly good idea from that. But you can't go in and just start cutting away. You can't like you, couldn't I'm this particular way. You couldn't go in and start cutting layers, because it's just not you know like well it just wouldn't matter, because I mean this is a straight wig. So it's not like, if you were gon na cut layers in your own head of human hair and then dry and do something different. This is just straight. So, even if you added shorter layers, this we're not going to change the style that much one it has to do with the way they make the wigs anytime, you see a bend that bend is baked in, and so, when you start cutting it mid, then, and It doesn't reform like your own hair, so it tends to stick out, and this is particularly true and he's trying to cut length length is generally never a good idea. So you try to modify. I wasn't telling what I'm doing here. Oh good, I just sectioned out a little bit we're gon na do a light, wispy thing to start with um, so just section it out, and then we're gon na just take the razor and just knock off some that link. This is not gon na, be final cut, we're just going to knock off some that link and I like to do a razor first and then finish up with the shears. So all right now you like stalking him, and so somebody wants to buy one of those reserves. What are you give them at Sally's and Sally? This is a feather-light razor I've been using one of these since I've been doing hair for a long time and they're. Just you can get one, it's not like, so you don't have to have a license or anything, let's see. Thank you, ladies. You catch me with my oh. I think I think I'm not remember you Kiki. I love a nurse Pig. I think I remember you coming in was I the one that helped you? I don't know. I think I might be okay, so I just like knocked off some link. This is nowhere near being done, but you can see it's just. It'S actually falling pretty good yeah. It is now I'm just gon na go in with some shears and clean it up a bit. So you've just got to be very careful before you start cutting your wig, because you can learn it very easy and we just got a comment about a practice way. Yes, if you have an old wig and those are perfect for practicing - and you can see - I'm just point cutting so if you're cutting awake, never go in, and do it like this if you're trying to do it yourself always go through and you make it a Nice just jaggedy edge - and we say this all the time, but please remember: um hair doesn't grow so once you cut it, it's gone, it's not gon na grow. Back. I had this doll. You haven't never have a doll that had the yarn here that you could like cut it, and then you can turn this thing arm back and it's kind of you're like you're a was creepy. No, I didn't have that I'd a kissy doll if you'd like took her arm somewhat, like that she kiss you hassle me, okay, now I'm going to take this off you type and go over here and kind of direct it a little bit. She would kiss her hands. No, she wouldn't hurt a little. You didn't help her. I think I remember you, okay make it. You can still hear Kim thought that my witness anyway, so just be careful, just be mindful of the fact that you know it's not hair. It looks like here it feels like here, but it's not here, so you have to be really careful about any type of modifications that you do. I mean we've been in business for 40 years and this using master stylist. The other stylist that we employ are also master size so and all we do are synthetic wigs, so we've tested the limits. We know what they can and can't tolerate, and sometimes when people come in they're not happy, because I will tell them if we don't think it will look good. We will not do it because we little tidbit here to Japan, if you're styling on a wig block like this, a canvas wakelock hen in through that your tabs never pin in through the monofilament or the lace front of the wig. That'S just to the most delicate part of that wig is the lace front and right where the monofilament is searched to the lace front. So yeah, you don't want to get it. Pin holes in your monofilament and you don't want to put stress on the lace. So the strongest part is right at the ear tabs and you know it's best place to pin okay and I haven't faced for me. I'M trying to get these bangs just going the right direction and you think we showed the blow brush before this is phonatory blow brush. We sell them here and this particular model does not have a metal or ceramic. It is plastic, each of them on the highest. Setting it will never get hot enough to burn your way, yeah it's classic. They now make these they're not labeled Helen of Troy, anymore, they're, labeled, Hot Tools and they're black. So if you're out looking for it and if you order from us of course you know you're getting the right thing, we can mail it to you. But if you're out looking like it's Ally's, I believe Sally's is probably the only place you can get these still. But just look for a black one and I think the writing's pink or purple. That is all right. Oh so much better! Just taking just knocking the link huh yeah, so we don't you don't have to do an all across bang. You can still sweep it, but we're gon na just layer this in where, when, if she bends her head down, it's not gon na go crazy, honor. So to do that and Miss Cameron's a large cap. Yes, it's comfortable too. It'S extremely comfortable. It'S 100 percent fully hand tied. So what I do is to just add this face. Framing I just choose where I stopped the bang and I start from there and I just come in and just don't do a real heavy here, you're gon na end up with the mullet. You want to do it nice and light see how that's already starting to fall really pretty, and one of the things to also note with. If you do go to get one of these feather raisers, the synthetic hair is pretty tough on them. So your blade old doll, pretty quick that I think they sell them in packs of 10, so you'll get a better ones, but I tend to change this literally like every other time, so you're gon na well, if you're at home, you're, never gon na be cutting As many wigs as we do here, but see how pretty that is, yeah, that's much better. I mean it kind of takes the classic Bob shape out of it, but that's what was driving me crazy and I'm still gon na see how this is moving whenever she like blinks or I I'm still gon na - take something, but it didn't even with the face For me, it doesn't compromise now they get to talk to the back of your head shape, yeah, Oh Elizabeth. This is she's wearing you, twelve fs8 from John Renault and I'm not sure if they make Cameron in their California blonde snooping they do, but not in the large cap only in the average cap, okay, so average cap and a California blonds. Now I'm taking a little bit more off this on this side. I wish you could see you know I'm Freddie can just because this part is really heavy, so I took a little extra weight I'll try to do it this way. It can talk to my back. No, I just want to turn that way again, so you can see so I can just start with my bang and just kind of come in like that and see that's going to lighten that up a lot and now we'll add the face framing down here. I hope everybody had a good weekend we're in Texas. It was hot this weekend, but we had a cold front and I think it's only 91 today, it's just beautiful. Did you see how my knees were they picked that you know having it like a cold front? Coming very like to be prepared - and I was opening oh yeah - I just know this morning when I went outside to walk. It was 71 degrees and it felt wonderful. It was like 75 when I was driving, because you could have a lot earlier than me. Then nice, okay, now I'm just kind cutting these things a little shorter. So she can see the other thing about getting your bangs right. I mean it hurts when you get a piece of hair in your eye, a synthetic hair. It just hopes you like a needle and the eyes. You definitely want to make sure you don't have the hair below your eyelashes, where you get in the hair. In your eye, Rhonda says she's watching from Kansas City and she's gon na try and alter her wigs thanks to our demonstration, hi Rhonda. We were talking this morning on Facebook. How are you yeah? Well, it's you know, like I said it's, it can be done. We chant when people come in here and they're like oh I'll, just buy this and you can cut it. Well, that's yeah kind of yes, but that's why they make so many different styles of wigs so always make sure you're giving and keeping your options open and not just buying something just settling with it and then saying I can alter it later because it's always best To find the closest thing to what you want in result, wise then, to try to alter. So that's just our word advice yeah, usually when we're working with people - and they say oh, I want to do this in this and we'll say. Tell me what you're looking for, because there's probably a different style. I mean you know like this camera. I'Ve already got it. I bought it. I love it. I love it shape. I love the cap, I love John rhinos and color and but you know I'm a woman. I changed my mind over time. I wanted some bangs so yeah. I know if it's driving you crazy and you find yourself like when you're reaching for your wigs and you don't choose that one because of that then yeah, if you're not wearing it anyway, then you're not really risking much by saying okay, let's experiment on it: hi Sweet Georgia, lady: you go son in Grapevine, nice, I'm grapevine is kind of in the mid cities area and we're on we're far North Dallas, so it depending on where he lives in Grapevine I'd, say you know. If you take the toll roads that we have here that are wonderful, you're, probably looking at a half hour without traffic, maybe a little bit less than that yeah, you do know, people don't have the 8 to 5 jobs like they usually sell. Amazing, ladies ballot, because the transplants always say I'm not, I was born here, but I got well. You know what Elizabeth when she walked in this morning. Everybody that works here immediately said: Oh misty, I love your blouse, it's so pretty and then, as another person would walk in, they go Oh misty, your boss is so pretty so you're you're. Absolutely right. We thought the same thing. Like 90 percent of my life. I usually wear black, so I'm trying to get better about wearing color this year. I think this year I wore black, maybe 10 percent of the time, or try to reverse it. Thank you clear, Dillard's, oh here is it's on its way easier for you to do it. Yeah, I'm bad about wearing color with those are, but we're both getting better comment, kind of play and kind of view it. What a long Brooklyn, what yeah everybody has more its fuller and right is roller down here, but the way this comes over that, like that, the way the face framing is it looks a lot like Brooklyn, so I kind of directed that to go over. So you wouldn't have an all across vein right. No, I love that. That'S I mean just gon na say um. I think I know it's crazy, but it always looks better with clothes. Yeah can only see better, I'm still Prague in a texturized se. It looks a little fake to me right there yeah. Once I get everything cut, I always go back and texturize and the secret to that is and a new thing know it's really: it's the old-fashioned thinning shears. They work wonderful on the wigs and I just use a regular like small teeth, and then I thought big channel or anything like that, so just regular small teeth and shooters. Ah Thank You. Christy there is like pretty very few people call me Kimberly well Kimberly yeah. Sometimes we joke right here and well, unless she's in trouble, then we call her by her full name yeah, which is kind of often you shouldn't say very few people because it happens around here. Often no, it happens right here, but so just come and just see. Let it fall for a minute before you do any more. You know just always come but fall. Oh! Thank you. Jeremy. Thank you for watching. We we Club anybody. Any of our new viewers would love you guys watching. Do you I miss. I miss Jordan. Jordan is my niece and she works for the school, so she had to go back to work this week, so usually she's chiming in her to say you know who else is in here today: yeah Chris Safford yeah. He did okay. Well, he didn't say boss. It must have scrolled up, we missed him. Well, thank you. Chris okay, cam tell me what you think I mean. Is this better? Do you want more um, you want more of a bang-bang or do you like? No, I like the way it is hi Chris. Thank you um, I'm just wondering about okay. So when I go back behind my ear, see how you can kind of tell right there I'd like a little bit more fringe so that it kind of falls right there and covers that hairline. Okay. So what usually, when I do Kim's like this and she wants it done her Jolie, I like have her a tuck it and then I'll just raise her. I'M always tucking my hair behind my ear, and so you know this is a large cap, so it fits me better, but a lot of times what happens is you can see that cap because it doesn't come sorry Missy doesn't come down far enough for me. Hi Elizabeth, how do you oh? Thank you Jan Jan says it looks pretty missing. Well, thank you. It'S not hard to make it look pretty because Kim looks pretty on these days. Great okay check that and see, if that's better, so that just kind of covered up that where the root is you want that cut too okay, you know when you have a client that tells you what to do. I know whatever people come in here and go. Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm being so picky, I'm being such a pain. I'M like you guys. Nobody here think they had to put up with me and my pickiness about yeah and because I know Kim always checks this side. I don't mind cutting it. If you come in - and I don't really know you and I know how you wear wigs - I'm probably gon na argue with you a little bit because that's gon na mess with the face framing and it's gon na start to look. You know where it doesn't blend. So I would cause I know, but with Kim I'm gon na do it because I know she's always gon na tuck this. That is something that it's a given. It'S just what I do. Yeah, okay, try that we're just reading. If you want to outro quiet, hi, Debbie all the way from Delaware, awesome nice, I pay, you guys are having nice weather okay. What am i doing now just take that time. Yes, all right, that's good! I mean you can see my hairline here at blends. She'S asking what size your head is to wear a large cap, heavy measured, I'm like 21 and a half I'm like verge large cap. My bigness is from here to here I mean, I think, technically for a large cap. It'S gon na be somewhere around 20 2.5 to 23 inches you're right, and I don't think I've ever measured and part of the reason why I wanted to get a large cap also is my hair is about down to here, and I've got a whole lot of Hair that I'm putting up in the wig, and so it just takes up more space. It'S just more comfortable, I mean, if you didn't, have hair and you had a large cap. That'S one thing, but if, if you know you do have hair and you don't your head, may not be large cap, then it kind of just gives you a little bit of extra level of comfort and since you're doing the wig grip. It doesn't matter. Even if it's a little loose, because you know the Widger it's going to keep everything in place, Jen asking if we will cut wigs, if you bring them in again, we will if it can be done if it doesn't. If it's not going yeah - and we will be as honest with you as possible - I mean I've been here over 10 years. We have never sent someone out unhappy, but there have been times that you know we kind of had to agree to disagree and say: okay. Well, this is your wig, you pay for it we'll do what you asked for even against our better judgment, and you know even then some you know the time it worked out. It'S just you know you want to go and let the wig be what was made to be right, but we I a lady, came in this week and she had a wig. Maybe a little shorter than this and Alyssa was working with her and she pulled up a picture and I mean she wanted basically a shag layer cut and but interestingly, she wanted it cut longer. But I don't know how that, like, I know yeah. So we we had to tell her that that just can't be done. I mean it's, it's not gon na look good. The way that particular wig was designed. You would see the cap, so if it can be done, will do it. We can yeah, and you know our prices are really reasonable. I feel like, for you know the customer service. We try to get you and, of course you know if you buy weight from ice, we'll do all of this for free as many times as we need to we've. Had people come in three times. You know, because you know the bang was a little too long and then you'll come back and you know a little bit more just to make sure that we don't overdo it. You know we don't have Elizabeth, we don't have an online store, but um just give us a call. We mail all over the United States, our shipping fees are very reasonable and so just call the store. The number is: nine. Seven, two, three: eight zero. Five: three zero six you'll find that on our website. Also, if you go to our website, which is www.hyken.com the best to just go to misty, neither yeah, no, you cannot color a synthetic wig, Rhonda asked and her cousin wanted to know. If you could color it synthetic wig, they are basically acrylic fiber. So when you think of it, I hate to use this word, but it's basically is it's basically plastic. So there's no cuticle, there's nothing that you can do this. You can't dye it. You can't do anything, it is what it is now we have had people that'll buy like this spray in like just like a root cover-up, and so, if you have a blonde wig that doesn't have a root like like this one is made to have. Oh, we should do a video on yeah. We could. We should do that, show you guys how you can polish it yeah, so you can do that kind of stuff and I'm if you were like, if it was July 4th you could probably get some red and some blue - and you know, do things like that. But as far as like to make it a good color, no you can't do it. It is what it is so um. I think we actually know what we'll talk about next week. Since we have the questions about the head sizes, we can actually show you how to measure your head and that's not a big factor here in our shop, because all of our wigs, with the exception of the ones we showed you earlier, that come in large cap In petite average and most people fit in an average size, but we will show you how to measure that wave here if you're not able to come in - and you know, you're ordering online you'll know what size to go with and gentleman Oh has the easiest will Actually show you their shins were kind of doing John Renault today, without knowing they have a section that talks about measuring your head to you and how to correlate the inches to the actual capita size of Li, and I am showing when those servers are Laurie offs. Oh yes, Kimberly Kimberly is John Merrow certified, she did their core class and so and we loved overnight yeah Georgie. I know you'll watch us even Julie, so we're just Wednesday hi um. I think probably hitting our time limit. We'Ve been on here like 25 minutes, so we'll actually shut off if it hits 29 minutes. That'S for your safety because we tend to ramble but yeah. We are so happy. I think we today we've had more viewers on than we've ever had before at one time, and I think that's really awesome and just if you haven't - and you just found us make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel and turn on your notifications. I know sometimes you may get notifications and we're not actually live, but just because we're you know, checking our equipment because we have had it where it didn't work, and so I'm just ignore that. But we are live every Wednesday at noon. Yes and like us on Facebook yeah, maybe I don't. You start other videos. We have like reviews of different wigs um. So if you just catch a slide but haven't gone to our channel, we have all sorts of things on there, some from really old. So just you know just ignore those and realize that you know we're trying to get better that we Rhonda. We do not have an online store so, and we are very, our store is designed around customer service, and so our website is designed to educate people on how to buy a wake and go through that process and that we don't have an online store. So and we have a huge inventory, I mean one day, we'll walk through the shop and just show you what our shop looks like and but we have a huge inventory and nine times out of ten. You can walk in and walk out the same day, Waverly. Alright have a wonderful week: everybody can't wait till next week see you next week we may have another video. Who knows you may upload something different to the weeks away anyway, have a great week and thanks for being faithful to us and supporting us, we love you. Thank you, bye.

Jude Christenson: You guys are terrific! You’re both beautiful & interesting, Thanks for this tutorial...I did buy a couple of cheap wigs to practice...I always appreciate the advice you guys give, & love your personalities together.…

Laura Brauer: I have a Cameron and I just steamed the hair up and over a little bit into a "sweep". The hair falls when I look down but when my head comes up the hair does too. This is very encouraging and great info - thank you!

Ziggy3339: This looks SO ch better after you cut the bangs ! Wow! That said, your expertise was showing as well. Thanks, a fun watch ❤️

Sandy Rausch: I am sooo impressed with what you did with Cameron. It looks so much more real. Wish I could get my two wigs shipped and cut. You girls are so talented.

Kathy Webb: I’d love for you to have a segment on making a non rooted wig into it having a root. I bought one I thought was rooted but wasn’t. Loved you segment today. Thanks. Kathy

Dian: I love to watch you ladies. Y’all are so much fun!!

Lena Frisk: both the wigs are looking so natural and you both are looking so good in these wigs and their colours

The_Aurora_Borialis 4: If I were to buy a Cameron from you, would you be able to modify it in the same manner Kim's wig was customized? Just curious.

TIme Enough: Wow! I like Cameron so much better after you worked on her! I have one and would love mine to look like this. Great video and very helpful.

mythreechildren: That looks gorgeous! I love the trim!

Ed Cox: I love you showing this! I just wish I had the nerve to do this! If we have many wigs to trim should we make an appointment? I know this is an older show, so I hope you see this or I will call you!!! Love y’all!! (Lynda)

Connie Steve: Such good info!! I wish you would try that with Jon Renau Scarlet. It falls forward

Michelle Angel: Wow you are both so ez to watch and understand. This was so informative

Jeanette Lysak: That looks great, one of the best wigs on Kim both in Colour and Style.

Ann-Marie Jensen: Such helpful information and thanks for the cutting demo!

Carrie Fansler: I have a cheap, short flat wig that I will experiment on after watching your videos. If I can make it wearable, yeh! As a new wig wearer, I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate your videos.

Linda p.p.: I think those of you who buy a cheap wig to experiment on are being very smart. I loved seeing you work on this wig. Great video! Many many people would love this wig the way you cut it. I do love lace fronts and did cut bangs in one.

PKi Hu: FYI: Rit works for dying synthetic wigs. There are several videos on YouTube. However bright and rich colors work best.

DA Fuzz: Looks great ladies

Kit kat: You both look beautiful!

kk doc: Side bangs IMO are the most flattering, which is why I love the Brooklyn so much. Wonder if the esoterica Jamison can have a side bang put in it.

Debra Bunting: Thank you for showing us how to do this.

Janis Werner: I really wish I lived in Texas.. you two are awesome!

Debera Crabb: Great job I really like the finished look....I wish I live there I’m in Arizona....

selena6301: hey girls ...when are u gonna do a video on shadowing roots and a tour thru your store ....love u guys !!!

Karen's Kloset: Hi girls I love your videos I did want to ask on the January that you're wearing it's absolutely gorgeous I love the style have you altered that in any way such as taking out some bulk taking the razor to it cutting out some layers or adding a little more wispy Bang or is that basically as it comes out of the box just wondering because I'm interested in getting a January because that's basically how my natural hair actually used to look thanks so much for your help love all your posts looks like you got a better camera much better picture sending loves❤

Christine: Out of curiosity, what is the barrel size of that hot brush? May have to give you guys a call to order one!

Garden Girl: Hi ladies. Would you give the wig a light spray of water or JR detangling spray to make the curl or bump stay longer? Also, have you noticed that if you look at a particular wig like Cameron on different videos on real people (not the model) and they haven’t been trimmed or anything they look really different. That’s why I’m so hesitant to buy one. Cameron is one of my favorites and I would definitely cut bangs, it’s adorable on Kim but I’m afraid to purchase one. Any suggestions? And happy thanksgiving ya’ll from Seattle.

Marlene Olson: Ritz Dye makes “Dye More” for synthetic materials. I died an older wig from red to brown and it worked. But it’s limited regarding not being able to dye a dark color to light - it works best on blond wigs. Not the best for wigs, but depending on what the person would be using it for, it can be done.

Stormy Weather: Everytime I see you I think, perfect for Sarurday Nt. Live. ha!

Debera Crabb: Hi there girls you both look great!

Penny Lee: What was the pumpkin spice y’all both tried on who made it and what number is it? Love your show!

Brenda Alfery: Misty I love the style and color of your wig which one is it?

Suddenly Caprice: You mentioned that it wasn't a good idea to cut length off of a wig but didn't get to explain why. Please do! I think this is a mistake I've made a few times.

S H: I have a Cameron and the front fri he sticks straight out. I didn’t do a thing to it, it came that way.

Joy: enjoy your Wig Talks.

A Sou: Great video. Thank you.

Maryann Towndsend: I have a rooted blonde but the roots need to be lightened. Can I use bronzing powder?

kk doc: I want this exact wig after alterations. Any suggestions?

Leeanne Barr: Any ideas on how to use your own bangs under the lace front to keep itching to a minimum??? I cant seem to hide the band....need help!

Judy Anne: I really like that Cameron wig

Lynette 72: what are the best razor sheers to use?

Wyvona Jarrard: Hi ladies! Can you please date your shows! I’m trying to get to date on your shows! Thank you your Oklahoma cousin!

Candace: Can I use any regular steamer? Does the steamer create any heat?

Terri Crawford: OK am I the only one that HAS noticed that Kim looks so much like Christina Applegate in the face from married with children in case anyone does not know who Christina Applegate is

Judy Anne: How much are the heat brushes? I need one

Kristina W: I dont see much for reviews on Gabor wigs. I started with a Hudson’s Bay Canada wig 2000. I knew nothing. My next was Kendal by Amore bought from our local wig boutique. I cried when I discovered they had charged me $500 more than I could buy it online! I bought many wigs after that online, all synthetic, trial and error and now know that I have a petite/average head, and this is probably in part because I dont actually have any real hair. Gabor wigs fit me best of the brands I have tried, Amore, Rene of Paris, Noriko, Jon Reneau, Raquel Welsh. Though I have not yet tried Jon Reneau petite. I discovered that I react to most glues. There is one Im ok with- ItStays water based rollon glue. But its useless in hot weather. I discovered the Amore XO line and love the silicone grips on ear tabs and nape. But they dont have much selection and I dont find the fibers hold up as well as Gabor. So then I started sewing silicone (bought in a sheet from Jon Reneau) into my Gabor wigs and now I could wear them through a hurricane! The only thing now is that I would love a full cap (not wefts) wig. Can you recommend one? O and I was a natural blonde before losing my hair. The colour I have found that is closest to my bio hair is 14/22SS, and in the summer I like to wear 14/22.

jessie nieto: Misty where do you get your clothes from

SweetGaLady JL: What color guide is 12FS8? Etc.. Creamy Toffee R?

Maryann Towndsend: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

T Brewen: When the lace of the lace front has a ripple in it an won't lay flat anymore is there a way to fix it?

jessie nieto: Do you buy your clothes online and from where

The_Aurora_Borialis 4: Do you sell that steamer as well? Prices on round brush and steamer? (if you sell)

Barb D: I want that brush what is it called?

Wildly Wonderful Soaps: What is the other wig you have on?

Bunny Wallace: Misty are you wearing a wig? if so, which one?

Chris Kempker: What is the name and color of the wig Misty is wearing?

Judy Anne: What color is the Cameron on the left?

Sharon Siebert: Do you use a weighted wig head to style it on?

Sean Mock: Where can I buy the steamer please.

Stormy Weather: Now I wish I still have thinning shears. Dallas huh? Do u ever go out to the ranch the show was on? What was it? Rolly? wavey? one word. the Southfork.

Penny Lee: Could you tell me who made the red short wig you both tried it on was Jon R or RAQUEL ?’

Garden Girl: I meant spray when using the hot air brush.

S H: Which wig is Kim wearing there?

Fae Bryan: What is the name of the blow brush please

Marlene Olson: Oops, I meant Rit Dye.

It's Just Jill: I like that band on her head to keep wigs from slipping. Any recommendations? Also I have 2 wigs from Renee of Paris and they're so tight!!! Any hacks on how to stretch the cap? I love the wig but I can't wrest it because it hurts

Stormy Weather: Hand tied? some poor Chinaman ties every haiR?

Stormy Weather: no ads? good.

María Dolores Hernández Huguet: Es posible en español

Belgium Girl: Can I ask where you are located?

Christine Laine: I have on your game it’s horrible I need. Bang help

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