How To Make Curls Tighter At The Root & More Defined

Struggle with straight roots? Here's 10 tips to get tighter, more defined curls at the root, volume, and my styling routine.

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Not Your Mother's Curl Talk Scalp Care Cleansing Oil:

or Carol's Daughter Wash Day Delight Water to Foam Micellar Shampoo:

Not Your Mother Curl Talk 3-in-1 Conditioner:

Not Your Mother's Curl Talk Deep Conditioning Masque:

Not Your Mother's Curl Talk Leave-In Conditioner:

Not Your Mother's Curl Talk Cream:

Not Your Mother Curl Talk Curl Activation Mousse:

Olaplex No. 3:

Thermal Haircare Hot Head Cap:

Infiniti PRO by Conair 1875 Watt Texture Styling Hair Dryer:

HairRepear The Ultimate Hair Towel, 10% off with code GLAMMEUP:

MYK Silk Scrunchies, 15% off with code GENA15:

Check out Felicia's page to learn more about curl training:

Curly Haircare for Beginners playlist:

How to use Olaplex No. 3 to Repair Damaged Hair:

How to Make Hair Curlier:

How to Clarify and Remove Buildup:

How to Prevent Frizzy Hair:

How to Get Volume & Prevent Flat Roots:

Easy Messy Bun for Curly Hair:

• Check out my latest video:

-How to Diffuse Curly Hair for Beginners without Frizz:

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Hey everyone, its Gina and welcome back to my channel and if you're new here at welcome. I hope you enjoy this video and enjoy my channel because we talk all things curly hair and I really try to break things down and simple and easy-to-follow steps. I have the curly hair care for beginners, a playlist that is linked in the cards as well as down below, and this video is going to be all about how to make your roots curlier. I get this question from you guys all the time when you're trying to figure out how to make your roots curl up like the rest of your hair and just increase your curl definition. So I have tons of tips. I'M going to walk you through my styling routine, so let's go ahead and get started now. You may have already seen my videos all about how to make your curls tighter and as well as how to get more volume at your roots, and some of these may be repeats from that. But a lot of the same tips apply, but I am switching it up a little bit for this video. So the first thing you're going to want to do is clarify your hair. I feel like I always start off my videos like this talking about clarifying, but it is just so important and I feel like it solves so many common hair problems. A lot of us don't wash our hair it's often and when you go several days in between and you keep layering on more product when you're refreshing and you have oil and sweat and stuff, your roots can just get way down which just elongates the curls. So you want to take care of all of that product build-up by clarifying your hair. I did do a video all about how to clarify your hair, but today I'm testing out a new clarifying shampoo from not your mothers. This is from their curl talk line. I'M going to be posting a full review on these products, including this one in a video very soon. So make sure you subscribe to see that video, but this one is just a cleansing oil, so it's meant to clarify the scalp and also remove product build-up. But I do have other clarifying shampoos that I really like, such as this one from Carol's Daughter the watch day to light. I think, that's a really great option or you can do an apple, cider, vinegar rinse. So I will link the video I have down below all about how to clarify your hair, but it's just so important to remove product buildup. You really want to get that lather on your scalp. You can also use a shampoo brush like the one that I'm using here to help get a deeper clean and make sure that we have all of that excess product removed from our scalp and from our hair. After rinsing out, your clarify, shampoo. Your root should not feel sticky if they are to sticking it than they might be stripped or you might still have some product residue left on your scalp and if that's the case, I recommend trying to use a sulfate shampoo. So I normally don't recommend sulfates on a regular basis, but using a regular sulfate shampoo can be a good thing to just remove any excess products or if you have been using silicones on your hair, that can really weigh down your hair and cause your curls to Be more elongated, especially at the root. So after shampooing, when you're applying your conditioner, you can try it just applying it from your ears down and really focusing it on the ends, at least to start, and then whatever product is left over on your hands, you can carry it up to your roots. I don't personally have a lot of trouble with my roots getting way down, so I usually apply conditioner all over. But if you're really trying to avoid your roots getting way down or too oily, then you could skip applying conditioner very close to your roots and keep that completely clean of product. So now I'm actually going to be doing an olaplex treatment. If you haven't heard of olaplex number three, it is a bond building product, so it's not a deep conditioner, it's more of a hair treatment. I'Ve done several videos on this on the past, so I will link my review and tutorial on it down below. If you have any questions about it, you can check out that video, but olaplex basically helps to strengthen at the broken bonds on your hairs cuticle. So it helps to repair damage. But one thing that I love about olaplex is: it really makes your hair curlier, so when you're applying your olaplex, you definitely want to make sure to really saturate your roots instead of just applying it like you, do your conditioner and make sure you get it all In there, I even like to take a Denman brush and just comb through each section to make sure that I have the product evenly coated and you want your hair to be pretty wet when you're applying this. That way can really absorb, but sometimes product doesn't absorb that great when your hair is dry, so I like applying it to clean damp hair. One thing that I like to do is twist different sections of my hair, so I will create tiny little twists all over. My head - and this is called curl training if you guys follow Felicia or hi Felicia on Instagram. I heard about it from her, so I will we link her Instagram down below, but she'd love to olaplex and recommends doing this curl training method when you're applying your olaplex to help make your curls form ringlets and over time. The more that you do this, your curls will eventually take that pattern, especially if you are recovering your hair from damage. This is a really good way to help encourage your curls to make it that pattern. So you want to make sure when you're doing your twists. Definitely take it up to your roots, because that's gon na help encourage that curl pattern up there. So after I've gotten that olaplex all saturated in my hair, I like to kind of massage it in a little bit, I'm gon na. Let this sit for about thirty minutes the longer you leave it on it, the better. You can even sleep in it if you want to, but you want at least leave it on for ten minutes at a time, and then you have to shampoo it out afterwards. So, once I've let this sit, I'm ready to take out all the twists. You want to be very gentle when you do this and make sure you remove all of them before you go in and shampoo. So after shampooing out that olaplex, I'm just gon na deep condition, my hair for a little bit and then I'm gon na rinse that out again and for the deep conditioner I'm using the new and not your mother's deep conditioning mask again. I will have a video review up on this very soon, but this is just a moisture base mask. I really recommend deep conditioning once a week, but again with deep conditioners, just like conditioners, you can avoid applying those directly to your root. If you're worried about your roots getting way down - and you want to encourage the curl pattern and then when you go to rinse out your deep conditioner, so you want to let it sit for like 20 or 30 minutes. But once you go to rinse it out. You want to make sure that you really scrub your scalp when you're rinsing it, because a lot of times, if you're just rinsing your hair upside down, the water, is just going over your head and it's not necessarily really getting in there at your scalp. So by kind of scrubbing this scalp, with the tips of your fingers as you're rinsing you're, making sure you're loosening up any product that got on your scalp because a lot of times when I'm scrunching in at my deep conditioner and really massaging it in it, definitely Gets up to my root and if I'm letting it sit up on top of my head, it's settling down on my roots and on my scalp, and that can cause it to get way down. So you really want to make sure that you rinse it out fully before you go in and style your hair one other thing that you can do it right before you apply your styling products like after you, rinse shampoo conditioner is too wet plop, and by that I mean you just put all of your hair up in a plastic shower cap and you just let it rest for a little bit, so that can help with curl definition, because right when we get out of the shower and we wring our hair out from water. That'S really when your curls and your ringlets start to form up as they start to dry. So if you want to go ahead and get dressed and stuff, you can always just wet plop for like five minutes before you go in with your styling products, and that can also help with curl definition at the root. So now for the styling process, I would say that this is probably the most important when it comes to getting ringlets at your root is the way that you're styling your hair. So a lot of people like to apply their styling products upside down and you might see a lot of people comb their hair forward to help encourage curl clumps. So people might take the Denman brush and comb all of their hair forward as they're applying their styling products. But if you'll notice, when I'm doing that, it's really stretching out my root and kind of flattening it against my head. And then, when I go in and scrunch, I'm really only scrunching the bottom half of my hair. So then, when I flip my head back up right side, you can definitely tell that the roots are more stretched out you're, not really able to scrunch your hair. When your head is flipped over, so I kind of like doing a combination of flipping my head over for volume. But then, when I flip back up, then I'm kind of adjusting my hair to where I can actually come through the roots and make sure I'm scrunching right at the roots. So it's just a better way to make sure you're getting it at the root. Instead of completely styling upside down, you're just stretching out your roots and making the curl pattern looser so for my styling product, I'm just using some of that, not your mother's leave-in, conditioner, first, just as an all-over spray and for my styling cream I'm using it, then Not your mother's curl, defining cream, I'm just using a little bit of this, and I'm really only focusing this on the lower half of my head just to get some more moisture help with curl clumps, but I'm not really taking this up to the root at all. Unless, if I have a little bit left over on my hands, I will apply some to my roots, and then I like to come through everything with my Denman brush, just to make sure everything is evenly distributed. So then, I just finished off with it, not your mother's curl top mousse, and I just like to smooth that all throughout my hair. So one thing you can do when you're styling, your with your Denman brush, is you can pick up vertical sections and by that I mean, when you go to pick up pieces of hair and make sure that you're picking up like a long flat section versus a Horizontal section, because that's gon na really help with volume, because you'll always want to be pulling your hair away from your scalp, as you were styling with the brush. That'S gon na help with volume, and that's gon na also allow you to get very close to your root with the Denman brush. So one thing that I've been doing with this brush is kind of twisting it one more time when I wrap my hair around it and by that I'm kind of letting the curl wrap around at the base of the brush, which really helps get ringlets. And you can do this very close to your root and then, when you pull your brush down the Strand, it's just going to help smooth that frizz down and create a really nice ringlet. But basically starting very close to the root is going to help. It shrink up even more at the root and increase your pearl definition they're just gon na do this all over the top section of my hair. So by doing this, I'm creating ringlets on that top layer, but I don't necessarily like to do my entire head, because I have low density, fine, hair and I find that if I do my entire head, it just clumps together too much and I don't have as Much volume, so I really just like to do mainly the top section, so I can have some good ringlets, but then there's still like separated curls, underneath which help with more fullness of volume. When I get around my part, I definitely like to kind of zigzag. My part a little bit so that's another tip to increase the curl definition at your root is to not have a super straight defined part and by having more of that is the exact shape. That'S really going to help with volume and kind of allow you to get in there and scrunch directly at your root, even more versus it being straight and just more polished kind of having that messy part is really going to help increase the texture in your hair. Right at your root, so when it comes to scrunching, this is probably another. One of the main ways to get more definition at your root is make sure that when you're scrunching you're really focusing on your roots, because that's going to help encourage the curl pattern, help the curls be more defined and really just lift them away from the scalp. And again, just like when we're using the diamond brush, we want to focus on lifting the roots away from the scalp instead of pulling them down. So you can either scrunch upside down, but I also recommend kind of lifting up various sections right at the roots and then giving them a good scrunch. But you want to be gentle, so you don't cause any breakage or frizz make sure you have wet hands and product on your hands. When you are doing this, you don't cause any frizz. So one thing I like to do after I'm done with my styling products and before I diffuse is plop my hair up in a Hair Repair towel. This is just a really big cotton towel, it's totally flat, so it doesn't cause any frizz or anything or you could use a cotton t-shirt. If you have that - and I just like to flip my head over and then tie it up to where the hair is sitting up on top of the head, that can really help with route definition as well, because you're kind of letting it dry a little bit As it's sitting up, it's kind of almost like an accordion length, if you were to push all of your hair up, so I like to do that for maybe 10 or 15 or 20 minutes before actually diffuse and just kind of letting your hair rest allows the The cast to start to set, which is going to help protect it from frizz absorb any excess water that we are not diffusing to long keep in mind. Sometimes when you plop it can remove some of your styling products. So I like to kind of go in with another layer of mousse. After I take my hair repair towel down, I just apply a little bit of mousse to my ends before I diffuse so today I wanted to do a combination of the popping method to help my ends kind of set and get some of that cast on there From the mousse to help protect it from frizz and then finish off diffusing a right side up, so I could place those diffuser teeth right at my root and give it a lift and that's really gon na help with curl definition. As so much if you like to just air dry, it's definitely better for your hair to air dry, but a lot of times your curls are gon na get more way down and more elongated when you air dry, because you don't have anything to help lift them Up unless, if you air drive by plopping your hair, which you could do that as well, but it just takes a long time to dry. So if you try out using your diffuser attachment and place it right at the root, give it a lift and hold it there for a little bit and let it dry like that you'll get really good volume and definition right at the root. So one thing you can also do is flip all of your hair over to one side and then place the diffuser right at the root on the opposite side. That way, then, when you flip back over, you have more volume at the root, but now that my hair is completely dry, you can see how much curl definition that I have at the roots compared to before so the before and after you can definitely see the Difference the before was when my hair was dirty. It was probably four days since my last wash and my roots are really getting stretched out. I also had my hair up in a bun, so all of those things can really stretch out your curls. If you do want to wear your hair up, I recommend using a satin scrunchie, that's not too tight and just keeping your bun very loose or your ponytail very loose, and that's going to help prevent your roots from stretching out too much. If you find that your bun starts to fall, you can always pin it with bobby pins. So I do have a video that I posted. It'S called my easy messy bun for natural curls. I will put that video down below. So that's it for all my tips on how to get more curl definition at your roots. I hope you guys found this helpful. If you have any tips, please be sure to leave them down below, because I'm sure I missed some and I left some out. So if you could leave yours down below, then other people can get some more tips as well. I'M also going to outline all these tips on the blog post that goes with this video, which will be linked in the description box that sits right below this video. All the product links will be on there for the products and the tools that I mentioned in this video. So thank you all so much for watching. If you have not already subscribed it, please be sure to do so before you go, and I hope to see you back next week, bye everyone

Ok /: I’m so tired of having curly hair people think it’s so cute until they actually have it this is to much work for my busy life & my hair is frizzy asf straight out the shower

autumn: start: 00:48 1: clarify your hair 00:50 2: condition your ends 2:38 3: hair treatments 3:05 (olaplex) 4: scrunch your hair 7:38

Angela P: ... I should just shave my whole damn head and start fresh I stg

Soph: How to make your curls look great. Step1: have gena’s gorgeous curl pattern

roodles: These are great tips thank you. Going to write some down so I can remember them better - part your hair in a zigzag pattern - use a denman brush at the root - twist your hair to encourage a curl pattern Also I know it seems like a lot of work (and it is) but you can get quite good at it pretty fast and it can be a fun hobby. I never used to think it was worth the effort but now that I've figured out what works for me, my curls are looking a lot better and it's really satisfying!

Sherri Miles: Thank you for this. I’m finally accepting that my hair is curly, and that’s that. So washing, diffusing, and styling is a learning curve for me. My hair is always pulled back because I’m active every day. Florida humidity, and sweat is always going to be my issue for my curls. Subscribed and following!

cat dog: i needed just this omg

Annapurna Nai: So my mom has straight hair, sister wavy, and I have really curly hair around 3b. I get this from my dads side, but he shaves his head and before we go out, he tells me “just brush it” I grew up with no idea and frizzy, damaged hair

crazyve26: I don't use a diffuser unless it is highly necessary. What I like to use to help with adding volume at the roots when air drying is using small hair claw clips. Make sure that the clips don't fully close onto each other, that there is a small space. For me, I use clips that I can fit the tip of my pinky finger without squeezing it. This allows me to lift my hair off my head, have air to flow to dry it out, without squeezing the curl flat. So to put them in, I would open the clip, start about 1 inch or so down away from my part, scoop some hair and lift the hair, clamping it down close to my part. This will help lift flat hair near the part line. It can also be done all over the top of your head for an overall more volume. I hope I am making sense of what I am trying to say here :D

Miranda: "I wish I had culy hair, it is so easy" Show this video... "Oh." "Yeh"

Alanna Labat: this video is a game changer! Thank you so much for it! Recently transitioning into my natural curls and one of the biggest problems I was having was extremely flat roots. Tried many of these tips on my most recent wash day and I have amazing definition at the literal beginning of my roots! All of your content has been so informative and helped so much through this new process!!

Diana: My new curly routine is to diffuse just the roots at the very top. By the time I get to work, the rest of my hair is 80%dry.. within a couple of hours- I’m scrunching out the crunch and continuing my day.

YourBoyTrue: Thanks, love. As a young man with long hair who recently just discovered his hair naturally curls, it's been hard for me to undo 17 years' worth of hair care knowledge that wasn't meant for me. I needed this. Thanks.

Lauryn Crandall: 1 clarify hair 2 condition 3 olaplex treatment 4 Section, brush, and curl train hair 5 keep treatment in 30 mins or sleep in it 6 take out twists gently before shampooing 7 shampoo out 8 deep condition 9 let sit 20-30 mins 10 DEEPLY scrub scalp when rinsing 11 use desired styling products 12 do NOT style and brush upside down the whole time 13 use brush end to curl and zig zag roots 14 make sure part isn’t super straight 15 make sure you scrunch at roots Optional plop and diffuse

Dollforever 17: I just started transitioning to my natural hair after brushing out my hair for years Edit don't give up on your curls it may take a while but healthy hair is worth it in the end

Ferguson Tilibacbu: My hair is wavy, but the amount of steps I need to have consistency is EXTRA

Lisa Ramirez Pagan: Hermana! This helped a LOT. Plopping first for 5 mins BEFORE styling made a huge difference! Applying to dripping wet hair makes me lose volume. I also used a lot of mousse and after plopping the 2nd time added a lil bit of gel for the definition and hold that I need! Thank you!

Serie Rose: The most perfect video! I never knew what I was doing wrong when washing my hair this really helped me a lot ❤️ hopefully my hair get to look more curly cause my curls always drop :(

Mirjam T: I feel like my hair is having an internal fight where the one half that wants it straight is fighting the other half that wants it curly to death and in the end no one is happy, especially me

Georgia aka Gin: I just discovered you. You're such a curl pro hahahah I know we all have different ways on this curly path, but for a lazy curlygirl like me you are putting so much effort and work on It, I admire that and think your tips are amazing! ✨

Allyson Sixx: Yea my roots literally STICK to my head lol. I really need to try the brush technique I’ve always had trouble w/root volume. I use the IGK Next Level Nordic Cotton root spray JUST BEFORE I diffuse & this is what REALLY lifts the roots right up off the scalp. It’s an awesome product. And then if there’s still some dampness, sometimes Ill root clip til it’s 100% dry & this helps too. Also, I take the Aussie instant freeze hairspray and I’ll lift a curl clump, spray the root & while holding that piece of hair, I’ll immediately hit that root w/the hair dryer at low air but high heat just for a second & the heat dries the spray immediately keeping the root lifted. This is mostly for spot root lifting. But it works well & w/o frizz if it’s done properly.

Handsome by Natasja: Love it so much that you show us every step of the routine. I'am a visual person and need it to see it and not only hear it I wish that the products are easyer to get in Europe. It is hard to get good quality products over here..

audrianna munroe: Honestly. I have an extremely minimal curly hair routine and I still spend all of wash day damp and a little chilly. I really admire your dedication to your curls.

Gena Marie: It's important to note that it is VERY common to have a looser pattern naturally at the root. These tips are intended to help encourage the curl definition. These tips don't need to ALL be done at once, but they can be implemented into your routine. Let me know if you try these and it helps! Here's the summary of steps & the product links:

L: I can never style my hair upside down it would get all wonky flipping it over. Even moving it around to different parts while styling is difficult it just gets kinda tangled idk if anyone has the same experience

michelle martin: I am so happy I found your channel! My hair (on the bottom inside) is very similar to yours. Ive never known how to style it and it’s lead me to dislike my curly hair because part of it curls a lot and the other part just looks stretched out and weird. Thank you for these videos!

Stacy C: Great video and good advice overall. Beautiful result, but I have to laugh because this involves so many products and takes so much time. I have a routine that takes about 30 minutes from wash to done and uses two products total. My curls vary tighter and looser than yours and my hair is much longer which allows me to use less product to avoid friz. I don’t brush, comb wet only. I mostly cowash and rotate between a couple brands to remove build-up. To style I only use a leave-in conditioner. I apply when hair is soaking wet and then do the upside-down towel to dry. I don’t use a blow dryer/diffuser ever. After removing the towel, I twist some top sections for volume so the hair doesn’t lay flat. The more I moisture that is removed with the towel wrap, the better the volume stays. This works for me and my no-time-for-that routine. I think that the moisture removal while wrapped up is actually the key to root volume. And the less I handle my hair and the less I use heat, the better my scalp responds without the extra routine.

puggirl415 puggirl: I do curl training on wash day but I also curl train at night as well. My hair is heavy, dense and fine. I found the pineapple to be pulling my roots too much. I found my hair gets flat and matted if I just put it under a bonnet to sleep in. So I started gently twisting my hair into 6 fat sections and pinning them up under my bonnet. The next day I separate these curl sections and fluff my roots. I still have great curls and little to no frizz by doing this. Yes my roots are straight, but after trying everything for 2 years of transition I don't think this will change. I accept and now love my hair. It's like having the best of both worlds. Straight. shiny and manageable on top and curly ringlets from mids to ends. What's not to like?

Allyson Sixx: WOW.... girl your skin! It’s so bright & clear! So pretty, I swear you look like a porcelain doll!

Jennifer Love: Thank you so much for your informative, thorough, and helpful videos! I really appreciate them!

Connie Kirby: Thank you so much for taking the time to make these videos. I know it's time consuming, and it is very much appreciated.

Kelsey Lynn: May try this! I haven't used heat on my hair in a couple years. I noticed you use a lot of products. My hair is so dry naturally. Being on accutane for the second time, it's even more dry now. I just went a month where I washed it with shampoo once. All the other times I used water and leave-in conditioner and a cream or gel or both. And my hair never got oily lol. When I was younger it was just all poof and frizz and I didn't know what to do with it and didn't have any sort of curly hair mentor, but after high school I started trying to learn about how to take care of it. I used to hate my curly hair and how curly/frizzy it was at the roots and was happy when it became straighter at the roots, and now I would love it to have the volume it used to (used to have my hair straightened and thinned to no avail) and finally have defined curls. Thanks for the info and the video really helped explain the process!

Janelis Velázquez: I love watching these videos and trying new techniques, but on a regular schedule I cannot take that much time to do my hair lol

Beatrice Alcaraz: Hi , my first time watching your videos, I love your hair I’ve been trying to leave my hair curly cause it was very dry and don’t really go anywhere so watching how you style it is very helpful thanks for sharing .

Sydney Johnson: i can have a very curly hair when it’s styled properly but if i brush through it w my Denman i feel like it totally straightens the curl even w scrunching after...

Linzie Santana: These are really great tips. I’m so impressed at the volume you get although you have such fine hair!

Tracy Guthmiller: Excellent video! Learned a lot. One question: any suggestions for diffusing/drying fine, curly and thinning hair? Thinning hair creates and exaggerates cowlicks, especially at front hairline. Currently have to push them down and point dryer at root and forward, working way down to end of hair. This straightens the curl and looks terrible. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Caron Sobotker: Your videos are Sooo helpful! Its so difficult to find useful info for thin curls. Needed this. Thanks and please make more videos

Liz Zy: Sooo glad I've found you! Love your calming personality and your videos are soo informative! Thank you Gena! <3 Hugs from Germany

Riley Gaines: i’m so glad i’ve found this! (wish i would’ve found it way earlier ) i have curly hair but it’s more wavy at the top then it goes curly‍♀️ very helpful!✨

Benicia Livorsi: Have you tried Ouidad’s suggestion of putting hair clips at the root while drying? The clips support the root to give height and volume. Also, have you tried Living Proof in shower styler? It made a huge difference in my curls since I prefer air drying.

Jill W: This is the MOST I've learned all in one video for curls! Thank you!!

Lana S: Thank you so much for this, my hair has been such a disaster for so long, and I never knew what I should be doing since i was the 'black sheep' in my family with curly hair

Harris Taylor: Thanks for a great video! Do you have recommendations for alternative products to the Scalp Care Cleansing Oil and the leave in conditioner? My partner is very allergic to avocado, which those two items contain, and I think your routine would work, I just need to replace those two items!

Manar Salem: I was about to open my mobile notebook to write everything you would say in the video when I found that you actually wrote everything down already on your website! Seriously this is soo helpful, if I don't write a video summary I totally forget all the tips said in it and it feels like I didn't watch the video in first place. Thanks a loot! If all beauty youtubers did this :)

Bake Bread with Becca: Definitely going to be trying out some of these tips! Thank you!

Taylor S: So I just now decided (as in like yesterday) that I am going to embrace my natural curly hair. I am bi-racial (half black half white). My hair isn't super curly, but when I wash it there is definitely curl there. Ever since I was a kid my mom would straighten my hair pretty much every day before school and I kinda just stuck to straightening it almost everyday ever since because I just felt it was easier. I didn't know anything about how to manage curls because I never even tried.... Until today. So I have been researching everything to know before I start. The flat iron has taken such a toll on my hair. It's dry and snaps at the slightest tug, it has broken off at the roots on the back of my head where I mainly focused with the iron so now I have little short pieces of hair atop my head. This was the moment for me where it dawned on me that I am ruining my hair. My hair is damaged. It doesn't look so good anymore. I always was aware straightening everyday wasn't good, but I always looked in the mirror quickly, didn't notice any damage and so I thought it was fine, but my hair finally said enough is enough. My question is, I have read up that if you wet your hair the next day and reapply some product it will revitalize your curls... Is that true? Because I don't have time to do all this if I have to go to work. Usually in the past I have wet my hair and then just let it air dry (without using any product which is probably a big part of the problem) and slept on it and in the morning my hair is all over the place, it's frizzy, some spots turn straight and it just looks like I have major bed head. I just need to know how I can wash my hair at night, put in some product and then wake up the next day with it looking fairly decent

S S: So helpful and you probably DO know.. thank you so much.... We all do so much hard work to learn our hair but fine low density and high porosity curly hair is hard to handle .. to say the least .. even that was a mouthful. Bless you endlessly!!

rainyfloww unevilable: ive literally done everything that you've said, watched multiple videos and have tried that. even went to a girl who knows how to work curly hair, gave me tips, tried them, worked for a few weeks and now im back to the start. frizzy wavy hair. istg im so done with this

Ruth Anne Resnicow: This video was my introduction to the Curly Girl methods and I was thrilled that my waist-long hair curled up to my shoulders. But I have a kind of unique problem in that I ride a motorcycle. So no matter how curly my roots get, the helmet flattens them. I've tried sort of plopping it into the helmet but it doesn't really work. My hair is full gray (I'm 62) and I have 3B but it's thin (and of course it's very porous, about once a month I leave Olaplex 2 on overnight and by morning it's all soaked in). Help!

Tiffany Phillips: So detailed! Great video!

isabella c: Can you please do a video on how to not lose as much hair when your in the shower? It’s not a health thing I think it’s just how rough I wash my hair, idk but if you can thank you!

rockstarr: I use little clips to lift my hair while it air dries, it helps ☺️

Schooling Diana: My hairdresser (Jamaican and Choctaw) says hair is 3x more stretchy and liable to break when wet. He says it should never be brushed or combed when wet. He has me detangling before washing. I’ve been using my son’s peppermint non-sulfate shampoo if I have to go an extra day or two between washing. This seems really labor intensive. I’ve just been using a leave in conditioner for curly hair, then I pin them up in sections (with a bit of a twist) with small hair claws for the shorter areas, and then a bun claw for the long length. I usually wash at night, and it’s dry and the curls are ready to be separated out in the morning. It takes about 5 minutes after I get out of the shower. If I have to wash in the morning, I still pin it up but then aim the blow dryer at it for several minutes, allow to cool for 10-15, repeat the blow dryer and cooling process at least 2 more times (it takes about an hour—which is why it’s just easier to wash it at night).

Cindy Harbor: Wow needed this! I literally can never get my roots to curl.

Annie Jean: I struggle so much with flat roots. This is so helpful

CiciTV: wow i need to dedicate an entire day for this

restlessly12: This video is full of information, but it makes me despair that I lack the energy and time to maintain my hair on a regular basis. No wonder I’ve been contemplating getting a pixie cut recently.

Julia Hildebrand: Wow I have no clue whats wrong with my hair then. The Denman brush almost completely straightens my hair when I try to use it as you show, when I plop my hair like you do it dries plastered to my head, and when I defuse my hair instead of air dry my ringlets drop to waves

April B.: Beautiful results! What’s the hair dryer and diffuser that you’re using? Seems like no matter what styling products that I use, my hair is always crunchy! Maybe I’m applying too much

Lori Hart: Plopping while you diffuser roots is brilliant!

Violet Ash: I’ve recently switched to the Curl Talk mousse & it always comes out liquidy even after I shake the life out of it.

Dream World: This is what i need thank you

LindyTN: The Denman Brush always makes my hair lay next to my scalp. Never any lift or curl pattern near my scalp. I keep trying a new way with the denman brush, but so far, it does nothing for my scalp area. I have better luck (so far) with no brush beyond detangling. And for that, I have better luck with just a wide tooth comb. All the washing and rinsing and styling product application, works best with my head flipped over and using my fingers to lift it from the scalp. Then when my head up right, i will gently lift the hair from my scalp with a metal rat tail comb. (I use the tail part) I love the way everyone else's hair does with the denman brush.

Mrs_ Rosarot: Great Tipps Thank you so much❤️

Linda Hart: Great tips! Thank you!

Dori T: Okay, I do the brushing my hair forward while bending over before plopping and I can totally see from this video why that has been wrong

Katie: I’ve never heard of the curl training thank you!

MT CS: That moment when you spend a lifetime caring for your curly hair just so that random people can come up to you and touch it

Amanda Smith: Your curls are gorgeous so clearly this works for you, I just have never understood brushing out your curls!! I’ve tried a method similar to this and if I even just comb my hair while wet it loses so much of the curl!

Daphne Sinicropi: For clarifying I use Aveeno but other than shampoos, a monthly deep conditioner or or protein mask, I don't use any other products.

indiara martinez: I really hope this works on my hair because I’ve been so sad cuz my hair doesn’t curl in its roots and I usually just leave it in like a bun or ponytail tail and I want to have my curly hair down but it just doesn’t get how I want it to

Lana Conin: For the first time since I was 15 I’ve stopped straightening my hair and I’m on day 6 and it’s so much damn work

Anna: Anytime brushes are used, I tune out - brushes ALWAYS make my hair frizzy!

Anna Johnson: Ya... I’m a ballerina and have to wear my hair in a tight bun 6 days a week , but I already have naturally soft ringlets so the definition is good, but my roots ARE FLAT

Laney Yuh: I just saw her comment and she posted a link to the steps?!?!?! This is above and beyond, a literal queen I’m so excited to try this on my hair thank youuuu!!!!!!

C B: Wow brilliant video! Thank you!

Nuu April: I like apple cider vinegar mixed with water for clarifying once in 2 months , gives a good volume,also I don’t use many products on my hair

kevin motley: Just seems like a BIG investment in time, we are talking about at LEAST 2 hours or more from start to finish & to me an overload of Products. Clarifying shampoo, scalp massager, conditioner, olaplex, shampoo again , deep conditioner, thermal cap, leave in conditioner, styling cream & mousse. Seems like a BIG investment in time & money . I simply could not afford this routine nor invest this much time in my curls. I have a full time job lol (just saying) Sorry

Andrea Zeledon: I Really needed this my roots are flat and the rest of hair is really curlyThanks for this!

Sara: I struggle because my hair is so long and thick. But mostly because I have practically trained my hair to be slick to my head. Up until about 3 years ago I didn't know what to do with my hair. It always looked like a mess. Almost always wear my hair in a bun or ponytail. But I brush mine flat to my head. The past few months I have tried to break that trend. But honestly, with my length and thickness I struggle to do so much to mine. My hair is strange. My roots will stay soaked forever... Literally hours. While my ends dry so quickly that touching them a lot causes a huge amount of frizz. Admittedly, I need a few inches removed. But my hair, even freshly trimmed, seems to do this always.

Rita: You look so much prettier without makeup... I wish my skin was equally as blessed without makeup . But i really need the coverage

Monica Rosebloom: Im literally writing notes uh i need so much help but your videos are life savers! (Aka hair savers haha) thanks for all these videos

Anntrn 3: I’m using hair sticks when I put my hair up, during the day. It doesn’t pull on my hair so much, and really holds it in place. I do use a silk scrunchie while sleeping.

Linda Mattson: Very helpful video!

Maria Arroyo: Thanks. I never realized my roots needed cream, just ordered Curl Talk right now

K K: Hi Gena! My question is, if you are plopping your hair after using the denman brush, are you not flattening your roots? Best regards from Germany

Theresa S: Have you tried the All About Curls line? I am loving it. It's from Sally Beauty. If you like the scent of Bioterra it smells the same because it's from the same company.

Briana Taveras: Uhh these videos make me wanna keep my curly hair! I have a straightening perm appointment in a few months and I honestly hate my curly hair. I don’t even try with my curls. I used to have nice wavy hair but it turned curly, and since then I’ve been straightening my hair. But when I look at these videos, I’m like, “Wow! I wish my curls looked like that!” Mine are all damaged and I think straight hair is just more easy to take care of. Yea so I’m commenting because I really don’t know what I wanna do... I’ve never seen myself with such fluffy beautiful curls. However, I’m a lazy piece of shit and I don’t think I could manage my curls if I did put up with them. Any opinions?

Youtube no acepta nombre con fuentes chidas :c: I have a problem that maybe is just not related to the video at all but anyways, I finally convinced my mom to cut my hair when quarantine ends, the problem is she says my curl pattern is tighter at the roots and looser on the ends (My hair is 3c I think, it doesn't look like 4a when wet but when it dries it gets super frizzy), now I'm a little worried because I personally think my hair has a looser curl pattern at the roots but it's the frizziest part of my head and I never get curl definition on there, my worry is that when my aunt cuts my hear it'll look like a frizzball and when she styles it'll be 4a and look shorter than anticipated...

lesly paola Jijon perulero: Okkk- I love my curly hair but it takes forever to get readyyyy when we go out- I have to start getting ready about 2 hours before we go out and I STILL end up being the last one to get ready then I get in troubleeee

Jules H: This was SUPER helpful!!!!!

Kelly R: I LOVE your videos and tips, I just wish you could do a video with products WITHOUT using expensive products almost all your videos are promotional for products that I cant afford. I know companies send you stuff to promote, but PLEASE do something without expensive stuff. Olaplex is like 30.00. Just a request, I'm not being rude....your hair is amazing

tragic: my top layer of hair is SO FRIZZY AND DRY. it honestly looks like hay. no other way to describe it. all the hair underneath is wayyyy less dry and more defined. I haven’t diffused in a long while, because I thought that that might have been the problem, but it’s still so dry. does anyone have any tips on what to improve or on what to add to my routine? thanks!!!

Ava Mosqueda: Okay wait you look sooo young without makeup!! Like, your skin is beautiful <3

Lynzey Marie: If i did this, it would take me three hours to do my hair! I have really thick, long hair and a very full head of it. I was thinking long layers would help give more lift at the roots. Brushing my hair? I never do that unless blowing out straight. Interesting but i dont think its the answer for my type of hair. Does anyone have a better blow dryer & diffuser they recommend? Dyson for example? Thanks!

evie girl: i just wash and rince my hair upside down side to side and use scalp detox washing hair with hot water gets rid of product buildup i noticed it helped a bit and also put my hair upside down and use clips at my roots and while laying it upside down while airdrying my curls at my roots are slowly springing back up

Sarita Thyng: I REALLY love your eye makeup in this video.

They do it for the tok: Yesss this literally answered all my questions!! And your hair type is verrry similar to mine. So when you say zig zag part you literally mean your making the zig zag with the tail of the comb? I have my hair parted down the middle and I have the worst time trying to get my hair curly at the roots!!

Katherine Lacy-Barber: Would you suggest using a clarifying shampoo or vinegar rinse after a deep conditioning treatment to make sure it’s not weighing down?

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