How Disney'S Animated Hair Became So Realistic, From 'Tangled' To 'Encanto'

The complex helical curl shape seen on Mirabel in "Encanto" is something you haven't seen in an animated Disney movie until now. The blockbuster musical was Disney's first animated movie to feature every category of hair texture, from 1A to 4C. Getting there took a decade of building the animation, simulation, shading, and grooming tools to represent the full range of hair types, colors, and styles.

We spoke with four members of the "Encanto" team to find out how they did it: Character Look Development Supervisor Michelle Lee Robinson, Consultant for Afro Colombian Representation Edna Liliana Valencia Murillo, Associate Technical Supervisor Nadim Sinno, and Character Look Artist Jose "Weecho" Velasquez.

They help trace the evolution of Disney's 3D-animated hair over the past ten years, from Rapunzel's 70-foot long mane in "Tangled" and Elsa and Anna's braids in "Frozen" to the curly-wavy hair in "Moana" and diversity of textures in "Encanto."

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How Disney's Animated Hair Became So Realistic, From 'Tangled' To 'Encanto' | Movies Insider

Narrator, If you peel back the layers of Rapunzel's hair in ``, Tangled ,'' you'll, see just how complicated animating 3D hair can be., But back then Disney had mainly focused on straight hair building on its previous 2D looks. With `` Encanto ,'', the studio figured out how To create coiled hair like Mirabel's with natural movement., But the animators didn't stop. There.'' Encanto'' made history as the first Disney animated movie to represent the full range of hair textures from 1A to 4C.. Getting from here to here required over a decade of innovation.. The story begins with a familiar storybook princess who in 2010, was seen for the first time in 3D. Disney's. First, major foray into 3D hair animation came with `` Tangled.'' Rapunzel's 70 feet of hair was basically its own character in the movie, pretty much breaking every real-life law of motion and not just because it was magical.. That'S a lot of hair. She's growing it out. Nadim. Every shot of every movie has a lot of bending the laws of physics., Otherwise things would look very flat. Narrator. This emphasizes a key tenet of Disney's animated hair.. The goal isn't always to make it as realistic as possible, but rather believable within the fictional world. Of the story. To make Rapunzel's CG-animated locks, look as appealing as Disney's hand-drawn ones. The filmmakers started with a `` hair bible'', created by artist Glen Keane, who was behind some of the biggest hair hits of Disney's 2D past.. The bible set rules like how Rapunzel's hair could never fall in anything resembling a straight line.. It had to have volume, rhythmic, curves, twists and turns, and a signature swoop in the front., But that shampoo-commercial hair wouldn't be so easy to replicate in 3D. Nadim. It'S not hand-drawn, where you're focusing more on the shaping and you could cheat.. You have to kind of take everything into account when you're doing CG, hair even stuff. That'S not on screen. Narrator, Like wind or different sources of light or shadow. And Rapunzel's strands interacted with the environment in ways never seen before.. You had hair interacting with cloth with skin with other hair.. The other characters were constantly touching, pulling climbing and rolling in it. Accounting, for all these interactions would require simulation a way of automating the movement of elements like hair fur and cloth., The only movie before `` Tangled'', where I think we had really even attempted simulated hair Was `` Bolt'' with Penny.? We knew we had a huge task ahead of us to go from basically that to 70-foot-long flowing hair. Narrator Engineers then created a program called Dynamic Wires, which combined physically based simulation with laws for determining the hair's behavior that defied physics.. This allowed the artists to make Rapunzel's hair twist and turn in exactly the ways they wanted. In real life. This hair would weigh 60 to 80 pounds so it'd clump into a mass or drag on the ground like a heavy tail., But in the movie you see it gliding smoothly, along.. Meanwhile, to give the artists more power to sculpt the look of Rapunzel's hair, the team broke down her 140,000 strands into 147 different tubes. Michelle. The idea was to sculpt tubes of hair that would represent the main blocks of hair.. That process allowed us to kind of control the way the hair would break apart and interpolate. Narrator. This tube-grooming tool was the predecessor to Tonic the hair-grooming software that Disney still uses today. Nadim A lot of the technology from that movie. Pretty much still exists till this day or has evolved into a newer, form. Narrator. You can see that clearly in `` Frozen ,'', which had over 50 unique hairstyles. Believe it or not. Elsa was originally going to have black spiky short hair., But, as the characters evolved, Disney decided to give both Elsa and Anna light-colored braids. In line with the Norwegian cultural traditions that inspired the movie. Michelle, We were pulling the hair from her head, weaving it through into a braid all the way to the end. And just trying to ensure that those braid pieces didn't crash into each other and would bend And move properly was a challenge for us. Narrator For `` Bolt ,'' Disney had developed a hair-brushing tool called iGroom which worked well on short-haired characters., But that plus the tube tools from `` Tangled'' weren't enough for braided looks so Disney's engineers built a new hair-grooming system Called Tonic. Tonic is a volume-based tool which lets artists group, the hairs on a character's head and move and direct those sections of hair in the desired ways.. This allowed look artists like Michelle to create the first versions of complex styles within a few days, a process that, before would've taken several weeks., The team was also able to use Tonic for the hair on the wolves and horses and the shaggy reindeer hair on Sven's Neck. Elsa's hair had another environmental element to adapt to snow. Michelle Particles of snow or sparkles on top of hair is like procedural geometry on top of procedural geometry., So that was hard to figure out. Narrator, And then there were the gusts of wind., Michelle Very stylized. Bang shapes that you know these kind of pieces that formed that really distinctive silhouette.. She really does towards the end of the movie, get blown around quite a bit and trying to balance maintaining that stylization and that kind of appealing shape language with real physical motion.. Narrator Figuring out hair's interaction with the wintry elements in `` Frozen'' paid off in `` Moana ,'', where the focus was on hair's interaction with more forces like water and character. Movements. Things might have been more straightforward if the demigod Maui had been bald, like The Rock himself, which was the original plan.. But Polynesian cultural advisors pointed out that Maui's long hair is a source of his spiritual energy. So both Maui and Moana ended up with long curly-wavy hair.. I'Ve only been thinking of keeping this hair silky and being awesome. Again. Narrator The first task was sculpting their zigzag or S-shaped curls, a hair shape Disney hadn't created before. Michelle, Making those shapes on very, very long hair and then trying to figure out how to manage those individual curl locks. So they don't poke through each other and catch on each other. Narrator. This task required Disney to expand Tonic's tube-grooming tool, giving it the ability to curl the hair up. After sculpting the shape the team figured out how the waves would move and hold their look. Nadim Part of the trick with something like wavy, hair or curly. Hair is retaining the volume of the hair., Because, if you just sim it as is it'll just collapse and fall flat on her head., So how do you retain the flowiness of it Narrator? The team developed what they called an elastic rod model which determined the degree to which the hair would retain its twists and springiness under different forces like wind or water. Nadim. If, let's say, Moana is falling through the sky and her hair's really stretched well. How much of her hair is going to be a full straight line versus how much curl is going to be there Or, if she compresses? How much is it going to bunch up Narrator, But Disney also wanted to give its animators an ability to guide the simulation of the hair., So the engineers built a new hair program Quicksilver that combined rigging and grooming controls. Instead of animating the characters with static hair? Now the animators could put the hair into starting poses and Quicksilver's engine would use those poses to determine the resulting movement. By allowing artists to shape the posing of the hair. Disney was able to recover some of the expressiveness of hand-drawn animation that could often get lost in CG.. It'S particularly useful for the interaction moments where the character is doing something with their hair specifically and the animator wants to guide what that's going to be. Narrator. They wanted Moana in particular to be able to constantly play with her hair, since that habit is typical of teenagers as they observed it in actor. Auli'I Cravalho as she performed Moana's lines in the studio.. The characters' darker hair also broke new ground for Disney. Nadim. If you look at kind of previous movies, ,'' Tangled ,'' `` Frozen ,'', we haven't really done any black darkish hair colors., So that reacts fairly differently to light than other hair colors. And how do you kind of still show its richness, You kind of have to have a movie that needs a hair color to then be able to see how far your technology goes and then tune to that. And now we're at a pretty good spot with? Actually, the shader being able to handle a wide range of hair, colors. Narrator, All of these technologies and more came into play in `` Encanto.''. The shading advancements from `` Moana'' made it possible to get the rich shades of hair in the Madrigal family and the S-shaped curls, seen on Moana and Maui appeared on some characters in `` Encanto.'' Jose. We had the software to be able to do type 1, hair type 2 hair very easily, but we hadn't really figured out how to do coils that are actually helical and that actually look like springs., Specifically for Mirabel. She had kind of a type 3 curly hair like loose ringlets that get kind of tighter in certain places. Narrator. The team added this tighter type of coil into Tonic. Jose. So there was a lot of collaboration with the technology team, trying to figure out what is hair actually doing when it starts to coil versus when it's wavy and then figuring out how we can get our tools to actually do. That. Narrator, Emphasizing the unique attributes of each hair type was a big part of Jose's job as a character. Look development artist. Jose We're trying to figure out what naturally is beautiful about this type of hair, and how can we emphasize that Narrator And the diversity goes all the way down to the individual hairs on a character's head. Curl direction is very important. Because you don't Want two curls to look exactly the same, because then it feels very artificial. In everybody's hair. There'S a lot of variation. Things like variety in size of the curls hair color.. We try to make sure that nothing is symmetrical. Narrator. Every strand of hair also figured in to the dance sequences of `` Encanto ,'' building on the movement work in `` Moana.''. The artists started by looking at a lot of reference material, including footage of the choreography. Michelle. We knew that Mirabel and Luisa, and a lot of the characters were going to be really active and jumping around and in a musical fantasy sequence that they could be hanging upside down.. Sometimes, in those tests you find out that, like one piece of hair is quite a bit longer than the other., And so you have to go back in and adjust it. Narrator. The team would have to look at whether all the strands of hair reacted naturally to the character's movements and to each other.. It was important as ever, to honor differences in textures for every character.. Previously Disney princesses had mostly straight hair that moved in big sweeping paths. To make more tightly curled hair move. Naturally, in `` Encanto ,'', the team had to adjust this approach. Edna. We used to talk about how, when they were dancing how the hair would have to move how the hair would have to perform.. For example, we have the idea that Afro, hair or African hair has not movement., And we have the perception that that's something bad, but that's not bad.. It'S just our hair.. Our hair doesn't have a lot of movement.. It'S OK that it stay like that. You know So it doesn't have to be a ponytail with straight hair to be beautiful. Narrator. What set `` Encanto'' apart from previous movies, was also the sheer scale of its hair diversity, not just for the Madrigal family, but for the entire town. Edna. We have the 12 hair textures in the 12 chapters of the family, but also we have different styles in the whole town in `` Encanto.''. You can see turbans., You can see other type of braids., More indigenous population, for example in Colombia., There's a little girl in the town. She has an Afro not like this with turban, but all free., And also you can find women with braids very Colombian and African style. Narrator. Every single head of hair had to be styled meticulously by the artists, picking up where they left off with `` Frozen.'' Nadim. So if you watch kind of the evolution of having straight-hair characters and then suddenly, `` Encanto'' has all these crowd characters with braids and we could barely do two-braid characters on `` Frozen.''. So the advancements are really there and they trickle down. Narrator. But at the start of production, braiding hair was still a very manual process., Jose So like how you would actually braid actual hair in real life. We have to do that with essentially 3D tubes that we use in our computer. By the end of the movie. We had a more automatic process for making braids where you just draw, or you create a curve, a line along the head. Where you want your braid to come out and then it'll do a little computer-made braid for you. Narrator. That doesn't mean all the work is finished., Jose, There's so much diversity, even within braid types that then there's more complex braids that we're looking at to try to figure out how to make those look really good. Narrator. Ultimately, ,'' Encanto'' made history as the first Disney animated movie to represent the full range of hair textures from 1A to 4C, a milestone reached by building a foundation of tools and then adapting them. Nadim. What'S also great about these tools is we're able to repurpose them in areas that you might not expect.? The system that we use to do hair is the same system that we use to do plenty of other things like Mirabel's dress.. Her skirt has tons and tons of embroidery on it.. We were able to use iGroom to be able to do some of the embroidery. Narrator. The technological progress is impressive on its own, but it's always done in service of telling bigger, stories. Michelle. I think now at this point we have a really complete set of tools and we should be able to make and represent the panoply of humanity, which is a really good place to be

Michelle M: I’m surprised when they talked about Tangled they didn’t mention mother Gothels curly hair as well. She was technically the first one to rock her curls in 3D.

Star Cherry: I liked how Moana’s curl wasn’t perfect lush curls They were frizzed. Very accurate for someone living on a humid island who always wants to swim! Also she doesn’t seem like the type to spend much time on her hair anyway

Darialis Pacheco: I know this is about Disney, but there was NO MENTION OF PIXAR’S BRAVE/MERIDA! Technically the FIRST 3D PRINCESS TO HAVE CURLY HAIR Thanks to HER is that more characters nowadays have more hair textures and lemme say that, even though is Pixar’s character, it is called Disney Pixar so…they should given at least some credit

Lola Baker: I actually took a lot of notice with the curly hair in encanto. I really appreciated it because I have probably around 3a if not 2c (think mirabel) and I haven’t really seen hair like that in an animated movie, like the hair was one of the first things I noticed because it looked so similar to mine with the bounce and the shine and the insane frizz. I appreciate it.

Awesomemay: the patience of animators is so admirable

hs: Its amazing how technology and animation has come so far and the fact that more hair types can be represented in more detail - but to be honest I do miss the hand drawn movies very much so and personally prefer them and the classic style which I grew up with - where the details may of been less but in my view the characters somehow looked more realistic (without the 3D big eyes and same-face style) and have started watching their on the side tv shows that present that style. I wish we could still see more of it in a movie now n then but hey I did love encanto

Emily Black: It’s incredible how well Disney was able to balance the engineering side and artistic side of hair animation. Engineers probably weren’t huge fans of having to integrate artistic controls into physics based simulations, and the artists probably had some beefs with the limits to their control. I hope they continue developing this technology on both sides, and I’m excited to see what will come next! I’m guessing box braids would be fairly easy with the technology we already have, but a leading lady with a magical Disney style afro is next on my wish list.

Studio Hannah: Does Pixar not count here? They do belong to Disney. Brave was the first 3D Disney curly hair as far as I can tell. Definitely leveled up with Encanto, though. Man, the hair looks great in Encanto.

Lukky: It feels great to know that animators at Disney love their job and care so much about the final product. They're really passionate about all of this and it shows

chalklanding: OMG! I didn't expect to see *Bolt* here!! Needs more representation honestly! One of the first ever 3d animated movie I watched as a kid and I still love the story and animation till today.

KittyLover Aaliyah 2: I love that they incorporated each hair type in Encanto. They also showcased different skin tones and body types. The amount of representation in that movie is wonderful. ❤

Carolan: I confess, what I noticed right away when I watched Encanto was: all the different skin tones, hair types & body forms, and it made me so so happy to see this! With Encanto people see what a lot of Latin families look like- often a mix of so many beautiful cultures & peoples. Can have the same parents but the kids come out all really really varied. From blonde to black hair, straight locks to tight curls, short to tall in height, very light to very dark skin & every size too- all in one family. The same with the town's people in Encanto, a Latin community or city can be just as varied too! It was accurate.

ishi91: As a senior 3D Grooming Arist for VFX seeing this video really makes me really proud and happy; all of it is very well researched and documented. Big thanks

NathCabs: Hair and water are the hardest to animate realistically. But still nothing beats untill now how the movie Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within animated the characters' hairs.

Braddah Leeks: Now that they’ve pretty much mastered diverse hairstyles, what’s the next obstacle that needs to be overcome in 3D animation?

Elise Perez: The amount of love and effort put into these movies and projects just give me shivers. It's so amazing how things evolved through the years, and how each movie helped the next. Obssed with Tangled and now Encanto, can't wait for what's to come!

Shadow Watcher Productions: Funny 'cause I remember watching Encanto and thinking "wow, the hair in this movie looks really good"

lynzi moore: as a person with curly hair, i loved seeing how they did them so well in encanto! it really looked amazing:)

opencabinets: I loved the part where she talked about how it's okay that African hair does move it's just not how our physics work I'm so glad that mainstream art continues to become more inclusive

Gulshan Barkud: Encanto is really a gem .. the way they have created detailed work in smallest thing.. it's amazing

•Careless Dreamer• Project Lyrii: When I was watching Encanto, I found myself paying a lot of attention to the fabric and hair physics going on. It’s mesmerizing to watch the dancing, how the skirts and hair moves and bounces during it all.

Aisadal: I love this story! I remember reading all of the interviews and consultations they did to make each and every individual hair thread so realistic; so happy to see it getting revived

N Baua: What a informative video on a technical advancement in animation and the focus only on specific topic. I loved it. Can you guys please make a similar video on the fabrics and clothing done in the animation?

snowtremper: been invested in this series along with the hair animation in merida from brave. hair physics in animation is one of the most challenging but rewarding aspects in the field! as a curly haired person, it is really amazing for me to see my own hair texture in encanto <3

Lilacꨄ: the entire movie I was obsessed with the hair especially how bouncy mirabels curls are! they moved so naturally it was amazing

deavve: As a curly haired person it makes me really happy! I started noticing that curly hair is not present in games and animations just some time ago and I figured that it's probably because it's hard to animate curls. I'm almost never able to customize my character in games to look like me, because of the lack of curly hair and as dumb and insignificant as it may seem, it really bummed me. My curls are important to me. When I was a kid I was often bullied because of them, but I've grown to love and fully accept them as a part of me so I wish I was able to fully express it when creating a character in game and see curly haired people in animations that I love to watch!

🌟神𝕂𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕫𝕖風🌟: Its just insane how realistic Encanto itself looks. The hair on Luisas Neck or the movements of the plants,trees and other people in the Background. Or the different textures in total. You cant even see, that these textures are copied and placed next to the same. I never found any Texture, that is similar to another. And most people dont even look that close. Honestly, i prefer this way over reality.

cool beans: Incredible passion and work ethic from the production team. Watching videos explaining the complexity of the animation process makes me feel so ridiculously giddy

nivish: No matter how many animated movies are out now, nothing can compare to tangled <3 like I legit can’t believe that movie came out in 2010

Bondan D Prasetyo: See, this is why i love disney & pixar. They always implemented new kind of technology or technique in every single their new movie.

Wen: It’s amazing to see the amount of effort and hardwork the behind of the scene staff has put it. It inspires me to want to do the same too, wanting to achieve as much too

Perrine: Thanks for this really in depth video, as a 3d artist student, I just love all the details about the technical obstacles they faced and fixed ! I didn't know about all the type of hair in Encanto, I think that's great cause Disney has some work to do on representation and it's a step towards it, "diversity of all humankind" indeed !

MacabreRomance: Dolores’s hair being curly made me so happy, I’m glad Disney is showing more different types of hair.

Nathaniel Ho: Seriously the main thing I love about Disney movies is the satisfaction of the bouncy curls. Brave and encanto give me so much euphoria in that

The Fourth Dimensional Gaming: yknow its amazing how much more real this hair makes everything look. a lot of people might not realize it, but hair is one of the first things we see when we observe someone, for some, it is the first.

MrRedacto: I just wanna know how long all this hair takes to render! Especially in shots with a whole family with curly hair.

xXmlgamingXx: It’s incredible how far technology has come in just a decade!

Jazmine: This was the coolest video I have seen in a while, I was fascinated from beginning to end. Frozen, Moana, and Encanto are 3 of my favorite recent Disney movies and I love the hairstyles and animation in all three special shoutout to whoever added Luisa's hair on the back of her neck at the beginning of the Surface Pressure scene!! I'm always so impressed that they put that level of detail into the animation and hair. It's such a joy to watch each time.

easter castle: i usually keep my hair in twists but it’s pretty naturally curly, especially when i take it out of the twists, at first i was just told that my hair looks pretty like that, but after encanto came out it was constantly compared to mirabel, which i think if you can pin a specific character’s hair to a real life person then your work was perfect

Multihusbando Trash: The hair is one of the things I noticed first in Encanto, as well as the animation of the fabrics, I don't know why but it's something that I find amazingly beautiful and honestly brings me joy, to see how far animation has come is just breathtaking. I can't stop looking at how they move in reaction to the characters' movements and actions, I just can't help but watch in awe at the result of the animators' work, it's just amazing.

Alyssa Dufresne: My respect for my favorite movie, Encanto, just went up even more.

Sabina Lopez: I remember reading a Time magazine for kids about Rapunzel back in 2004… It took them so long to animate that film and the hair was a big part of it. I waited so long for that film to come out! Haha

Kodi •&•: This is why I absolutely value each one of these movies, because they’ve shown that they improved upon hair animation which made the animations all together feel like we’re actually living it, it makes it feel real.

Vanessa Rodriguez: Just love how encanto shows how diverse Colombia actually is.

Ruru: its so cool to hear abt these processes! with professional studios like this (and even just individual, unfamous artists) you only see the finished product and it can seem like they make these things almost effortlessly (as in, yes, it still takes a lot of work, but the only struggle for them is the amount of time it takes), but hearing about processes like this shows that no matter who you are, or how skilled, an artist is always going to be growing and adapting and having to work through problems till they can get it just right

AkaNeonfox: I'm so impressed by Disney's animations especially 3D CGI animated movies. Technology really has improved so much and so it's a nightmare in a good way.

kay kay: Mirabel doesnt really have "coils". Coily hair would be Dolores', Antonio's, and Felix's.

Paola Animator: I loved seeing the curly hair on a 3D animated movie, I appreciate the hard work and it made me so happy as a curly haired person!

Kz: Soo I have 3B hair and my lil cousins always like to call me Mirabel, growing up I was SOOOO insecure about my curls and i begged my mom to straighten them or just braid my hair so i wouldn’t be made fun of, today i’m proud of my hair and seeing characters that children (some maybe like me) love really makes me happy

Planet Draws: The amount of hair representation makes me love Encanto even more <3

Bluelight Studios: Yet the Oscars felt they had the right to disrespect the work these legends had to go through to make realistic hair by basically saying it's only worth was that it entertained children and children only.

Roxie Doggy: the hair was one of the first things i noticed in encanto. especially camilo, delores and antonio. very accurate and beautiful

054 Sahil Dahat: Artists are really amazing and they show the world from an Awesome perspective that we don't everyday see! All the artists that Humanity ever had are amazing! They have the vision to change the world for a better place! Thanks everyone!

Drew Blackmon : No one mentioned Merida, her hair has many different textures and types of curls, I love how that looked in the end, and I was very happy that Disney represented Scottish hair ( not Irish) ( I’m Scottish)

E. T.: omg yes! i immediately noticed the hair texture differences, including the subtler ones.. like how antonio's hair is actually an uneven texture, just like a lot of us! it blew my mind. i was very happy to see it :)

J.D. R.: Encanto hasn't stopped surprising me, it's a masterpiece

daedaegrizza: Animation really came a long way that’s crazy!!

Anik 86: Tangled was a precursor of long straight and curly 3D animation. It came out in 2010 and the style of an animation is still so good. Adding plot, music, characters and threads I still thing it's the best Disney movie

M Rahim: This is so cool, that was something I noticed about the movie and it enhanced my viewing experience a lot. I can’t wait to see what the studio does next.

Gabriela Portillo: this makes me so happy. growing up i hated my curly hair. i felt like an outsider without straight blonde hair. I have grown to love my dark brown curls an i love encanto's representation.

Debajit X: A salute of appreciation and huge respect to the Animators

Lisa Brooks: i lovvvve this insider look into hair textures!! but i would really like to see Disney or Pixar (i forgot) remake Princess and the Frog. I mean i would love to see a Disney princess with my textured hair. Kind of Cotten ball like that will shrink up when water touches it and get nappy when you dont brush it for days!! I would like to see it because Princess Tiana has very long hair with pretty much zero texture. Not saying a lot of African American girls dont have long flowing hair like that but i would love to see the kinks and coils and the curls our hair has in hair like hers. And now that they’ve been working on hair textures for princesses i think it would be a great experience to see. What do yall think?

Koriander Yander: I have curly hair and appreciate this. I had a lot of insecurity about my hair not being straight. My mom put dangerous hair straightening chemicals in my hair.

hitomie: thanks for posting this insider! encanto has been getting a lot of hype so it’s nice to show the hard work put into 3D animation movies

Anacristina Ruiz figueroa: It's intresting how hair textures change over time in digital animation

Angrynoodle Twenty Five: As someone who's hair vacillates between 2c and 3c depending on the humidity, what products I use etc. I have always been disappointed by the lack of curly hair in character/avatar creator software. In most cases the best you can hope for is wavy and maybe there will be an option for an afro (which is usually cartoonishly large.) It is especially annoying with games that come out of Japan. Which ok yeah there is essentially one hair texture that exists in Japan.... But most Japanese game are developed for an international audience and have been for about 2 decades so not including textured hair or, even more annoying, locking the textured hair you do have behind some sort of progress or paywall so you have to go unlock the ability for your avatar to look like you is pretty damn annoying.

Trotterhorse Watson Jr.: I loved the weight of the real hair and it's limitations but in the movie flowing hair movement!

SiMPLE Channel: i love how they keep challenging themselves to make their animations look better

maltsoy marai: The representation of curly hair Encanto made me stop straightening my hair actually. The work and love that went into getting the hair so right is truly amazing!!!

Thither Shook: Love how the changes in the music matches with each movie

just your average soul that escaped hades: i still think tangled had the best hair ever single strand was animated to look real and it was so amazing!

Amani Scott: I have to argue I didn’t really like Isabella’s hair from Encanto. I felt at times it moved in one cluster, felt kind of stiff and unnatural, clay-like, and too perfect… which *could* make sense considering her character

aikatsudeku: Disney animators have my respect woah it's insane the whole job wow it just amazing and years of work damn!

Celeste: That is amazing how far they've come.

Maura Harms: The movie Brave from Pixar was really the main pioneer in curly hair physics. Khan Academy has a really good video about it called "Computer Simulation (Pixar in a Box)". It formulated the core curl technique which is where an invisible tight curl is put in a looser curl, this helps hold the curl together while keeping flexibility. I know that this video is about Disney, but technological advances are shared throughout the animation industry (and not to mention disney *owns* Pixar). It makes no sense to leave it out.

Ormi Ader: Since animation technology advances with each movie, I wonder how realistic would animated movies look 10 years from now.

CJDkat: I remember a lot of people pointing out Elsa's hair apparently going through her arm in that one scene but it seems minuscule asf considering the work that goes into making animated hair look and move how it should

Pompkin King Plays: I have this on a t-shirt and it's still true. "True MAGIC is knowing how the trick is done and still thinking its AMAZING"

Mondaiyys: yess one of the things that stood out to me the most when I first watched encanto was the amazing curly hair. incredible work

Daniela Marxuach: i know this is about disney’s breakthrough in hair animation technology, but can we also take a moment to appreciate that dreamworks did some STUNNING work on tip’s curls in home (2015)? those curls were ahead of their time.

Gay dog: Honestly when I was watching encanto I would just stop randomly and be like "Wow , their hair looks so real, how on earth did they do that??" Now I know I guess

Jac Conte: I would love to see a Giant Moa in MOANA 2 if there would be one. If there would, I think the Moa bird should be voiced by John Cleese.

S.F: I love these kind of videos they are very informative ♡♡

Fatima M: You see, when we embrace our differences- we become better. Good job guys

Wasumoto: Really interesting to strip animation back so far really awesome and also is a subtle nod to me to ask my hairdresser what my hair type is

robyn: the sheer amount of work put into movies is absolutely crazy to me

Sophia Nílsson: I don't know if americans appreciate what a Big Deal the movie Moana was here in New Zealand, and how talked about and real-world impactful the *hair* of Moana was. I live in a mainly Pasifika area of the country, and go to a church that is mainly Māori, Tongan and Samoan folks, with also some Filipinos & a few Fijians and Pākehā (like me lol, 2 guesses what church haha). Anyway, I teach a class of little boys and girls who are all about four years old, and also singing time with the <12s, and when that movie came out they all were just obsessed with it, singing the songs and when I asked some of the teenage girls and my own mid twenties they all love it too, because, quote "They made her hair look like our hair". I know disney does a lot of that "pandering to diversity for dollars" but it doesn't matter how it came about because they did it right, and there is something that chokes me up when you see a little girl draw a princess or play with a doll or ask you to tell her a story about a "princess" (and describe every single thing about how she looks and what she is wearing, like little girls do), and it is a princess that looks like her, and this little girl has a light in her eyes because she feels beautiful. And then I compare those experiences to how things were not even ten years ago, when I was doing a similar thing in my mid to late teens; I remember one time I was teaching a six year old girl when I found her staying back during an acitivity hiding in a corner. She was crying and scratching at her arms because another (lighter skinned girl) told her she couldn't be a princess because she was "brown" and "princesses have blond hair or red hair and they don't have brown skin". I was shocked, because this wasn't in the 1970's, it was like 2012 or 2013, and yet this child experienced that ingrained idea that her big brown eyes, thick, curly black hair and smooth brown skin was something that was unattractive. I am also concious that, as a white girl telling her things it was different than hearing it from her own mum or auntie, but from what I remember I did my best to explain that you were only allowed to be a princess if you had a beautiful heart and treated other people kindly, so that other girl could never be a princess but that *she* could be one, because her kind heart made her the best princess of all, and that I (truthfully) used to wish I had similar features to her (because I grew up as the only white, freckly ginger amongst a friend group of pasifika and māori girls lol). Of course I don't remember exactly what I said, or word for word what she said too, but that was the gist. I still know her family to this day, and her name? Duh, it's Moana too

Allie Wayzz: i’m surprised they didn’t mention Merida or Mother Gothels curly hair

Cher Jay Lee: Absolutely amazing!

Lorena Martienez: Eso Encanto ESO! Showing us todo los hispanas! 1A to 4C. Representing us Afro-Latinos. Que viva la gente!! I love this move so much. Colombians and Salvadorans are very similar you know lol.

Lyn Enanoria: Woahhh, I'm learning many things in just one video! Amazing!❤️

KillerTacos: I love this animation series so much! I am kinda disappointed that there was no mention of Brave though

Lisa Santiago: From from bugs bunny to Cinderella,Snow White etc to now En Canto absolutely amazing technological advances.

tyler johnson: The video: “How Disney’s animated hair became so realistic” Me: “Pixar” Edit: No seriously Pixar is the main reason I mean did you see what they had to go through with animating Sully’s fur in “Monsters Inc” and especially Violet’s hair in “The Incredibles”. And in terms of curly hair Pixar got that shtick down all the way back in 2012 with Merida and her long red curly hair in “Brave”. Everyone has forgotten who the real kings of computer animation is and it’s about time they start getting the respect they rightfully deserve again.

Chlo Bo: Meredith from Brave: am I a joke to you? Also, when I first think of hair in animation, my mind goes to Pixar and Monsters Inc., Sully's hair was crazy when I was a kid, it was the first time I could see individual moving strands

Hiyori Iki: I clicked because I saw my girl Rapunzel which is my fav Disney princess. And then I saw Encanto which is one of my fav new movies. Glad I clicked on it! Learned from it and enjoyed it.❤ I do wish they added Merida as well... even if it's from Disney pixar.

NayvieNoir: I would’ve watched an hour long documentary on the evolution of Disney’s hair engines

Ana Nikolovska: okay but didn't they mention that mother Gothel has curly hair in tangled, they kind of already had done a curly haired character and it wasn't a first time thing when it came to moana's hair also, Merida from brave is an honorable mention since it is a disney movie and came out wayyy earlier than Moana, still this video is very amazing and shows the progress and evolution of disney's hair programming skills they have developed throughout the years they really improved!

The Rio Zoo - Gaming: My favorite part of encanto was probably the hair and the dresses cus they looked really good

pauliina: i love these behind the scenes animation videos

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