How To: Soft And Short Haircut For Women - Short Hair Cutting Techniques

Soft and short haircut for women

Short Hair cutting Techniques

*Giving is hold forever*

Hello, welcome to hairbrained live everyone, I'm Sam! This is lovely Mike Goldberg and we're joining you from slate education, we're here in London tonight and the lovely standard Slingsby. Fellow michael. Has this got to show you passed on hi everyone thanks so much for tuning in as the lovely sunset we're here for London all introduce you to my lovely model. This is Kate, so a little bit just to explain what we're going to do for you today. It'S gon na be this lovely short graduated shape, which is going to come heavier in the back and some tights on the sides. And then what we're going to do is we're going to do this lovely soft layer. It'S going to come over the top of the head and it's just going to cascade down. So it's this really nice tight, short graduation around the sides in the back and then this long sweetly soft fringe over the front. So what we're going to do? This is we're going to start from this. Top section is going to come in a bit envious. Everyone can see this, so what I've done is I've sectioned off an area from the top, and I comb the hair away and what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull the hair out horizontally and I'm gon na cut my first section from the top And what this is doing is it's going to create the weight line through the top of the head, so I'm actually going to have the base of my show coming through the top, and what it's going to do is it's going to allow me get to see Where I'm gon na connect the hair to so I'm taking these sections around horizontally, but I'm going to connect them vertically and what this is going to do. Is it's going to allow me to control that shape better? So when you see it you're going to see a really defined shape coming all the way through and the good thing about this is it allows you to control that shape you're, creating without having to think so much about how you pull the hair left and right. Okay, so what we're doing is we're working all the way through to the back of the head and just creating that first section through the top, so a lot of people when they do this, is they try and come from the front with the first section like This and it's very good when you're doing it like that, but the problem is, is to keep the balance a lot of the time. So what I've done is I've done this first section at the top and what I'm going to do? Often it's now is I'm going to do the other side so guys. Thank you so much for tuning in please let us know where you're from so we've got everyone out. I'M sorry, I'm not looking at my phone, I'm actually reading all these messages from everyone. That'S tuning in now, so we've got hello, hello from California, hi from Wales, Belinda Jones from Wales, hello, it's so great! I think these things are so great to see. You'Ve got everyone around the world watching and we're here in in London and Michael's cutting away, and so obviously people watching servants leg is an advanced higher education company. So we travel the world teaching hairdressers, advanced techniques in hairdressing, and what we do is we offer courses in cutting and styling and now with color. It was so sad as I have everything else aside. The sound is our new color director who's, going to start introducing courses now for 2019 with color as well. So now we really offer all the advanced hairdressing. You need so a little bit back to this haircut of what I'm doing so. You can see that I'm going back and I'm doing the weight light on the second side as well, and what I'm going to do is once I've found both sides, I'm going to come back and do a readiness cross-check of the balance within this. So I want to make sure that it's the same on both sides, and this is something that's really important when you work when you want to do a balanced haircut, the only way to do a balanced haircut is to check as you work. So what I've done is I've done both sides and I've used the measurement of my hand as a little dive bar, and so what I mean is when I pulled the hair out. I used my fingers away from the head to see how far am so as an example as if I was more far away. I'D be like that, if I'm closer to the head, I'm like this, and so I try and remember how far my hands are from the head in order to do the same. On the second side. Now I always try and go longer on the second side, not because I'm going for an asymmetric look, but just because I want to have a chance to correct it, because if I go too short on the second side, it means I have to do the first Side again, so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take a little bit of hair and just do it tiny little check, and so, as I pull the hair out, I'm just looking to make sure that we're balanced on both sides. So something to do when you want to check balance is to check all of it from the front to the back. So what this means is, don't just check one little piece from the front: don't just check one, please from the back, make sure that you go all the way around the head to make sure that the hair is the same on both sides. All the way to the back, so what I have is, I'm very, very slightly longer on this side. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back, I'm just going to take that ever so slightly millimeter off to just make sure the same on both sides. So balance is a really big thing, but the only way to make sure it's good is to check check check again. Okay, so we're really lucky guys. If you have any questions, please ask we love questions, we're not answering any technical questions. Anything you want to know at all. We love answering questions, so if you have any questions, sound would be really nice enough to answer them for you as well. So I was find interesting something. This is something that you know. Obviously, we specialize a lot of what we do, but I have a lot of respect for people that do both cuts and colors, and I think it's it's it's two different kind of skill sets that you need that. I can feel very patient person. You can do color like sound if you have no patience whatsoever. You can be a cutter like me because I like instant gratification for my work. So if you have any questions regarding cuts or colors today, please feel free to ask. So slain is a really passionate about answering all your technical questions so for those of you that are just tuning in, I will say big fellow thank you so much. I'M Michael mrs., sound and we're here from slate her education and what we're done today is we're going to do a really nice soft graduation all the way through the bottom of this haircut and then we're going to work a really nice soft layer through the top And what you can see here is I've created first, my weight line through the top of the haircut. So if we look through all of the top of the haircut, if you come in a bit closer ending ready, you guys can see that we started by creating the shortness on the top, which is what I'm going to now use to connect. So the way I did this for those of you that are just tuning in is, we took a section from the top. We brought it out horizontally and we worked all the way round the head to create our weight line through the top. This is a really easy technique for you to do. If you want to make sure you have good balance throughout your haircut as well. Okay, do you ever watch back for your haircuts yeah? I have a tendency when I've got as I come back and I always watch their hair. Braid lives, they're, sometimes funny sometimes cringe-worthy, but I think it's really important that if you looked at the way that you talk and the way that you cut you'll always learn something. So it's important to watch other people's work. But it's also important to look back on yourself and the way that you've worked in the way that you explain things and think you know I always. I was strong believer that nothing's ever perfect, so you can always improve. So I think self-improvement is really important, and so I only want to be better than I can be, so I always try and look at what I've done and think how I can do it better next time. I hope that answers your question. Thank you. So much for asking it and let us know, give us a thumbs up. If that answered your question, I think just to touch on what you're saying I think it's important to have some sort of self-criticism of your own work rather than criticizing others and watching. You know so we need to do these days and Instagram and just do the cylon generally. I think you can't stop criticizing my work, because when you think your work is perfect, then it never is you know, so I think that's important and I mean that's. Why we're in education only because we always believe that there is room for improvement and I'm her strong believer that the person that you should look at the most and look up to and think can you better than that is yourself. You know there's no point in trying to be like other hairdressers because you're, not you are who you are you're a neat beautiful person, and so you have to look at yourself and think: can I be better and if you think that you can do better than Then it's worth pushing for it. If you think you know what I'm actually happy, I gave it my best, then you have to be happy with that as well. So I think it's really important to look inwards and especially, as Sam said with so much Instagram these days in Facebook. It'S important to look at yourself rather than compare yourself to others Instagram for certain things like this, like your brain lives, organize can all get together and so a community, I suppose, rather than the criticism, yeah. Sorry yeah. No just these questions! All these people are out Chambers 191 people watching out. Thank You. 109 people really appreciated so far. Let'S keep them coming Tiger friend. So what I'm doing now is I'm connecting what I've done with my wait line on the top to the bottom now, so what we can see is we can see where I had already cut the top just to give me that baseline to work with, and now I'M coming back vertically and I'm connecting those in and what this is going to do is it's going to allow me to create that strong shape, because I've already created the shape here so we're just coming with vertical sections and we're using the top. As a guideline of our shape and we're just working towards the face, so if you have any questions, please throw them at us we're looking forward to hearing them. We'Ve got a great question from Mary Dahl. For me, this is a great question. It'S is there a reason: you've chosen this Cup on this model, yeah. Of course suitability is really important, so the bit is really important and what we've done is we've got a really amazing model, so for all of you guys to say hello as well. This is Kate, so Cape is obviously stunning, so we were very lucky that we can do a lot of different things, but she came in with this haircut where it was very, very heavy throughout the bottom and it just expanded a lot around the side. And so what I wanted to do is I wanted to slim the side and really just bring a softness to the head and accentuate the top as it falls softly over the face. So I very much shows my sectioning in order to do this, so when you think about the haircut as well, your sectioning is very important as to where the weight is gon na sit. What I mean by this is how much the haircut is going to expand out or swim in so by taking my section up here, which is above the roundness of the head, it's encouraging the hair to sit just flatter and soft with her against the head as Well, so the reason why I've taken this section up higher here is because I wanted to slim the sides and soften it and the reason I've my section lower, is because I wanted to build more weight and more length at the bottom. So I want the back to stick out the bit nicer and I wanted to bring this soft but really tight, haircutting on the side, and just so you guys know. We also have a Medusa here watching us. So in case any of you misbehaved today, Medusa's gon na, come see you. So we wanted to go nice and tight as well, so we can expose Medusa, but for now she's just going to be hiding until later guys, so yeah so for Kay. The whole point was to create that really nice soft haircut that sweeps over the face in the front so keeping that softly and slimming the sides and making it just a really nice tight soft haircut. So I hope that answers your question. If it doesn't, let us know in the comments and I'll go whatever anything against anything. I say guys that doesn't quite make sense to you. I will really be happy to say it again for you so really really you're passionate that everyone feels comfortable with what we said, and it makes sense so give us a thumbs up. If that makes sense, it's fine. We'Ve got hi Michael. I remember our meeting in Cyprus. It was amazing from Alexander Ohio, Moscow. It was really nice to meet you at that shirt and yeah, it's so nice to connect with people from all around the world. You know so nice. Wherever we go. We get a really nice reception and a lot of people watch these videos, so we're really grateful to everyone would always Tunes in to watch. We really appreciate the support and, if you guys can like and share as well will mean the world to us. So thanks so much and nice to hear from the other two do one haircut furnaces interesting is obviously sat on an academy, creative work, sometimes to separate I mean, I think the question is: how much time do you have you know if you have 45 minutes, then Maybe it has to be in 45 minutes if you have an hour or maybe it should be an hour. If you have an hour and a half, maybe you do not have the truth is, but in the timeframe we have we try and do the best job. We can do, but obviously, when you've got more experience or better education, you feel more confident about the work you can do a better result faster, and I notice that a lot when I started to get better at cutting. I could get the same result, but I used to take me 3 hours in one hour because my speed improved as my understanding improved. You can see a lot when I cut is. I then cut again again, I'm working very, very strict with myself. So I do one piece I move on to the next piece. I move on to the next piece of liver and having this set structure of working very, very systematically allows them to complete things quicker, because I have a vision and I execute it as opposed to not being quite sure what it's going to look like. At the end, and then going back and forth and back and forth, so I think, having a strong vision and a strong idea of how women get there is a great way to do fast, good work. I hope that answers your question as well. For me, it's funny people ask me this question about mixing color these ideas for mixing color and for me, it's sort of a similar answer where it's, I sort of do it more for feeling you know, for making a pink or making the blue I've got this Feeling but, as a teacher, that's obviously very hard to teach. How, then do you teach that I've got a feeling, and I have a vision of you need to them to somebody else. For me, I think that slate we're very, very, very, very passionate to the fact that we believe everyone is a creative genius, especially if you're a hairdresser. You have to have a good creative sense and what you don't have sometimes is the experience to be able to executed. So I don't know if it's the same for color, but I find my cutting someone may have an idea. So what we try and do it's late is we teach people how they can create their vision. So if you want to get this shape, this is what you do if you want to get this color. This is what they do. Have it in that vision of it? We believe a lot of hairdressers habits is just about explains and how they can achieve that vision. So for us, obviously, you know with haircutting it's very much about gravity, it's very much about. If you cut it here, it's going to fall there and that's the way it's going to work so for us about understanding those dynamics of where you want the things to sit. So I knew I wanted to wait to sit there, and so I pulled it out there. I knew if, when I pulled it out this much it was going to fall over there. Then I understood how tight I wanted to go and therefore I connected it. So it's just about having that, first of all that vision and then understanding how you're going to execute it quickly as well. So now, as you can see, I'm just simply working around the head. So I'm doing the exact same thing and you can see I'm taking small sections, so I'm only incorporating a new part each time as I work, and I have all the pieces that I've completed from before and then I just take a very small section that I Have and now I'm gon na work through and start to connected, I'm just gon na come over to the side move the head over and I pull the hair up and I'm very conscious of where my fingers are pointing. So I want to go very tight here. So I make sure that my fingers are pointing very much towards in this case Medusa. I'Ve never said that before, but that's fun so making sure my fingers are pointing towards Medusa, because I want to go really tight and then I'm executing it by cutting. So if I wanted to make it softer, my fingers would be pointing more away from the head, but because I want to go for a really nice short sharp shape that exposes Medusa, I'm really going in tight perfect. So you guys didn't think we're going to greet mythology so again, just being very, very clean in terms of when I move the hair away, so that I'm only taking a small section that I'm working with for me. It'S more important to take a small bit of hair that you haven't cut yet that have a large piece of your guideline from before. I find this a lot with students. Is they end up taking a very small piece that they're going to cut, which is great because you don't want to have too much hair in your fingers to cut. But then they don't take a lot of the guideline from before and in that way they lose their guideline a lot. So for me, it's very, very important to have a solid, clear guideline. If you cannot see your guideline, your cutting in the dark, and so what we have to do is we have to see the hair cut from before the hair that we've cut in the previous section. And then we follow that as a guideline. If you cannot see your guideline, you are cutting in the dark, so it's very important to have that very clear guideline so that you can follow it. I'M going to do the last section on this side and then I'm going to come from the other side and connect the second side in, but remember, I've already focused on my balance from when I cut the first part. Okay, so what we can do is I'll. Just do as I finish one side, I'm just gon na - do a lovely little recap, so I'm like obviously, these creative director of sleep education. This is Sam she's, not color director here at Slayer education, and this is Kate, a lovely model. So what we've done is we're going to do this really nice short soft haircut that comes in red type, graduation' around the bottom in the back on the sides and then connects with a very soft sweepy fringe over the top whatever, if you call it sweetly fringe In America, and what we did it, the way we did this was we took a section from the top and we took a horizontal section and we connected all the way around to create our shapes and this created our shirts and see throughout. The talk we are is lovely shape from all the way around and what we then did on the side that we finished is. We came through with vertical sections and we connected it, and so we had that weight line that piece that we did horizontally and we connected it with vertical sections. I'Ve done the one side now into the second side. For me, what I like to do is I like to do my basic shape, and then I like to cross check afterwards, because what happens is if you cross check too much well, what happens if you go too long or too short on the second side, you End up having to cross check again, so what I try and do is I try and do a very basic shape, and then I afterwards runway or a creative Haircutters is something that would be good to use in solo. You can definitely use this in a 700 %. You know. I think that this can be adapted as well for softness. If you pull that further out, it's going to be a bit of a softer haircut as well. If you've got a tire, it's going to be more shock. I definitely feel this is a sorry move over, so you can see better that this is definitely a very solid friendly haircut. In my opinion, it's something that a girl may ask for when she comes in that she one's kind of short around the sides in the back, but she wants the long, sweeping bangs or fringe whatever you want to call it around the front. So it adds that element of softness we're taking away all that we don't on the sides in the back, and so I think I've definitely been asked for this haircut quite a few times in this hour. So I think you'll find this is a really good haircut. So I have in your repertoire for the salon as well and obviously how you style it will make it a very fashion-forward haircut or not, and but I think these haircuts are very much fashion-forward these days - that definitely not consider that a heavy plastic haircut they are Considered quite a contemporary shape as it were, educational is late. How would you Michael, then, the difference between the creative courses of the more classic courses? So what we do is we have our first course which is geometric. So this is a three part series where we teach all of our until metric haircuts, which is really the core understanding of dynamics of how hair works, how we build shapes and techniques in hair. So once you've done these three courses, which is all of our geometrics, who really understand the dynamics of how to create technique and shapes, so it could be a round shape a square shape, a triangle shape. It could be aligned with the alaior. It could be a graduation, so once you really understand these concepts, then you can move on to doing things which is more abstract, so abstract paddy would be more mixing differentiate when you work and then you move on to create affair. Had some creative Matt Cutts is rarely just the foundation that cuts the geometrics breaking up into little tiny pieces and then put back together again in a beautiful way. So for anyone who doesn't know our work, you know you can just check out slave higher education and you can maybe see some of that creative work as well. It'S quite crazy. It'S quite creative! I will warn you, but I hope you guys like it. I think for me as a colorist um, you know often when you start doing color. The first thing you want to do is start making blues and Pink's. For me, you, you kind of need the Foundation's first. So for those of you that often go and creative courses, I think if you've been hairdressing for a long time, try a class of course they're there for the courses I actually enjoyed teaching the most, especially if you've been hairdressing for 100 years, or you know long Enough to understand that you need the foundation techniques to be able to do the creative stuff. You need to to break the rules and creative stuff, especially colouring. You need to know the rules and the theory and the base the beginning to be able to do that. So think it's important not just disregard the foundations and they're just as important, if not more important than for me. I think classics is the core of how you do it. You know, and if you can't do it, then how are you going to do anything creative? So you know the way that I like to explain to my students. Is, I say you know if you look at Picasso or darling, very, very famous painters, and you might say well, I prefer the passer than you might say. Well that I prefer darling. The truth is they both knew how to paint, and so once you understand how to paint, then, if you choose to paint like darling and you choose to paint like the passer or you choose to create your own new way, then that choice is yours, but you Really have to learn the fundamentals of how to create first. So when we teach we always say you know, hairdressers have an amazing vision to be creative, but they just have to learn the core of how to create first and then what you create after that is your choice, your that you're, the boss, you're the artist and I hope you guys agree at home. Let us know the questions seem to come on. You guys need to be things as well, but we want to know questions. You want pick locals brave yeah, so I love answering questions about any haircut that you can think of. You know whether you have a problem with suitability. Maybe you have a problem with creating shades. Maybe you have a problem with soft haircuts? Maybe it's a haircut. You did at home recently or at work, and you just can't quite understand and want a bit of help, we'd love to answer any questions, so please throw them at me, but spheres of fire and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions. Also, if you're a bit shy, you know feel free to direct message us at slate higher education. I'M going to be more than happy to message you back and answer any questions you have as well cool. So what you can see is I'm just connecting from the top to the bottom, so because we have this amazing shape that we've created horizontally through the top we're not connecting it from the bottom. So the top was already the same on both sides. But what I have to do now is make sure that the angle coming down is the same. What I mean by that is because we took our section out horizontally. We know that it's the same on both sides, but now, when my fingers were pointing towards Medusa, we've got Medusa here on this side. I need to make sure when I'm coming the other side that I'm pointing in the same way, so you can have one side pointing and the other side pointing out so because the top is the same on both side. I have to make sure that the angle of my thing is pointing down are the same as well, and then I will have a great chance of getting a good balanced haircut as you work down through the top to the bottom. Are you changing your finger position? So what I'm doing is I'm keeping a consistent angle in terms of I'm keeping the angle close towards the head. So what this is doing is I'm making sure that that coming down from the top to the bottom is pointing the same way so towards the hairline of the body. But as I'm working around the head, I'm moving the hair and I'm pulling it straight out. And what I'm doing is I'm following the guideline from the top, because we took this horizontal section in the beginning. So, just to recap, what we did was we took a section horizontally from the top and we worked all the way around from the top first and you could see that as an example in the front here it shorts up and in the back. It goes wrong and what's happening is when I put my fingers out, I don't need to think about the left difference, because, as long as I follow the guideline from the top yeah and that my fingers are pulled out, it's connected to how much hair I have At the top, so by doing this section first horizontally allows me to not think about anything. All I do is I pull the hair out and when I connect the top, I know that I'm the right length and I work my way down, so this is longer than the front, but I don't have to think about it. All I have to do is pull my fingers out and when I see the top connecting I go down, so it stops me having to think about over direction how much I pull their hair left or I, what I'm doing is when I do the first section Horizontally as long as my fingers connect to the top, it means my shape is good and I don't have to think about my over direction. Does that answer your question? Please let us know, and yes thank you for your question. Thank you. So much yes know anything else. I'Ve got another question he's asked a few times, so I feel like when you need to definitely answer it. Jonathan said nice, Thank You, fern stronger food, so I have a client. This is quite funny. I have a client who likes a slightly tighter neck area, but she, but she has strong directional growth that goes into a DA. Does house yeah? How would you correct that? Oh so, when you're talking about strong growth patterns, really there's only two options: one is you leave it really heavy to you cut it really short, and I wish I could tell you there was something else, but unfortunately we can only work with what God's. Given us right, obviously in our case, it's all beautiful, Kate, sir. Thank you very much. We also got Medusa here, so I have to be nice, but what I would say is if you're working at the bottom, if it's really really jumpy, what you might have to do is go very tight and very short with it, so that it doesn't stick out. You know you might even have the scissor over comb that little area just at the bottom to make sure it's nice and tight. If you think that it's too jumpy and you can't control it, the best thing to do then, is to leave it heavier. So you can actually leave it heavier, but lift it up. What I mean by this is do graduation, so do something that you pull down but leave it very heavy so that it looks like it comes higher up, but it's a heavy graduation. If you're going to go type more than if you go to Triton you're going to have to scissor over comb it in order to get it really tight. So looking at the growth patterns before you start is a really really important, so you're, either going to work with the growth patterns, we're going to work against the growth patterns, if you're going to work with them with heavier or keep the hair in the direction that It moves if you're going to work against them, cut them really short. I hope that answers your question. Let us know I'll be really happy to hear. So what I'm doing is I'm just crushed checking my work. So what this means is. I did my section vertically, and so I'm going to come back now and when a cross check horizontally. So what this means is, I'm just checking the shape from left to right. So I'm not looking at the hair from up and down, I'm just peeking up their hair and I'm looking from left to right that it's a really nice clean shape that I'm working with and so which are checking that so lifting the hair up. And you can stand on the other side, so I'm standing on the opposite side, but obviously you guys don't really want to look at my back all night. So that's why I've decided to stand on this side as well. I'M gon na have a nice back, but I don't think it's about not do that. Camera woman's laughing. Sorry about that, and so what I'm doing is I'm just lifting up the hair and what you can do is you can just lift up the hair, maybe a little bit higher than the elevation you used to cut it. The reason is: it'll just make the whole haircut just the tiny bit softer, and that's always nice when you're cross-checking is you want to make everything blend and you want to make everything soft. So it's good that you can see is what I'm doing is I'm actually lifting the hair up and I'm just checking in little little section. So I hope you guys can see that everything I'm doing is very, very clean and very, very methodical. What I mean by this is when I started from the front. I worked one two, three four, five, six very clean now when I'm checking I'm working very clean one, two, three, four and so on, and so that way you don't get lost in your haircut. A lot of hairdressers when they're cutting her to get lost in their sections, they kind of don't know quite what they've done what they haven't done. You know they also, maybe do a section check it and then after 10 minutes go back and check it again and so by working. This very, very clean, very, very methodical, very, very section way. What you're allowing to do is you're stopping yourself from basically checking what you've already checked and so thou shalt not check. What thou has already checked is. This is the name of the game. Basically, so I'm gon na ask you some questions like in terms of cross checking. We don't really call you know, we might make sure that we've oversaturated the color and made sure that we have enough color on it, but there's not really crush surfing per se in color yeah. That'S what I'm gon na do. Color you want to cross check. Wanna cross check number: should you cross check the opposite, I'm gon na shoot. This is yeah. So, let's see, if I can make sound color director understand about hair cutting. It means that we're doing a good job right. So basically the concept is sound. You ever heard about the layout of graduation, so what we've done here is we've a really nice graduation, and so we work through on these vertical sections with this really nice graduation, and I can see that it's nice, because I could see the angle of my fingers Coming down as well, and so once we've done that we think actually that's really nice. I know that my graduation is good, so why am i prostrating well, what I'm doing when I'm prostrating is I'm cross-checking what we call our shed? This is what we see from left to right, so we can see that the shape here comes around the head, so it's this nice rounded shape we're creating and so by working these horizontal sections, what we're doing cross-checking our side now, what would happen is if we Have done everything horizontally, we would have this nice shape, but maybe that graduation would it be nice. So that's why we cross check the opposite of what we're doing so if we've done it vertical, we crossed your horizontal. If you don't for asansol crusted vertically, I know you have some other interests, except that helps you with the geometry geometry, something it's so different to color me. It'S that's art yeah! I think. Definitely anything you learn in life. You always find a way of connecting it to what you do. So I don't know any of you guys at home watching today. Maybe you have a hobby, maybe there's something you've done and you can relate it to the craft of hairdressing, whether it's a social thing like talking to people or whether it's an artistic thing like painting, there's always a way of connecting what you do to hairdressing, because Hairdressing is such a diverse thing, so there's always going to be a little something that you can learn. That'S going to be able to come back into your druggin. For me, graphics, design is very much like hairdressing. You come up with the concept with your client. You design it and you execute it except it takes three months and I'm not patient. Remember so. Hairdressing takes you an hour, so that's much better suited for me. My mom told me, I would be a good hairdresser and I tried it and I loved it. I think her dress is a very, very, very creative fun people to be around and I think once you're in it. You just get obsessed you just Henderson over time, and I think that is the beauty of it is, if you, if you don't like hairdressing, you're, probably gon na quit within a month, and if you love it you're going to do it for the rest of your Life, so I think that is what makes you a good hairdresser is having that passion and just practicing. You guys are kind of doing that now. You know just by watching a hairbrained live video. You guys are choosing the future and choosing to be better at what you do and excelling the self. That'S really what it's about for me. Is you know having that solid education and selling yourself every day for me, but I always really interested in art so sort of found myself kind of half creative academic brain which fails they're, always sort of clash between one another which I think getting into color is Sort of an obvious really because for me, it's kind of very, very creative and also you know, has to do a lot with art and then also has watch to the science. So that's one of the main reasons why I'm like I've? Never I've never heard anyone compared coloring hair to being a witch before I actually genuinely like that, that's a cool so for your colorist out there, your little witches brew. I love it, keep going guys. So, basically, you have to be a little bit nerdy in that respect, and I like that there is a there is a lot of theory to color. That'S where I have a massive massive respect for colorist, because you know there's so much involved in the understanding, but I think there are once you have that solid education. It becomes much clearer and that's what I love is. I found hairdressing very, very difficult. I was by far the worst student in class. You know, and I found that once I understood better how to create shapes and techniques within hairdressing, how to cut hair better. It made me enjoy it a lot more if you're taking a lot more freedom and it became less complicated. So I think that's something beautiful. Oh sorry, I need to go. I need to scroll up. I'M sorry how my question answered. Could you do this cut? All? Oh, would you just cut all of us as a roller coaster? Argento'S? Oh, you can but you'll definitely have less control. So you know for us, working with our fingers first and then being able to scissor overcome afterwards gives us much more control than if we were just going to straightaway go into scissor over comb and it's very hard to build up weight to this extent. So to make it this heavy on the side with just a pure scissor over comb technique, so, yes, you can, but personally I feel, like I have a little bit less control than if I did it like this. You know when you get better. You know, there's certainly things that you can do to save yourself time, but it's very important for me to have more control of my shape is to work this discipline way and then you can always clean up a haircut afterwards with scissor over crack. So, just to explain what I'm doing now is what you'll find is when you work the first section horizontally. Is you get a quite a heavyweight line through the top, so by just elevating that hair up like I did now at the very top you're, just making sure that there's no weight lines and it's much softer as well? So, just me too, for those of you that are just joining us. Just a quick recap. This is K. I'M Michael! This is Sam. What we've done with Kate's head is. We took our first section horizontally from top and what we did was we created just a weight line through the top, so we worked our fingers horizontally and then we connected everything vertically afterwards and what I've done now is. After doing that, horizontal section connecting things vertically. I cross-checked and now just so you guys can see how a scissor over time I'm going to do a touch of scissor and turn as well. Just so you guys can see the way I would work through a scissor of the cones well before we move on to the top. So, as we said before, thanks so much for tuning in please, please like and share this video and if you have any questions, feel free to shout them at me and Sam you're on sir James hi James with your worksheet, it's probably not he's on holiday. We gave him a holiday right, see Sir James got himself. A lovely holiday is cheating somewhere interactive right now, just having a glass been relaxing, so we missed you join us. We love here, yeah where'd. You get your inspiration from person. I love inspiration from animals. That'S one thing that really really inspires me: I think you can get from anywhere and I, but for me personally, I just get it a lot from nature, so I think inspiration can come from anywhere and I love hearing where everyone gets their inspiration from so yeah. Let us know where you get your inspiration from. Is it from fashion? Is it from nature? Is it through the hairdresser next year, so just to get explain to you? What I'm doing there guys is, I'm doing a bit of scissor over comb, so I'm keeping the head upright and I'm just coming in slowly and when scissors are moving fast and my comb is moving slowly and as I worked the way off the head and connected. I'M trying to expose Medusa here so for those of you that are just joining us, we're not going crazy, you're, not seeing crazy things. There is really Medusa here, ready for you coming out. So most amazing model plugins, but was amazing Tatsu, so I'm loving just having fun exposing this as well, and so what we're doing we're working in small panels. So I'm just working through the center first and I'm just making sure that I'm building that weight up nicely as I work through the head and once I've done the center, I'm moving over to the sides as well, and so we're going to really slowly without curling. What you could see is, I turned my comb out, but not too much, because what I'm doing is I'm actually using the length of my comb so how much my comb sticks out in order to control the weight. So if I do this, I'm going to scoop the hair a lot, but actually by telling the kind of outwards I'm just creating a really nice softness to the whole thing and I'm making sure that I don't go too short. So if you have a tendency of going too short try and do this trick, try and turn the comb out more instead of art this way so try and turn it that way instead of this way and that way, you're just keeping things much softer and you're Building the weight more with haircut. Does that make sense guys? Let me know please we do courses as well. What we don't do is we don't teach clipper work. So we do everything a lot more softer and I'd like to say elegant, but that's probably the wrong thing to say you know, but we work a lot more with our scissors and our fingers as opposed to just clipping off the side. So there are a lot more elegant, softer haircuts, more gentlemanly haircuts or even more. You know, surfer punky haircut, so you know mod haircuts. Anything that's got a slightly softer feel to it. That'S all slightly longer feel to it as opposed to just the kind of classic barber work with the Clippers, so we do offer. If anyone wants to know about what kind of courses we do offer they're more than welcome to go visit our website at Slate hair com. So for those of you that can't see, I struggle to keep hold of the hair towards the name whenever come shorter, any tips. Yes, so again, it just depends on what you're doing if you're talking about with your fingers. It'S just very important that if you have a control issue, go slowly always better to go slow, especially if it's an area that you're not sure about. I like to work with my fingers pointing towards the the bottom of the neck as well, so I can keep my balance if my fingers are pointing towards the spine, it's very easy to see through this tattoo or pointing the other way, and I'm also very conscious About the type of hair, so if its head is very jumpy, I'm more careful, I keep it a bit longer and the same with scissor over comb. If I'm going in, I'm just going very, very slow and I'm turning the scissors and then cutting away from the head in order to not take away too much weight, so I think it just goes so if you're having trouble and looking at the growth patterns and Really allows for the type of hair that the person has is very important. It says brilliant technique, thanks Dennis. Thank You Dennis beautiful, so just from the second side, keeping that beautiful softness in the front, but really exposing the juicer in the back. Here I mean you know: I'm Cypriot man, I'm loving this Greek mythology, I'm from the island Aphrodite well funny when you say that smile, I don't actually speak great food. I do know when you're swearing at me, so you know careful guys if you swear that I will understand, but my Greek is not phenomenal and what we do is we do actually go to Greece and we do teach a lot. I think we're going to be in Greece - maybe six seven eight times this year. Our next course is actually libras, which is only the eighth in the ninth and tenth of June that we're going to be in Athens teaching the first of our geometrics slaw, with our beauty and so on. The beauty is this amazing, distributed as increase that distributed milkshake and Kevin Murphy and they're hosting our class in junior. So if you want to see sleigh in Athens in June, just contact us or contact our by beauty and we'd love to see one our course. The new travel with slate you sort of adjust, if you donate a collection or wherever techniques to you, adjust anything depending on your, not really. To be honest, you know we have our set way of doing things and we find that they, you know really lucky in terms of a lot of people around the world, seem to do because I find it addresses. We can all speak different languages, but there's one language we will have in common and that's hair, and so we can all will speak this beautiful language of hair, and I find that no matter. Even if you can't speak a word of the language that the person that you're, seeing that you can talk and I'll understand, because we all speak that beautiful language of hair together - and I think that's one thing that I love doesn't matter where you are around the World, if there's a hairdresser you're going to be able to have a chat with them about something and you're going to be able to communicate about hair. So I think that's beautiful thing that allows us to connect with people from all around the world. Nothing that such as bad forgets on suitability, because even though you might be teaching a set collection, yeah majority you're teaching suitability to it. So if you're an exit, oh yeah or if you're in Russia yeah, but you did put hair types to different skin colors. You know different textures everything generally, you know you need two suits ability at least two adjustment with that. So definitely I mean what we find is obviously, once you understand these four core principles of when you build weight when to remove way that you understand the texture of the hair and you understand the bone structure, because that's something you'll find. As you know, the butter structure of people in Russia and in Mexico will be different. You know, as a cutter, you know that's the way we work with humanity colorist. They work with this idea of base colors, so maybe in Russia as a very generalization they're going to be more blog and we work as cutters on bone structure, and so people have different general bone structure. Difference will be go to different parts of the world, so we know whether we can do things we'll have a really strong understanding is really important, so guys will come into an amazing part of the video, and I were talking to the point where we finished it. Underneath and we're gon na move on to the top, so I'm gon na do a quick recap. I'M Michael this is Sam. This is Kate, welcome guys just in case, and it is cold and it has been raining today so just to let you know so what we did is we started this heck of a cake. We, the first section, was a horizontal section and we worked all the way round the head horizontally and what this did is. It gave us a baseline to work with for the rest of the haircut, so it gave us this guideline throughout the whole head working horizontally. Then we came through and we connected with the section vertically as well after that we cross-checked so the cross-check horizontal is after we connected it vertically, we cross-check the whole thing horizontally and then I did a lovely with a scissor over comb to expose Medusa. Here she was looking at you guys I had now. What we're going to do is we're going to come through and we're going to do the top section as well. So the top section is gon na come short and a little bit longer in the front is going to give us this lovely little sweet leaf, read so any questions you have please us please like and share, will really really appreciate. You can ask questions today about capital color, because Sam here is our color director and shows you more than happy to answer any questions you have, but, as we said guys, please like and share, this would really appreciate it. Let us know where your forum, if you're tuning in from another country or from London, please let us know there, will be great to hear from you login from Dubai or transfers by sannyas from Spain. I'Ve got some questions about asking if they ever go to the US for a penny. Yes, we do you've just come back from the heaven Video Awards, so we really do where we were nominated for the hammering video. Also thanks so much. We did a lovely shirt with with our Johnson for the collector for matters of IBS, so that was great. We'Ve done shows in Orange County, our Pinellas Angelis and so really looking forward to being back for just in the talks with another solo poster needle. So we'll definitely be back guys so stay tuned. You know, please follow us late now. Our journey on social media at slave, higher education and yeah can't wait to see you all. So we do cool so just to explain to you guys what I'm doing is I've wet the top down? Now I'm going to take my first section as a vertical section through the top. So if I come through, I'm going to then allow energy to come and have a little gander as well at what I'm doing so I'll, just curling the hair in the direction that I want to take my section. So I want to take one section: that's vertical from the top. What this is going to do is it's going to allow me to define my length and the front and the back. What I mean is I'm going to connect the back to the graduation. I'Ve done and I'm going to keep the front nice and long and soft, so I'm taking my first section from the middle lift them all the hair up and I'm going to connect the back first and then work on the front. So I'm just coming from the back first we'll remove the hair out the way that I don't wanted to use and I'm going to come through I'm going to find the bit that I'm connecting it to so we can see that what I'm picking out I can See my guideline from the back, so if everyone can see that's the bit that I cut before and I'm just gon na just go straight up for now and just connect that graduation, the back and so what that's done is it's allowed me to control the length Of the back on the graduation, what I'm going to do now is I'm going to start to come up and I'm gon na start to layer, the top as well so just working in small sections. There'S no point in working with more than what I have more than what I can have it my fingers. What I mean is there's no point in grabbing all of this big section, because I can't hold it in my fingers so just making sure that I'm taking enough that I can fit into my fingers lifting the hair up and now what we're doing is we're defining The length of the front, and so if I'm looking at the direction that my fingers are going, you can see that the legs are going to end up with at the front, and so what we do is we always think not what we're cutting but where we're Going so we're not thinking about the hair that we're coming we're thinking about the hair that we're leaving behind. So it's not important this hair that I've just cut it's important about the hair that I'm leaving behind on the head. So what we're doing is we're focusing we're looking in our fingers, what hair is left that on the head, not about how much hair we're cutting off and that's why I was find it so funny when people say: oh, is it cheaper? It'S just a trim. It'S like well, I did the same amount of sectioning. I cut the same amount of snippets with my fingers. My branding has to think just as much, even though it hurts, and so I think it doesn't matter if you're doing a trim or a completely style.

Heather G: Love your techniques and detailed description instruction. Thank you! As an aside regarding video...the blurriness caused by constant refocussing is distracting from the visual details. Wondering if it's in autofucus?

J, Louis: Love it ,

J, Louis: I’m a barber and stylists

Jae M: What is this stylist name? The man.

J, Louis: Hello Oliver from Virginia,

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