Morning Hair Styling - (Slick Back, Chris Evans, Charlie Hunnam Style)

Just an easy run down on morning routine, not a professional. Using Uppert Cut Deluxe

Yo, what's up everyone, this is a bit different. I'Ve never ever done one of these before, but I get asked probably every other day about kind of what products I use for my hair or my beard and I'm pretty ignorant - and I do not reply to you. So and that's predominately, just because I'm no fashion or hair expert, really I've just kind of picked up a lot of things over there over the years of doing this mop. Hence why it's looking the way it is, and I know a lot of you are probably in exactly the same boat. You know a lot of you: don't have your barbers that you go to every other week and I'm kind of in the same boat in that I've got pretty long hair. At the moment I mean it's pretty much down here now and then the whole sides I'm growing out as well, so we're at this kind of level here and then it gets a bit difficult at this stage for anyone that's grown their hair long. I'Ve done it a couple of times now they know that you get to this kind of auntie Susan's stage where you just start, looking like your 50 year old man's mates, so yeah 50 year old names, that's weird auntie's mates but yeah. So I'm kind of at that stage now and I made a decision probably December, that I was going to grow my hair back out because I've had shaved head rope for ages and you know, and rightly or wrongly it was a a choice that I made and I want to kind of continue, so locked out really for me was, was always going to be looking the same kind of way because I'm growing it out. So I kind of use over the years. I'Ve used laser products and I've got a really good relationship with uppercut, I wouldn't say I'm just pondered by uppercut, but yeah they're great they're, a great team of people. I know them very well. Some old school friends actually work for them as well. So and so I've got a number of products, and I will use probably predominantly uppercut today, but what I kind of tend to do sometimes I'll wet it in the morning. But I didn't want to give you the usual tutorial that people give you, which is the professional way of doing it, which is I'm gon na, go and have a quick shower for spraying my hair down, and then you know you get the hairdryer out and you Go really close to it and make sure it all goes back where I kind of wanted to give you a bit of a rundown of how I do in the morning when I don't have a lot of time. So without further ado, I suppose these so I'll. Wake up my hair will be probably looking something like this, and especially at the moment it just goes outwards, and so I, my main mission, is really to get it out of my face. I work in the hospital and I just want to get out of my face and I want to get it back, so it doesn't keep coming out forward. So I do it one or two ways. Sometimes I keep a part of the fringe over and I'll tuck. It back behind my ear and I have that whole vibe. If I don't want to really put heavy amounts of product on there, if not I'll slick it all back, and it really depends what you want, because some people like that really high kind of gloss. Pomade look where it goes. You know straight back the kind of grease lightening, esque esque slicked back or some people like that kind of natural slicked back when it looks almost keeps the waves and my hair is kind of, but it's not kind of. It'S got some pretty epic waves in it like at the back as well. It kind of curves up. So I try and try and get as much back, because I possibly can so weirdly what I tend to start with. I'M not going to wet my hair upper cut, gave me this beard balm this thing here and I discover I remember how I did. I probably did it by accident, but I discovered that this stuff is really really good, both on wet hair, which a lot of all the guys that know that it's sometimes an absolute nightmare with some of your products when you're trying to put on wet hair, because It just kind of clumps out, but this stuff works on wet hair, but as I've got dry hair today, I kind of show you I'll just put, and it's the only problem with using this. Is you use it really quickly? So I've had this probably for three weeks now and I've nearly gone through the whole tube, so so yeah it take quite a lot in your hair. In your hand, sorry and you just keep working it backwards and you keep working it back because you keep going and just make sure you're getting that root, because if you don't get it right in the roots, your hair will tend to do that. Weird thing like the bottom of it will start looking like it's, it's got gel on it, but it won't stay down and, as I said, I've got quite strong hair when it comes to when it comes to I'm sticking it back. So it does tend to try and work its way out, one the main important things if you're gon na kind of slip back, you kind of need some length here unless you've got the kind of fade disconnected from the top, where you can kind of slick it Back this stuff is like the most important, so you need to kind of grow out, so it gets behind your ears or you're. Then going back to the kind of traditional using your hair dryer and like sticking it back, so I've got to that stage where it will nicely tuck, and it also gives it that kind of nice thing and it's really what you're kind of looking for is that You know the the Charlie Hunnam Jax teller kind of local you're going for their kind of Chris Evans. You know Captain America, Winter Soldier kind of look as well. So what I tend to do is I've got a comb and I'll tend to just pull back the sides and just keep working it in and if you need a little bit more, this bit is the most annoying part, so it's basically just pulling that backwards. So that's it's flush, but what you don't want, what what I personally don't want is I hate having really like fine-tooth comb straight back slick? I don't really like that. Look I, like it a bit more natural. So, as you can see, we're still hanging out here a little bit, so I'm going to take another little bit more put that in me hands. As I said, you use a lot of it and it's really focusing on the back. So don't know about you guys, but for me I find that this stuff will all stay kind of producti, but because of the thickness, and maybe the coarseness at the back, especially at the moment where you you know, I haven't, got rid of any of these parts. It dries out and, and it seems to just suck in the product which sucks really because then your hair goes kind of dry and product lists at the back and then the top is all product means just looks really weird, but as you can see, you kind Of form in that shape anyway, so I'll keep pushing it back, pushing it back, pushing it back and it's already kind of got that base really where you know sometimes I'll go out like that, and it will be fine. But if you wanted to kind of really hold throughout the day, as I said before, there's a couple of things you can use so I've got you know moving away from Africa. I'Ve got Dax, which I used for the kind of glossy look, but if you want to go up a car and you want to just get yourself weekend care package from them, you know you've got the shine, deluxe pomade, but really for me. I use a matte pony because it's already got that shine. You kind of can get a halfway house. So, as you can see, I use this every day, so I tend to take quite a large amount on my finger and the main places that I want to work it because, as I said, the top can kind of you can get away with that whole messy Top you know it does that whole. You know organic flip down and you can just push it back, but then what I want to do is make sure I'm pushing these bits back and you're working in working it into the hair, because what I also sometimes hate is this: what here will flick out So it just looks really weird, so I try and pull it down not hard, but you know you're pulling it so you're making the hairs go straight down instead of flicking out, so you just keep pulling it down, keep pulling it now, keep working it up. The top just to kind of give it its shape. You know, and this works as well. You know it works for people. Who'Ve got a fade as well on the sides, because you know working it up and back. It'S just really really important whether you have like a going off kind of side side sweep back or a straight slicked back it all kind of works. I tend to have a bit of both where it'll kind of go a little bit like that and back. If that makes sense, so I think ensure you, ain't got all clumps in your hair, like I have right now and keep pushing it back, keep pushing it back and you're kind of starting to get that. Look as you see, and you know you just keep repeating it, take your comb and you can take I've got this came this brush, as I say, it just makes me feel fantastic every morning when I use it so just pushing it back, pushing it back and There you go you're kind of ready to go and, as I said, this isn't the tutorial for by a professional hairdresser. That might tell you to you know: hairdryer, hair, everyday back. You just don't have time in the morning. Sometimes so. You'Ve got that kind of look and by doing it in those ways where you've kind of set the base with that beard bar really I've told uppercut, they should call it beard and hair bar now, because people are using this and then you've kind of set it In stone with the Matt pomade, then you know you can take hairspray. If you want to, if I'm kind of going somewhere all day, say I'm going to a festival or something like that or or I'm playing the show, I will tend to hairspray it just to keep it down, but actually there's something nice about throughout the day. It kind of starts working itself out and you start getting. This will start to come down here. Then you have that nice spot but yeah. So so that's basically it obviously as well. You can use this for your beard. It works great for your beard. I tend to like something a little bit thicker, if I'm honest with you just more of a more of that kind of original barn style, where you can kind of work it in to the beard, but, but generally it works for everything you can put it in Overnight, I wouldn't recommend it because obviously you're gon na make your head not clean anymore but overnight, but you can do if you want to keep that that push back but yeah. So that's about it. I mean you've got that, as I said, you're looking at that kind of Chris Evans, Captain America vibe and I don't generally have quite straight hair - I've got waves and kinks in my hair is quite strong. So, as you can see, it really works and it will take some. As I said it would take some pushing to get that out, but yeah. So that's about it. Let me know if you want any more, because I've got a few kind of different hairstyles that I'll do, but it's just really to give guys. It'S really to answer all the questions that I've had over the time, but yeah there are other products out there, but that's what I use at the moment. All right have a good day. Everyone

Viktor Reznov: I tried the beard balm and this is the type of product I’m looking for. I was looking at different products, and this is by far the only one that actually keeps my slick back pushed back throughout the whole day. I have really thick and wavy hair, and for those who have the same issue, I really recommend this product my hair makes it look like Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy.

Danny Padun: omd mate such a good vid. never had long hair but decided on a change for a slicked back look so grew it out over lockdown and had such a hard time getting it to go back my hair is so strong and stubborn was ready to give up after 8 months of seemingly no progress. finally someone with similar hair actually made a helpful video with products i can buy in the UK. LEGEND

Mad Drummer Official: Seems like a cool dude. Nice to see someone conducting themselves in a "normal" fashion (without all the BS hype).

Ali Hellmuth: Thanks dude! Been looking online for ages for just showing good product applied simply. Great vid

Tom B: Holy shit was watching this and realised it was the singer from my favourite Band lmao . Seen you guys live many many times and hope to see you again real soon man when this shit ends love to you and the rest of bury Tomorrow ❤️

Michael Anthony: Awesome video. Your hair grows out just like mine. Quick question, did you get any cuts from the barber during the growing out process?

narasima narasimarao: Went from 90s Leonardo DiCaprio to 90s Gangstar

Kianush Tavakoli: you should keep making videos, you seem very natural in front of the camera

tita testa: the best and most comprehensible hair tutorial on here

Sahvanna Vasquez: I’ve never subbed to someone so fast- this is the first tutorial I’ve ever seen made for men/ people with short hair like that

Logan Mars: Thank you for the video,it's very helpful

Ford Junkie: Nice video mate im growing my hair out its been a year now wish i seen this vid before as would of help with the awkward stage lol keep the vids up pal

J K: I am literally at your stage of growth with similar hair thickness and straightness! Nightmare to slick back

Steve-in-Cornwall: I envy your beautiful hair. It’s awesome. Hope you’re still growing it longer and longer.

мคgเc мคภ: nice video! do more, i like this hairstyle :)

Epic Madness: Great video, any advice for someone slicking back thick wavy curly hair ?

giannis gavalas: how long does anyone need to grow hair to this length ?

Mr-Sam-Jax: nicely done my man !

Mieke Semetier: I love the hello kitty brush amazing

Alex Jackson: Can you provide link to Uppercut product used, please?

Chris Barajas: I shaved my head in December, I wanted to focus more on bodybuilding and other personal reasons. Don’t regret it at all, but I do miss my hair :/

Paul Dupont: Looks great - Although personally think you look better w a nice buzzed nape and tighter sides - the long top is really nice though

Nick Knoops: Which product do you use! Can you share a link?

Mago Tries: You will lose your hair fast if you keep pushing it back, keep pushing it back like that my man

Smithel: Very Falco style, love it !!

Mark Jonathan: Can you link the product? I can only find the beard stuff

abe V: A FINE ADDITION to my collection...

James Daymord: do you need to shampoo hair everyday after using those products?

A S: If you quickly wet your hair under the tap before you only need half the amount cream product.

ILLEST HD: I am growing my hair out. I am 3 months in and my hair is not long enough to slick back. I am not gonna cut it instead, I will grow it out so it can look like Jax Teller's hair.

Dani Cerdeiro: wtf do you use on your skin to make it look so good bro

Garren Engel: Thanks recommended I dig this

Austin Scott: bro can you do a video on your goatee/beard? mine doesn't grow in very well on the sides and id like to learn how to shave it into that style.

NEVERMIND: Me and you have the same hair type. I even have the line just like you

jack m: What shampoo to get this stuff out?

Bryan Gillish: Excellent look

Rémi Sergent: Can’t find this pomade now... is it the bear balm ? It’s the only packaging looking like yours I can find on the web... thx

G MAK1N78: Cheers dude great video

joh_nedits: You are the young version of Cole sprouse and Adam Sandler

Kagan Akin: what is first cream ? is it only water?

Boom 925: You are a bold one

Rewo Fallin: Hi please, you can make Turkish subtitles

Sumit: For this first have full forhead hairs hunnam have nice hairs this guy also looks good

Cherew: Obi-Won is that you?

championshipweight: Hey man! Where is that chain from?

Rhys Elliott: "aunty susan" bro, I died

Yarned Nomady: How can I do this with Afro hair please ?

77Clash: Do a 360 look

Everything Adam: Cool video man

Ex3qtR: Hello there General Kenobi!

kevin pineda: I liked the video when I saw hello kittie

Scott Castellano: He looks just like russell crowe

ASIF 💀: How long is ur hair here?

j: You have the most least likely face to have tattoos

J GIRLING: H&M jumper

Jeff Ma: Yo, I’m getting obiwan vibes

RichardMetalFan: Subbed

Mitchell Johnston: You look more like chib

LENOXX: he kinda looks like kenny from breaking bad

dickhead wanker: Nun to do w ur hair but r u self taught w ur vocals? Like how the fug did u get to that point where u can use that level of distortion in ur voice lol

More Content Then You Can Handle: How where u reading my mind???

Cesar Axelsson: What’s your Instagram @?

60 Ayaan Shaikh Abdul: Cole sprouse?

bruh: I hitted the thousandth like!

Delta: CHIBS

stopdropandroll: Hello there

Midget King: Hello there

Energize_r: Hi mister kenobi

Joey Silva: Nice ears

Username: You talk too much for a simple hairstyle

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