Celebrity Hair Stylist Chris Appleton Gets A Mondo Makeover

Hi Beautiful! Today I have celebrity hair stylist @Chris Appleton on my channel! I refreshed Chris's iconic platinum blonde hair while I asked him all sorts of juicy questions.

Chris's Video: https://youtu.be/0tSKPnUhK74

Chris's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisappleto...

Shop XMONDO Hair: https://www.xmondohair.com/

Shop XMONDO Color: https://xmondohair.com/pages/xmondo-co...

Shop My Merch: https://xmondohair.com/collections/mer...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bradmondonyc...

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradmondonyc

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XMONDO Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xmondohair/

Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.

Hi beautiful today i have the most special guest of all mr chris appleton. Oh thank you for being here. Thank you for having me i'm so excited to be in your presence. What are we doing? I will be coloring chris's, hair, nice, yeah, okay and in return you are gon na be coloring. My hair today rainbow on his channel and that'll, be linked below you guys. If you guys don't already know who he is, he is the hairstylist behind all of the celebrity looks you see from dualipa to jlo to kim kardashian everything you do is so perfect and refined, and so beautiful and that's why i'm so happy to have you on My channel today, like i'm just being in your presence, having your hands, touch my hair you're, so excited it's a moment for me. So wait. You can ask me a few questions as well right. Yes, i would be asking you some juicy questions that makes me nervous. Some career-oriented questions relationship, maybe some early life questions. How you got to be who you are everything and anything is on the table today, just be prepared brad, because i'm going to come back at you with the same questions, you're giving me the same energy. I give you huh, let's get into it all right: let's do it all right! Gon na get started. You ready chris yeah. Let'S go we're just going in with uh 20 volume and lightner on the perimeter of his head. Besides the front hairs his baby hairs, if you will they're delicate alright, chris, let's play a game called hot hair in the hot seat. It'S basically just a game. Where i ask you questions. Are you ready, i think so? When did you start doing hair? I started doing hair when i was around nine. I just creatively liked doing hair with my hands. I used to take my sister's barbie and was chopping it and doing different hairstyles. I did my mom's hair because i liked doing hair. She was like yeah sure you can do my hair. She was like a mother of five. She worked really hard. I always tried to make it look like a hollywood star when she stood up and looked in the mirror. She'D like felt myself and her shoulders would go back and i could see she just had this different energy about her. I was like wow, you can make people feel really good from her and i think that's really where it all started from me. Just making people look and feel good like looking good is one thing, but when you really feel good and that's probably everyone's like, what's the success to like what you do now and honestly, it's still the same. It'S just like i like making people look great for sure, but, like feeling good, it's just priceless, so yeah, i think that's kind of like always been my thing. Come on brad next question, a kim question i have for you: okay: when was the first time you did her hair and what was it like? Were you nervous yeah? I mean i just got to america, so i moved to america five years ago. I'Ve done christina aguilera on the voice and i think someone recommended me from makeup and i was like oh this guy's really good at wigs. I think it was after she did that blonde wig in new york that you referred to earlier yeah your fashion week, yeah, and then they were like sort of sending me references that she might go blonde or do something shorter. And i remember thinking we should do something shorter. I got there and i like spoke to kanye, we're speaking about the look, and we did this. Like short, blunt wig, it's kind of really blunt side, part and she loved it. Are you already experienced with a lot of celebrity hair at that point, or are you not really? What i did do is know what i was doing. I knew how to do a good wig or you know i just knew hair. I knew my craft yeah, so that gave me the confidence, but i remember the first time i was doing like a celebrity, which was in new york, which was christina aguilera on the voice. He was on the way to the voice. I remember i spoke to my best friend, i'm so nervous, like it was my first big job in in america. Everything got so big and she was like think of it. This way, if you don't make this work, you're gon na have to come home and i was like um you're right. So i remember i got there and there was two and a half hours for glam and she got me in the last 20 minutes before a live show. I was like, oh my god i was so nervous. I was like looking at her. What am i going to do? You know it's like not a lot of time to do. Hair like for a live show. You know, and i was like you know if you ever tried a weird, because i thought i. I really thought this like kind of cool icy wig would look at her and she's like yeah. I'Ve tried all i tried wigs, i don't know, i don't love wigs and i was like okay, of course, and she's like christine. I don't know if she's done every week, she's doing everything she's like iconic, christina right she's got the voice and she's just and here i am and then i'm like okay. So i start like just like putting the hair dryer on and it's probably like 15 minutes by then, and then this voice came into my head and it was like there's like a you know like a holy thing from the gods like opening up, and just do You do you, and i was just like you know what you never tried one of my way, because let me try it on. It'S: got one out of the bag and put them on and she was like, oh and she was like smiling. What do you think of this wig, the stylist and she was like i like it and she's like okay, so i quickly did it. It'S probably like 10 minutes left quickly, got it on and she ran off and like was on live show, and i was just like oh she's on the voice everyone's gon na see, and then i remember looking and i was like taking pictures to the screen like Sending it to my friend, i said: what do you think she's like? I think it was good and then there was like a break and she kind of stood across the way from me and she looked over at me and she went. Everyone likes your wig and i was like i did it wait you could wig on that quick. Oh, i can lay it down. You know like the thing is with like what i do is you sometimes have the luxury of a couple of hours, but sometimes you have like 10. I mean like it's just it's just sometimes the demand of what you've just got to do it. You figure out what is so stressful in my head to know that everything you do is gon na be photographed like yeah that sometimes gets to you for sure and you're like okay. So if this doesn't look good like i'm, not the only person seeing it, it's the whole world, the whole world yeah that's intense pressure, and then everyone has an opinion, but you have to you know, get strong shoulders if you'd be strong about it. You can't, but on my own worst critique like after every red carpet or anything i've ever done, i'm always like what could i have done better? That could have been better. You know what it's like. You see everything you know things that other people wouldn't see by the time i worked with kim i just loved what we were going to do so i was just super into it and then she loved it, and then that was it. It was the beginning of the journey, but what was it like like going there and are you thinking in your head, like i need to knock this up? I mean listen. Human beings, we're all we all get nervous right. We all get a little bit apprehensive, but something happens when i do hair and i don't know what it is, but i just get in the zone and just do what i've got to do and, like you know, i'm not there to make friends i'm there to Like perform a service and complete it, and do it to the best of my ability, how many pounds of extensions do you own 400 pounds of extensions, there's so much work, though you have to color them all it takes hours like anyone thinks that you should turn Up to a job, it's like a week's worth of prep before anything, making sure everything's ready to go. Sometimes you just have pieces ready things to put on you know. Sometimes you'll arrive somewhere in your whole case. You'Ll have everything ready and everything prepped ready to go? Your case is not there like, so you have to like figure. It out might be like shopping, trying to find a wig in like some creek place. Where, like you know what i mean like just trying to make stuff happen, but people sometimes like you know, use your life, not stressful and, like i guess, if i didn't look at it the way i do maybe it would be more stressful, but i just got Ta go with the flow and just be open, and i think when you don't resist it, it's definitely less problematic. What'S the biggest hair oopsie you've ever had on a client, so katy perry got the job for katy perry to do the map. I'M like wow amazing, and she wanted this like beehive thing and i was like practicing practicing practicing and basically underneath this style was like one of those padding like donut things like a big one, and i was like wrapping the hair around it and stuff. It was dior, it was like black, my assistant forgot to pack the black padding, i have black at the time and they only brought blonde. So i will, you know, do what we do as hair stylist we improvise. So i was like, i know, i'll spray. The blonde, oh, not black, with coloured hairspray, you know, did it did they look. I was like you know, obviously very nervous executed. It looked great, she was happy, it was smooth beautiful. I slept away from her and i kind of looked in the mirror and i was like no. I looked at my hands and i thought, oh, my god, i've got black all over my hands. It'S like right, stuff goes everywhere. Looked in the mirror, like i'm, going black all over my face as well like i've been chimney, sweeping and then i looked at katy perry and i'm like hmm she's got black open face as well, so she looked like she'd been chimney, sweeping because it just kept Dusting down, like all the black and the makeup artist because like they were ready to go, she just bleached her eyebrows. All the makeup was done and all these black freckles it's like glitter, like you know, you say you spill glitter in your house - might as well. Just set it on fire and like buy a new house, that's pretty much what it's like with those sprays, because they just go everywhere. I did that last week, though, this girl had like an ombre color and i wanted to like get rid of it yeah. So i used the spray yeah and i started styling her hair again after it yeah i'm like. Oh my god, yeah i'm like never again, but you can imagine the makeup. Artist wanted to kill me. Making another life she's been chimney sweeping before the meatball was not. There did katie notice, yeah she's cool though she was sweet. She was really really sweet. It was more the makeup artist that wanted to kill me because obviously it was her face, she's like whatever. What is your go-to look kim said to me once i know when you've done a people's hair, and i was like how she's like it's the finish you get, so i just think whatever i do. I try and always get like this looks finished to the hair. Like a quality to the hair, where it looks, or even if it's straight or it's curly like, if it's straight, it's really glossy if it's curly it's bouncy and the hair moves like jlo's super bowl hair was relatively simple, but i think why people like it is Because it just kept bouncing into shape like it kept falling back, but it wasn't like stiff or sticky. So i think that's probably my thing trying to do something. That'S different, but still like beautiful. You know i don't like to shave someone's head off for the sake of it. You know i like try and keep it. You know relatable, but just add an element of like something different to her how's, your dating wife, uh good, i'm single! Are you yeah? Oh, my life's pretty busy right, it's a big commitment. I love what i do and i also appreciate that, like this won't last forever, i don't want to do heroin and 50 standing behind a church, and i mean like i would like to think i'd be in a position where i can chill a little bit at The minute, my main focus is on my job, it's less on having a relationship that doesn't mean i'm not open to it, i'm definitely open to it. I don't have a nine-to-five job, you know what i mean and that's and you're always traveling, not always easy yeah. You know who doesn't love a good relationship yeah, i'm a big romantic really, but it takes a lot of work. You know i know relationships, take a lot of work, a lot of investment and i think some people think this is gon na happen. But there's a lot of work, a lot of sacrifice, a lot of commitment, so yeah. If you well, thank you for sharing that you know anymore. What do you think of kanye west? I love kanye. He has the ability to see things really differently, and i love that i love that he has the ability to make something, not cool cool. I think he is a really talented guy. I think his creativity is like next level like look what he did with easy. He created this like whole vibe and he still does it now with different things. He does and yeah i've got a lot of respect for him. Chris, we have completed the bleaching. How do you feel it feels great, perfect application right? I look nuts, but this is the process. This is the process to being a blonde we're gon na let this process for about 45 minutes and we are going to do my hair in the whole time two days yeah like. Hopefully it gets nice and white um and not yellow, i believe in you. Your application was impeccable. Like sorry, it's taking time, i'm like it's the way to keep it on my hair. No, i'm really impressed actually because, honestly, like you know, obviously i know you have a great personality but, like you also know what you're doing, which is props to you. Thank you all right. Your turn all right. Let'S do it see if i know what i'm doing. Okay, let's go how's, your head feel toasty. One two yeah looks great yeah. You too, oh your arm looks giant. It'S like the size of my head. Look at that. I love how we just we're just sitting here waiting for this thing to stay hurry up two hours later seriously. I think this is a really interesting question. I'Ve had this conversation with lots of people. What do you think my instagram page versus now you've met me in real life and spent some time with me? I would think you're less friendly. You know everybody says that yeah everyone i've been like a little bit of an attitude yeah, so many people meet they're. Like, oh, my god, you're so nice and, like i feel like social media, is such an interesting platform, because i will also say from you from what i see online. I was about like oh put, the guard up have to be careful this one um, but you're. Actually, very you know, you're very sweet. You care greatly about what you do and you've also got a big business sense behind it all which i think is really interesting and probably not a lot of people know about that. But i just think it's important for people to know that social media is like this much of what you put out and really there's so much more behind it. And then these people look nice and they're awful. So should i teach you some london lingo? Yes, please all right, could you say um all right, babe, let's go and get some fish and chips and then, after we'll, have a pint down the pub oh whoa hold on. Let'S drive slow fancy, some fish and chips. Babe you fancy some fish and chips back, bring it down a bit deeper yeah. What about you're right, you're, slapper, you're, all right, you slapper yeah! I felt good about that. One come on wait. What are we doing? American, though? Oh you don't want to hear that. We'Re gon na go to mcdonald's tonight, we're gon na like go to mcdonald's tonight and like not eat the food yeah. No, it doesn't fit you! No! No! Let'S get this off you ready yeah. Are we blonde? I hope so? Okay, we are back and we are bleached. He is nice and bright blonde. So what are we doing now? Turning there? Yes, we were using. Actually i'm not gon na. Tell you what we're using, because people will come for me so hard secret formula, we're using a secret formula. I feel like this is something you're developing right yeah. This is something that's what it is all right, guys, i'm just gon na go on the most yellow parts first and then get it on really quickly to the rest and just let it process for a few minutes and rinse it out how cool is doolipa in Real life, i feel like she would be the most chill cool person ever the best i mean she's, just so down to earth. Insanely talented, like i'd, be like listen to a song and i'm like that's really cool. Like i look, did you write that you know she just writes all our music? You know just speaking to about how she puts a tune together, it's always so inspiring, but honestly, the warmest heart, nicest person like i'll go around and she would like to want a cup of tea babe and i'm like. Oh, my god. I miss people saying that to me. No one asked me if i was having a cup of tea is like giving someone a thousand dollars. It'S like it. It'S like it's like a hug yeah! No honestly, it's like it's like it's like. If your like cat dies like, let me make your cup of tea, it's like if the weber's, but let me make a cup of tea. Your husband left you on your wedding day. Give me your cup of tea. It'S just like a nice gesture, but honestly the sweetest person, the most talented beyond. I just think she's, so genius, with what she's, created and also i love her aesthetics. She'S got this cool vibe she's, true to who she is. Would you rather live in england, where you're from if you could have the same career there or l.a? I think i blossomed, as an individual, in los angeles, like i think, a big i kind of grew into who i was, and i think in england, it's smaller and i think there was just stuff holding me back. The one thing i'm so grateful for every day is waking up to sunshine living in england when it's raining and gray every day. It'S really like it's hard and especially like coming out of it and the more traveling i was doing and realizing like. Oh, you don't have to be like living in grey dull, wet rainy weather. I just i don't know i just i'm really grateful every day, the sun's shining and i'm just thankful for it all right chris. This is gon na process for a few more minutes, we're gon na rinse it off and we'll be back to show the finished results. Good stuff, let's go, let's do it all right. We just finished chris's hair, look at how beautiful and silver he looks. Oh, i see blonde gorgeous brad, you killed it. Thank you i loved it. I hope you like to know me a bit better. I did it was amazing. I feel like i've not revealed that much or been asking many questions for a long time. I loved it and honestly i will say this, i'm very impressed with your whole little um world, your social media presence to your guru-ness in youtube and um. What'S next for you, it's been really interesting. I'Ve enjoyed spending time with you. Thank you. I love - and i'm sitting like this, because this is my good side and brad for some reason keeps hogging the good side of the camera, so i'm done with it. So this is my good side. I don't know why back to you, i'm just sitting with myself. He won't be like this well. Thank you chris for being here. Thank you. It'S been a pleasure. I really appreciate it and i appreciate it. You killed it. Everything from you, no seriously hands off to you. I really appreciate it you're amazing. Oh, i really think we should finish your color off. Oh yeah, yeah guys this isn't actually the finished color. Believe it or not. No, don't judge my work because this isn't the final result: brad killed it chris uh chris chris's, i'm not sure if you killed it and make sure you guys check out, chris's channel right down below and all the social media handles will be there as well, so Make sure you do that, thank you for watching, don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time. Bye, guys you

Tayla Marie: I can’t tell if Chris is flirting or if he just really engages when he talks to people.

AJA: I kinda sorta need a whole brad and Chris series now

Steven Ramirez: Immediately ships these two

aurora claire: Hi Brad! I hope you’re doing okay. I just wanted to tell you, you got me interested in hairdressing and you really inspire me and i’m looking forward to becoming a hairdresser. :)

Gina Calitri: Okay the flirting is everything though ☺ UPDATE: BTW I didn't know Brad had a partner til I watched Chris's video so I am sorry to Brad if that is not what it was. Unless your boo is okay with it of course, maybe you are flirting for both of you ☺ I love you Brad! Happy for you!!!

Nowrin Sugeerkhan: Why is Brad so gorgeous?????? This is just too much gorgeousness in one video.

Tanya Chauhan: I love how it's always interview+makeover and you listen very attentively, love you so much Brad <33

Killa Fonic: Brad really did kill it and Chris will never have to worry about his hair turning grey/white because he looks his best with it.

Black Raven: I don't know if it's just me but I think Chris is into Brad a whole lot in this video... The subtle flirtiness and all... lol! Not going to lie they would make a GREAT couple. Just saying... By the way his hair came out looking fantastic.

Adam Clark: I don't know why Chris got a makeover. His hair was already perfect. Edit: I take back my words the makeover was gorgeous.

Tamera Hernandez: Obsessed with Chris and Brad ❤️ The video we all needed. Icons!

Angela Gares: brad and Chris would be the ultimate power couple ✨✨✨❤️❤️

Isabel Palmer-Maxwell: I love the interviewing style, it sounds so natural and I love hearing a discussion between two hairstylists. It reminds me a little of my hairstylist. Except, (from what I’ve experienced) they don’t really want to hold a conversation, because they’re concentrating so hard. I will either talk my head off or fall asleep… usually I’ll fall asleep lmao

Leigh Huggins: I busted up laughing when Brad used T18, but this is literally the ONLY time when it's truly appropriate!!

Fabienne Mertens: Omg, they would make such a cute couple! They have great chemistry! Love this video so much !

Mad About Skin: Brad watching your videos gave me the confidence to set up my own skincare channel and now i have 50k subscribers.. Your so inspiring so keep up the epic work xxxx

Julia Svetlana: omg this is an unreal combo I´m so happy

KenzieHurlock: People need to stop saying Brad and Chris are "perfect for each other" it's inappropriate. These are real people, not movie characters. There's nothing I cringe at more than comments like this. How would you feel if you posted a video with someone you just met with no intention to date them and everyone comments "omg they're the perfect couple"?

D3 Adventures: Brad you iced him out ❄️ such a nice white-silver blonde. I love it. Now I’m heading to Chris’s video so I can see your finished look Brad. Love it. Also I heard Chris whispering about “this is something you’re working on” I’m gonna hold to my theory that we are getting a X-mondo bleach and toner system in the near future

AMiachelle: This was a really natural and cool interview. I smiled the whole time.

Freedom Clairmont: Your husband left you on your wedding day... let me make you a cup of tea Chris -2021 I laughed way to hard a that line

Simmy: The fact that Brad dyed Chris’s hair while he had on a white tee and didn’t get anything on it, Brad your toooo good

MJ Dxn: He really doesn’t have to be this fine. Lawd have mercy

angelique707: He seems really sweet. I like how you bring us new people to follow and love!

Sari Celis: KINGS! OMG, I can't wait to see Chris doing your hair. This was so refreshing and fun, Brad. We need more hairstylist collabs.

Amy luv: What a awesome collaboration can't wait for the next one we love seeing you guys good vibes

AnnMarie Bausserman: Gorgeous finished look Brad and Chris. You both knocked it out of the park.

Jaime Gibbs: Aw!!! You guys should do more together!!! 100% happy good vibes

Kiley Ohl: Who is shipping the whole Brad+Chris=❤️? Just me?

SkylarkD 81: Thank you thank you for posting this today I just lost one of my cats and I didn’t know what to do with myself so I was so glad your video came up, it always brings a smile to my face.

djangoDakoti: I LOVE his personality. So calming and genuine. Hope to see more videos with him :)

Bree Bree: You guys had such a good vibe. I was all smiles watching both videos!!!

Mouna Rhrich: You too are the only ones I can trust with dying my hair platinum blonde. I'll just do it myself then

Tiffany Turner: Okay this is the collab we knew we needed but didn’t know if we’d get it ! Chris Appleton is the sexiest hair dresser ever ! Brad this video is the best ! You guys vibe so well ! More collabs in the future ! ❤️

xio: The chemistry was great here! This was so fun to watch because they’re both so outgoing and chatty

kimbillies_beautybox: This video was amazing, so natural and fun and chemistry was great between you both. Appreciating eachothers work,artistic skills. I'm currently gone back to college as a adult to do my level 2 get that paper I have experience so feel inspired x

Mel James: I wish I could find someone to do my hair as skilful as this! 2 years of immunotherapy and surgery to my scalp has absolutely killed my confidence not to mention my hair! these makeovers give me so much joy!

Frances Naval *Na-Voll*: This was a perfect interview!! You did great Brad!!

Thalia: I love his awnser to first question about making people feel good! That's so beautiful!

Jade L: Brad looks tiny next to him

P rUbi0: Love watching your stuff. Thanks for introducing Chris to my hair watching routine while I take a break on Chemisty lectures. Nice job done can't wait to see your hair results.

Fedhi Benattou: Hey Brad! Stunning platinum blond color, I love it so much! This is gorgeous mate, good job! :) Chris is beautiful with it! :) It's great you had the chance to meet him.

Jess D: Omg! Am I the only one totally personally offended he dared to think "oh wow, I better be careful with this one!" Off of Brads social?!?!?! Brad gives nothing but positive, loving vibes.

Mary Sala: Great video! Great collaboration! You killed it! Nice to see you get some validation for your knowledge and abilities.

Lydea Sellerz: Omg, had so much fun watching the 2 videos I had to actually comment! U guys are so funny and so sweet to each other it was awesome to watch! Love u brad! Live ur extra life!!! Xoxo

Barbara Appell: Omg you make me so happy by doing his hair. That’s what I love ❤️ to see. You doing hair not the wigs or other things and the way you asked questions and his answers were perfect. Seeing real people is great you are amazing

Rachel Jackson: when they were sitting there with their little caps on it was literally precious! i love their vibe together!

Aurore R: Oh damn you look so sweet together! The way Chris looked at Brad was so precious! I mean, he was really looking at Bradd in the eyes!

Kelsie Kellen: The collab we all needed, but don’t deserve

Felicia C.: MY GOD. Chris is freaking BEAUTIFUL. I forget how incredibly attractive he is sometimes, and this is basically a smack in the face. Wow.

JJ Harris: Please never stop the "Hi beautiful" intros... They make me feel so self-confident

A. Perez: seriously don't even know what you both did to each others hair, i was just mesmerized the whole time by the gorgeousness of you both!

Canadian Roxee: Looks awesome! What a great energy combo

Bianca M: The energy between you two!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

The Real Mushroom Menace: Hi Brad! You also really inspired me and I started looking for some places or schools to practice hair. I hope I become a professional hairstylist/hairdresser someday;)

Bella Belle: Brad!! You did such a good job Chris looks gorgeous!!!

Kgothatso L. Hosie: It's so weird to see Chris getting his hair done and you can see him looking in the monitor to make sure it's good. Brad + Chris needs to be a relationship. Y'all are cute together

ShrekiiMinaj: yes i love being an aesthetician making ppl feel good about themselves ! so rewarding

JiLL Jones: Cool, you nailed it Brad love bringing in another hair star like you….love you

Rebecca Waldrup: A lot of shipping going on, but we’re all definitely projecting our own attraction to the two very good looking people lol like man, those two together? That’s hot.

Kat Pilot: Dude he looks so good and honestly he would look great with lavender hair. Brad amazing as always.

Arianna Nodari: Loooove this collab oh my gosh... Brad you have to give us an opinion about charcoal bleach, they say it's natural, doesn't ruin hair at all and doesn't need to be toned. It seems like the perfect product but I only trust you and your honest thoughts sooo we need this! Ilysm

Elizabeth Mejia: Can’t wait to use your line of colors Brad keep hearing good things about it so yeah can’t wait

PhoenixGirl007: Chris you did a Fantastic Job with Brads hair!!! It looks so UK Coloured and it totally ROCKS.

Austin Bryce: You guys should collab again! Two icons working together

Lauren Swift: Why has it taken me so long to watch this amazing video You are both gorgeous, I love what you both do. Amazing work.

Stephanee Kammer: I feel like we were seeing your beautiful face almost every day, and now I feel like its been forever between videos! Miss you! <3

Frozen Willow: Well Chris. I got everything you said - even though I live in Scotland. Brad, I absolutely loved this. I can tell you had fun. I love watching your videos and I don't use box dyes now. I cannot wait for the colleges to open back up again fully because I like the student hairdressers playing with my hair. Hey, they need to start somewhere and I have no qualms about letting someone learning near my hair - as lecturer and fully trained people are on hand - just.in.case.

Adria B.: I love to see their humble insecurities, even being such such bing industry moguls!

apple.bottom: I'm obsessed with these videos

Donna Bowen: The blonde colour is stunning I would be so happy with that!!!

Luciano Marrero: This video was so fun!! You guys killed it!

Briana Istre: Brad + Chris = 4EVA. I could listen to him speak forever. Silver fox. I loved this video. Learning about a new person in the hair world. Thanks for this.

Kao Hanfa: I don’t know why Watching this 16 min video every second I ship brad and Chris the energy seems simple and comfortable ❤️♥️

Katelynn Elizabeth: Can't stress enough how Brad ✨SCREAMS✨ goals!! ✨I'll never look at someone saying, "Hi beautiful!" the same! ❤️✌️

hiontruluv: Ohmygoodness I love Chris' work & this makeover/interview was so great! His personality is so light. Can we be friends, Chris?

E. C.: Loved the combo and vibes! Now I want a cup of tea.

Emma Neilson: Hey Brad! As someone who doesn't know what I'm doing or where to start- I was wondering if you could make a video on a crash course for the curly girl method 101?? Ily ❤

Lydia Rahner: They would be such a cute couple!!!

stunthun: Am I the only person that just want to make a whole vid with you saying hi beautiful and play it every morning ❤️❤️❤️ need the goodness

Sweet Beats: Missed ya, you glamorous hair guru!!

Queenc214: So great! I also loved the rest of the collab on Chris’s channel!!!!

Dawn Hunter: Omg these two are gonna hit it, so obvious lol great chemistry

Alee: I need a series as well make him a cup of tea!

Aaron Wanker: All the people who think Brad isn't actually a stylist/colorist:

Moby Lou: Yay!!! No better way to start off the weekend than with a Brad Mondo Video ‍

Allegra Barss: What a dream team! Loved this video

C H: Hi Brad, just wanted to say you're absolutely gorgeous!

Lisa Anderson: This video was so amazing I loved it

Teodora Djukić: Never knew i needed this duo i love you guysss!

Simran Kaur5: Omg what a combo and aww I think Brad seems a little shy ☺️ aww Thank you for this video aww ☺️

Adrienne Courteau: I'd watch this just to watch Brad blush at Chris

Erahnia: This felt so nice and genuine

Renae Roupp: If these two aren’t into each other ….then I am just a moron! Loved this video!

Anastasia Jinjolia: The tension between them is just (Edit) I didn’t know that Brad was in a relationship until I saw the video on Chris’s channel. Sorry <33

Lynn Nicoll: Love Brad. I’m not usually into watching people F**k up their hair (ex hairdresser) but I can watch Brads reaction videos all day long ❤️ it!! Literally crying laughing when their shampooing in that bleach, especially using 40 vol his reaction is priceless!

Ivy Moon: This man is insanely good looking. Can y’all date?!

Carolyn NìChonbhaì: Brad!!!!! I had surgery last week (in England) and the nurse said she watches you and she loves my hair and she thinks I did a rly good job on the colour myself!!!!! It was a rly cute moment and made me smile after my surgery!!!!!

sarahit arambula: Had to come to the comments to see if I was imagining the chemistry BUT since Brad has a partner & I didn’t know maybe it was just like a “fangirl” moment for both of them they’re both amazing though

stella blu: I met Chris at a work conference he filled my edges with a root powder hes great

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