Mind-Blowing Haircare Tips With Celebrity Hair Stylist Dom Seeley | Mona Kattan | العناية بالشعر

Tonight’s video is all about Hair Care with celebrity hairstylist @domseeley! Super easy tips that are also easy to apply to instantly improve your hair health and haircare routine! From ingredients to watch out for in your products, how many times you should wash your hair, water filter, and scalp massages! We covered so much! Haircare is Self-care!

Comment below your fav hair care tips; I would love to know!

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Our newest Kayali Fragrance: Déjà Vu White Flower | 57


Completely feel free, that's fine, guys, guess who's coming in it's a big sister's day. You can't leave me. I love you, hi guys! Welcome back to my channel today i have a very, very special guest, my very good friend and super talented hair genius, dom seely. Thank you for coming, i'm so happy to have you on. So i asked my followers a question. I said you know what do you guys want to hear more about, and i was so overwhelmed with how much people wanted to hear about hair care. So i thought who better to bring on than you you're, like the expert so guys dom. If you guys haven't seen him yet check him out, he is celebrity hairstylist. He has done olivia cooper, kendall, jenner, myself and many many others bella hadid. He is doing a lot of great things in here and he's so trendy. What we're going to talk talk about today and focus on is taking good care of your hair. First question we have is regarding water, yeah and filters. What are your thoughts? What do you recommend yeah? So there's a big misconception. Obviously people always think water is like hydrating, but actually water is drying right, so yeah water can be dry for your hair yeah. I know that sounds crazy, because water is liquid, even like good water. Well, we'll get on to that yeah. So what it all depends on ph so ph of the scalp and hairs it's anywhere between 3.5 to 5.5. So as natural bodies are seven, that's alkaline right yeah! So now it's actually small yeah, so it's actually more acidic um. So as hair sits on that on that level, acid is actually really good for hair and not alkaline. So that's why they say: wash your hair with apple cider, vinegar, probably yeah, possibly yeah. So basically, when you i mean we could be here all day, but when you bleach your hair, bleach or lightening chemicals or alkaline, that's why they're more damaging, but when you color or do a gloss, they're more acidic, so hair is actually more responsible. That'S so weird, because you would guess the opposite like, i would think something that would be acidic with like damage damage yeah, it's one of those like really crazy myths that is so crazy, so yeah water, obviously, like i said before, is very sort of drying. So in the region, a lot of women, obviously struggle with hair loss or the struggle with like not being able to get the color they want, because and actually the reason. Why is because? A lot of metals and minerals are actually left on the hair from the water, so crazy, you're blowing my mind right now. I thought it was because of my like ethnic background, yeah nine times out of ten it is, but there is, there is uh environmental and, like um chemical addresses, will actually absorb into your hair and actually form a barrier or a block um. So if anybody's ever sat in a salon and you've had highlights and foil packet and your foils feel hot to touch, that's actually a chemical reaction with the with the alkalinity of the lightener that always happens to me yeah with the product. It'S because you've got metal or trace minerals in your hair, so a really great technique or something really inexpensive, it can be really inexpensive. Now is actually applying a water filter to your shower, head or or filtration system. Within your house. I have done that yeah. That was like the first thing i did when i moved into this house. I was like we need to filter the water properly and i have one in the entire house and then one for my shower because i'm so conscious of, like you know, hair fall and everything. So and even you, you have a great technique and hooder as well, where you'll actually rinse with a bottle of water. Afterwards, i don't always yeah. I can be naughty sometimes, but i try to yeah and hood is like that, and i just think it's a really cool way to sort like use a different source of water as final rinse, so that it just gives you it. Like almost removes the top surface of water basically - and there is products out there as well like color wow, do a great one called dream, filter and dream filter is a pre-shampoo mineral spray and basically, you spread onto your hair. Leave it one to three minutes before shampooing: it will remove all trace minerals and metals from your hair wow. So it's great. I try that yeah. I'Ve got some treat on you yeah, but it's really good because, obviously, metals and minerals, actually um are a thing. What can help with your hair being unresponsive to styling? So if your head doesn't blow dry well or if it doesn't style well, actually, because it can be the chlorine, the aluminium, the the copper, the manganese, the metal anything on your hair? What'S trapped, it's so weird, because i would never. I would never think of that yeah like i'd, always just think of like okay. Maybe it's just my hormones or maybe it's my jeans. Maybe it's like styling tools, but i would never think of the water yeah. The water is the main cause chlorinated or salt water. So if you are a chlorinated swimmer or a saltwater swimmer, a dr, a filter or dreamful will be incredible, but it's good for anybody. Really like anybody would benefit. This is amazing, yeah. So question number two we're going to talk about something that could be controversial um because some people used to make fun of me. I don't i don't wash my hair that much. How often should you shampoo your hair? So for me, i don't wash that much. Neither i think for mine. Thank you, yeah for my sort of style, as well as a guy with long hair. I, if it's too, like clean. It looks too like feminine in a way. Okay - and i want it to look a bit more light as i've been like surfing all day, it does yeah. Thank you, but yeah, so you should wash, i would always say one to two times a week: let your natural oils produce or protect or even feed. Your hair um anything longer than that's a bit too long in my instance. So, like you can go a week, push it a week, but then it gets to a point where the environment or the or like um the product should get built up on your hair. Like um, i know some people could like when smells get trapped in your hair or anything like that. That'S obviously the environment. I mean product plus. So this is why i created our hair mask because i was like i don't wash my hair often and i'm so conscious of smells of course. So i was like we need to create a hair mist so that i don't have to use perfume on my hair. All the time, so that's why i swear by hair mystery. Does it have to be kelly but like use an alcohol free fragrance on your hair, because hair chop smells and that's probably the only reason i wash my hair, like even cities, not dubai, but like cities like london or like really built cities, the pollution actually gets Into the air so yeah we should always shampoo twice. That'S another! That'S another big misconception, so the first shampoo will actually remove the product, build up anything what you like the weekly like day-to-day grind and then your second one will actually cleanse your scalp and hair. So if you just shampoo once you're, actually not actually cleansing your scalp and hair, what if you have like really fine thin hair again same but yeah, you should always find a good, shampoo and conditioner okay. What if you shampoo three times? Fine, that's okay, because that's what i do yeah, especially like if you've got your hair colored or if you, if you find that uh you've changed like if you travel, then you you're in new water environment. So if you just want to change your hair care routine, it's always best to do a kick start and restart so shampoo three times to make sure that it's completely out of whatever you've been using before and then it almost gives it a clean slate. That'S so interesting, so the shampoo, actually, i would recommend, is color while color security, shampoo and the conditioner. These are the travel sizes, just because these are what i gave to mona, but there's a huge misconception that shampoo should volumize and thicken and moisturize and hydrate in it, for for a company or or a brand to make that claim. Basically, they have to scientifically leave something behind on your hair, so they have to leave a residue which can contribute to hair loss. Hair fall your hair, not responding. So basically all shampoo should do for everyone, and anyone really is to clean. Is it just like a marketing thing that yeah it's a marketing thing and fragrance and smell and oils and acids so the great one about the color one is because they've removed up to 60 ingredients in the shampoo and conditioner, as well as the entire range of Products and there's no toxins, there's no dyes, there's no harsh chemicals and all it does is to clean. Basically, it's a hundred percent crystal clean, clear formula so, like i said, oh now, i want this back is clean. That'S it we should. We should address the hydration. The moisture the strength afterwards in the mask, or the treatment or styling aspects of his hair, okay, yeah, it's crazy to me in skincare people care about this, but an inch above when it gets to scalp people forget - and it's just so crazy. If you lose your hair, then yeah and your scalp biome is so like essential to overall health. Really your hair health, yeah wow. That'S so interesting! I would never even think about yeah we spend billions here, but then we just use shop bought ingredients on the scalp. That'S such a great point. Oh my gosh, i'm like oh, my god. I need to take care of my scalp. What about people who wash their hair every day like? Maybe they have oily scalp or whatever, like? What would you recommend to those people? So people who've got an oily scalp. This is a really tough one, because, obviously i understand people's lives and people work out and that's again, why you create the ms, because you work out a lot, so you always thought oh you're, always more conscious of smells in your head and other people, and you Would always be like? Oh sorry, like money, you can't even smell anything. You know every time i see you dumb, i'm like i haven't washed my hair for like a week. Please don't breathe in yeah, but with people with oily or grease hair. It'S actually like a sort of mechanism, your scalp's doing to sort of rebalance itself almost like your skin, when people with combination skin or oily skin are trying to cleanse too much the skin or or sebaceous gland produces so much oil to sort of rebalance. Your skin is your scalp like producing more oil, trying to trying to rebalance the scalp yeah. So again, if you have got an oily or greasy scalpel, if you work out daily, try the color, while color security shampoo, because honestly, like even in my hair as a guy again, a lot of guys use a three in one they'll use a body wash hair. Wash and whatever wash to wash, i know a lot of guys do that yeah, some of them use bar soap and that's why a lot of guys experience, hair fall because they're using really strong ingredients. So again, with that shampoo, it works for anybody, any gender, any any hair type, and it's just going to give you clean hair. Even if you wash it every day, it's clean enough and safe enough to use every day. Do you have any recommendations like if people don't you know, have the budget to buy color well or if there's anything else like? Is there any other recommendations you have? Would it be like just use something super basic yeah? I would always try and go organic nine times out of ten. The organic are good, but always still read labels, because you want to watch out for sodium chloride and sodium laureth sulfate and that's a really terrible sulfate, which is everything really honestly, everything it's even in toothpaste to make it foam. So it's a foaming agent and it basically makes it gives you the illusion. Everybody thinks that you should lather and the lather is actually a misconception of hair brands. That'S so interesting because a lot of the newer hair products they have that are much better. For me. I'M always like, why is it not foaming up, and i'm like i'm i'm like, is something missing here and i remember adding more yeah, but the foam is not necessary. Yeah lather is bad. Oh yeah. I'Ve been thinking wrong the whole time, those herbal essence shampoo, commercials like through me, yeah and they're all false anyway. Yeah, that's all all green screen, any campaign or commercial you see is all false yeah, it's really bad. If you do reach for an organic one, always check the label, and, like i said, sodium chloride is basically table. Salt and sodium chloride is in everything as well wow. I have no idea why they just add it as thickness, so sodium chloride is used as a thickener. So if your shampoo looks pearlized, if it looks like it's like got like this really pretty like glittery, the glitter is actually really bad for the environment because it actually runs into the oceans and it never just like, disappears it's a micro plastic, so they're really bad. So always reach for shampoo. What'S really clean or clear, don't reach for anything. What'S like colored or centered, that's the best advice. I could do yeah we're gon na have a problem here. No, i'm just kidding yeah, but are scents really bad for your hair, like, for example, you know those shampoos that are scented. I know a lot of like the cooler newer, more organic ones, but they'll have like banana center or whatever are those yeah as long as they're like natural flavorings of fragrances, anything that's artificial, because when you put fragrance on a bottle i mean you'll know when you Put fragrance on anything that fragrance just means, it doesn't just mean fragrance, it could mean 60 ingredients. What create that fragrance right and you don't know what's toxic or what's not a really good app. Actually, what i think you'd be really like what you would love is an app called think dirty and you can scan barcodes and it tells you what's clean and what's not and what's toxic wow. I love that yeah. It'S a really good one and a lot of products can actually interfere with hormones. That is so interesting, which is a really like mind. But when i read that i, like my blog yeah, it can mess with hormones, especially when you're growing up that's scary fertility yeah. It honestly can - and this app can actually pinpoint the toxic ingredients inside, and it also can tell you the clean beauty wow. I love that it's such a great tip yeah. Thank you. I'M gon na download it not right now, right after this i know you're supposed to be productive. So i know you like that, and i also have like hormone problems, so i would love to see. Maybe something i'm using is throwing me off so yeah, i'm gon na download that so dom. If you don't mind, just recapping like what are those you know, top three four ingredients to watch out for the top one is sodium lauryl sulfate, it's a surfactant. What it's just terrible, it's in everything, and we honestly all you have to do - is google. It and you'll see like the harshness. What it can do. Sodium chloride is basically table salt, so that's just used as a thickener. You don't want to be looking for any pearlized ingredients or anything any thickness, basically inside your shampoo and conditioners, and also any fragrance or any artificial fragrance, so any fruit acids or any any um fruit flavorings really because that's also about it also can change hair color. So if you've got blonde highlighted hair, it can actually make your hair more orange because the fruits actually alter hair color. This is so fascinating and heartbreaking because i'm like fragrance, oh no yeah yeah. Unfortunately, i don't know if i can give that up but i'll try. It so i would love to know your thoughts on dry shampoo because i used to use it before and i actually because you know i don't wash my hair ever so i would i would use it, but my hair got my scalp got so sensitive yeah and That'S why i really went to hair mist, because i was like okay, i can't use the dry shampoo, but maybe i'll just make it smell better and i'll, just like sometimes even use like makeup. You know blotters like skin waters and i'll put it on my scalp and remove the oil and then fragrance it with hair mist. But what do you think about dry shampoo? Is it good? Is it bad yeah? It'S one of those things it's like kind of who you ask, i personally like dry shampoo, because for my textured hair, my hair gets quite oily, quick because i'm constantly flicking, i don't wear my hair in a party. So i'm constantly messing with my hair. So for me my hair gets oily quick, but it also lends to my aesthetic of my hair style right. I don't really like products. So, for me, dry shampoo is great, but i know for some people it can make your head hitch, it can be really annoying and you can get a build up, especially if you scratch your scalp. You get developing yeah, you do so, if you are an avid dry, shampoo user always again reach for a more clean version of it. So something what contains tapioca starch or kaolin clay they're, the best ones, because that's more natural, it's more from the earth rather than an artificial ingredient like talcum powder or anything like that, what's been put inside a propelled can because that's basically, essentially what dry shampoo is. So that's not good for your hair, not necessarily because it can clog your pores leave to hair fall. That'S what i was noticing. I was like my my pores on my scalp felt super clogged yeah. I did feel like i'm not sure if it's it's accurate, but i felt like there was more hair loss yeah. It can lead to that. It can also lead to your sebaceous glands getting plugged and then basically almost creating a pimple on your follicle and then yeah instant reaction. You want to squeeze it, but that's not always a great thing. So if you are a dry, shampoo user, always reach for something with kaling clay or tapioca starch inside it's, they tend to be as well. Less white residue leaving the more talcum powder versions are more white residue leaving but yeah. If you are going to use dry shampoo, wash your hair more regular just to get off your scalp okay, like every every other day, yeah every two to three days interesting. So the next question is in regards to massaging your scalp when you're shampooing like what are your thoughts on that? Should you should you do it? Should you go in hard like? Should you rub like sometimes when i'm washing my hair, i literally get in like i feel like my whole head - is like a new. I have no skin on me. Yeah, it almost is therapeutic. I kind of like how you always say as well. You wear perfect for yourself at night and i feel like that's something what you can actually do for yourself, what it's five minutes it. It really is a world of benefit and it you almost like escape from everything. I know that sounds a bit crazy, but when you're actually massaging your scalp, it's not just to massage it, it's actually to promote blood flow, so it creates hair growth, you're, basically bringing all that blood to your surface, your scalp, so that your hair is fed. The only way his hair is fed is by blood supply, so the main areas when you focus on is around your hairline. If you, if you find that your fingertips are too aggressive, use your knuckles and just work in circular motions around your face, you can do it with oil before you shampoo, so you can use like a hair oil. If you want to do it before shampooing um and you want to basically i don't know if anybody is really into sort of like your chakras or anything like that, but just getting into it now. I i'm not too sure what it's called, but i'm almost certain that it's almost called your third eye or something like that. Your third eye is yeah yeah. It'S here, yeah yeah, and i think you work 12 fingers back from your third eye and it hits just in between your crown it's the most top part of your scalp yeah. That'S your crown chakra yeah yeah, so because this is the most top part of your scalp and gravity gravity naturally pulls everything down. So it's the least blood supply. So that's why a lot of people tend to go bold here. First, because it's the least fluid supply. Yeah, so you should always interlock your fingers across when you're massaging the top of your head. Oh my god! No, i haven't thought yeah so around your hairline into into lock your fingers across and especially just underneath your occipital bone in the back. So that's the bone at the back of your head, always massage from your knee up into that area, so that you want to really massage that as well yeah. What about scalp serums like do you recommend using them after you, shampoo, yeah scalp seems like i said if you want to use a scalp serum, there's, really good ones out now, where you use before shampooing and scalp scrubs. Like i mean we could spend a whole another video on scalp, scrubs and serums, but i love that scab scrub yeah, it's just like this fully skin your scalp is exfoliating as well. So i'd probably do that once or twice every two weeks. Okay, it doesn't have to be too too many times a month, um, i'm like overwhelmed right now. I'M like i need to take notes. Thank god. We have this on camera because i'm gon na go back and like watch this and yeah write things down, because that's just there's so much to be done and i thought i was doing a good job taking care of my hair. But i realized i'm not doing half of the things you're saying yeah and it's even like when you um, when you come to actually rinsing your hair out and you're ready to dry it don't dry your hair with the towel. Like that's the worst thing you can do, because towel drying creates friction and creates frizz breakage damage and wet hair too, which is yeah yeah, so hair, fiber, towels, they're, really good microfiber, cloths or cotton. T-Shirts like an old cotton t-shirt is like the best thing really yeah. That'S that's just crazy. I think all of us, probably 99 percent of the people watching probably are towel drinking hair. First yeah the most hair damages as soon as you even like put a hair tie in it like when people get a kink in the hair. That'S damage so even rubbing your hair with a towel even rubbing and washing your hair in the shower you're. Creating some sort of friction and damage. So that's why, when you shampoo, you should never rub the suds down your hair. You should only wash the scalp and let the water and product rinse through your hair. You should never actually apply the product to your mid-length ends. Wow because you're creating friction a cleanser through your hair, so so many things wrong. You should only cleanse your scalp and let the water and suddenly run down, and that will cleanse your hair enough really yeah, because you're doing it twice. Remember right, that's true! What about brushing your hair in the shower? Oh, my god, yeah! That'S like one of the biggest things i believe in so you believe in it yeah believe in it. So it's okay to do it. Yeah! Thank god. Finally, there's one thing: i'm doing right again, there's a little there's. A lot of good brushes out there like wet brushes are really good, so you want to brush your hair. Basically, before you shampoo on dry hair brush before you basically brush it before you actually wash your hair and then brush while you're conditioning as well. Okay, what about when there's shampoo in your hair? No, not so much yeah! You just leave that like yeah, just like! I said just massage your scalp and hair falls. Well, a lot of people get a bit worried to see hair fall. We actually lose anywhere up to 100 to 200 hairs a day. That'S it yeah like when you think what, if you have more hair, then you lose more like. I think it looks like five years i mean you've got hair. What can fit on five heads like you've got so much air, but i mean literally a is natural. A lot of people can get really stressed and when you get more stressed about hair fall, it can have the opposite effect. Then you almost get worried so then that stress then makes more hair fall. The first thing stress duster is it's his gut health and his hair health, so yeah wow, because stress actually contributes to hair fall and and how is that feeling hormones? So yes - and you are what you eat, what you ingest is what comes out of your hair, so going back to when you're drying, your hair, like so you mentioned not using a normal towel yeah, but what about just drying immediately with a hair, dryer yeah? So this is another big misconception. We'Ve been told our way through his lives that it's actually good to go to go to bed with your hair wet, but actually that's really bad, because your scalp, your scalp, is almost it's cold. So your scalp health is like really detrimental when it's wet and your hair is more fragile when wet. So if you're going to go to bed with your hair, wet and you're rubbing your hair on a cotton pillowcase, the friction from the cotton on wet hair actually is pulling your hair more. So, oh my gosh, always if you are going to use your dry, dryer or dry, your hair, um, obviously, cotton t-shirt or microfiber towel to dry the majority of the moisture out and then obviously heat protectant products. Then dry, your hair with a blow dryer wow yeah. So interesting, i almost always when i wash my own hair, go to bed with it wet because i like don't want to dry it myself and it also takes forever to dry and then what does it feel like when you wake up the next morning? Is it really big and frizzy? It always is big and frizzy, though yeah. That'S, because actually the friction on the pillowcase wow. We should all actually sleep on silk yeah, so for the skin. It'S really like really beneficial for skin, but even for hair, hair or sleeping on silk stops. Friction stops, hair fall, it stops the multitude of sins and it also stops your skin care products rubbing off and going into your hair and vice versa. Interesting because, obviously, hair care products shouldn't be on skin and skincare production. Obviously, for you you would do a nighttime routine on your skin, but then the cotton from the from the pillowcase will absorb and then rub off onto your hair and vice versa. Wow. These are such amazing tips. Like everything has just blown my mind, i feel like i'm like, oh my gosh, i'm making notes in my head right now so fantastic to have you and to have you share all these tips with everybody. I hope everyone's enjoying them and honestly i think we could go on forever, but i know we've gone through a lot today, so i definitely want to have you on for part two, because we have like a lot of questions but you're so thorough and you have So much information to share, so i don't want to leave out any details, but we're gon na have a part two to finish all of dom's great tips and advice. So i hope you guys enjoyed this video dom. Do you have a quote of the day because i like to finish every video with a quote a day: yeah do you have a quote about here, so i think the best one i mean. I know it's very cliche, but obviously it's so true like invest in your hair, because it is literally something what you never take off like it's. The first thing: people notice when you walk into a room and it's how you express or like give off your your vibe or your style, to people it's a crown yeah. Yes, i love it. That'S such great advice, and it's so true, and it really does make you feel so much better like when you have good healthy. You know high quality, hair or you've taken good care of yourself. You just feel a million times better. It'S empowering and we all know when you have a bad day. You don't feel great, but when you have a good hair day like you could let you take to the world yeah. I love it well. Thank you so much. Thank you for everything appreciation guys. Please don't forget to like this video if you enjoyed it comment down below. If you have any questions and don't forget to subscribe to my channel love you all so much, oh and don't forget to follow dom i'm going to put his information down below check him out. So guys don't forget! If you have any more questions for dom, you can dm him, you can comment on his photos, but also comment on the post that we put up for this video. We want to hear your questions and he's such a great expert. He knows a lot about hair he's super passionate, so we definitely want to share his knowledge with the world. Hope you guys enjoyed love you so much bye.

Moon Child Fragrances: It would be great if Dom could cover all the products he recommends for a healthy hair routine

VANO: Honestly this was so informative. As a guy who also has long hair and loves it I found this super informative! Would love a P2 with Dom!

Fufu issue: He needs to have a YouTube channel plzzz! We need him Muna you did a great job to bring him up here

Joobo Moolo: Thank you so much for this video. I really needed this video, because my scalp hasn’t been as I wanted for a long time. But now, when I finally have seen the video. I am so grateful, that you have made the video. And thank you so much Dom, for your time, to give us all the tips for our hair. This is just fantastic! Thanks!❤️ I really appreciate what you are doing!!!

Cynthia Caro: Mona absolutely love this video! More of this please. Love his thorough and clear explanations.

Martyna Nowak: Mona, thank you so much for this video! Such a great guest with amazing knowledge and very helpful tips, definately watching again with a pen in my hand. I would greatly appreciate part 2. Thank you

Yoda Da Pug: This was so informative. Thank you to the both of you. Mona Your hair is stunning. So shiny and healthy. I can’t wait for part 2.

KISO: Love you guys ❤ Ma'am You never fail to bring positive vibes to everyone May God bless you

Olivia and Beauty: Loving the new intro Mona! I’m so happy u made a video about hair care, very interesting to learn all this new info. I’ll be using mineral water next time I wash my hair, hopefully it helps the hair to stop falling out so much. PS. Your hair always looks amazing!! Sending love

Victoria Castelan: I love how much knowledge and passion he has for hair

hlovesbeautyy: Your hair is goals <3 thank you for sharing such useful tips on haircare Dom and Mona

Z _: Amazing tips! Dom is so informative! Learned so much Loved your new intro too! Thank you Mona

zo: "It's the first thing people notice when you walk into a room". Girls who wear hijab can't relate lol. Great video and tips! It's easy to neglect your hair when people can't see it, I'm guilty of this but also lucky because I don't use much products or heat on my hair. Interesting that he recommended brushing your hair when it's wet, I've always heard that you shouldn't because hair is very fragile when wet.

Yougeeto Singh: Can't wait for pt.2! omgggg. This was so infomative. Thank you, Mona!

Zoe K: this whole video! Thank you so much Mona ✨ I adore the variety in your content

Nasrin Sadeghi: Love love this video! Looking forward to more hair content videos. He is amazing as well as you Mona!

Derrick Jennifer Watkins: Loved this! Yes, Part 2 please!

Kim chowdhury: Mona your hair always looks stunning! ❤️❤️ Thank you for sharing all the tips!

Lisa V: Yaaaay Monie this is so good! I always admire your hair so so much and am so excited to try out lots of Doms Tipps & Tricks ahhh and I’m Team washing my hair only once a week as well glad we got the Kayali Hair Mist! Love you ❤️

Samira: I’ll definitely shampoo my hair twice now, thank you Dom & Monie!! ‍♀️

Makeup by Marlane: Please do a part 2 and ask him for some hair growth tips, my hair literally grows at a snails pace and I'm getting married in November and am trying very hard to have long hair

FOXXYLAND: We definitely want part 2

Leah Masih: Thank you Monie and Dom - this was so informative! Please can Dom provide some names of budget shampoos available in the UK??

Andreea Ilie: Just discovered your channel and I love your high vibes and energy. Btw, your hair is so gorgeous and my dream length and volume

moonlight tea ☕️: YESSSSSSSS FINALLY AN EPISODE ABOUT HAIR!!! (Still waiting on your personal hair product recommendations though! Lol ✨)

Debdoob: Silk is naturally anti-bacterial as well! Another reason to get silk pillow cases.

AFA Kids toys review: Hey Mona. Thanks for this video. My hair hasn't been the same since I had my kids. Mashallah you have amazing hair sending you love from Arizona ❤❤

Helina Amiri: Thank you so much for the Tips ❤️ thank you Monie to make that possible ❤️

Selma: Love this video, thank you for all the information! And love you Mona. ❤

amina zibari: This was the most informative video on hair care I have watched, thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️can you do a video with all ur fav hair care products because Mashallah ur hair looks so beautiful

Interests World: Thank you for the tips. Can’t wait for part 2.

Fozia Kausar: Wow!!!! This is such an informative video! Dom is full of knowledge! Thank you for sharing!

Sanafiia _xo: Omg sooo helpful ! Opened my mind to another world xx

Amoaky’s Vlog: Want a part 2 ❤️❤️ love this video

A R: this is knowlegde I have done 3 years over to find out and now he just explains everything in 23 minutes, yoooooo where were you?? I need more of these videos asap <3

Sophie Laghari: Lovely sharing dom & mona you are so generous...I loved this entire session

Obsession Beauté: Very informative thank you Mona for making this amazing video xoxo

Ayesha Mughees: Love you Moniee thank you for sharing amazing tips always!

Jana Alawady: OMG that’s so helpful ❗️ we need part 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10....... THANK YOU SO MUCH

n: Amazing haircare tips ❤️

Sand Lovedi: Loooove the Episodes!!! Learning a lot

ZGwoo888: This was so insightful especially as a scientist

Khushi Khan: Thank you Mona, love this video ❤️❤️❤️

Zerin Jahan: Great tips! Thanks Mona

nicolette white: This is really informative Moona I love it!

Sabah Balala: Thanks for the tips Mona!

Imaani Beauty: Your hair is voluminous Mona

Cynthia Posadas: This was such a great video Mona

niloofar taherzade: Part 2 pleaaaase mona❤️❤️

Interests World: Hi Mona, In part 2 please ask him to give us some tips on how to treat dry damaged hair and split ends.

Donika Berisha: He is so amazing! Thank you for your awsome tips and tricks

Vaishali Sharma: He's a hair genius

Lola Tatasja: Thank you. This was amazing! I will definitely go back and rewatch this video.....often!!

City F: Love this! Always thought you had amazing hair

Asha Nurein: Looking good as always my queen and thanks for the tips

misbah ailia: 6:03 Another benefit of wearing Hijab Masha'Allah. No pollution ends up on your hair. But the main reason for wearing it, should always be a connection to faith. Not to only to keep hair looking pretty.

Hoo Me: We need a part 2, 3 & 4!! Any tip on faster hair growth n vitamin suggestions?

Amal Hussain: Always informative and point on tips to get from you ❤️.

Strokeand Brush: Love this video!!!! You two are sooooooo funny

Ang D: Yes, we need a summary. Great information:) thank you

Marian Abokar: Mashaallah She’s so beautiful and amazing and I love how she values herself

Varsha Nageshkar: Loved this Could you guys also touch base on heat tools and heat products and care...?

PAT TvDiva: So very helpful tips. Thanks for making this video

Mr. sonThomas.D: That was very helpful especially for some one with long hair thanks

Binta Tv: Any time I see Mona video it feels like am watching to elder sister that i always want but never had ..

Andrea Harvey: Great video! I learned somethings for sure. I love the Deja Vu Hair must!! It is the bomb!!

Agata Porszke: Dom you shoud have your own YT channel! You are great!

Eva Pýchová: yes please, and give us some advise for dandruff, my 16 years old son has a serious problem with it. We tried so many shampoos from the drugstore, from the pharmacy etc. Nothing helps. Thank you so much ❤

Aklimab 123: This has been so educational!

Mina B.: I already use the Dream Filter from Waw and a filtration system in my shower yay!

Pop Mary: You are beautiful yes - but I see the inner beauty- I feel I smell better at night and yeh I woke up at 4.30 place on all the perfumes you have made they smell different- Elixir is the bomb I mix it with Elixir and musk Elixir and citrus Elixir and vanilla Elixir on it own Now in regards to this advice it’s blown my mind ... bc I’m blond since my best friend Emma passed away in her honor - so this info blew my mind !! I’m going to try the apple cider vinegar I love the consistency of every Monday at 8pm bc I appreciate it as a creator and a watcher in hospital it’s like a warm hug and I appreciate how hard it is if your busy. Thanks for making your videos they are totally different to mine and that intrigues me God bless you sorry I haven’t uploaded my review I filmed it but I have to edit it so I’ll do it in hospital ... great Video 2 thumbs up !!!

Jedidah Evence: Can we ask Dom if he prefers air drying hair to blow-drying or vice versa

Maimoonah Ahmed: Thanks soooo much for this info ❤️❤️❤️

Samira: Enjoyed this

Loryann Hernandez: Part 2 please

Senthea Akter: You are so sweet...mam whatever you wear or whatever your hairstyles are always your sweetness inhance your beauty.. And ofcourse you're so pretty...and i always appreciate your hard work..

Lavina Patel: Yes!! Plz Ask about hair oiling and good ones to use :)

Maham Zahid: So informative!

Cherry Flash: So informative!! Thank you

Springflowers: I have a question about hair oils for hair loss is it effective or is oil bad for the scalp? Thanks ♥️

K Sardjoe: This is soo helpfull info Dom and Mona

Remti Omar: Hii. Mona i would love if you could do a video on pcos e.g irregular periods and weight gain etc. How you go about it. It would be great x

Saly Or Sara: LOVE YOU!!! Hope y'all having a good day and a successful life!

glitter&fairies!: Love it !!

Cynthia Posadas: Mona can you film a vid where you take us into your bathroom and we can see all of your goodies .. (beauty products, shower products)?

irfan hussain: I like your hair style mona & you looking so gorgeous & beautiful

Priya Thigal: Omg mind blown he’s a genuine

Iqraa: Love you Mona ❤️❤️❤️

salwa: omg both of you have such pretty hair

Andrew: Love it, great video!

Kim From Arkansas: Hello, I’m using shades eq 09v platinum ice for my roots and it’s not quite dark enough. If I wanted to go one shade darker which color should I use? I also have highlights with bleach. Thank you, Kim

Chaimae AZREG: Oh thank u for all these precious infos

Amani Arkan: New video finally ❤️❤️❤️❤️‍♀️

Klodiana Bandilli: Your hairstylist is so amazing you are so cute love you girl

Manakk Bey: Mona i bought ur hair mist, I'm obsessed...much love from Australia

Samira: So glad to hear about the lathering!

Habsa Khandaker Hiya: Loveeeee it. ❤️

Zafar Shaikh: Zabardust Tips‍♂️ Thank You so Much

urScorpioLady: Thank you so so much guys

Hoo Doei: Thank you dearest Monaaaaaaa

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