Hair Salon Disaster! *Stylist Ruined My Hair!* She Turned My Blonde Hair Red!

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Hair Salon Disaster! *Stylist RUINED my hair!* She turned my blonde hair red! Comment if you've watched any other videos of people ruining their hair with bleach, hairdressers reacting to people going to the lowest rated salons, worst hair salon experience she ruined my hair, 5 signs you have a shitty hairdresser, how I almost ruined my hair, etc.

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And i paid 250 for this five hours in the salon and i left with dark red look at how great it looks: hey guys it's marissa and shauna, and today's video we're going to talk about what we do to keep our hair. Looking good. Looking fresh looking cute looking amazing, and i'm also going to be telling you guys about a hair disaster that i experienced at the salon about a year ago, um, it was really bad. It was a big disaster, it was not. It was not a little one, it was a big one, so this is actually my natural hair color, occasionally like once every few years i'll get highlights, but for the most part i am pretty low maintenance. With my hair, i just like to take it easy. I don't really like to do much to it. I don't really use heat styling on it, like i like things that are just very like effortless and easy, and a little bit later in the video, i am going to be showing you guys my favorite hair hack, that i use to keep my hair looking amazing And like looking like salon quality with basically no effort which is like a plus, so on the other hand, my hair is actually very high maintenance, so my natural hair color is dark. Brown. It'S very similar to marissa's color, like i'll, include photos of my natural color. So i obviously dye it from dark brown to blonde, which is really hard to do. It'S not easy. It'S not effortless. It requires a lot of maintenance and we used to have a hair colorist named gretchen and she was like amazing. She would always do shawna's hair. Incredibly, like shawna would go in with the most ratchet nasty bird's nest. Hair yeah, like six inches of dark roots, if you ever did see and gretchen would always make it look amazing like the before and afters were like. Oh, they were so dramatic. They were like those shows and movies where they get a makeover and they're like um, but anyway so yeah. She would make it look so wonderful, but she actually moved to florida, which was very very unfortunate because it was like. I don't know it's like it's like a relationship ending it's like, because you build this trust and you get to know each other. They get to know my hair very well yeah, it's like they know what to do with it. They know what it needs they nurture. It, and so it just it, felt so sad because it was like how long darn it so gretchen had moved to florida and the months were ticking by and my dark roots just kept getting longer and longer, and i was wearing hats - i was wearing headbands. Yes, she was, i just got to the point where, like i just needed, to go to someone else, so i ended up going to this new girl who actually there was. It was just a girl who dm'd me on instagram and she was like hey. I'M a hair colorist like i would love to work on your hair um. So i was like okay sure like this was really easy, like it just kind of fell into my lap um, so the girl, i went to go, get my hair done and the salon was in beverly hills. It was right next to rodeo drive. It was like this very fancy salon, so i spent five hours in the salon. This was an all-day thing like it was. It took like an hour to get to beverly hills. I was there for five hours took like an hour to get get home and i paid 250 for this, and my hair looked horrible, so i came in with dark roots, dark brown roots and i left with dark red roots. My hair did not come out blonde. She did not make me blonde. She changed my hair to dark red like i don't know nothing that i realized that she was changing it to red. I think she just it up and then tried to be like look at how great it looks yeah. It was just it was: oh no, but after five hours and hundreds of dollars like oh yeah, no, it was way more expensive than than gretchen ever was, and it was way more it. It took like double the time yeah and it was just like. Well, that's horrible. I know it took like double triple the time to look terrible and it was just like wow. You think that you go to the salon to look better not to like look significantly worse and pay hundreds of dollars and, like feel really crappy. I remember you texting me after and you were like crying you were, so i was crying yeah. So since that point, since that awful red roots debacle um, i was crying, i was devastated, so it was at that point where we started dying both of our hair from home, just because it was it's scary to trust somebody, and also it's scary, to trust somebody New that, like clearly doesn't know what they're doing so shawna started dying her hair from home, and i also started doing a little something something. So i discovered this amazing hair, color conditioning gloss called glaze, and it basically just like transforms your hair and they make like amazing, semi-permanent color conditioning gloss and it enhances your color and just gives you this, like incredibly natural shine. It just makes your hair so soft. So silky so amazing, i literally like can't stop touching it because of how healthy it feels. So the hint of color lasts for up to 10 washes and you can also use it on all hair types, and i love that you can get a subscribe and save every month too. So you can save like 10 on each order. So you don't have to like keep repurchasing. You don't have to wait until you've like run out of it before you get a new one. So i just love that, and let me tell you, hair glazes are like my favorite hair hack they're, my favorite hair secret, because i feel like they just do everything they give you this, like vibrant boost of color, that it really does make you look like you. Just got out of the salon: they make your hair, so overly shiny, like you just blow dried it and they make it like glossy and not frizzy and soft too. So it's kind of like it kind of just does everything in one. So for me, since i do color my hair, i really like to use glaze in between dies to kind of extend the length that um i can go between dyeing my hair, so i have pearl blonde and beach blonde and i like both of them for different Reasons this one is a little bit more like warm tone like more but like a honey color, and this one is a little bit more of like a champagne tone. Oh yeah, and then i have chocolate gleam for like more of that. Like kind of warm tone like chestnutty, chocolatey color, and then i have sleek espresso and this one. Sometimes i just really like that. Like dark-haired like oh i'm, a mysterious, brunette kind of look, i don't know how to explain it, but so it comes in nine color. Matching shades and it ranges from light blonde to dark black, and they also have a clear glaze to boost your natural color and just make it shiny and glossy. I really want to try that one and it's super super easy to use. You just apply this and leave it on for 10 minutes, sometimes i'll even go longer than 10 minutes like i don't feel like leaving it on longer like hurts it at all, but at least 10 minutes, and i also would recommend using gloves when you apply it. Just because it will kind of like stain your hands, if you don't use gloves so just like use, use a little pair of gloves like it's cool, it's it's it's like you're, applying a dye, but it's not a dye. That'S what i love about it, but this hydrates your hair, and it still has that same effect. So that's why i love this and it's also paraben silicone, ammonia and sulfate free and it's also vegan cruelty. Free and the packaging is 100 recyclable and it's available on But again, if you do the subscribe and save, then you can save 10 on each order and and they have a full money back guarantee. So if you don't like love, it they'll give you a full refund, but like obviously you're gon na love it and you guys, can use the code marissa20 to get 20 off your first order at glaze, and i definitely recommend checking them out because, honestly, your hair Will be looking like ghosts, it will be looking so cute and i feel like my hair has never like looked and felt better, so definitely go check them out. So i like to use glaze in between hair dyes and, like i said um, we have been dyeing. My hair at home, ever since that experience a year ago before i went there, i told her exactly what i wanted done, which is make my roots blonde and maybe give me some highlights and um. I told her exactly what my old stylist had done. So i was like gretchen used to do high, lift on my roots, um and she actually told me the hairstylist. She said that she couldn't do high lift, but then, when i got there, she said that she had another client who did do high lift. So it was like it was very confusing because i felt like: why did she say she couldn't do it when she was doing it for somebody else like? Why didn't she just give me what i wanted? Why did she have to lie too because it was like it's not that you couldn't do it like? You didn't know how it was just like you were unwilling to do it yeah, i don't know. I think it would have been just better if she had said like. Oh i'm not, i can't do that. Like here's, someone else in the salon that doesn't like, i know that like cost her the client, but still at least you she wouldn't have like destroyed your hair - oh my god, yeah no, like i i kept telling her. I was like oh like, but, like my hair really likes high, lift like this is like what i do, and she kept trying to convince me that, like no high lift is bad for you because it uses a higher volume developer like, and i was like i've Been doing this for like a year like, i know what like, i know that it works for my hair, but she was just very convincing. She was like i want to do something else. Your hair is going to look even better. Your hair is going to look amazing. It'S going to be so much healthier, it's going to look so much better and she was very convincing. So i was like okay like i'll. Let you you know, try whatever it is this new thing that you want to do, but you were that wasn't your one thing, though you were like make me, look good and blonde yeah like, and we look good and blonde like yeah doesn't seem like that. Big of a requirement like and blonde those are the key words when i got home. Marissa gave me a headband, i did i contacted the hairstylist afterward and she was very defensive. She basically blamed the whole experience on me because i had come into the salon with dirty hair, um, and so anyway, it was just very negative experience and it was just so stupid because you're supposed to come in with dirty hair, i even told a random person. The story - and they were like everybody knows you're supposed to come in with dirty hair and like hairstyle, is not like. I feel like she was just kind of didn't know what the heck she was doing and was just trying to like grasp at straws to blame. You for any like reason she could yeah and it's like look girl if you couldn't do blonde like if you couldn't make a brunette blonde, you should have just been honest. You should have been like look. I can really only do brunette stuff yeah, that's what i can do can't do any blonde stuff like i feel like she should have just been candid and been up front. Then like lose a customer, because it's like okay, great, you got 250 but you're you're. Never coming back, i mean i was scarred from the experience. I was. I cried so much over this oh yeah, and it took a really long time to get my hair back to normal, because, first of all, you know i had to wait a little while for, like my hair to kind of recover from being dyed and then marissa And i started downing ourselves at home, so they always say not to do that, not to dye your hair at home and especially never to use like bleach or any harsh chemicals or going blonde. So i had to be very careful. I did a lot of research and i was very careful about the products that i bought. Oh yeah, and you were so like thorough with the mixing and the measuring, like you, have to be very, very, very precise and i feel like shawna was like. It was almost like the fire she needed to like yeah make her do it herself, because it's like there's nothing worse than just being scarred from a totally awful experience where somebody ruins your hair doesn't know what they're doing, and so it's like. Obviously, you have a vested interest in not ruining your hair like not making it look horrible and like making yourself cry about it. So i feel like it was just so much of a better thing, because you have so much more control over like how it comes out, and i feel like that whole. Don'T diet at home is such a fallacy, like i feel like it's just a myth started by the hair hair salon, people to keep you going in. Well, look i've been doing it for a year, and i think my hair looks great. I think that i do you know maurice and i both do a great job um, one tip that i would give for doing your hair at home, so i'll do high, lift on my roots and i'll. Do um, like an ammonia-free bleach, highlight um one tip that i have is i read online that one of the biggest mistakes that like newbies make when they are not at a hair salon is that they leave the product in for too long and the chemicals damage. Your hair from like leaving it in so long because, like you, think it's working harder by leaving it in a long time, so i'm always very careful to rinse it out like right when the time is up or even a few minutes before. Just because i don't want to cause damage to my hair, so another tip that i have is to limit your use of heat styling on your hair yeah. I mean this is like pretty common, but it's just like yeah when your hair is damp after washing it. You can even braid it so that it dries, and it's like very crimped, very wavy, very like beach waves and then, of course, if you're me and you use that hair tint or that hair gloss, it will just make your hair, like. Naturally, i feel like very straight and very like sultry. I don't know, i don't know how to explain it, but i feel like it just kind of gives you that straight like i've nev. I have not straightened my hair in a long time and it looks like i do, but i don't, but i don't okay so comment down below if you guys want to see one day how marissa and i dye my hair myself at home or ourselves um, because It'S pretty interesting because you know i was going to a salon for so long that, like making the transition was very scary at first yeah um, and it wasn't even really about like trying to save money. It was just about that horrible experience. I had making me kind of scared to go back to any salon um, but this works for us. It'S way more convenient. So that was my story about my awful hair salon experience and how i was almost scarred for a lot of you know scared away from using salons and how both of us now take care of our hair at home. You know touch it up between colors, using glaze, oh yeah, and also i will have a glaze linked below for you guys. Don'T forget: marissa 20 gets you 20 off. I will link them below definitely check it out, get yourself a bottle or two, and we love you guys la big, kiss and bye guys.

Marissa Rachel: Use MARISSA20 to get 20% off your first order at Glaze

Super Uni22: Honestly it could because of your hair. If you have red in your hair even if it's not noticable when you go to dye it blonde it can turn

Ananya Gupta: Please make a video on how you dye your hair ❤️

woozle: My best friend has the most beautiful thick hair

Korrina Nolan: Make more period life hacks videos

Sahara Safari: Purple cancels out yellow not orange

Anastasia E.: Wow

Tony boi: first

Joannaa: The hair wasn't blonde. It was yellow

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