Do Heatless Curlers Really Work? | Fab Or Fail?

It’s time for another #FabOrFail review! We all can get behind a product that gives you natural curls without the heat damage, right? I’ve been seeing these all over Instagram so I thought we’d check out these specific heatless foam curlers from Amazon. Will these heatless curlers really work? Are they worth it??? Click below to find out!

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I don’t know about you guys, but when I'm on vacation I like to fit in as much as possible in one day, so this usually means the less time I spend getting ready, the better! I thought while I’m in Hawaii, I’d try a little hack I saw on Instagram and brought with me some foam hair curlers I found on Amazon!

I love #heatless #curls. I’ve done dozens of videos on them. According to the Amazon description for these curlers, they do not damage your hair, they’re super adjustable to fit most hair types, and comfortable enough to sleep in. Oh, AND they’re supposedly “time efficient.” So, obviously, I wasted no time in buying them.

While they were super easy to use, I did change up some steps! To use the curlers, they do recommend your hair is at least 70% dry; I went with more than 90% since my hair is so thick and takes a while to dry. The instructions also state to add a curl product to make your curls last longer. I, of course, used my Hairitage’s NEW “Have It All” Curl Enhancing Foam. A major step I changed up was application...

The instructions say to “start from bottom to top,” but if you’re new to rollers, that’s not always the best idea because you can easily mess up the shape of your curl. I recommend curling as if you’re using a curling iron and roll away from your face, vertically.

Good news, No fall out (yay!). Final verdict: FAB, because they absolutely curled my hair but also FAIL. Yes, the product worked exactly like it was supposed to, but not the type of curl I would normally go for now.

Again, these are my own opinions based on my own hair and experience. Your experience may be different. If you are interested in trying out the foam hair curlers, you can order them HERE:

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's -Mindy

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Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level:


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About Cute Girls Hairstyles:

Mindy McKnight is a mother of six children and a teacher of all braids, past, present, and future! Enjoy hundreds of 5-minute hair tutorials that are cute and easy to recreate! Whether you're looking to learn how to create hairstyles such as simple braids, waterfall braids, french braids, fishtail braids, lace braids, pancake braids, faux braids, plaits, twists, buns, ponytails, updos or something with a little edge... you can find it all here! (We even have Daddy Do's, hairstyles so easy that even a daddy can do them!) You'll also find a "Behind the Braids" family vlog, showing what goes on behind the scenes in our home, every other Sunday! Be sure to subscribe... and prepare for compliments! #CuteGirlsHairstyles


FTC Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video.


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Hey guys, I'm Mindy from Cute Girls, Hairstyles and today-, oh and Shawn., And I'm Shawn from Cute Girls Hairstyle.. We are coming to you from Hawaii, where I'm going to do a Fab or Fail.. I brought these rollers all the way with me from Texas, because I wanted to try them on just wet damp hair.. I love heatless styles, especially when I'm on trips, where I'm getting in and out of the ocean and the pool ,'cause. I don't want to put heat on my hair., So I thought I would try these for you., If you haven't subscribed to our channel already be sure to click this button right here and let's get on to the video. ( upbeat, music, ). Okay, to start this hairstyle, I have washed my hair tonight., I'm going to take my paddle brush and I'm just going to brush brush brush. Just like you would, after a shower., You know what I'm saying: Brush your hair nice and clean, no snarls., And then I normally would put maybe Hairitage Curling Cream in'cause. My hair can handle a little bit. Thicker curl cream. Did not bring it with me on this trip.. So I did, however, bring this amazing curling enhancing foam.. It is literally a miracle worker.. So I'm going to do a few pumps.. You can see it's really foamy., It's not as thick and stiff as a mousse. And I'm just going to go through one side., I'm going to make sure and kind of drag it all the way down.. This doesn't leave your hair stiff.. It'S a lighter weight., Not like a mousse, sometimes does., I'm gon na do both sides.. Just you know kind of work. It in.. We were going down home today. Guys., Like my roots, are so gray'cause, my appointment's after we get home and the lighting is bad. ( laughing ). So after you do this, I'm going to let my hair air dry a little bit just because this, if I put this in curlers, it wouldn't dry. Overnight., My hair needs to be like barely damp to have the perfect effect.. So I'm going to let it air dry., You could blow dry it if you wanted to - or you could have done this even on second day hair., So I'll be back in a minute when my hair is dry., While my hair is drying I'll. Tell you about these.: These are the curlers. I am trying.. I got them off Amazon.. This is what they look like.. They basically feel like this middle part. Do you remember it was old, pink sponge rollers Like curlers that your mom used to put in your hair when you were tiny, The pink plastic ones? That'S basically what this middle section feels like. And on each end, there's kind of like a wire in there. That makes them bendable almost like a twist tie.. So the idea is that you put your hair on it, you roll it around and then you can twist it up and it holds in place and it's just softer to sleep on., That's the idea.! I got this pack., I will look up price and put it on the screen.. I don't remember what it was of the top of my head. And I believe, there's like 36 in this pack, but you can buy smaller packs too.. So you don't need that many.. That is the rundown on the curlers. And I'll, be back when we're ready to put them. (, lively, music, ). Okay, you can see my hair's, mostly dry.. The instructions say to roll from bottom to top, but I don't love doing that, and here's why. If you roll from bottom to top like this. Sometimes I feel like your ends tend to be a little weird. And if you are not like the most perfect roller all the way up, I feel, like you end up with weird kinks., So I like to start from the top.. I always roll away from the face ,'cause. Then you get nice Farrah Fawcett, as opposed to towards the face where you're going to feel like when you're done.. So I'm going to try to take put it against my scalp and lay it down.. Two things I'm going to teach you. One is, if you twist your hair like this and then do it you're going to end up with a tighter curl.. My hair takes curl. Pretty well., So I am afraid if I roll it to the scalp and twist it I'm going to end up with curls like this big and look like Annie.. So I'm going to try to lay them as flat as possible, which is a looser curl. But I am going to take them to the scalp just cause. I want to see what it looks. Like. Sometimes another trick is only rolling them up halfway and then leaving them.. If you want more of like that, really natural just end curl., But just for kicks and giggles I'm going to go all the way up. Today., Okay, so I'm going to take them, lay it against my scalp, but I'm going to try to just lay it really flat and lay it like this., I'm going to give the ends just use that little piece to roll the ends in and then I'm going To take these. Cross them, it says and then just kind of squeeze it and it's supposed to stay pretty tight.. I think it will be fairly soft to sleep on tonight, because they're not hard., So I think it won't be bad.. Okay, so again, I'm taking it. You can see I'm keeping my hair pretty flat and just rolling it around. This way. I know it's not going to be all weird kinks. When I get to the ends, I'm just rolling it down a smidge and then rolling the ends in and then I'm going to take them. That one's a little loose. I'm going to redo that one ,'cause. I want them, I actually do want it like against my head.. We'Re experimenting guys and you're experimenting right along with me.. That'S the one nice thing: if you start at the bottom, your ends of the naturally rolled in, whereas mine I'm having to kind of unroll. All right. Take it all the way up. There we go. That'S much better. Cross it twist it squeeze it flat.. Okay, that feels better., Even though it's not like tight tight that one's fine.. It'S going to be interesting to see what these look like. After rolling for a minute. I have actually decided to do it from the ends. Up.. My ends are having a hard time staying on. If I don't and I'm feeling a little like, I am going to still get the kinks., So I'm going to take it. I'M changing my tune here. Y'All. I'm gon na roll from one end of the roller wrap. The ends in and then roll them in and then roll my hair all the way down the roller. And make sure you're still kind of rolling away from your face at the top. And I'm going to go vertical, because I want my hair to fall. Vertically., I'm gon na roll it up and take it twist. It and pinch it. Same drill on everything just from bottom to top. And I think we're going to see what ends up looking like, which way is better because I'm going to leave these others over here. In the way they were. And again, I am trying to keep my hair flat., I'm not twisting at all.. If you want tighter curls, you can definitely twist. And if you have a little baby weight baby fly-aways like I am, you can just work those into the roll as well. And remember we want away from face. Or you won't like the way it curls for sure.. (, lively, music, ) So far, I've done two. Let'S see four six: that's 10. 14! I think in my hair. And I will have one more layer at the top., So maybe 22 I could do bigger chunks too.. I really want to make sure that it dries in the morning that it's dry by the morning., So I'm doing a little bit smaller pieces. Okay got one side done. This little guy. I could have done one big piece or two small.. I decided to go with one big.. I hope I'm not sorry, because I didn't want it to be too tight., We'll see we'll see if it's too tight or if it's too loose., I don't know. ( lively, music. ). Wish me luck guys.. I honestly don't know how this is going to go., We'll see you in the morning. Hi guys it's the next morning.. The good news is they all stayed in.. I did not have any fall out. Overnight., Here's my predictions.. I predict that they work that they actually curl my hair., But I predict that the curl is so tight that it just kind of goes frizzy.. Those are my predictions., Let's start taking them out and find out. Okay. So when I do my overall rating I'm going to do it on two things. Number one: did it curl my hair And number two? Would I actually wear the curl ?'Cause you can get anyway? I think, because these are sponge rollers and I used to do these when I was a kid they're just going to be like so tight. Like to here tight and my hair is normally here., So we'll see. And we're going to see if they pull or tear On my hair or anything weird., This is what I was thinking so far: oh gosh. (, lively, music, ). Remember on this side I wrapped and left them in where I wrapped from top to bottom. And honestly, I don't see a huge difference so far. So, which tells me you really could wrap it either. Way. See this see how it like went. Wonky., That's what I disliked about curlers like this is like these little ringlets. Like this one, that's a good curl in my opinion, because they're all uniform, but this one's a little wonky. Okay. I definitely decided I liked them wrapped from the bottom to the top better.. I don't scratch that., I like them, wrapped from the top to the bottom better.. I think the curls ended up being better and more uniform.. The weird thing is on this side. I swear they ended up tighter. Somehow, when I have like literally did the exact same thing on both sides. So go figure on that one., I don't know., It was like they twisted weird or something.. So this is what it looks. Like.. Let me see if I can do anything with this.. I'M gon na shut you off for a minute and see if I can do anything. ( laughing ) You guys these curls.. I don't even know what to do with them.. I just tried to separate them a little bit and stretch them a little and they just aren't. Thumbs up because they curled. They did curl.. I mean I have a lot of curl a lot. And it's mostly pretty corkscrew-y curls., Okay, but thumbs down, because I just wouldn't wear this in my hair. Like this is not a realistic look for me., I will say they might work for Paisley's hair and give Her really a really nice like twist-out look., And I maybe could have only rolled them to here and then had curls down and this stay straighter and I might've liked it better., But still I would have had to have done giant pieces.. Tell me what you guys. Think in the comments below., Would you wear this? Do you think that I should have given it two thumbs up? I mean, maybe if you had a dance or something you had to go to like a little girl's, dance competition where they had to have a really high ponytail, that's very curly., Or maybe, if you had really straight thin, hair that didn't curl at all. Naturally, this would work., But for my hair I mean these are gon na take all day to relax all day.. So there you have it guys. We're going to do one fab. One fail. Leave a comment below and tell me what you think., If you guys haven't already subscribed to our channel, be sure to do that by clicking the button right here., You can find other heatless, hair, tutorials and hair styles over here. And we'll see you guys. Next time. Bye, guys., (, lively, music, )

Ava W: Who else wants a girl talk with Mindy, Brooklyn, Bailey, Kamri, and Rylan Ilysm

Rebeca Araújo: I would like to see this in Kamri's hair, since her hair is very straight. And maybe curls will fall during the day and become waves

AlmostThere972: These seem like they’d be great for vintage inspired hair that you’d do a brush out on!

Michelle Hashmi: I can’t explain my happiness for Hairitage coming to Canada!! Thank you so much Mindy, and for your entire team for the hard work that they do everyday!! Love you guys ❤️❤️

Alisha Good: Can you please test out more heatless curlers??? I love watching these types of videos!!❤❤

heatherstiara: You don’t even need damp hair for this to work. Just sleep with them overnight on dry hair and it works better. My hair would never dry in those. (I have super thick hair).

Taylor ✧: I love these Fab or Fail videos!!! This one was great, love ya Mindy!! ♥

Joni Smith: My hair takes curls super easy! That’s exactly what my hair would look like. I would be curious to see what it would look like if you did do large sections and only half the hair. For those curls, I’d do some fun braid on top into a ponytail.. at least that way you’ve got some kind of cute style and use out of the curls.

Becky Robb: I love these videos! These are definitely helpful for many people because they want to purchase a specific product related to hair or anything else and aren't sure if it works effectively. Also, when I saw the picture for this video, I thought it was Brooklyn and I was so confused. Lol. Why did you name your channel: Cute Girls Hairstyles? Could you make a video about why and how you came up with the name?

Amy Figueroa: Dang, these take me back. I used to use a version of these back in middle school when my hair was straight and hated curls. I had to comb through with curl gel and that was the only way to get my hair to hold a curl aside from french braids straight out of the shower and left in for like 24hours. Now my hair is like a 2b/2c naturally.

Michelle Hashmi: It’s crazy to think that I have been supporting and watching y’all’s videos since 2012! I love seeing y’all achievements and goals reached. Love you guys ❤️❤️

Crowned Lily: I haven't used heat on my hair in forever. I straightened it last weekend so I could cut it, and I hated every moment of it being straight I couldn't wait to wash it and style it in my natural waves. You appear to have a decent wave to your hair. You should try the curly girl method for a month - I'd love to see your natural texture!!!

Margaret Lisac: It’s -7 degrees in KCMO, and a whole bunch of snow on the ground Hope everyone is staying warm!!❤️

Olivia Wilcox: Hope you had an amazing time in Hawaii, I would love to go someday. Thank you'd posting another fab or fail!

Leela Mudumbai: I love these fab-or-fails! Thanks for posting even while you’re in Hawaii!

Aishwarya Kota: Happy late bday to Paisley by the way!! She and I share the same bday! Love you Mindy!!

Shannon Crosby: I’ve done this with paper towels and gotten the same effect! You don’t need to buy any fancy rollers and the paper towels absorb the wetness of your hair overnight! And they’re soft to sleep on too! Works super well

Natalia Warrington: Hi! I love your family so much! I also love the hairstyles because I do them in my mom's hair all of the time. Luv u!

Nessarose: Love to see you review the Octocurl on one of your girls’ straight hair!

Mischa Avila: Cute! I have frizzy/wavy hair and I’m always trying to find heartless style options! Maybe a little curlier than I’d prefer but still cute love y’all!

savanna ♥︎: Ahh! As soon as I saw this on your story I got SO EXCITED!

Willow Hamilton: Can Bailey please do a tutorial on how she curls her hair!!!!! It always looks so perfect and pretty!!!!!

Leanna Ryder: I am such a big fan of CGH I've been watching since forever!!!

Anika: Lol it’s perfect for Nutcracker hair I ended up going to a hairdresser twice for four performances as Clara and I had to sleep like a zombie so they didn’t move

Faye Thornley: I love you guys so much . You always manage to brighten my day

Hannah H: Love you guys! Hope you guys had fun!

Caroline Schindler: can y’all please do a reacting to your family intro from 10 years ago? i love you so much!!!!!

Megan Vickers: When I do these types of curls I have to use a blow-dryer to loosen the curls. There is a sock one going around tiktok that I want to try. My hair is super stubborn and won't hold a curl.

N S: Try to go with a straightner once with the curls I’m so curious to know how will it come out

Queen Janeway: Maybe roll in bigger chunks? Or you need bigger curlers for the look you want! :)

Kaitlyn McEwan: Yesss!! Another fab or fail!!!!!! Love you guys!!✨✨✨✨

Naomi Joy: I used to use heatless curls all the time thats the only way curls would last in my hair but I love watching heatless curls videos I am making curlers similar to this

Missgurl TrustGod: Hey, Mindy! Luv your channel and you so so much! I've been subscribed and watched you for the longest time I'm a huge fan! sadly I live far away from where you do so I would luv to tell you how much I enjoy your videos and your fam SO much in the comments thank you for such an inspiration!

Craft Genius: I love your videos so much mindy! Please stay safe!

Taylor Christine: I love mindys hair products but is she going to post a video explaining how to use all of them???

Allison: Yes I love it!! Awesome vid!

Jacob619619: Hope there's a Hawaii vlog for the next episode of Behind The Braids!! Will it happen?? PS; Shaun's Instagram handle didn't pop out in the beginning of the video.

Courtney Bergsieker: I think these look really good and my kids would definitely wear them !

Kate Weeks: I used to use these for my cheer competitions when i was little abs they worked great for that ! :)

Hannah James: Yeh I wouldn't know what to do with those curls either. My hair curls really easily, so I think I would also get these tight curls. I just don't think I'd be able to style it

mikayla: ooo, I’m early! I just got some more of your hair products cause I love them so much! Also, happy belated birthday to Paisley! hope you have a great rest of your day!

vashti wiggins: Should have tried styling it with a side part!

Lila Hayes: Yay! I've been asking if they could do this one!

Bethany Weeks McClure: Have you tired (and made videos of!) some of the other heartless Curl methods out there? Octocurl, curl formers, robe curls, savvy curls! Also have you tried the Dyson Airwrap? Also I’m going to try your curl foam but any recommendations to reduce frizz when overnight heartless curling?

modrockermocker: That's a very vintage way to curl your hair and obviously that's why it is great for vintage hairstyles. You actually would need to brush these out past the frizzyness and against yout handto achieve that. Then the hair kindy finds it way on its on. Also if you do this on dry hair and only use a bit of forming spray the curl does not become so tight

Myrna: I love these fab or fail videos! :)

Megan- Alys: Heeeeeey how are you?? Can’t believe I’ve been a fan since 2014

Grace R: I wouldn’t wear it, but I think one it relaxed it would look good.

Irumsaba Modi: Hey there!! Love your videos... And hope you and your daughters including Brooklyn and Bailey and kamri , Rylan and Paisley and all rest of your family members are good... I love Brooklyn and Bailey.. Love from india❤️❤️

Karen Reyes: I would of loved to see you do a hairstyle with them!!!

Gail B: Yes I would wear them cause my hair goes like that whenever I leave them wraped overnight

Henrietta Anne Ele S: I think it's fab actually, they look great!

Bethany Michalek: I thought they were cute. My hair is naturally really wavy so it would work god for mine. I love the tight curl look tho.

MzKinkyCurl: I like it if you brushed it out or took the blow dryer to the top to stretch everything out or bun your hair for 30 minutes. I wanna try them. I have 3c /4a curls. Try on Paisley!!

Shaheda Begum: I literally never ever ever in my life except for one time curl my hair with an iron I usually would just put in braids or a bun and it would still turn out to be super cute I also sometimes use curlers from amazon

Grace Lofton: Hi Mindy!!!!!!!! I love your channel!!!!! You should do a video on half up styles!!!! Like a half up top knot, pony tail, etc. I love these styles but don't know how to do them! ❤

KM 01: I used to do these all the time when I was about Paisley’s age and the trick is to use no more than 12 (honestly I always used like 8-9) and then brush them out with your fingers afterwards and then the become softer losses curls. Mindy just wrapped them too tightly and she used far too small of pieces.

Micah Peters: Aw you reminded me of when we did this with my hair at my friend's house last Autumn but mine were even more crazy cuz my hair's super long XD

Alanna: I have very thin pin straight natural hair that doesn't hold a curl at all .. received these in the mail today! Excited to try them, hopefully the curls last

Anna and Leah: I like how this was more of a vlog type video!!

Megan Taylor: I bought these same curlers but haven't tried them yet. Im curious to see how it would work in my my hair since it doesn't curl very well. I might try 2 together so it's a looser curl.

Lindsey Dotson: can u have bailey do short hair tutorials pls?! ❤️❤️

Parvathy Suresh: I wanted to know if it would work in thick straight hair. My mom would never let me buy a curling iron and when I try to do it with a straightener it’s just too hard.

Avleen Sohal: love you're videos!

Rach Willis: Mindy - We love you and have been watching since the beginning! Love you guys!

Amanda Keefer: Could you’d a review/how to on the trending heartless curl options? Such as the robe curls, sock curls, etc!

Miki Rybicki: I love them!!! I put these on my wishlist!!!

Redstone Plumbob: Yesterday I slipped on ice, which cracked my back and my tailbone, and cracked my head while sledding.

ava noelle~: Be glad you're not in Texas! We have snow, freezing weather, and power outages by the hour! Super crazy! It's usually pretty chill here! In Dallas, at least regarding weather

Natalie Heidrick: please try these on Paisley and film to see how different it would look on her hair type!!!!!!!!

Annabel Shand: I always find heatless curlers so hard to sleep in!

Andrea Molinar: These curls seem like they would be cute for a little girl & I’d also love to see how they would turn out in Paisley’s hair.

Jennifer Mechtly: I like it!! But understand if you don’t. Just do bigger pieces next time!!

Sarah Benitez: When I would do rag curls at girls camp, and I didn't like how they turned out, I just made it a huge curly bun, which looked cute enough lol. Definitely ended up looking a little Shirley Temple

Rylee Mitchell: I think Mindy's hair looks great no matter what she does to it!

LaNae Stevens: 9:28 is an exact definition of my hair

Lorien Kam: You could spray your hair with water and then style them, stretching out the curl as desired. And there is a way to fix the wonky curls by following the curl direction that is happening at the the top of the section and then hiding the rest to do the same, by physically manoeuvring the hair's curl into the direction that was above it. (Like when you fix a slinky the gets a wonky middle section.)

Nienke Siebert: They were so cute! I would wear them, but only half up half down. Lots of love!

Jane A: I would not wear that kind of hairstyle, but I can see how people would love it!

Brooke Haberler: Be Kind♡ I did something Slimlar over the weekend my hair is normally (wavy curly)[it's a even mix and I actually love it naturally.) However I wanted to change it up bcs I was going some where and I wanted my hair to look nice. I find a tik tok video on Instagram of a girl using a robe tie to curl her hair it worked to same way *I had to go with it* I got all of positive feedback tho and my curls where lower then the ones you got. So maybe if did it again do what you said go of the length instead of everything at once. Also I did end up coming home and having enough time to fix it before going to dinner, so it wasn't all bad. Also my hair is (medium long)

Ravana Russell: I really like heat less curls and I really like watching your guys YouTube videos on your YouTube Channel

ultimatecouponlady: We used heatless curlers in the 70's and probably before. Of course they work. Lol! You're looking like Nellie from Liitle House on the Prairie with those ringlet curls! Cute! Try a side part with those curls. I think it would look good on you. And, I think you should have given two thumbs up. The curlers did their job. It's not the curlers' fault that you did not know how to style your hair with those curls.

Chipotle Gamer: Plz use them on paisley I bet it would look so cool! Ur hair looks nice too.


3 Guineas: i just used these for the first time yesterday and a trick i did is rolling them up only midway up each section instead of rolling them all the way up to my scalp

Brooke Taylor: I would love to see you use these again but half way down your hair!

Blossom Mendoza: Can you try these again in a Pt. 2 but with giant sections of hair?

Stephanee Kammer: I haven't used ones like this, but I've used plastic steam ones. They were definitely hit or miss!

Anna Parker: I love Fab or fails! You look like you are from the Victorian age.

Fan of AllAroundAudrey and JustJordan33: Hi I love you guys so much. How are you guys. I’m doing good. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Donavan Johnson: I like your curly hair Mindy and hope everyone is staying warm because it's 25 degrees and it snowed in Beaumont Texas

It's Night Time: Hi Mindy!! Do you have an cheap irons that you recommend? And a moose for curly hair?? Thanks!!

Hannah Plesha: If you spray them with the slightest amount of water, they'll relax and become pretty natural looking curls/waves

Kazberjazz: I think you need to do a proper vintage brush out with these curls until you create a smoother look.

Alexandra: Ironically that's basically my hair when I braid it damp anyway. LOL.

Rachel O'Connor: You should come out with a hairbrush and hair ties

shobhita: those look like they curled your hair A LOT! your prediction was right! you should try them on paisley and see how it turns out!

Lia Aza: I like them and would totally try on my curly hair

Leigh Cardenas: oh my gosh now i want to see how they work with Paisley hair if you can do that.

Kaylee Anderson2007: HEYYYY from TENNESSEE I bought your Heritage spray before you put heat on your hair it’s amazing

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