What Length Bundles, Closures, And Frontals To Purchase For Your Hair Business?

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Heyyyyyy sis!! Hey y'all!

I hope this video was helpful to at least one person! I get asked this question sooooo much so I wanted to publicly address the topic. Let me know in the comments what other videos you’d like to see.



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#whatbundlestopurchase #howtostartahairbusiness

And then, when he's wet, it looks crazy too, but it might overlook. Oh look, look look. Can you see your face? I know I know [ Laughter ] anyway, look. Look right! There, okay, sis! What'S up, what's poppin welcome back to my channel welcome who knew I'm Mercedes and in today's video I actually have a highly requested topic. Okay, so a lot of people wants to know what length closure or frontal goes with what length bundles. So shout out to my sister, who has been so patient with me girl. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I am definitely feeling this video for you today. Even though I'm in a rush because I got ta, go get my nails done, I'm going to make sure you understand exactly what I've been trying to tell you our lives, but I can just break it down a little bit better in this video. Ok, so just keep the long story short I'll, come back up said it because I don't know how long it's gon na be but anyways. Okay, you know that you have a closure and a front. So now some people don't understand what closures or Front's of are. So I will give you a breakdown. A closure is something that basically goes from here to here. Back like stay in the little box. Now the traditional science culture is the 4x4. Recently, the vendors have released five by five six, five, six and seven five, seven, in my opinion. As far as what I sell, seven by seven they're, not really they're, not oh, and there are also two by six. I forgot there are two by six closures, and that is basically just enough to give you that middle part. You know it's a long sleek, they called it. The chemical, oh sure, that's what a lot of companies are calling it, but you know that's whatever floats your boat as far as your customers as far as your customer goes from, what I'm experiencing four by four is five by five and a little bit of six By six every now and then is what sales, but a lot of people are really going for the five by five. So I would definitely suggest you find you a good five by five closure fender, but four by fours are still in for people that don't like baby here, because you have to think about it: the bigger the closure, the more space that gives you for baby. Here everybody doesn't like babies here, so I am gon na fire about five closure, but truthfully, okay, so my closure goes from here to here right truthfully with my middle part, I really only needed for my foreclosure and it would still look the same. It would just be less lace, which is actually less work, so a lot of people like less maintenance. So those are your closures now, when it comes to frontal Central's are from ear to ear, so you have lace all throughout your forehead, like your whole. Forehead is covered, so there are pros and cons to both I've talked about it. I think in another video, I'm not sure, but the main pearl of the frontal, in my opinion, is when the wind blow all your hair is still you know. All of the week is gon na blow back all in the front, so it's gon na blow back and it's just gon na still create that illusion versus if a closure, your outside in the wind blowing the closure like, depending on where you are like my good Seats out there in Chicago, I heard it's pretty windy out there. So imagine if it's just all your hair's gone flush to the bank. Meanwhile, your closure is here, but then right here is just capped, so see how this just look. We, you know it just looks. Wiggy, let me get right how about this mistake? Okay, now, the main pro of the closures are less maintenance, less work easier to maintain so women, they don't like makes women. They don't like a lot of work. Closures are what you want to sell them on. A lot of people do not understand the work and the effort end of time and the patience that it takes to deal with a function. So if someone tells you, oh, I'm loosing a weird game immediately, like your spidey senses, just are tingling Asian direct them right on to a closure. We because, if your new frontal is not the best thing for you in the beginning, okay, so those are that's the biggest Pro to frontal and closed now as far as let's go when it comes to closures and freshness. For the most part, most vendors offer 10 to 20 inches. You do have those vendors that offer 22 and 24 inch closures and frontals. However, in my experience your experience may be different, but in my experience anytime, I track those members with longer length, closures and frontals. Their hair wasn't as good as the people that just stuck to the traditional, so I noticed more shedding when I got longer closures or longer frontals, so just keep that in. But, of course, in order for you to truly know about the, maybe we just have to test it out, but most vendors offer 10 to 20 inches enclosures and front so most people on their website sale, 12 to 20, because most people don't buy 10 inches bundles. As you know, can go from 8 to 100 inches at this point, most companies 8 to 30 inches. Most people are purchasing 12 to 30, so 12 to 30 inches are your bundle, lengths and 12 to 20 inches? Is your closures and frontal ends? Okay, the shortest length? Bundle that you have. You want to get the same length closure. So if you have a 12 14 16, you would want a 12 inch closure or frontal. So because 12 is the shortest link that you got so it will just give you a flowing effect now. Some people do go two inches shorter. So if you have 12 14 16 instead of getting a 12, they would go 10 inch, closure or frontal. So they go 2 inches shorter. Some people do that for the layering effect. Some people do it for it's a little cheaper on your website, whatever the case may be, but most people get the same length as their first bundle. So if you have a 12 14 16, you would get a 12 inch closure up front. So if you have 14 16 18 inch bundles, you would get a 14 inch closer up front. So if you have 16 18 20 inch bundles, you would get a 16 inch closure up front. So if you have an 18 20 22 inch bundle deal, then you would get an 18 inch closure or frontal, and if you have a 20 22 24 you would do a 20 inch closure. Now. I know you're, probably thinking okay well, what about 24 26, 28 and 30? Most people just go ahead and get the 20 inches like my hair. Okay, so you see my hair is 28 inches right, but my closure is only a 20 inch. Well, if you blend your hair correctly and or your your summer blends the hair correctly or they go to those thugs whatever you won't be able to tell a major difference. It all just flows together and it just looks really nice but anytime. You go 22. 24. 26, 28 and 30. You just get the 20 inch closure or the 20 inch front. So again you won't be able to see a big line of demarcation or anything like that. It won't look bad. It looks good actually, because you know really nobody hair is the same length at the top. Then it is the bottom anyway, so it actually looks a little bit more now champ as far as 26, 28 30 and things like that. What I've noticed in business is a lot of girls, including myself. Actually I like buying my hair in the same length. It makes your hair look fuller when you do it in my opinion, so what I like to do is I like to get three of the same length, bundles and a culture or a frontal. So if I do 26 inches, I would get 3 bundles, 26 inches and the 20 inch closure and what I used to do was I used to get one bundle of one length and then I would double up on my longest length so like if I wanted. 26 inches again, I would do a 24 inch bundle and to 26 inch bundles and a 20 inch closure or frontal so yeah. I think that is about it again. When it comes to closures and frontals, you just do the same length or you can go 2 inches shorter. So if you're a customer goes to you and say, oh, I want to layer too thick well. If they want to layer 2 think I would probably suggest to them a 14 16 and 18 inch bundle deal and a 12 inch closure, because when you go to cut it or even if they don't know how to cut, if you go to curly the it's Already two inches shorter each one, so it just would look. It would give a layered effect, even though you didn't technically go in and layer it. It feels missing two inches now, I'm gon na go grab a week and I'm finished show it to ya real quick. So yeah, I can see what I'm talking about so hard on myself. Alright, so particular weave is 26 inches. As you can see, you see if I was 26 inches now. This is what you don't want to do, don't be cheap, okay, don't be cheap. This is actually not even eat, so is this right here, don't be cheap, says: don't try to get 14-inch clothes or just because it's a little cheaper or something like that, because look at these, your bundles, are all the way down. Here you see how choppy that looks. That is so ugly. Don'T do that because it just looks choppy and it looked like you tried to skimp out. You came to skimp on you, bees. Okay, don't do it like this looks really bad like even when you put it online, it was bad okay. So when you see this, that's a huge line of demarcation. You don't want that if this had been. This is 26 inch bundles and a 14 inch color train. You see how crazy it looks. So that's exactly where I'm suggesting to you not to do that, because if it was 18 inches, it would be more so about down here and it would just flow effortlessly. Okay and we just really flow, and it would look nice, but this looks like somebody ran out of money and was trying to say but look hands to me $ 30 with a vendor or however much you know, the cost difference was it looked like you were, Trying to penny pincher C's and it's nothing wrong with penny pinching girl do not come for me. Do not get me wrong. We all have had to penny pincher before, but certain things not penny pinch, because if, when it comes to testing, even if you can just afford you can even if you can only afford just one, we please make sure you don't try to save that little bit Of money by getting a shorter length, closure or frontal, okay just get the one that you need, because it really does make a difference and again I'm sorry a long time right and then, when it's wet it looks crazy too, but it might oh look. Oh look. Look look can't see it. I know [ Laughter, ] right behind me. Anyway. Look look right. There look at that, but they don't do it this, don't do it don't do it so yeah pretty much sums up this video yeah sis. I truly appreciate you being so patient and thank you for asking the question because again I know this will help other people um. I hope this did help. Some of my other sits out there and I hope you all are also a great 20/20. I hope you all are getting the bag and I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you subscribe to my channel because but yes, I'm gon na run because look my little nose got ta go to these so anyways yeah. I have a wonderful day against these thanks for your patience, and I will talk to you in my next video. Oh, don't forget to follow me on Instagram, okay, so that's hurt and yes I'll talk to you on my next video bye. You

Ok So Thats Mercedes: Hey sis! Here’s the link to my Live Hair Business webinar https://crownedbymercedes.com/products/all-in-one-hair-business-webinar

Jewel Victoria: I owe you a birkin when I finally get my sugar daddy cause you have been helping me get all this together and I think it’s going to be good

yokima coffey: I swear I don’t have a entrepreneur bone in me but watching your videos make me want to start up a hair company and be a boss Teach me the way

Tiana Jay: This video came out at the best time! I just started keeping hair on hand and I struggled with this!

Natural Bby x: Keep doing what you doing Mercedes! You explained this so well! I’m making a wig for my mum so this helped me on what bundles to buy!

Vanessa: This helped me decide what length frontal to get with my bundles. You really broke it down, thank you!

K a s h: I love your channel you give me motivation I’m working on starting my business but with lashes instead because i don’t know much about hair but i love the advice you give sis

T- Qween: Is a frontal sew in good ? I want 30 inches but I don’t know what size frontal to get .. I want all 30 inch bundles but maybe a 20 inch frontal or do you think a closure would be more manageable?

Nadine Morris: Keep doing what you do sis. I love your personal and enjoy your videos, they are so informative.

Apryl6669: Thank you very helpful!!!! Just what I was looking for ❤️

kyesi imaria: im so glad you just posted this because this is what i been trying to figure out. I love your vibe you just lighten my mood everytime i watch. ❤️

MsBloo: Doing gods work right here sharing such insight with us like this, thank you so much!

Kiara L: Do you think 4 bundles of 18,18,20, 20, and 16in closure fine or an 18in closure would be better? The hair texture is a water wave.

Megan Henley: Omg I love your honesty. I am glad my frugal ass came here and saw this. I don’t want no body to “seee it”. Stay beautiful and helpful!!❤️

Tubi Mami: I’m working on making my own wig & I’ve never seen a more helpful and honest video. I feel like my best friend was talking to me!

Three hoodoo Sisters: This is beyond informative. Thank you

Leanna Lax: I love you so much girl ive been watching your videos for weeks now and I gained a lot of information thank you sooooo much

Alexis Hill: Thank you!! Perfect timing! ❤️

Cammy Roxx: Happy New Year Siiiiiiissss!! ❤️❤️ Keep doing what you're doing.

LifeWithLyrics: FINALLY !! I have been looking for a video on this topic for FOREVER . THANK YOUUU !! you just got a new subscriber ‼️

Rhys Porter: Thank you so much. Happy New Years. Thank you for that IG last night. Enjoy your time off.

Sadity Gal: Girl your channel is growing

Kandace Toney: New subbie ! You are so down to earth and give the facts lol. Love it !

Mz Chevious: Omg I love this video. Girl u just gave me life! What u said is what I was thinking. Great job, lol funny vid too.❤

Sharee B: I love love you. You don’t understand how much you have been helping with the start up on my company. Thank you

Tash Luve: Mercedes keep doing what you doin sis. Love you

TheRealNovelle✨: You’re so good! You make it feel relatable

Ms. P Smith: This video was very informational. I’m thinking of purchasing 14’ bundle but don’t know what size closure to purchase. I do want a “bob” look.

LavishLayjia: If you get a sew in with a frontal and get 40” bundles how many bundles do you think you should get ?

Shaundra Price: Your hair is beautiful and this video has been very useful. Thanks a bunch

Brittani Shell: I’m almost 6 mins in. And before I finished the video... I wanna say thank you for making this video because I was lost on what to buy️

CHYYNA: Thanks sis. Absolutely needed to see this‼️

Thamara Fevry: Very informative video !! Thank you

MULAA BABYY: Heey girl Is 26,24,22 and a frontal of 20 good? for a full and natural look

Natheline Flahnma: Thanks so much ...❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Can’t be more grateful for this video .

BrownSkinn Gurl: Thank you so much I’m still learning

eLL B dot Music: I'm like when listening to sizes. I guess I'm here for the entrepreneur motivation. I would like to make wigs because I have a sewing machine and sew well but imma pass and stick to what I know.

DeAnna Marcel: Sis right now I’m in the vendor stage of developing my business. I keep running into vendors who are more interested in selling me hair than starting a business relationship. Are their keywords or questions I should ask a vendor to help them understand I’m starting a hair business??? And can you advertise the name of your company before having a llc or domain which legitimizes your business???? I love you more than you know for taking time out your day to share your business sense

LaBeLLa MiSSDonna: Will the webinar be available when you return from your vay-cay sis?? In the meantime, enjoy your time off, it’s well deserved. Thank you so much for all that you do!!

Coreysgurrl: Very informative love it

Shanta Akins: Thank you for this video

Danielle DL: Thanks for the info. This was helpful

Maliha Ariel: I ordered a 16 inch closure and I’m nervous. Worst come to worst ima turn the closer into a half up ponytail, add a bundle to that and call it a day

BI EK: This is so helpful Mercedes. I love how easily you explain these. i loooove love you.

Kaya Kayy: I’m so glade I looked at this videos cause that’s exactly what I was about to do.

Jericka Martin: OMG I'm so happy I found you!!!

Shay Perfect Williams: With your glueless wigs do you use a closure piece? I'm asking bc I'm a newbie‍♀️

Rey C: Okay I have a question. If you are doing bundle deals how would you group it eg. 20+22,24,24 OR 20+22,22,22 ?

Sativa Rose: Very helpful!

Hazel Majors: So helpful boo I was definitely a little lost

Kara Amos: So I’m trying to decide if I’m gonna do 18,20,22 w 18 inch closure or 20,22,24 w 18 inch closure (body wave)

Rethabile nolo: Thank you for this information much love from South Africa ❤️

Kamrei Faison: You just answer all my questions to the T i wanted to know the difference in how the hair looks when you layer your length vs all one length.

gigi 11203: Mercedes thanks for this but I have a question this is my first weave and I brought 18 length /3 bundles I have a 12 length closure can I use or should I buy 18 closure. So happy I found your channel

reginaszn: Im thinking of buying a 5x5 closure and 4 bundles. Would 22 22 22 22 and 18 inch closure be enough or should I go for 22 22 20 20 and 18 inch closure ?

southernmackmook tv: Do I have to buy closures also or just bundles ?

E: I’m new and thanks for the information.

Boujee oN A Budget With Jas: Why I like the curly wig though I like layers especially around the face I would have done that on purpose not even knowing I’m skimping

Veronica Newman: Hey sis, After 16 inches closure should you get 4 bundles because they get smaller?

Krissy Kreates: Hey sis can you do one on finding a vendor.

Beautiful Diva: Closures are great for a throw on and go frontals aren’t.

Musima Ernestine: I love u so so much not been long I discovered your channel... ❤ am planning on starting my own hair business.... muchh love from France... keep doing you❤

Brandi Leslie: I really needed this video

Shaqouya Mckenzie: I got a 18 , 16 , and 14 inch and a 4 by 4 closure and my closure is longer than my 14 inch can I still use it ?

iAmRicks. TM: Thank You SO MUCH

Anissa Morris: Do you need a cosmetology license to bleach/dye/style wigs?

RELANCIA CAJUSMA: What's a good length for a ponytail? Nothing too long

Mensah Margaret: God bless you babyboo... this is all I needed

Tajaih McDaniel: Will 2 18 in and a 20 in look right together

Shy: Are you still selling your vendor??? I’m trying to sell hair locally in my city since everyone who does sell hair here has low quality hair.

SoniaJR: Thank you

Mar Ria Sosa: So if I got 30’ can I use a 16’ frontal ?

Kickin' It With Kennedy's: Do you have an email I can contact you at? I have many questions!

Blwsilk: Happy new year. That info really help. Tks

Monrroeee R: Is it just one bundle for each ?

lol lol: i can’t get enough of you

Jaae Michelle: I got a 20 , 22 & 24 with a 10inch closure I think it’s gonna look crazy ugh

Elain Elain: Thanks you so much tot the informatie.

sharita hooks: What about 4 bundles?

Skylar Williams: Thanks sis!!

tfab87: Why was I singing along too . Your bubbly personality is infectious!

Chrysanthia Ferguson: Hey sis.. do you know they using your videos on fb to sell wigs for their company

Stassi’s Space: Yeaahhh new subbbiiiiieee love your vibe ❤️

johnson aisosa: Please can i use 12 inches bundles and 8 inches frontal?

Jai Monroe: Girl you gotta be from the South maybe Houston I just love watching you!

Malinda Chantelle: Can you do an 18 inch closure with 24 bundles? I'm just curious

HeyyJade: For a u part, wouldnyou recommend 3 24 inch bundles or 2 24 inch bundles and 1 20 inch bundle?

S Woods: Finding a hair vendor is so discouraging , this is the worst part by far and I am no where near close to finding a good one . And I been sold so many trash vendor lists

A W: Love your video

KeeDior: Hey sis what’s the link to the wig that your holding in the video?? The curly one I want to purchase

princessaire: Hey do I have to try every texture of hair before I purchase wholesale or you I should be. good after tryin one

Dominique Wiggins: What’s a conditioner to deep condition wigs

Kayla Jones: But what’s the difference with length in closures , because if you have leave out a lot people hair be 8inch

mxxxwo: 16 isn’t too young for a wig right ? I’m about to go into junior year and I plan to cut my natural hair a lil and not stress about my natural hair n just go to school cause ain’t no one got timeee

Brea Freeman: Okay so I have a question, I have a 24 inch .. do you think I could get away with a 20 inch frontal, with 24”30”32” inch bundles, would you see a big difference? Because I seen someone get a 28 inch and two 32 inch and it look fine

Angelique Young: So I got a 22, 24, 26 in bundles. I’m being cheap , would it look crazy if I do a 16in closure?

DD: Hey sis, needed video.

Mrs. Fields: I would love to get you to make me a curly wig,I use frontals.Do you make wigs with frontals?

Hazel Sachi: This was sooooo helpful thank you but does your size frontal depend on the size of your head?

karen byrd: Alright now ms lady!!! Teach me☺️

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