High School Wrestling Rules #8: Hair Length, Uniform & Appearance

For those interested in the hair cover/hair length rule, that section begins @ the 9:10 mark.

This is the 8th video in the series explaining high school wrestling rules. This video explains and gives examples of the proper wrestling uniforms, the proper bodily appearance of wrestlers & the proper and accurate description of hair length and when a hair net/hair cover is needed.

This video series is great way for parents/guardians to learn the rules of high school wrestling as well as beginners in to the sport as well. My guide is the 2018/2019 NFHS (National Federation of High Schools) Wrestling Rules Book & Case Manual. I am a Level 3 KHSAA (Kentucky High School Athletic Association) wrestling referee. I am also a member of the KWOA (Kentucky Wrestling Officials Association).

Leave me a comment on what high school wrestling rule you'd like to see covered in an upcoming video. Be sure to Subscribe to my channel and Share this video.

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[ Applause ] all right guys. This is video number 8 in the series we're doing on high school wrestling rules. This video is going to cover wrestler, uniform and appearance, and it's gon na cover a topic that is very hot right now and that is the hair rule. There'S a viral video going around. I'M gon na cover what the 2018 2019 in em a chance Rubick say. It'S about here so stay tuned, alright, guys a new rule change. Well, not your will change MIT to make me do some people is to you say you can see of the MMA style shorts and a compression shirt shorts if you'll notice and the elastic band there is no zipper. There'S no button there's nothing hard on the outside of the hurt, though the wrestler it's a drawstring. All that stuff has to be tucked inside most shorts now and the ability you can do that you can use a vehicle flat for something that the front you can use. The inseam has to be four inches. These shorts meet the criteria same thing with the shirts sharps need to be somewhat skin tight. The only thing could be four inches and has to be tucked into the shirt it's got. Ta be school code has to be school issue. Now I said in the first video of the school colors don't matter as far as rated green dope, and that is correct. Only colors you have, like I said, red and green. However, we do use our brain on some things. The team does have a green or a blue moon, something like that. Purple we'll try our best to match up with this corresponding color, somebody's, yellow overrated or something like that. Well, maximum rated the best as possible. This uniform is now legal love teams are going to this when kids are coming out, because this the same, lift scared, not scared of people bit more ready singing in public. Now the D UFC, you know, I keep it made. Organizations can pull up more kids, you get into extracurricular, like you. Just do one side, all that kind of stuff they're used to we're using competition like NACA or they'll, go and come back to them. Grandpa squints, well that kind of stuff. So this uniform is now legal. One show you some other variation that you can wear along with walking. Proper variation. Look like. We know, hair mix our hair the past couple days and about Megan Griffin house they're, wrestling specifically out of the state of New Jersey. So we're going to make sure that we cover exactly what the rule book says so stay tuned here we go alright guys, as you just seen the two-piece. The shirt in the short combination is legal. Now, as I said, it may be due to some people, but this is the traditional single, I'm sure you guys have seen it for years and years and years and years, that's when we get it on here. That way, you got ta know that it's still legal and I'm going to grab somebody with ribs cygwin, so I say bread. My job is really the stretch illegal. That insane is legal. You would please turn around. The bad cut is legal. We know that some come down like to a fee. Those are not legal. You have to be just like this moves. The turn around this is the standard-issue singlet. This wrestler is legal. Another combination that be performed as you can find a girl for section 1. Article one is the traditional singlet, with the bachelors 4 inch inseam elastic band, no buttons, no zippers expose the drawstring is tucked inside this uniform combination. Usually another combination. You can find the enroll for section 1, article one is the traditional singlet with the compression top shirt work under the singlet, so we have the traditional singlet. We have a single with shorts segment with the shirt under, and I can't find anybody here today that has this specific type of combination, but also compression shorts can be worn other than the singlet. They cannot extend below the knees. Nobody here hasn't, I'm sorry, you can use your imagination on that. Let'S recap: real quick! You have the traditional same. Look. You had the same look with shirt under the same look with the shorts over and you have the short by choice or torch design for wrestling and the compression shirt to be worn. Another thing too, if a rest of the worst, the fully ladies, they have had the angle stirrups on they have when they come into waiting in full chain. We have to have the stirrups. That is a rule change this year. A rule addition this year so also be really looking for the hair day of video. This would be into this video. As far as appearance goes, we've argument over the uniform, the combination, the uniform facial hair. If somebody does have facial hair, goatee mustache, whatever mustaches are committed, they can stand to the side of the mouth, the letters anything more than that have to wear a face mask that takes us to behavior. Nobody need to meet on that today. Has facial hair everybody's clean-shaven just like this dude there's no have a beard or mustache everything's clean. He would be able to pass way in these sections now. Another thing too and rule for section 1. Article 3, is you with camera the shoelaces, as you can see they secure inside his shoe tunnel? They either need to be secured to the shoe or they need to be taped. So remember that when you buy shoes parents, for instance, they have some type of mechanism. Some moms have like a bill: crow, strap or like some type of lashes. You can secure the strings or you can just get some athletic tape, regular, three or four times around, because I remember in the first week or second video video number two potential violation: video. We learned that coming to the bank and properly operating for wrestling as technical violations, maybe not coming we're coming to the mat, with your shoelaces improperly for wrestling that a technical violation at one point in Google for section three article six. It specifically defines that wrestlers may not wear the electronic communication devices inside behavior. Now, I'm not the authority on that. That'S in the rule book. If the wrestler has hearing impairment deaf, whatever the case may be, follow up with the NFA chancellor state association, whatever to get the change, but as the rule is right now any type of electronic communication device and the hip hip here. Reading thing on the side of the coach, pinkies, a bullhorn or a megaphone or anything like that to communicate with arrested and something else to really not going through aggressive doing. But another big point of contention this year and of the emphasis is the communicable skin disease. Whereas women will be checked by on-site physician if they do have some type of between a read more meet the tie, those that conviction, whatever most states, have a form that they have to have filled out by the personal doctor school position. Whatever the case may be that they can't participate, so you need to check with your coach on that on your state association. I'M only kentucky we're on the referee that the form is catch s. Ee issues is what we go on has to be some about their doctor school position. Whatever the case may be, if you're Dean they can wrestle for that week, the paper will say if they can, if they still physician field, that the the skin disease is still active or communicable. The wrestler is out of activity couple of topics that I've been covered. In that uniform, your parents, just because they didn't fit, is if reg one has braces antenna special type of mouthpiece, get with your orthodontist, get with your headrest coach, whatever it may be school nurse or doctor, whatever you've had have to have a special type of mouthpiece For braces also, as I said in like with the hair name, the special equipment has to be brought to weigh ins with the wrestler, whether it's a knee brace in tacos. If it does, it is the headgear shoes and uniform and the socks it needs to be inspected. Anything ERISA workers other than those items need to be inspected by the referee, either they're Williams or if the waiting's are then biocide, administrator or physician, they need to be inspected by the referee or officials whenever they arrive at the event, all right, guys, enroll for section Two article one, that is where you find the rule on heroin. I know that's a lot of topic right now, I'm not going to say that you guys there's a viral video going around. Not for me the gender of the Riverina gon na. Tell you what the rule is with reg superiors. You can see he would turn around please. His hair is long, there's three components to the hair rule in the back. It cannot extend past a shirt collar on an ordinary shirt. It doesn't say what type of shirt because easy to work ordinary. So that's up to the official to decide that's on side on the sides. It came to stand alone, meet your little and in the front can t stand below the eyebrows. So remember in the back shirt collar sides earlobes in the front, the eyebrow. If somebody does have that, have had very this resin here and hair day, this should be inspected during weigh-ins is just called special equipment and for restroom is a very rich. We can see who needs a hairnet mm. The hairnet has to attach to the head here itself, it'll change few years ago, lot of manufacturers, God Lord, was that most Paradise Valley competing the Bible. Without the attachment you have to attach to the headgear, he will bring up the hair dead and they say here he will show me now we're at originally. We might address in a few matches. That'S why this young man's in his uniform already I'll make you strip down. Let me get this video done just because of the hair situation. You'Re going on has to detach you'll put it on I'll check. It make sure they did that it means everything that we need it to me. So remember, back hair can touch the shirt collar on the sides and can't stand below the ear lobe in the front. They cannot extend below the eyebrow. If it does have you tucked up like he's going to do so, it's going to be up in the hair net with a band or some type of soft material like here knit or here uh, whatever we're waiting use betrayer. If I don't have one here, I'm really happy to be here, live as it is see you if you would please turn around. He held in the back he's Harry's government up got the bullet in the back. Okay, I'm with McCain you're wrong here attached to the hairnet. His hair is covered in front sides and back this reg repair is legal.

Alex Green: Here is the link to the 2018/2019 NFHS wrestling rule book on hair length & hair covers. http://www.bluegrassrivals.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3847&d=1546042775

KnuckleHead Aquaponics: Thank you for making this video!

noahnotlit: Would I be able to wear my compression shirt over my singlet top?

Terry: Thank you excellent description

God: Does the hair have to be tied underneath the hairnet? Is that specified? In the video he tied it up in a ponytail. As long as it's all tucked in can it be loose under the haitnet?

Spaghetlee: as a girl do i have to tie my hair up or anything like that?

David Mireles: 9:12 for the hair stuff

Michael Torres: Someone tag me if you know can I wear tights or compressed pants under my wrestling singlet during a tournament

ArgZ: Why doesn't anyone actually link to the rule book

Ryan Flaherty: Why does the shirt have to be tucked in ???

tnlobo420: Black student was clearly non-compliant with proper wrestling dress code - - wrestler did right thing by deciding to cut his own hair.........RACISTS SHUT UP !!!!

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