Episode 69 (Teehee): Hair Dye Woes & A Tangent On Sex (With Strangers)

Hi chroniclers, i'm back again. I know i thought i was going to do videos and then I didn't - and I forget and people ask me believe it or not. People actually asked me Julie. Have you done any a GD girl videos lately and have to say no cuz? I forgot um right now, I'm just kind of a hot mess. Um I haven't slept. I I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in quite some time. I'M very tired. I have my Starbucks, sometimes these things make me sleepy and sometimes they do not. So, let's see what happens with it um. What is this video ball and um? My hair guys, my hair's growing. It grows very fast um, but you know I I bleach it and I dyed it. I'Ve got this like whole life again um like rainbow thing going on right here, like this teal to my deal, yeah teal, to blue to purple thing going on, and i'm getting ready to dye my hair again because I'm like I don't want to keep up with The maintenance cuz, I don't want to keep bleaching my hair, see. I can't even you see all the black that's grown out since I've bleached, my hair. I would have to bleach all this again you're a nightmare. It is I'm sorry I just. I can't justify dishing out the money to go to professional, to bleach my hair and color it and then pay for the upkeep, because my hair grows fast and I don't want to it's. I don't want to do it, so I do it myself and then it's good for a while. I go their faces, it's good for a while and then like the shim do this anymore, but I was gon na dye, it black and then maybe he'll do another. Color may be some sort of brown or like a reddish tint or something guys. Okay, listen! Let me just say I don't dye my hair for other people's approval, but was not running errands today got so many compliments from strangers. On my hair color, I was like well no one's gon na say anything about my colors. If it's black, I don't know what to do. The other thing is well. This guy doesn't stay anything in my bathroom. The purple did there's so many colors in here, like at one of the purples did there was there was two Purple's in my hair. Regular hair dye will stay in everything, no matter how carefully i'm always make a mess. So that's all I just wanted to talk about me and my hair and nothing important also I had to like. I don't even want to tell you well like how many times I try and read reposition so that you can actually see um the color, my hair, because the light was shining right through this window behind here, and it was just like bright. You can see the color, but you know I couldn't see cuz the Sun was in my eyes and then I was sit over here and you could see like the that the blinds the shadow on me and anyway um. I hope everyone is doing well um. It'S almost hump day and you should go get hunt, but if you do get humped and you don't know who's helping you, I mean not like you're blindfolded or something it's like some weird kinky stuff I mean like if you go pick up a Rando, a Rando. Why would you not just say random? Okay, if you go pick up a random to get banged by with inside? Oh just use protection guys and also um, maybe take like some sort of weapon with you or if you're there at your place, um keep a knife under your pillow but make sure you stay on that side of the bed, because if they get on that side Of bed - and they find it - they might sell me out of the urge to do some stabbing, but I might think you're into that and you're like no that's, not my game dude. Why am i, anyway? You get the gist of what I'm saying: don't have crazy psycho sex with anyone use protection, maybe don't hook up with strangers at all in general. I think. That'S probably a good idea. Don'T don't hook up with strangers! I'M gon na go eat some dinner now and not hook up with any strangers, because you know stranger danger. It'S a phrase for a reason, guys: okay in summation, I don't know what to do with my hair and if you must have sex with a random person. Please use protection via contraceptives and also what's and on that note good

Kitty beth: Your so pretty!!

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