Grwm: My Hair Made Me Feel Insecure (Growing Out A Pixie Cut)| Chatty Get Ready With Me

Hello internet peeps, I’m here just chatting with you about growing out a pixie cut, and how it was making me feel a lil insecure.

If you are thinking about growing a pixie cut, or having short hair/cutting your hair short, I can recommend watching the other videos on my channel to see what some of my experience with it has been like.

Hope you enjoy the video!

It was taking some effort. Sometimes i just think you know, let's not over saturate the internet - oh your hair, because otherwise it pulls it out because it's like holding on so tight, hey everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is eloise. Welcome. Um, so i know it has been like a little while, since i was here, i've had a baby. Yes, he is so beautiful and healthy, and we love him just so so much um and yeah. I feel so much more energy now that i've actually had him than when i was pregnant, so i'm very excited about that. Today is mother's day, and i got this, which is this massive compost bin? That'S bright, pink! Um! If you know me, you know this is right up my street. I love everything, that's like um, natural living and then also like kind of fashion. At the same time, anyway, i thought i would come on here because it's mother's day we're going to be going out for dinner tonight. So i thought i would do a little like get ready with me and also update you guys on what is going on up here. Basically, with my hair guys, look how much longer it has gotten. It is pretty wild. I mean it's not wild, but yeah. It'S gotten way longer so, a few months ago i actually got a haircut to just even out the end so that when it would grow it would all grow evenly, because what was happening is that, like everything was growing at different paces, and so i haven't had It cut in ages, but guys, like some of the hairs, are still so short. I can't believe it like this one here, for example, it's just like it doesn't even touch my ear yet. So when i do anything, i have like loads of hair that falls down here and that is from the pixie cut. So i thought i would yeah talk a little bit about how i've been feeling, because you can see the title of the video. Now. Don'T get me wrong when i had my pixie cut, i felt great, like i thought it looked good. I was having fun with it, trying different styles different accessories, whatever whatever, but at the beginning of my pregnancy. I started the growing out phase and i kind of slowly started to look like. I was rocking like a donald trump haircut or like a boris johnson haircut um, which slowly turned into looking like one of the beatles band members and like that phase. Just lasted so much longer than i anticipated now. If i had been not pregnant, i don't think it would have been like as much of an issue, but if you've been pregnant before then you know when you first get pregnant you're, like oh you've got this. You know very cute, tiny bump, nobody can really see it um and then you start to not look like you're pregnant, but just like you've put on a weight. Basically, because you start filling out like a little bit everywhere like in your face and everything, and then you have two months where you actually look pregnant and then, after that, you just look really big so like in terms of your body. Image is definitely like a roller coaster um and i'm a pretty like confident person when it comes to my looks like not to say that, like i'm, arrogant or anything but just like yeah, whatever you know like right now, i'm not really wearing any makeup, but, like I don't really mind i'm just like yeah whatever you know just live your life um, but in the pregnancy. I think you know just like a little bit of a combination of different factors: um, but having not been able to rely on my hair to just predictably be at least okay was kind of like making me feel a bit more insecure than usual, and i think Because your body shape, like turns into just such a different version of yourself, like literally no matter what your body shape is being pregnant, is like very different than usual and then on top of that you're really tired. So you don't really have the time to be taking the time to like style it or anything. It just was, as some people would call it, a hot mess like that's kind of what my hair ended up being for a long time, and it also stopped me from recording videos guys like i'm, not gon na. I actually had quite a few videos just up the pipeline for you, but because i just wasn't feeling great about it. I couldn't bring myself to actually post them because i was like you know, although i'm giving tips and stuff like i'm, not actually feeling the best about my hair right now, so it feels kind of fake to be coming online and being like. Okay, these are some hairstyles that you can do like blah blah blah, because it's just um it just wasn't feeling authentic and if there's anything i want to be in life. You know it's just authentic, like true to myself, so here i am telling you the truth about what's been going on um, but now things are a bit better because, as you saw at the beginning of the video i'm at a point where i can actually put My hair up, if you've ever cut your bangs, you know how frustrating it is when your bangs are like flip flapping in your eyes like this. So the fact that i can like clip this back and then just put the hair back and just have it out. The way right now is really really good, so i'm very pleased about that and yeah, as you guys can see. You know in this styling right now, i'm just kind of um using one of these, which is a mini hair straightener. If you have short hair, this thing is a lifesaver like, especially with my pixie cut as well. Oh, my gosh. I use this more than anything else to style my hair, because it can get super like super close to you and you can curl your hair without hitting your forehead, because it's so small you guys can kind of see that, like it's just slowly been growing out. Basically and like hair only grows as fast as it grows so like what you know, there's only so much. I can update you on regards to my hair, so i'm actually going to be making some videos on this channel about other stuff. So i'm thinking of doing more get ready with me type of um content on this channel, because then it's a bit more like organic. You know it would kind of like fit my lifestyle a bit more. So i basically just went in with some light on the lid brown in the crease and then lined my eye with dark and then a bit of purple on the edge here and they're. Just really pretty colors in this palette is the only palette that i use. So very simple and easy, so one thing that i didn't really calculate right was that obviously i was going to be pregnant while well. I look very, very rosy right now. We'Re gon na fix that in a minute but um. Sorry, i'm trying to parent and record a video and put makeup on right. Let me get back to my story. One thing that i hadn't really calculated was that obviously i was gon na be pregnant. I want to take like pictures to commemorate it and i look back at the pictures and some of them are cute um, but most of them that aren't like yeah. Most of them are not super cute, and it's because of my hair at least that's what i think. So that's one thing like even now, like i love this at the back here. This i'm just like not the biggest fan of you know, um and yeah. That'S gon na end up tucked behind my ear, but that's because i'm thinking about it but like i just don't really have any candied pictures of me pregnant where i'm like girl, you're looking fly and that's because of my hair. So yeah, that's kind of like. What'S been going on and then obviously as well like if you're recording youtube videos and you're talking to like thousands of people, you want to look your best, obviously, and so coming on here. Um would just require, like so much more effort, because it takes so much more effort for my hair to look good, although now it's taking less because it's longer but like when i was going through that boris johnson phase, like it was taking top effort. You know and effort that i couldn't really put in because i was pregnant and so tired and just needed to use the energy to actually do like productive other things, rather than fix my hair. Although i love that not always a priority that is kind of like. What'S been going on with the hair, where i've been exactly, i also had loads of stuff happening in my pregnancy. That'S just you know life and you got to get on with it. Sometimes, okay, i'm just going in with a little bit of brown liner under my eyes the rest of my face. Like guys, if you wear makeup, you know how to do the rest of your face very likely, if not there's like loads of videos out there. So i don't like sometimes i just think you know, let's not over saturate the internet. I laugh because it's already been done, like the internet feels so oversaturated, do you guys feel the same way? Is it just me like, i go online and i i look at something i'm like wow this. This piece of information has made it to the internet like man, we were on it too much like how has it ended up on it, and you know what guys i am team, like you know you just do you be confident, no matter what etc, etc, but, Like honestly guys, these videos aren't really that useful. If i just come on here and be like yeah like slay it, you know, i have to tell you what the actual experience is, like otherwise kind of what's the point of making videos if you're just kind of gon na you know like i'm all for fake It till you make it and yeah. I still felt good being pregnant and stuff, and i still felt beautiful but like if i'm gon na come up here and tell you that everything is fine and dandy. With everything about getting a pixie cut, then i'm not being very just like genuine and realistic. I'M also not really like a super dramatic person, so i don't like coming on here and being like. Oh, my hair made me feel super insecure, like this was like the worst thing ever. It wasn't the worst thing ever like it's. Okay, sometimes i used to be insecure about other parts of my bodies that now i'm like girl. What are we even thinking, you know and i'm sure when i look back at those pictures of me being pregnant i'll, probably feel the same but um yeah. I think that, like you know, you can still talk about it. I'M warm people like okay, if you're thinking about getting a pixie cut, this happened to me never know might happen to you might not so now that i've kept it real with you guys and kept it 100. As the youth say. Okay, now i would leave it like this because i think it looks really cute but um, that's just not frankly practical, i'm taking one of like the bristle brushes and just sweeping it behind there. Oh see this is the hair i was talking about earlier. It just kind of like has its own party every day right up, and then i secured it with like a super heavy-duty bobby pin like the really thick ones, because they just work better. Let me tell you if you're growing out your hair yeah just these little ones, they just don't do the trick. You need to look for like the thick metal ones, that clamps up and that you have to like lift like you, have to slot your finger in between the two clamps to take out your hair, because otherwise it pulls it out because it's like holding on so Tight i'll show you what i mean so i've gotten changed into my outfit and um. These are the type of bobby pins that i was talking about. They'Re literally, like you have to use two hands to open them, because they're just so strong - and these have been such a lifesaver in this whole, like growing out my hair process, because i have super fine, silky hair that just falls out of bobby pins. So those are the only things that would actually keep the hair on my face and like kind of kept me sane throughout these last few months, the other thing is i wanted to mention is that when you, like kind of judge your hair up, if you use The brush, i just showed you guys and then just gently brush over your hair without pushing it, but just gently flattening it over like that. It'Ll fix all these little bits of hair. So do you see this side? I have volume, but not this. That'S because i went over it with the brush, and so this is my outfit. She is just very cute and she's, just like this long kind of silky flowy dress, with like an open back very happy with it. Thank you for hanging out with me in this video. I really appreciate it. My baby is waking up now, so i got ta go and i'm gon na go enjoy myself, and i will see you in my next video

Jake Vendrotti: Congratulations on your beautiful growing family! You look terrific!

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