Gabor Essentials Mega Wig Review 4 Styles | Notion, Aspiration, Pixie This, Enlighten

Here you will find a wig review of 4 Gabor Wigs. Gabor Aspiration. Gabor Notion. Gabor Enlighten. Gabor pixie this wig review. Colors are Gabor black, gabor dark brown, gabor medium blonde. This review of Gabor Essentials Wigs will talk about and showcase a mega review of 4 wigs. These Gabor wigs are from HSN. Short pixie wigs for women are shown in this review. I am also wearing Gabor Radiant Beauty in black coffee at the beginning of the review.

Welcome to It’s a Wonderful Wig – a supportive and motivational space to learn about wearing wigs for fun, fashion, and freedom. My name is Emily, and I’m on a mission to help normalize wig wearing for women. My passion is helping women discover fantastic wigs that make them feel alive, confident, and whole while building a wardrobe of wigs. Here you will find wig reviews, wig chats, wig buying tips, first-time wig advice, and inspiration how to use wigs for fun and fashion.

My videos consist of wigs for beginners, natural looking wigs, best wigs, how to grow your hair with wigs, best makeup for wigs, clothing for wigs, how to wig lessons, reviews for Raquel Welch, Jon Renau, Gabor, Estetica, Hairdo, Toni Brattin, Envy, Belle Tress, and more. I will help you discover the perfect wig that feels great, looks great, and frees up your energy for a joyful life.

My Head Measurements:

Head circumference: 23 inches

Hairline to chin: 9 inches

Forehead straight back to nape: 13 inches

Links to Other Videos Mentioned or Similiar:

9 Retro Vintage Style Fashion Wigs for Women:

Brave the Wave Wig Review (similar short curly brown wig style):

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Hi, this is emily from it's a wonderful wig, i'm going to review today for you three different gabor, wigs from the gabor essentials line and show you a few different colors, some black some brown and some blonde three basic cap, but high quality, wigs by gabor that I really like that i've just received two out of three of them and i want to show you what they look like and some of the different colors and things like that. So, if you haven't subscribed to my channel by the way, please do so. I do upload new reviews of different wig brands on tuesdays and fridays, including some wig, chats and advice for new wig wearers as well and in case anybody's wondering what i'm wearing now is also by gabor. This is radiant beauty and this is from her luxury line. So has a little bit more of the lace front: um top um, less permatease. That kind of thing - and this is the one that closest resembles my human hair. So i'm not going to review that today. But if you're wondering that is what i'm wearing is radiant beauty by gabor in, i believe it's black coffee, okay. So first i want to talk the difference between the gabor essentials and the gabor luxury um. Basically, it's what it sounds like. So these are the boxes for the gabor, essential, wigs i get most of mine actually on hsn. They have a ton of them. They let you do payment plans, five monthly payments, and you only have to make one payment to get home, and then you can return. It within 30 days before they charge the next payment, or, if you don't like it, which is what i love, they don't have them all, but they have a lot of the essential brands um. So their basic cap construction, nothing fancy, but they look nice. They feel buttery soft. They look natural they're, versatile, they're, easy they're budget friendly they're, all probably around the 110 range 109, which i like you can get one home for probably like like one payment of 22 or something like that. So anyway, that's the gabor essentials. The gabor luxury, obviously they can cost up to the 300 range, and you have a lot more features, which sometimes is good, sometimes isn't a big deal depending on what you want to use it for um. This, for example, from the gabor luxury line, is one that i really resembles my natural hair color when it's shorter. I want to air dry it. It looks a lot like it. So if i'm really trying to fool people, this is the one that i would wear. People that i don't want to know where i wear wigs so first, i'm going to show you from my three reviews is aspiration in dark brown and it's a size average and i always put a little sticker on the top. Also because when i stack my wig boxes in bins, you know i open a bin. I want to be able to see from the top what they are, so i have to pull them all out to read the side. So just so you know, let me show you aspiration now. This is dark brown. It looks very close to black, but it's not i'm right under the light. So when you're, not under the lights, it looks even darker. This is just the plain dark brown. This style has a little bang. It has a little bit of wave. Let me show you the inside. You see kind of the basic um basic kind of open cap, very airy, they're all very light. You can get your fingers through they're, not heavy, but the hair is soft. You know it feels like my comb. It feels like real hair. The only thing i don't like about these that sell on hsn and you can get a lot of these wigs too. On wig studio, one things like that, but um they don't show on hsn. You know they're, not a specialty wig shop. They sell everything from clothing to make up to household goods right. So they don't know to include all the details. They actually don't include length and um uh inches of any of their wigs on there. So you have to kind of do a little more research if you're worried about that. This is considered a long, a mid-length style which might look longer on some than me um, because i'm pretty tall and have a long face, so i'm just combing it shaking it out a little. So i'm going to get this on for you and show it to you as i take off my gabor and lift and pull then i can show you real, quick right this difference here we have a lace front. We have a actually this one was the side. Mono part different, you know the cap feel is different. It'S more stretchy, it's lighter, so everything about the luxury line is different. I'M not gon na say it's better, because i've had tons of gabor essential basic caps that i love and honestly you don't have to worry. So much if they don't last as long or you can wear them around the house doing chores or on errands - and you know you don't have to worry about the more expensive, wigs wearing at all right and i'll talk about sizing in a minute. But these are all average cap. I'M gon na put this on align these ear tabs here, i'm not a huge fan of bang wigs because i don't like stuff in my eyes, but i had to try it so you see how this almost looks black. Now i have to tell you that gabor, raquel, welch and hairdo are all made by a company called hair. You wear and you will see a lot of commonalities. I have a wig by hairdo in medium brown, that's called, i think it's called wave it off wavy or wavy with bangs, and i swear it's the same wig i mean the bang cut the kind of linda ronstadt style. I did a video on nine different vintage retro, looking wigs um just last week, which was way super fun i'll link that below, but i in one of them i review the wig that matches this by hairdo. That looks to me like the same wig, but anyway, maybe this one's a little more full around the top. They might like tweak it a little, but it looks very much the same to me. So this one, you can sweep your bangs if you like, you can have them cut. If you want what i like about the bangs on basic caps, is you don't have to worry about the front showing? But this is the dark brown which is really, i feel like it's really close to black. Until you maybe see the black, then it i have a black wig, i'm going to show you next, which is shortcut. So this is you know it's cute right. It'S actually not bad. You can tuck it behind your ear. You don't see really any part or anything, because there isn't a mono top. You can leave it loose. You could put it with a headband. Let'S see, have a little a little butterfly headband here. Let'S see how this looks put it right above the bang like that is kind of cute right, so it depends. I do like hair that covers my bad, my bad eye, but some reason it looks shorter. On me, i mean it's a mid-length style, but i've seen some of the models on hsn in the video they look. It looks a lot longer on, but it depends on your size and your face length. So i think i can pretty well get away with this. One too, as being my natural hair, you know when i have my natural hair down, even though it's i haven't dyed it. So it's growing on top when i was dyeing it and when i keep it trimmed or cut at the salon. If i let it air dry, my hair looks just like this a little thinner on top, because i've lost some or, if i put in bangs it would look like this, so i think i could almost get away with wearing either of these. You see how this black coffee is definitely lighter in the luxury line than this dark brown, but the names of the wigs in the luxury line are a little different than the names and numbers of the wigs in the essentials line. So it gets a little confusing. So anyway, this is aspiration and it does, i feel like it, has some of that vintagey mullet. Look, i don't know, i don't know why, but super cute. You know, if you do this, it's gon na be all in your eyes right. You could you could do whatever you like with this or you could make it kind of full. I suppose you could put it in a ponytail, but then you'll have that bowl look on top so anyway, for kind of that loose plop on and go wave style. I don't think it's actually that bad um. So again, this is aspiration by gabor essentials. Let'S look, though, at a black and it's a super short, it's called notion notion and it actually is black, and this one is super short um, not quite layered enough for me on top. So here we go. Let'S look at the difference here. We have black and we have the dark brown. You can see a little difference. This is more solid black. This might look like black undertones with some lighter highlights. So here's here it is it i what i don't prefer about this one is it's so short on. One side and longer on the other, although that's probably the style, but let's get this on i'll, show you what i'm talking about here i'll show you notion this one, i'm probably gon na, send back because it's just a little it's a little too short for my Preference, although i have been getting more and more into the short wigs, it is cute, don't get me wrong um! You can feather it nicely with this. I have this jon renau comb nicely feathered. You know you can i like how it looks on this side. A little bit more like ignite might look, but this side i feel like it, looks too much like a bowl cut and for my preference, certainly it's what you prefer. What looks good on you? So it looks a little more straight across bowl here and i don't know if i have everything underneath in the back since i just plopped it on, but you can see, the nape is pretty short, it's not too short. I mean. I have a ton of hair under here in it and i did a sloppy job and it still hides it pretty well, i might have a little bump there, but i didn't try hard to fix it. So i'm not sure what i think about this. I do like it better with a bigger headband, so let's show you with a bigger headband. I felt like with this one. It kind of it's cuter like it looks more kind of retro with bigger hair a little bit. It takes away some of the bowl shape. I have another short black one called pixie this i just got darn it that one is black too, and i've been agonizing over comparing the two i didn't bring that out. I can grab it, though, if you want it's just over on my dresser, if you guys want to hold, i can go and get it. So what do you think this is the notion, so it's longer smoother. I think it looks way better with a headband. Personally, i still don't just don't know: i'm leaning more toward the pixie one which is shorter on top, but this has, i don't know. So what do you guys think of this? Would you go for this one, i'm gon na grab that other one. I can't pause this video, but hold tight i'll, be right back. I found it. I wasn't going to review this one yet, but i'm just going to show it to you guys all right. Why not? Why don't i think about before? I don't know so tell me what you think the difference between this one, i'm gon na, take this back off, but you know if you're wearing this one plain it does get more of that bull look um! So i just it's not a look that i'm used to, but i'm torn because i like the side how it stacks and styles all right. So there's notion this one is called pixie this and i'm wrong. It'S actually dark brown again, the same color as that longer one we did which is aspiration. Okay, so that's all right i'll show you the difference between a black short and a dark brown short here. It is let's look at these two. This is the one i just did in black notion, and this is the dark brown pixie this. So you see the difference. Okay, pixie! This is really cute. It'S got way more like feathering and not so much straight kind of romantic longer pieces get this put on. You want to make sure you run your finger under that you've got all your hair out any of your hair or its hair stuck under it, something i just got also yesterday i haven't decided which black one i like better yet so i think i'm leaning toward This one, so there is a difference. This is definitely more of a. I don't i hate to say a boy cut. Maybe it's too long of feathered for that, but it's definitely got the feathering. It'S got a little permatease right. You need that, for the volume a little more punky, maybe a little more hipster. This is more of a. I want short hair out of my way put on and go while i'm going to costco and cleaning the garage and things like that looks great, but it covers everything. Show you the back. There'S the back. Let'S see, let's compare this with the headband, not sure this one will work it with a headband as well, because you might smush down those layers same headband as before. I think for this one, the other one works better with a headband. Maybe if you do the thin one, maybe i got this headband at claire's, the other ones i got on amazon. I'M not sure i feel like this. One is more just wear plain, so, looking at it now, even showing you i can't decide which one i'm more likely to keep. What do you lean toward, which do you think for me or for yourself again, black versus dark brown? So this definitely has more of that kind of 80s pet vanitar punk rock short hair kind of style going on all right, so that is pixie this and dark brown. But i mean to me when i'm looking in the light right. It looks black to me, but then until you see it next to the black and then you can see a little difference um, so i'm going to show you a medium blonde next, which was the original third one. I was going to show you, so you can see the dark roots and it's a medium blonde cute. I should have worn this one today actually goes well with my sweater, okay. Lastly, we're going to look at this is called enlightened, an average also medium blonde. I'M going to show you this one, this one i probably won't keep, even though it was fun trying it on, because i don't fancy the cut for myself. So you can see the medium blonde. Has the dark brown rooting which i like. So if you're bruno, you can get away with this, it's got some nice little layers here, it's a shortcut kind of a feathery bob, but it has these long kind of pieces right on the side on the around the chin that i didn't care for. So much same kind of cap construction, plop this on take a look-see-loo and put on this one. They still have the tags attached because i just got them, pull it upward. So this one, you might want to take your comb separate any pieces where the natural part falls. I do like how it has this kind of love, how it feels when you get to comb and feather these kind of pieces kind of like it. When i comb my ignite right, this side is a little different. Also you can feather it, you can lift it at the root, give it a little fluff fluff a little body, but you said i'm talking about these pieces on the sides here. I just can't get used to that from my style. It'S kind of that modern thing right, but i just feel like when i look at. I feel asymmetrical for some reason like i i feel like it. I don't know i wish it just came straight down. I would like that, because i love this color and i love the silky smooth in it. You can make it fuller. You can take these and tuck it behind your ear, you're, going to see some of your bio hair. If you have dark hair, but then it's like, why not just get a shorter wig if you're going to tuck it because it makes it look shorter when you tuck those pieces back and then it's hard to get just that piece back and not the other pieces. So i just want you to see the color with this medium blonde, his aspiration this was one of their newer ones. They did a show not long ago where they had three or four new ones. I think just recently around um 2022 january, so that is enlightened in the medium blonde. But when i look at myself right, i see these pieces and they just bug me. I don't know it's like they don't lay flat, they kind of are out. You can make it stick to your side, just not sure it's for me. I'M not sure this one would do well with a headband at all. It looks a little like it's, not the right style, there's permatease around here. You can feel it, but you can't really see it, which is the benefit of the dirk roots. There'S a headband in that one. It'S not quite the right style for a headband. I also want to show you with glasses on. I should have shown you with the others. You can wear glasses with all of these wigs when i put my glasses on with the wig. By the way i put them together touch my forehead, then i can do this to get any wispies out of the way. I run it down along my temples, get all the hair out of the way until you get right above the ear and slide it carefully under the ear tabs there we go um all of these gabora wigs work, just fine with glasses. I'Ve never had a problem. Oh, did i show you the back, just not sure i like the color, i don't love the cup, that's fine because they have a zillion other wigs to choose from in this color. So there you go, you guys. Actually i guess i showed you. I showed you four different war styles, plus the bonus, the one i was wearing today, and i will put that back on one more time. If anybody wants to see this, this is again my radiant beauty, um from her more luxury line. This one is probably double the cost or more than the other. I you know in all honesty, i don't feel any difference and i don't feel like it's lighter. I don't feel like it feels more realistic than the others i mean the hair is feels like real hair like i've. It feels like real hair soft, it's not brittle, it doesn't have an unusual shine. This feels the same. These curls are soft, but really if you want to just try to start with the gabor essentials and work your way up if you're on a budget. Okay, everybody thanks for watching those are my apparently five gabor wig styles that i wanted to show. You tell me which one you like the best and which ones of the two short black ones did you like the best, the notion or the pixie kit, thanks everybody for watching and i'll see you in the next video

peperlover99: I love those two short ones and those dark brown colors are TO DIE FOR! However I do agree with you, the Pixie This is what I prefer out of that and Notion.

Love is Blonde: Aspiration looks just like Hairdo Wave Cut which was the first wig I bought that I was brave enough to wear in public. It's a great basic cap wig. Great reviews!

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