Women'S Hair Grab Self Defense - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

In this video we show a quick Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique that either make a person let go, or it can severely damage the attackers elbow. FULL VIDEO LESSON COMING SOON!

WARNING: Please only practice with proper supervision!

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Okay, just like that, so someone comes up to the front grabs your hair pulls you in, and you notice there's a bend in the elbow. How are you even gon na notice that with training you're not going to notice it by watching a video one time so check this out? First thing, she's going to do when i grab her hair is she's going to turn sideways, get a perpendicular base. That'S super important she's on her surfboard. Now the arm goes in the front and back around freeze go back same thing in the front and around now she locks things up right by my elbow does what we call a gable grip. Let me show that palm palm and wrap the fingers just like that, once more here, spins around gable grip and lifts to the sky, just like that, she's raising her arms, not her toes okay, one more time, so i'm pulling base circle connect in reality, she's not Going to go slow, it's not stop time!

El Cuervo Arcano: I imagine this all works when your attacker is one-armed, right?

Italien Ball: Treino top pra krl mano, ótimo!

Isaiah: I’ve never seen anyone pull hair like that! They are usually pulling and dragging you away with straight arms at the same time.

ian philip: getting good at executing a stand alone technique like this is like someone really really good at target shooting and thinking they're ready to clear rooms in a live fire situation.

Big Jim McBob: That will work as long as the attacker makes absolutely no effort to square back up with you.

Brian Schultz: To add to my last comment in most situations where a male would grab a female's hair and pulled her towards him they generally would not use the other hand. Attacks like this are usually meant to control and degrade the victim.

Brian Schultz: Despite the criticism I'm seeing here this move will work if done properly and quickly but should be expanded on to a throw and should include a little more technical description. I suggest when the attacker grabs her hair she should step back into the side stance with her far leg from the attacker to set up the Leverage and instead of lifting she should continue her turning motion as she is grabbing the arm and throw the attacker to the ground. If done properly you will either throw them or break their arm.

Rick: Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- Mike Tyson

Seth Torres: What a great demonstration, love the attention to detail and love that you took the time to address the grip. Lots of videos assume people know good grips and when to apply a specific type of grip.

Alvin H: As someone that practices Jiujitsu, I could see this working on a smaller dude if she did it fast enough. You could look at any BJJ move and say "that wouldn't work against a resisting opponent" but a lot of them do when you train it enough. For the people saying he'll just punch her in the face, I say it's better than not doing anything and still getting punched in the face anyway ‍♂️

The Overnight: Only try this if he's within 50 pounds of you. As a big guy (6'4" and over 300) I've tried a lot of self defense stuff with girls I've dated (to help them stay safe) and besides things like groin hits or eyes, nose, and throat shots - almost no self defense moves like the ones they show in these videos will work against a guy like me. Average people are just not strong enough and that guy is going to just power through most leverage holds or throw attempts... and then you'll be in even bigger trouble. If you take self defense, be sure to ask how to deal with guys with a big size advantage!

Diego gmx: Esa técnica también está rn el karate do. La postura de piernas se llama shiko dachi y el enganche del brazo se llama hikite. Lo malo es que algunos profesores de karate no lo enseñan. No enseñan la parte funcional de la defensa personal. No enseñan el verdadero sentido de las técnicas y el kata y se dedican mas al karate deportivo. Buen video y buen mensaje para las mujeres. Practiquen artes marciales BJJ para que defiendan su vida y su salud.

AnUnapologeticApologist: Girl: performs grip as trained Attacker: punches her in the face with free hand knocks her out instantly

R Trev: It’s okay, guys! He’s wearing a Jiu-Jitsu shirt.

Snoopy Lyn: Every school should have trained students with martial arts

Alfred Cotti: You can spend years learning and mastering these crazy useful techniques or buy a cheap gun and instantly be a contender

todd hardman: The offender would have seen this on YouTube also and knows it's pretty much game over for him/her. You can't use your other hand it's not allowed or your breaking the rules.

Deborah Geller: I work with behavioral. That hair grab is the first move, the punch and or kick are 2nd and so on.

brookman amissah: I think she adding a spin to her left while using the technique and locking his elbow will save her from being punched in the face by the man

Broody Pie: GRAB THE COLLAR BONE. I've been saying this for years, and I had to look it up because I wasn't sure it was such a known thing, but turns out its illegal in sports and even considered a dishonorable move in many martial arts. There are counters to it if you know them, but by no means does that have to be your final move. It requires no skill or training and can easily give you a better opening to flee or use another move.

Tomas Alvarez: Al usar los dos brazos, no tienes forma de bloquear otros golpes, pues el atacante tiene su mano derecha para golpearnos. Mejor utilizar brazo derecho para neutralizar y el izquierdo para contratacar a la tráquea y los ojos, además puedes patear al plexo solar o costillas y otros puntos vitales. Como base de la nariz, oídos, yugular, etc. Es sólo mi opinión. Pienso que colgarse del brazo del atacante con mis dos brazos, no me permite bloquear más ataques del brazo derecho o pies del atacante. Me quedo sin posibilidad de defensa. Ademas si el atacante es más alto y más fuerte, no le puedo causar daño. Ni siquiera podría dar un golpe con la base de la palma de mi mano directo a la nariz o la tráquea, por tener mis dos brazos tratando de que no baje mi cabeza. Como video... Esta bonito.

5 Time: Ah yes. The bjj defense against the one arm attacker. Very effective.

Brian Segura: I was expecting a capoeira spinning heel kick but i guess this some what works...

Dick Trickel: Well, the whole thing is predicated on her being fully trained and quick reactions. Not everyone has that. This is why a Derringer is useful.

Singularity: And the attacker uses his right hand to tap out while you perform this totally safe move.

Garbage Mann: Gonna be hard to pull that stance when she's already on the ground from the first yank

Preben Krossnes: You guys are missing the point with martial arts and self-defense guys. There's no ONE magic tecnique that ALWAYS works. The point is too train long and have quick access to multitude of tecniques, a.k.a muscle memory.

Knockemstiff: Needs to take the leg- legs out at the same time to avoid any strikes to the face. Or a hard knee to the ball's then legs out

Visionary: Can you imagine how much safer this world would be if all violent assaults on unsuspecting victims were choreographed like they are in these self-defence self-help videos . I'm just waiting for the video that teaches you the technique to thwart the group of assailants who are waiting on the blindside of a corner with a bottle to smash it over some lone person's head.

ralf abundiz: What do you do when that right hook comes at you?

matic simonič: Ignoring the inevitability of being punched in the face with the right, it would be very hard for her to execute this move because moves like that aren’t what comes naturally when someone pulls your hair hard.

Marie Herring: I also like his preemptive technique for not getting his own hair grabbed.

Dino Daddy: That’d be crazy if your attacker just felt like his right arm wasn’t working that day

Tjay Metal: How to avoid random assault using your hair? Step 1: don’t have hair….dudes a genius yall

Greg: She just tied up both her arms and he still has one free hand, what do you think he’s gonna do with that hand when she starts torquing on his elbow? Probably punch her in the face and knock her out. The better move is a front snap kick to his balls, jiujitsu guys don’t think about striking to the balls, that’s a flaw in the training. This is street fighting, not the gym.

DARK PHOENIX: What about the attackers right hand that's left wide open to punch? Since both of the defenders hands are occupied with the gable grip, how do you deal with the real problem in this situation and that's the punches to the face from the attackers right hand?

Raj M.B.: thanks a lot for teaching me my guru ji

No Name: You need strength to execute any move.

Peres: Não vão nessa de chave, acertem aonde mais dói, no saco, e depois um soco na traquéia deve resolver. Defesa pessoal é sobrevivência, quanto mais rápido dê para se livrar do agressor, melhor.

Man Splainer: Try doing that while you are being pulled to one side by your hair. Nigh on impossible to move to a side stance. Also you've just taken both you're hands out of the equation. How is she blocking the inevitable punches to the face?

vsaminat: Better move is to grab the bent elbow with one hand and twist head with another. You can even break the neck if you are in the mood (ornery)!

Louie Joe: I've done this lock and had this lock done to me many of times but there's such a low chance u actually get to do this if someone grabs ur hair, this video actually made me realise how strong grabbing long hair would be.

Ken Williams: If a man tries to pull her hair while moving in slow motion, she'll know exactly what to do.

Robert Tamayo: Wrong. The whole time there is an open shot to your groin. She already knows where your hand is...so she should clasp her hands down on yours with elbows up forming a protective barrier for her face and throat with her chin tucked if possible and snap kick to your groin(left foot for left hand grab and opposite for right hand grab) very fast at the exact time she grabs your hand and blocks. That way there is no hesitation and wasting of time trying to do your move shown here which could set her up for getting hurt once you pull back to counter her pulling back and turning as instructed here. Save the 'works great if 'standing still and cooperating' self- defense garbage. If anything,she could attempt executing your move with a strike to your groin at the same time in one single super fast move with no hesitation. Ive got hundreds of moves like that for 'stand still' self-defense. Most women don't do form and martial arts katas(spell) or forms so in common self-defense,practicality and simplicity is paramount and the key to survival.

Brian Morgan: Never give up both your arms to subdue one arm

CV Torredes: are you saying the aggressor will just say "wow" as she does that? actually she's on the good position to be hit on the face lol

onradioactivewaves: What about the situation where they like the hair pulling, then how does the "attacker" react?

byla: Normaly when you go for the hair, after grab hair you pull her towards you or to the floor, in the first case if you are distracted you will lose your balance, if you are pulled towards the floor you will have in a uncomfortable position and your head ready to be kicked or punched And yes, in no one of this situations you could do that move

james hunter: If you like a solid right hook to the face then boy is this move for you! Lmao

T Morgan: You both are providing a great service. Best of luck to the both of you.

M Lo: Damn it worked. My wife almost broke my arm.

Gino Marone: Here’s my take on this: extend left arm to keep distance and block punches to the face by the opponents right hand. Then, using your right hand, draw your weapon keeping it nice and tight to your chest and triple tap on center mass until the threat has been stopped from doing what ever he was doing...

Hori: I would love to someone grab my hairs like that...after years there is not much to grab anymore

xotic syllables: Also in reality if she moved her arm she’s gonna get rocked with the right. She probably has a better chance with a groin kick

McRaoul: If attacked by a man much bigger and stronger than you and you dont have a weapon to defend yourself: go for the groin, fingers and eyes. In a life and death situation you aim where it hurts the most.

El Jefe: OK lady grab his hair as role reversal.... Can't? Now that's real jiu jitsu !

pk kaz: Putting aside ligament strength, muscle and physiology (presuming the attacker has not just recovered from elbow surgery prior to the attack), none of what was done meets a pain sensory overload immediately nor does it initiate an immediate point protection response (i.e , someone is checking you, don't go for the hands, go for the eyes because the natural instinct will force a protection response, unless you are Snake Blissken and they go for your eye patch, in which case you are SoL) which would stop the attack and allow for defensive recovery. At best you strain the elbow but with the adrenaline pumping in the attacker would undoubtedly thunder in a wide open unmitigated face or body shot, which most likely will meet the overload threshold. The proper way to make this move work is her grabbing his hair (if he had any) because he would have leverage and strength advantage to meet overload threshold in real-time. She was almost at her full upwards position before any significant pressure or directive force came into play. Honestly, and it would hurt and could go badly (but once begun take you are fighting for your life), she should take a quick minor step in and double leg kick towards his knee. Yes she is going to lose hair, yes she could potentially bruise or break her tailbone, but what she would achieve is surprise (and if truly fortunate contact and snapping or hyper extending his knee) forcing his natural reaction to leap back with his legs forcing him to either let go of her hair (momentum of her pulling back her upper body during kick and his leaping out of way or being forced via contact backwards at his stabilization point, legs) or hold on and have to go to ground with her at a bad unprotected angle. At that point a lot will depend on how it played out. There is a vast difference between its all or none time versus it has a an upward limiting factor. Speed and aggressive action are your best weapons at contact. It does not mean you will win, but it does mean you may have a chance of not losing.

huui ham: I find that going for the groin is most effective in these type of situations

Admiral Admiral: Thank you and good job

Dennis Kendall: It's better to train than be a helpless victim. Thanks. Subscribed

Lord and savior: Ok, but if you're gonna grab someones hair, you're not just gonna stop, they'll act very fast, whether they want to beat you or get you to the ground, you really won't have time to wrap your arms around his arm. And he might very well just see what you're doing and let go and pull out before you get the lock.

Michael Daley: Then if the attacker was smart they'd pull her hair back even more and perform a leg sweep bringing her to the ground

Stan Washighski: Rotate away as you're lifting and just like that you've incapacitated the attacker for life or until corrective surgery is done. Don't let the sheiks of agony deter you from sinking this in to detrimental.

wolfsta encrypted: As he throws an over hand right for the ko..... and I also laughed hard when he said "with training"

Benjamin Spankowski: That would not work while being pulled off balance by a two-armed attacker who can shift their weight. Ladies...go for the face (eyes, nose, ears) or groin. 9/10 guys at least loosen their grip momentarily if you just punt them in the groin right here. DO NOT start a wrestling match with a guy who's much larger than you. You're not Wonder Woman. That's playing to their advantage. Target their weaknesses, break free, and run.

Mr Emann: Ya, great move when you're being attacked by a one armed man. Who would grab someone by the hair with only one hand? Completely unrealistic.

Sean F.: Royce Gracie has the best hair pull in BJJ. It’s the single technique that made BJJ what it is today. If Kimo didn’t have a ponytail.... BJJ would have not exploded.

Arlene Carman: When i started judo in the woodlands texas when i was 25. I am 6'4 280 with a blackbelt in another martial art. There was a cute 5'6 120lb 18 year old female black belt who finishing her last semester of high school. She would choke me out all the time and truly would own the situation. She would do that choke with just her legs doing like a figure four. It was all very humbling. And she was really cute too...sigh

Jody Bailey: Yea , as soon as she wraps her arm an experienced attacker gonna smash her face , depending on his training or where he wants to take it he could really hurt her with both her arms occupied

Josh Poi: This is great, but could we get more content for males to protect themselves from female attackers?

Stu anon: This relies on them grabbing you in a particular way and not just punching or grabbing with the free arm. They can also let go and grab punch with that arm too.. perhaps instead of leaning away you need to get in close and protect against the free arm, whilst you try to get out of that.

Chrystalynn Kelly: I'll have to remember that for Martial Arts class on Tuesday and show it to my Sensei.

Ronald M. Ford: Their are other ways to get out of person grip that is more effective

MrMad Slapper: The problem with this technique is, if the attacker notices you doing some weird shit he'll let go step back and clart you in the face.

insanity 2: Until you realise he wont fall and your legs are gonna be.wide open just a sweep on them legs and youre 6 feet under

Grafmec X: "Her doing this move on me" "Me using the other hand to choke her" Her: You weren't supposed to do that..

Rasheed: yeah, wrap your arms around someone's arm, lean back, and open yourself up to a punch to the face. We should mention the weight distribution advantage the dude gets with this. But hey!

Richard Palfrey: Bjj has the best marketing campaign, but dont try and use it in real life. Its not the cage and there arent set rules like no biting, eye gouging, to protect you on the street.

TURBO NERD: How does the guy defend himself from this though? Great video wish there was more footage at the start

David Mm: That's all fine and dandy but he could strike her dead center in the face with his right hand because she's wide open.

Cynthia Hubbard: That looks like the worst technique to use when getting your hair pulled

ICE COLD DOC: That lean back she does lines for a perfect right hook

Mckinley R: As someone who does jujitsu. Good luck doing that on anyone ever lmao

chadsworth gigafuck: People have this notion of self-defense, that as long as you complete the maneuver, the threat is done. Now you're kidnapped with a bloody nose.

Jay All day: They teach that move in my daughter 8 yr old jiujitsu class and that’s without the pulling hair technique

Stw: Thank you

inertiaforce: I have no problem with women wanting to defend themselves. However, as a 6 ft 230 lb man, I don't think that move that she did will work on me if I was trying to attack her by grabbing her hair. Just saying.

T: In reality the guy holdin her hair would automaticly punch her in the face with the other free Hand. Bullshit technic

Pete Mitchel: I’m sorry. I’m 5’9 - 175lbs you look bigger than me and I know I could grab her hair and her trying to do that would never work. Nobody just grabs hair and keeps distance. They grab with aggression and intention while also punching or kicking. Now she just has a false sense of security.

Terri Gargis: I practiced this with my son and while my arm was behind his, I threw my right knee into his lower groin, but didn't make contact for his sake (and mine).

Best of Boxing: This is absolutely perfect I'm glad there is someone trained in combat (or more importantly jiu jitsu) demonstrating these vids. I've seen a lot of videos lately of ppl who have no training who try to demonstrate self defense vids and disarming vids that dnt work. And I can say this does work my dad taught me a move called the wizard back when I was little that is similar to this and works phenomenal for the little guy. U prolly know a lot more than me tho man keep it up

mike pulcine: If you do get attacked and can pull this off don't stop keep cranking till you feel the pop. They you should be free to run

RJ Flores: That’s a lot of steps to complete while her attacker patiently stands still after grabbing her hair.

jazzdad24: Sooo, what you suppose to do after she locks her hands together ? Finish the move!!

raztubes: She's ready for an attack from an one armed, hair grabbing, assailant.

politicallyinsensitive: I'm sure it's written until your attacker either just pivots around our used the leverage you just put on their elbow against you and pulls you to the ground.

Harold Can Fly: Instead of commenting hate, how about y’all show this to ya mom. Ya sister. Girlfriend. This is actually helpful advice. There’s a lot of bullshit online regarding these kinda things but this ain’t that.

savvy shinobi: She is open to all attacks. Every action has a reaction and in real time she would be knocked out.

Audioplugg: Please don't show my wife this. She'll never let me pull her hair again.

Joe DeRay: I like useful helpful videos. Thanks

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