Woman Scalped When Long Hair Is Caught In Car’S Fan While Checking Under Hood

A mother is recalling the terrifying moment she was scalped when her long hair got caught in a car’s fan belt. Alon Abare, who now wears a wig to cover her injuries, was checking on a mechanical problem in her car in October 2016, when she leaned into the hood, catching her hair in the belt. “I just without thinking reached in and when I did so my hair got caught,” the mother of four told Inside Edition. She yelled for help and her children came to try and get her out. #InsideEdition

This woman's life has been irreparably changed all because she didn't pin her hair back her long hair back before she worked on her car now. Her story is a warning to every woman, especially those who consider themselves handy around cars and recog. Liana has a report, and we should warn you. Parts of it are very graphic. This woman is hiding a secret under her wig. Underneath is just me, a LAN, a bear. A mother of four was scalped when her long hair was caught around a fan belt, as she leaned into the hood to check on a mechanical problem I just without thinking reached in and when I did so. My hair got caught your children smashed right into action. You, yes, I did, and one by one they came running out to help that was it. Sammy was right here in 30 seconds, he shot the car right off. Her son Sam showed us how he turned off the engine and her daughter, Logan cut her hair free with these scissors. They were focused and they were driven by. I think you know that they wanted to save their mom. Doctor Kaman slaughter has been treating Ellen's injuries at the Williams Center for plastic surgery in Albany New York. One of the issues is that you have a lot of skin that we essentially have to remove. Once we get that healed up, then we can do a transplant surgery and get your hair back to where it was until then she hides her injuries under the wig. I can put my wig on and I can go out and seems like nothing changed. I guess having that I'm the same and to show how quickly it can happen. We teamed up with auto safety, expert Lauren fix and placed a wig on this mannequin. Here we go, then we eased it under the hood in the blink of an eye. The mannequin is scalp, just like what happened to Ellen's hair. The wig is totally entangled in the fan belts, I'm using my full force. It really is unbelievable to see how tight this is wrapped around the belt. So what can you do? The most important thing is you pull your hair back whenever you work on a vehicle, so let's do that right now, if you're thinking you're looking for a leak, you want to put your hands back, take off anything, that's going to potentially get in the way. If you're replacing a head, lighter your you know, changing an air filter shut the vehicle off vital lessons to avoid a tragedy like this. You

Cathy: Did they really have to show us how the son switched the car off?

Dat Gaming Shark: *"So kid, how did you turn off the engine"* "Uh... Normally?" *"Can you demonstrate that for our viewers?"* "Bu-" *"Just do it."* "Ok"

Snipes Vr: Who the heck doesn’t turn their car off when something goes wrong my dad turns his car off when his engine fails

Patrick Bush: In 1973 I had extremely long hair. My ponytail became entangled in a drill pass. It rip off almost my whole entire scalp I've been almost through 132 operations. I was only seventeen when this happened. I went from one of the most popular people into a freak. I know you've heard of face transference I now have a new head of hair. But I went to 20 years of isolation and humiliation. No matter what your disfigurement. Hold on there's help behind the next corner of your life. Peace be strong we love you

Random Vids: “This is a warning to all women with long hair” I’m a boy with long hair. Edit: I love how they were a whole bunch of people arguing in the replies.

Cameron Gray: “Her son Sam showed us how he turned off the engine” Well good thing he did that demonstration otherwise we would have absolutely no idea how he could have turned off the engine!

Zadok's Studio: Beautiful how her children jumped in to save their mom cooperatively and timely. Amazing!

rizze: Must've been terrifying for the children, on top of that they have to bear the sight of their mom in pain & bleeding until help arrives. Amidst all that they stayed attentive and were able to save their precious mom's life. Bless them. ❤️❤️❤️

Meredith Alderdice: “Her son showed us how he turned off the car” *expertly turns off car*

Lily Henderson: I feel so sorry for her

It’s Lynn: I’m surprised that her kids really saved her from that quick thing!!! I would’ve done the same!!!!

n m: *the wig attacked* *her wig got snatched* *but most importantly, I hope she gets her hair back*

Owen Anderson: this can really be a warring to any person with long hair male or female it doesn't matter

Devin Ballard: I'm so happy that she's ok and that her kids were able to get their mom out of danger

aaron dg: This kid heroically shows u how he turned off the car Kid: *turns key*

Evan Andrews: Her first words “ and without thinking”.. There’s your problem right there.

MannyBot -DEAF-: My grandfather had owned and run his own Automotive Buisness since my dad, the youngest son of three, was a child. One of his non negotiable rules is all staff with mid to long length hair, male or female, must have it tied up at all times. You enter the shop without your hair up, you better be ready for a _looong_ and well deserved lecture lol That lesson has always stuck with me though.

gayle mc: After seeing their mom they had the presence of mind to do the right thing. Remarkable family. This woman is beautiful inside and out.

Bria: Its 2020. I really hope she got the surgery to get her hair back

Rach H: Those kids were raised right! Props to them!

Glass Half Full: I can't get over how Beautiful she is! I can look at her face and tell she has a good heart. I truly hope the hair transplant will be successful. I hope even more that she'll have happiness and joy throughout the rest of her life.

Greg Harris: There is absolutely no reason to hide your head with a wig. Your a beautiful young woman. God bless you with the transplant

Ink_Blot67: Oh my dear god. The pain must have been excruciating. I can’t even begin to understand what that might have been like…also, the kids were wonderful.

Lisa Bowers: This woman is so brave . I hope she is ok now

Julius Adams: I can't imagine the pain and horror that she went through thank God for her kids

Takipatuni Ilangana: That's so sweet helping children save their mom

Remnant Few ministries ministry: This is crazy. I am so sorry tjis happened to her and I pray she continues to heal. A good warning . Be smart and safe ladies.

Min Tootsie: I learnt when I was very young to always tie my hair back in case there was EVER a chance of injury. Sad this lady didnt.

I Feel Like Yeezus: This story makes me want to cry. God bless this woman and her children!

Moon Stars Show: Can we just talk about how brave those kids were? They didn’t full on panic but instead went right to action

Swerzie: Thank god sam showed us how to shut off the car! I would've been so confused like, I didn't think that you could turn off the car's engine!

: *auto safety expert* "Tie your hair back" "Turn the vehicle off" lmao

milachyc88: Poor woman, God bless her heart ❤️

Cat Paws: I loved the recreation of turning the car off and the use of the scissors. I never could have imagined how they did those two things. Thank you.

Dan R: I wonder if anyone else felt the pain seeing the fan belt spinning as she described the incident even worse when they reenacted it the scene with the manikin . Glad she's ok and it didn't affect other vital parts like eyes or eyelids.

Norm Ross: I pray that you fully heal.You go girl.

StormNeedsSleep: Imagine just looking at your mortar and then the next second half of your hair is ripped off it’s scary to think about!

Crystal Rice: Sending you love and prayers from Canada, your a beautiful strong woman and your a wonderful mom to have such brave and calm kids in the face of an emergency, hope your transplant goes beautifully and that this never happens again, I use ponytails with pins for bob length hair and braids in a bun when my hair is longer then my shoulders either way shoved into a beanie (skin tight jean cap that looks like a diving cap) if I’m doing any work myself, hope that helps in future , also wear short sleeves, no gloves. No jewelry.

Pepper: I wish her the best and lots of health and happiness and love

MLPJBJ Formerly Reaper: So brave of her to openly show others what could happen. She may have saved other woman by letting people know about it.

Amelie Mews: 1:51 *SO HORRIBLE*

NaviTalksAlot: That's so sad... May God bless those children for saving their mother.

Julie Spanggaard: she’s actually a beautiful woman nonetheless, i hope she gets better

The Light: I feel terrible for her, can you imagine the pain and horror of being scalped like that?

Moobeus: As usual I’m so pleased with inside editions focus on making sure we know exactly what happened, the recreation of how he turned the engine of was particularly moving xD

BlackGirlLovesAnime6: She needs better wigs, they have ones that look like real hair

FreeWiFi 2KGames: Just Turn off the car before you even TRY to fix at least a simple mechanical problem You still have to turn off the car FROM THE ALTERNATOR

Ador Dorath: Thank you for the warning with this video. As a real metal fan I have to watch out for my long hair too...

D Styles: Thank god they demonstrated these safety precautions. I wouldn’t understand them if they didn’t.

K Debris: I got into a go kart accident and something similar happened to me, you’re still beautiful girl and hope god has blessed you and your family❤️

Arabian: This is the kind of News that is actually News worthy. Information like this is very informative and potentially life saving for a lot of people.

#fans de Prichard Colón: You ' re a courageous woman. I imagine it's not easy but just carry on for your children . May God bless you always and your family.

klk1900: You wouldn’t believe how many I’ve treated. I never dreamed I would see people get scalped at a rate we’ve had the last year. Normally I see kids getting scalped. I can’t remember the last adult I had

kfor47: I've seen several men who were killed because their TIE was caught in the fan belt. That's why you should never allow a white-collar worker (especially men) anywhere near the engine of a car.

Snyper1188: Wow. I hope she is able to get back to somewhat normal. I know a guy with long hair that this happened to, and it was similar results to this unfortunate woman. He is doing well now, and keeps his hair short!!

drux claps: When it snatched the mannequins hair, I jumped too

X6800: This is one of my fears. Not so much of hair being pulled into something, but like a scarf and being choked to death.

Zadok's Studio: Her children will help her through this ordeal. They’re brave.

John Loxley: Just watched this ....... really lucky lady and what brilliant kids !!!! Quick thinking !!!! Like all accidents they happen in a nano second !!! Glad she was ok !!!

Trace England: Even with the scar she is still beautiful it's just a part of her story

RudeXoxo 3: 1:52 *Mannequin: My weave! :(*


momof4 hopkins: I know adults that wouldn't have reacted that quickly and with such a level head. Good job guys!!!!

sürünen adam: she made many mistakes, hopefully she is fully recovered.

evan jones: What an amazing family they love there mom

JM The Composer: This makes me wonder what would have happened if her car had a pushbutton start, and her kids only learned to drive in older cheap cars with key ignitions. In an emergency situation where people easily panic, it could be disaster. But realistically, we'll eventually have a generation of kids who don't know how to start a key ignition any better than they can read an analogue style wall clock.

Ara G.: God bless to her children for acting very fast to save her their mother.

officiallyaubrey: Please tell her how brave she is to show this to millions on YouTube

Its VerosLife: Smart kids! I wouldn’t have reacted that quickly

Kathryn Oz: Sam's enthusiastic re-enactment is appreciated! :) The reporter- not to be out done- pulling on the hair in the engine with all her might! :D

Brittany: I cant say I'm always cautious about my hair. But I can say I always grab my hair when looking into the engine because of this fear and because it gets in the way of my view. I'm sorry this happened to this young mom. I would to see her results after her hair transplants.

Kevin Worrell: Did he turn off the engine by turning the key !?!?!?! Thank You Inside Edition for showing us exactly how that works!!

7-B Austin Anthony Dsouza: So happy that they showed us how the son stopped the car, I thought he was gonna dude perfect the keys right into the keyhole

Poodloo: Man, those kids would make great friends if they knew what to do and did it so quickly. I’m proud of them.

I guess You know!: It's a shame how we need disclaimers and warnings for everything these days. Like, common sense just doesn't exist anymore. Fortunately, she had someone there to help and also taught her children a valuable lesson.

JustA LilFunny: Can you imagine how painful that was for her omg

SMM084_Soniya_Das: 1:58 this reminded me of the time when I was probably 10 or 11 y/o and my left ankle got stuck inside the chain of a bicycle. I didn't shout or scream cuz that time i thought that is where we're supposed to keep our leg for support I didn't said anything to the bro who was riding it until it started to hurt even more. It's healed but the big scar is still there. it doesn't makes me sad but more reminds me of how stupid and strong i was. Strong bc i didn't cried at all, i didn't know how to react to this big thing i just put myself into and stupid cuz obvious

Pedro: 0:54 never knew how to turn off my car, thank you

vClowney: I hope this woman ends up getting her hair back and lives a happy life!!!!

RANDOM ADY: I am glad I saw this, omg wow I feel so bad for her. That looks horribly painful

Car Guy: 25 years master tech here, never stops to amaze me how people think that they can fix there own car , or even goggle it, find a good tech and u will save time , money, and possibly your scalp.

DaughterOfGodAlways: I feel bad for the lady, this is why u should always think. My dad taught me how dangerous a running car can be. Sometimes u need it running to check something but u dont put ur hand etc near running parts. Especially the belt. I do hope this story helped bring awareness to ppl to be careful.

myozbubble: I hope all is well with this mom.

It’s Kendall: 1:52. I got scared. I gasped so loud Edit: wow tbh didn’t expect a lot of likes on this

P83 1983: They went very literal with this video on the demonstrations and re-enactments. Poor lady, feel bad for her.

N: she did not just say “this is a warning to all women especially those who consider themselves handy around a car” wow!

Supernova: I’ve finally managed to get my hair to grow longer and just yesterday, as I was cooking, I leaned toward the stove to look at something and the very end of one side of my hanging hair touched the element. I thought about it and pulled back then smelled it. You just don’t even THINK about it! Luckily I just singed the tips off of like 5 hairs but THAT scared me enough...the idea of just losing some of my hair! THIS is plain petrifying and I’m glad I saw this...coincidentally the day after almost singing my hair off...

FasterThanU: She got lucky! It could have been worse. I know a similar instance that happened to a mechanic who was working under the car when the transmission was in gear and the driveshaft was spinning.....his hair got to close to the spinning U-joint and you can imagine what happened next!

moth: No one thought to shut the car off before looking at the mechanical issues?

Chyna Barnes: This brought tears to my eyes

teddy: Imagine if happened again during the demonstration

Ben Jamin: I think the message is clear. We need to make all drive belts illegal.

Wolfgang Hood: Those two kids best look into becoming first , they both saved their moms life. Awesome

d ́buC: This is the EXACT kind of thing our wood work class teacher ALWAYS warns us about..........

Divine Mystic 444: I almost cried for her.

Yzzami: Bless her soul :(

Bo Hanan: I feel bad for her. This was probably a 2nd thought without thinking it thru. I totally get it.

whuspr: I really think that companies need to make a perfectly visible button or something under the hood to shut off their cars.

Chickenlegs41: Wow. That must have hurt like hell!!!

Alfred Alfredo: Well done kids ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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