Easy Sleek Low Ponytail With 13X6 Lace Wig Ft. Asteria Hair

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#sleekponytail #asteriahair

Hair: #asteriaDeepWave 13*6 front wig 22'' 180% density L cap

Direct Link ➤ https://bit.ly/306t51T

#AsteriaHair STORE ON SALE ➤ https://bit.ly/3gV2POM

Affordable 13x6 Frontal Wigs ➤ https://bit.ly/30aSZkT

*NEW* Full Lace Wigs ➤ https://bit.ly/2WiG5Aq







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You cannot tell me that my hair does not look good right now. There is not a soul out there who can even try to play me right now. You cannot play go play with scotch and stop playing with me. You know hopscotch yeah go play with scotch and don't play with jada. Look at this look at this hair. It'S on hair is on hey guys, welcome back to my channel, it's your girl jada, as you guys already know, i mean who else okay guys so for today, i'm gon na be reviewing this hair company right here. It is from isteria, hair and um this one right here. They sent me a curly wig, now just a little bit on this wig. It is 22 inches long. The cap size is a larger because we're not here to play we're here to slay um. It also is a 180 density. That'S what i really love about this wig. So far now it did come with a wig silk scarf to lay the wigs. It came with a nice silk bag to put the wig in when you remove it, wig bands which i'll be applying onto the wig, and it also came with this type of band. Just in case. You wanted to sew your own band on it and then, of course, a wig cap, because every company sends a wig cap. Now this is the inside of the wig and now the lace. I actually sprayed this with a wig tint spray, because before the lace was a little bit light, um, which you know it's understandable, but i can work around that, so i did spray it that's why it looks this brown right now and the only thing i did Off camera was bleach the knots besides that and i haven't plucked. I haven't done anything. I really wanted to come on camera and apply it just so you guys can see, make sure that everything is clean for the next application. All right, let's see all right. Okay, so so far, i'm really liking the lace color, because you know before it was really light. You know like the transparent lace that really isn't transparent. I'M just gon na go in with the glue application and, of course i forgot to bring a popsicle stick. So i'll be doing this the old-fashioned way, okay, guys! So i'm just gon na sit here and wait for the glue to dry and um. While it's drying, i'm actually gon na go get a popsicle stick, because this is just not professional and i'm trying to be professional, okay guys. So let me go. Do that and i'll be right back okay, so somebody asked me in the comment section one time how i make sure that my edges stay good, i guess, or how do i remove the glue so that my edges aren't like repealing my hairline starts back here. Okay, there's no way around that. It starts back here like everything. Right here is just like feathers, peach fuzz. So essentially the glue is really going to be in front of my hairline. Now little parts like this, where it peeks out. I don't know why but um this uneven terrain wherever it peeks out. I you know i go on top of it, but not all the way back here i know some girls who take their glues all the way. No we're not trying to do that much damage. I mean i'm really not doing damage anyways, but guys i will not should not, cannot put the glue all the way in my hair, it's going to be hell to remove um and that's also another reason why i hate doing the ball cap method, because when you Do it you're putting glue on your hair, making sure it's stiff putting more glue? No that's just too much work and i just do not feel like sacrificing that many edges just for a wig application. Please y'all, i saw something so disrespectful y'all would not believe what it was. Yes, someone said you should be applying five to seven layers, five to five five to seven layers of glue. Are you kidding me? Are you dumb five to seven layers of glue? No, no one thing with me: i keep it three and under three and under because what i'm gon na tell you guys right now is: i have in the past, applied one layer of glue and i have one time applied four layers of glue and let me Tell you something it technically held up the same, because, let's be real, you put down a layer of glue if the glue is strong enough, it's gon na hold regardless, unless it's one or five now think about it. You put a layer down you're putting more on top. Doesn'T that just essentially become one layer uh. Is it me like it's really just one layer of glue, it's just extra thick. So then, now you have like an extra thick layer of just glue on your on your uh skin. You put the lace down on it. It'S still gon na react the same way if sweat's gon na break through it. It'S just gon na break through it, and let me tell you something i have not. I'Ve been yet to try a glue that is completely waterproof and that will last through sweat oil, water, all that stuff. So let me tell you, do not waste your glue, trying to do five to seven layers? Hon, i beg you. I beg you. One reason why i did not pluck the lace before applying is because i really wanted to see how this wig looks on its own, and i don't do that a lot a lot of the times. I'M always customizing the wigs off camera and i know a lot of people. They don't know how to pluck properly. They don't know how to make it look as real as possible. So i really wanted to apply this wig on camera today. So you guys can see it in its true element. If you all are out here, not bleaching, y'all nuts, shame on you! Shame on you, disgusting, i'm joking, i'm! Joking! A lot of people can't do the whole bleaching thing um. I do recommend it. It is better for your health and the well-being of your family sagna, all right, so i'm just going to cut around the the air flap right now. I actually love where this company put their the strap for this behind the ears. A lot of companies put it right here. I hate this, it's just in the way. So i love the fact that this one is not by my temple and it's not on top of my ears. Doesn'T i hope it doesn't cause any tension. I don't think it will, but ciao i'm looking very dense super dense. I know a lot of females like this. Look though they love when their frontal is thick honey. They don't want to hear anything about thin. They don't want to hear anything about 150, 150 density. What i'm going to you already know what i'm gon na do you already know what i'm gon na do like that, like that, oh girl, you're, trying to take my makeup don't play. This is why i hate the color green. That'S why i hate the color green. Always coming for me by the way money isn't green, it's mint and gray. I think i'm going to let this sit for about an hour. It'S like now. Let me stop playing um. It is sucking the brain cells out of my head. Okay, so miss thickens edges are very dense, as you guys can see. You know, but a lot of people like that, i'm not gon na knock it. So i'm going to pull the hair back again because i'm going to be cutting the lace. Finally, very evident very. It'S it's giving very much wig is this speaking to you guys at all, because i haven't heard anything: okay, not that way. We'Re gon na be going this way again. Okay, not that way, um! So we're gon na do like that. Okay, that works that works, but you want it to be pretty slick, so i'm going to be using a lot of water right now. So just make sure everything that needs to be in the ponytail on this side is in the ponytail. So i'm just getting the back part into a slick, long ponytail and i'm making sure that it's really tight, because i do not need the front part to be moving. Foaming moves down on this side of the wig just to keep all the hair out of it. A lot of girls used to do ponytails like this, but this swoop is going to be coming down into my face. So it's gon na be like this. Oh i'm already liking this one thing i love about this wig guys. Not only is it 13x6, but it is also very flat, like you all know, some of those wigs that are really bulky yeah. This is not that and it's so easy to like shape and mold. That'S what i'm loving right now taking it like this and making sure that it goes over my ears, so hold it all right so boom, it's pretty slick, y'all wow wow! I cannot believe it worked that easy. So now i'm gon na, like comb it out to make sure that it is really still flat just make sure you're getting it in the ponytail really tight. So i'm gon na quickly stick this into the ponytail. Oh, this ponytail is so thick guys. What i'm gon na do is take some foaming, mousse and put it on this side and then we're gon na be laying everything flat and i'm going to be playing around with the edges a little bit more on this side, because this is the side that's going To be out and about so laying that part flat and then taking this part out and just curving it, it touches my eyebrows, which is literally insane. Oh, are you guys liking this so far like i'm in love so far like it came out way better than i thought it would, so the next step really would be to take some. This out looks. I know it looks kind of weird and wonky, but i'm going to be taking some hair like this out of the ponytail and we're about to finesse. So when i take this out, i'm going to be detangling it and then i'm going to be spraying it with some water put your head scarf on, or your paper foam for this part, because you're not going to be touching anywhere except for the ponytail for the Next, five minutes, so so it's really wet right now, but that's okay, because we're gon na be doing the wrap around the ponytail. It'S gon na kind of be hard to like show you guys i cuz my mirror is in the front, so you know just wrap it around your ponytail, and so, when that's done, you want to use a bobby pin to kind of set it in place. Bring in the ponytail in front and spray it with some water to revive the curls they're, literally so cute, so guys when this dries, it's going to be very fluffy, very thick, um ooh! So right now it's pretty firm! I'M really liking that this is how it looks in the end. I'M really loving this style. I would definitely do some. You know finagling next time i'll definitely make sure that the back is a little bit more secure and that i have someone helping me because i can't see anything going on making sure it's like smoother, but i'm loving how it looks right now, i'm highly impressed. I did not think it would come out this good for my first time doing this low ponytail swooping faux thing whatever um but yeah. It really does look good. If you guys like this, let me know down below in the comment section. I also like doing high ponies, so that's another thing i could do with a wig this length. Um, that's another benefit of getting a really long, curly wig, which is why i wanted this one because you know it's 13x6, so the parting space looks more natural. It'S long, so you can do a faux ponytail with it and get away with it and it's curly. So when it dries it'll get bigger and the style will look even better, because you know this fake ponytail thing has been a trend for a while and i'm loving every inch of it and another thing too guys um. This would look even better if i plucked it a little bit more, but i really wanted to show you guys how the wig looks coming straight out of the package without plucking it. But i just wanted to show you guys that this wig could be workable without plucking it all i did was bleach it. That'S all because you know y'all know that i am not walking out of the house without my knots bleach. It'S just not happening guys. I'M really loving this look, if you guys are loving it make sure you leave a comment down below letting me know that you liked it and what was your favorite part of this video? If it's my makeup say so, because it's my favorite too, i can't stop. Looking at myself, but anyways guys not to be conceited, but your girl is really feeling herself right now. Thank you guys so much for watching this video make sure to check out this wig down below in the description box and make sure to give me a like and make sure to subscribe to this channel for way more videos. I'Ve been trying to upload more consistently guys, i'm not sure if you pete, but that's what i'm trying to do and i'm trying to bring out different types of content on my channel. So, if you're here for that, make sure to give it a like and stay tuned for more videos make sure to check out my social media platforms, i mean instagram is where it's on and poppin and yes till then stay pretty and stay litty peace.

scorp3o: One of my all time favorite looks of yours!! Just breathtaking

Roxane Bello: Finally , I can’t find a decent frontal sleek ponytail but you telepathically read my mind! Lol Looks gewd! I foresee hella views for this vid

Ether Empress: The makeup was perfect, the ponytail was on prrrrrrrrr

sibyl bryson: Honey Child, your hair & makeup is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing God bless you.

brianna white: Makeup is bomb!!!! I loveeee when you do fancy eyeshadow looks.

Heather Francis: This ponytail is soooo sheik and gorgeous!!!!! A hit!!!!!!

Sharday Weaver: Girllll it looks amazing

Gorgeous Que: Hey hun, now that you’ve done all these lace glue reviews.. which glue do you find yourself using the most?

Tiara Bennett: Beautiful per usual ‍♀️what lace tint spray do you use or do you make ur own??

Glaciaaa R: Sis you look gooddtttt

Melanie Pizarro: I really love your videos. You aura reminds me of Arnell Armon. Your videos are clean & crisp but you’re still very entertaining

Samya Renee: how long did you keep the scarf on it ?

LifeasCaralea: the ponytail looks super cuteee omg scalpiana

April Ridener: i love your personality so much, i had to subscribe

Sizile Tshabalala:

Ismaila M. Vivienne: Hair on prrrrrrrr ☺️

Jhadai McDonald: Y’all see this quality?!!!!

Jasmine Parrish: Ponytail is cute

Phillippa Doyley: You are so beautiful

Shavita Snipe: MG... YEEESSSSS!!! the ponytail is on...PRRRRRRR... PERIOT!!

Romario Henry: ‍♂️

Arthur Barber: WOW,I like your videos, I order the same one from newigstyle..com four days ago, delivery by DHL,wonderful quality !!!

Tara Ayodeji: Can you do a giveaway for any of your hair pieces??

The Official Asmara: holdup sis im a new subscriber and I watched your old videos GIRLLLL ok video and audio quality improvement

Jazzy Girl: Subscribed

Natnice: Wow .you look completely different..damn..looking like Jocelyne..lol

aline fan's: Suscribir compartir

trinkerbell: Why am I just now getting the notification

authentixclub: Ouuu I’m early early bb

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