$15 Dollar Amazon 24" Curly Ponytail Hair Extension

Hey guys... Happy Wednesday I hope you are all staying safe at home. Here is a quick video on how I change up a boring ponytail into a full long moment for only $15 dollars. If you guys want to find out more check out the video and don't forget to like and subscribe


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Title: Short Trip by Roa

Genre and Mood: Dance & Electronic + Happy


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So for today's video, I am going to show you guys how I go from this to this. Hey guys, welcome back to my channel, it's your girl, kill, Lenny and welcome back to another youtube video, first and foremost, I just want to put it out there. I am NOT a hair expert, I don't know anything about hair. I don't know anything about hair extensions. This is just something that I have done before and I actually okay. So I've done this for a while. I you know I've used, ponytails and stuff like that. That I've bought off of Amazon by the way. This is where I get my ponytails from, and I asked like a week ago on my Instagram what you guys really wanted to see here my youtube channel, and somebody said they wanted to see how I do that. Hypo neato, you know the fake ponytail, so I was like that's a great video, but I just want to put it. You know into the universe out there that I am NOT an expert. I don't know like you know like if I say something wrong. I am so sorry, but this is just something that I personally do and I really like how it looks so I'm here to share the knowledge with you guys carrying on with the actual ponytail. This is the ponytail. This is the brand. I guess it's called shakin. Shakin and it comes in this little plastic bag and the ponytail comes with this. Here we have a tool, hair clippers, a hair tie and a little empty bottle. I think this is to pull like water or something I'm not sure. Cuz, I've actually never used it, but I do like the hair tie that it comes with it's very, very tight, very small, and it comes with two hair clippers that helps you. You know lock it in place once you put it on, but I'm gon na show you guys just the way that I do it. It'S pretty quick. So I think it's gon na be like a pretty quick short to the point kind of video. I like those but yeah. Let'S go ahead so pretty much. My hair in the front is all down because I was creating this look on. Ig live with my girl, so if you guys want to check it out the details on this, look make sure you guys go and check me out on my Instagram kalanick a famous here, but so yeah. My hair is pretty much down in the front. So what I'm actually going to do, since I want to do a higher ponytail, I'm just gon na take my brush this brush. I actually, I think it's like a deer brush like a men's spear brush, but I got this brush off on Amazon. Everything is of Amazon, pretty much because I cops us with Amazon, but I'm just gon na take it way higher than what it was. If you guys do seeing my white hair popping out, please excuse me but haven't been able to dye it with. Sadly, being close, that's where I buy my paradigm but um, so I'm gon na make it as high as I want to, and I want to pretty high and then I'm gon na take the hair tie and just pretty much go around it. Maybe like three times just to make it like super tight, maybe four and there we have it super tight whoo and then I'm just gon na like make sure that all the hairs are down over here same thing in the back. Okay. So now that we have the ponytail there, this is my hair right here I am going to take out the actual ponytail and I'm gon na show you guys. Okay. So now, I'm gon na show you guys the ponytail. She is a 24 inch ponytail. She is dark brown with a little bit of reddish. I guess that's what he's called she's pretty long when I really love her she's super soft. I this ponytail is $ 15.99 on Amazon and, if you have, unless on prime you get it in two days and love that okay, so the ponytail, this is what it looks like in the back. It comes with a hair clip right here and this hair clip. That'S what you're gon na take and put it like on top of yours, pretty much I'll show you guys, and it comes with the attachment that you're gon na put all around turn on your hair. It is easier for me to show you guys them to actually like say it, but okay, so I'm going to take the ponytail and I am going to the hair clip. Remember the hair clip. I am going to clip it right there right there and then this part right here, I'm going to put one right here and then this I'm going to put them this, I'm going to put it all around it in the back. Look back like so and then just go around it right here on that area, so you can grab your hair, then around it OOP. Something fell on my face so here around it and around it, and then you're gon na have like this hair piece. So now what you're going to do is grab it and take one of the hair clips that it comes with or one that you have. You can see my mic pull you guys, I'm trying to open this hair clip and just clip that hair back there, and then you can put the other one if it's too heavy, it's usually like a lot of hair. So I try to put two to really like secure it and you guys that's it. That'S literally it like there's really not much to it and if I really want to like I'm gon na show you guys like a little, how I comb my hair in the front and how I take my little hairs out over here. But that is pretty much. It you guys she's a cute moment like she's a real cute moment, and what I do is if I have any like little hairs out here. I take this diva curl beautiful mess, it's kind of like a pomade. I want to say it looks like this and it is to like define your curls and stuff, but it's really. They keep puts your heads in place, but it doesn't do it like harsh. So I take this little brush that I actually got on Amazon as well, and I dip it, which is why it looks like this over here. I dip it and I take the excess on like the cap and I pretty much go and comb my little hairs. Wow and what I love about it is that he does not live my hair like hard. It'S still super soft, and then I did this. I take my little baby hairs out on this side. Like I said before, she is $ 15.99 on Amazon. She is a cute moment. Let me see if I can try to get up a little bit and show you go further out. This is oh, that's my microphone and put my microphone a little bit lower, but this is how far it goes. It goes all the way like past's, I guess my my boobies okay, so I'm gon na turn around and show you guys from the back what he looks like. So that's what she looks from the back she's, pretty long 24, inches really cute moment in case. I did not mention this is the dark brown with a little bit of reddish. It is literally the perfect shade for me. It doesn't feel like uncomfortable. I will say, though I don't think this is like the best hair. You might know how to explain. Okay, so I have a little history with it. I went out and I got Liddy and I came home and I was Liddy and I went to sleep within the next day. It was just a whole mess, so if you are going to like take care of it and like take it out and put it nicely, then I'm pretty sure that this will last you. This is of actually a brand new one that I bought used to do this review, because I did have another one and I had to throw it away because it was just in not, and if I try, if you try to like comb it, it loses the Curls that they have in there or like the waviness or whatever, so it was just a mess. So that's all I'm gon na say like if you're trying to like I mean if you're trying to buy it's 15 dollars, so it's 16 hours. So if you're trying to buy and have a good time it's at the time, but if you're trying to actually wear it more time and but if you're trying to wear a few times, then you have to take care of it. Make sure that you take it off but make sure that you don't sleep with it, make sure that you don't like you know, you don't know too much like it's a cute moment. Leave it there have a good time, but when you get home put it away so that it stays nice, but I really love this ponytail. It'S just it just gives me a moment. It makes anything, look like just better. It gives you more hair. It has a ton of hair, it's like a lot of hair, so I really really love it actually, when I wear my friends really like that, they love that they were like. Oh, my god, some of my friends didn't even know it wasn't my hair because it literally looks like spot on, like with my hair, like where is my hair in there you guys see my hair because my hair is in there by the way you guys remember. I have my ponytail okay, so here's my hair. This is my actual hair and then this is the ponytail hair. You see what I'm saying like it. Just it is the perfect. It'S just so perfect, it's in between those the ponytail, so it loses its visibility. I guess my national hair, so I just love it. I love it so much. I really hope that you guys enjoyed it. If you guys did make sure to. Let me know down below if you guys have tried this ponytail. If you guys have tried any other. Ponytails are better. Let me know, because I'm I really do love ponytails. They save. They have saved me a lot of times when I'm going out and I hear the mess. I don't know what to do and I want to do a bun, so this comes in handy for sure. So let me do. Let me know down below if you guys like this video. Let me know anything. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions, if you guys have any better ways to put it on like. Let me know because, like I said, I am NOT a professional like I don't know much about it. This is just something that I do and you guys really wanted to see it on my Instagram. So I hope that you guys really enjoyed this video make sure to give me a like and subscribe to my channel, because you guys know that you guys want to come back to your girl, because we have videos everywhere, Wednesdays and Sundays. So yeah make sure you guys subscribe turn those Bonnie vacations on. So you guys are notified every time I post a video, so you guys don't miss it, and I will see you guys on my next video on Sunday, so good, bye, good, bye, good, bye like a moment a moment of it.

Maria Langlois: Pretty ponytail extension..I don’t own any wigs/extensions but this one is so pretty on you. Looks so natural. But I have my 14yr old daughter checking out amazon for clip on bangs . Thank you for sharing @cofeeelover11

Znajoma Dziewczyna: Oh my God! You look beautiful in this video

Fatima-Zahra Real Madrid: you loooook fabulous I loooooooove you Girl keep it going

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