Watch Me Slay My Sisters Long Crinkled Ponytail Extension | Krystal Kinslow



Instagram: krystal_kinslow

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Hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel, so we're just gon na get straight into the video, as you guys can already see by the title. I am going to be doing a long straight ponytail extension on my sister's hair. Well, it's like crinkled. I straighten it. First then crinkle it, but you get the gist of the gist. So yes, I'm gon na be doing this point so extension. I know in my last video I said that I was gon na start. This facial series, where I was gon na, be doing facials on people because I am an esthetician school and I do a lot of facials on people, so I'm still gon na be doing those. But I just never mentioned to you guys that I also do other people's hair. You guys seen videos of me doing my own hair different stuffs on my own hair, but I also do other people's hair are mostly braids. This is like, I said it's my first time doing pointy-toe extension on someone else, because I've done a lot on myself. You can look at previous videos, but this is my first time doing it on someone else. This is my sister right here that I'm doing it on and I think it came out pretty bomb for my first time doing it on another person. It was nice and slick just how she wanted it so yeah. I think I did pretty good but yeah. So when I do like hair B doesn't stuff, I'm mostly gon na be doing like braid tutorials, because that's what I usually do on videos and stuff and yeah and then also I never once called ecology school. I'M not a cosmetologist, I'm not a professional hair. Straightener hairstylist, none of that hair, braider um. So don't you know, come for me or anything. If I'm doing anything wrong, I just do it how I've learned how to do it and it works for me so yeah, and I also want to talk about this flat iron that I'm using. This is a flattering sent to me by a company and the company's name is Lea her company. I don't know how you pronounce it. It'S bill, l, ee Hur, so, however, you pronounce it. I I just care about it, but the flat iron is a karate flatiron and it's a really really cute Flatiron. It comes in multiple colors and it's a two-in-one flutter, and actually so you can use it as a flat iron or you can use it as a curling iron, which is very convenient. You can see like it's kind of like rounded, so if I wanted to curl over here with it, I can also do that and it's just a really cool flat iron like I said they have a bunch of different colors. So if you want to order it - and you don't like the rose gold color that I have you get in black, they have gray, they have like a purple. Color blue there's a few colors that they have and they're all really really cute. The flat iron gets up to four hundred and forty six degrees, which is pretty hot, usually flutters get up to 450. The hottest I've seen is 450, but so 446 is right up there with it. And yes, so it's really convenient because you like, if you're on the go or anything and you don't want to bring your flat iron and your curling iron. You can just bring this right here and it works in as a two-in-one. So I think it's pretty cool to use and yeah you're, also gon na see about people coming in and out because wears out of my bedroom. So her son, my nephew, her boyfriend everybody's just coming inside, of the the room and you know - and so it in my video, but it's okay, so yeah. So I'm not gon na really talk throughout the video. I just wanted to kind of do a little introduction and explain a couple of things and let you guys know about this beautiful flat iron and yeah also her hair. It was kind of greasy because she wasn't planning on wearing it down anyway, so she didn't like really squeaky clean it. So um the saw her hair kind of look a little stiff. You know then come for her. She just got a little grease in her hair, but yeah ash wants to explain a little part awesome, but you see her hair got really really flat from that flat iron. So imagine if I was doing, I really like sleek middle part, straight slick straighten the hair. Then the Flatiron will work perfect for that, so yeah, so yeah, I'm gon na stop talking now, because now I'm just rambling and I'll. Let you guys watch the rest of the video you

Carla Foster: You did a good job.Her hair looks really pretty.

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