Tone Your Abs/Waist & Arms! • 30 Minute Upper Body Workout At Home • Holiday Glow Guide Day 4

This 30 minute at home workout will teach you how to lose belly fat, slim your waistline, and sculpt into your shoulders and triceps for a lean and shredded upper body! This routine will help you build strength in your core and arms at home using a set of light weight dumbbells.

Ready to feel the burn in your core and arms!? Hit play and let's get started!


1. Lighter pair of dumbbells for your upper body (arms)

NOTE: If you do not own a set of weights, you can still join in by grabbing two filled water bottles as substitute! Remember, any movement is better than none at all :)


45 Seconds Work :: 15 Seconds Rest

x3 Main Circuits

Circuit 1: 10 Min - Upper & Lower abs burn

Circuit 2: 10 Min - Waistline/Obliques targeted

Circuit 3: 10 Min - Shoulders & Triceps

This workout is the second NEWEST workout of my Holiday Glow Guide series which is designed to help you build strength, lean out, and feel incredible for the holidays with 13 strength, endurance, and/or cardio based workouts on a 3 days per week basis!

To participate all you need to do is download the HOLIDAY GLOW GUIDE from the link below and complete the calendar! There are clickable links to each day, and I will also provide a playlist for you here on the channel.


In preparation for your workouts, I would recommend doing this:

After you've completed your workout, don't forget to stretch with this:







• While we CAN use exercises to tighten and tone targeted muscles, we cannot spot treat fat. To lose fat, I recommend being in a MODEST calorie deficit (no more than 500 calories per day). Don't overdo it! Undercutting your calorie intake can actually result in a slower metabolism and slower muscular development. Opt for nutrient dense, whole foods and avoid processed or frozen foods.

• Include a source of protein with each of your meals or snacks. This will help you build muscle and keep your energy and hunger cravings stable.

• Be sure you are staying HYDRATED. Ladies, 2.7L (91oz) of water per day. Men, 3.7L (125oz) per day.

• Start your day with 16oz of water to kickstart your metabolism, and an additional 4-8oz every 15-20 minutes during your workout.

Need a protein shake and don't know what to get? Feel free to use what I use! Find my products by following the links below and using the discount code TONE10 for 10% off your order!

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Good morning, ladies and welcome back to the channel for our second new holiday glow guide, workout today is a 30 minute fat burn for our arms and our abs, where i'm going to help you lose belly. Fat shrink, the waistline and sloped into the shoulders and triceps for a lean and shredded upper body for equipment. Today, all you'll want to have is your lighter set of dumbbells anywhere from three to eight pounds or two filled water bottles of substitute? Don'T forget to grab your free workout guide from the links in the description smash that thumbs up button for me to help me reach more people subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and let's get ready for our brutal upper body, burn all right, everybody, i'm Really excited about today's workout: it's definitely got a nice flow to. It should be pretty easy to follow, but we are going to fire up those abs. We'Ve got three main circuits to cover circuit number, one we're going to be going 10 minutes into the upper and lower abs going deep into the core circuit number. Two we're gon na go straight into the waistline, slimming and trimming there, and then our final circuit is dedicated to those arms, the triceps and the shoulder area. We'Re gon na burn them out. So for these first two circuits, you don't need any weights. 45. Second, exercises with 15 seconds rest and we're getting started in a tabletop position. So right here wanting to have your feet planted on the mat we come down to our backs now bring those hands behind the head. Squeeze the belly button in we're gon na lift one leg at a time and we're gon na crunch up for two and down for two beginners. You can have your feet flat on the mat getting started in three and two and one let's go so hands behind the head. Let'S come up into that tabletop. If you can come up for two and down for two breathing out as you come up and breathing in as you come down, now, keep those elbows wide for me and try to bring those shoulders up off the mat. Our first three minutes are essentially activating your abs and then we're gon na take it to the next level. So it's going to start off a little bit slower and then we go up up up up up all the way to the end, lift for two and lower for two. We'Ve got 15 seconds left here and then we're going to keep going through each exercise. It'S gon na have a flow, so we're gon na stay in similar positions. While we work different things in five four three two one i want you to lower down now bring those knees in real, quick. Let'S just come out of that extension and we are going back into that position now this time. What we're going to do is extend that left leg, as we crunch come in, extend the right crunch come in in two and one. Let'S go point. Those toes extend and lift and in extend and lift and keeping those elbows wide, keeping that belly button sucked in this is gon na start to fire things up. You'Re gon na start to feel it here now. I only want you coming out at that 45 degrees. Okay, keep going beginners, you can just crunch up bring a knee in crunch. Up bring a knee in whatever you have to do to modify is not a problem for me. I just want you to keep on going and feel that burn, lift, extend, lift, extend 45 degrees, pointing those toes keeping your back flat against the mat and lifting up as best you can. I want you to lift that chest up off the ground, we're engaging our upper and lower three two last one on that right and bring those knees in all right, amazing job, everyone, this time, we're gon na bring the legs straight up, now, keep your hands behind Your head here we're gon na bring that right leg down we're gon na lift and lower so same exercise working things differently. Let'S go breathe out, breathe in breathe out breathe in beginners. You can have your leg at a 45 degree. Otherwise i want that leg as low as you can get it without having any gap between the mat and your back. So you want to be glued to that mat as you lift and lower. We are going to switch this up in five four three two one take the right elbow to the left knee for five four three, two last one and now bring those hands behind the shin and pulse the bottom leg for five, four three squeeze two and one Bring those legs up give yourself a little hug, have a moment and bring them back up into the air. This time, extending the left leg down, hands behind the head in five and four in three two one: we lift the shoulders up and we lower. This is going to engage the lower abs, which we are about to burn up like crazy. Okay, keep going squeeze and lower, lift and lower a few more here and then we're going to go into those cross crunches, and then we do those pulses. Oh, my core is already on fire guys last one and bring that elbow across for five four three, two last one hands behind the shin: lift the chest and pump for five four three: two one and bring it in okay, so we're staying right here! I want you to bring your hands into a diamond shape now you're gon na bring them right below the tailbone and we're gon na lift the chest up. If you can, from here we're gon na flex the feet we press towards the ceiling and we come into a tabletop position, lift and lower great job, lift and lower. Now, if you are not a beginner you're intermediate you're advanced, you want to make this harder you're going to extend the legs out and then lift up keeping the chest lifted, working those upper abs working the lower abs. Now, when we have our head down, it can be a little bit easier on the neck. Absolutely so, if you need to, you could drop it down, but this is going to help force the upper abs too. Squeeze and extend. We'Ve got three more exercises. Essentially, in this position, and then we switch things up, squeeze extend ten nine, eight seven you're, almost there lift higher five four three two and bring it in and bring that head down just have a moment. We are going into our next exercise. So for this one i actually do want your head to stay on. The mat hands are still in that diamond shape. You'Re gon na bring one knee in press up and alternate one knee in press up. Let'S go bicycle. We'Re bicycle heel, pressing you're gon na feel this in that lower ab area like crazy. It'S also gon na work into that mid line because you're going deep enough, transverse abdominis to be able to lift your legs up as high as you can towards the ceiling get that booty up off the ground. I want everything from you right now. I want to see your power, i want to see your strength and i think you want to see that too so keep on going, lift up, squeeze and squeeze work for it, sweat for it feel, for it feel those abs, you're, gon na see them pop. The more work you do, eight, seven, six, five, four three last one on the other side, take it up and lower it down amazing job everyone, one more exercise in this position: hands stay in that diamond shape. If you can lift that chest, otherwise keep it down. Beginners you're going to be up here, advance, bring them down we're going to flutter, free and heel to top break now hold at the bottom for three two one come out and in for eight seven, six, five, four three two one wow that burn now hold and Flutter leg crosses eight seven, six, five, four three, two one and whole now out and in for eight seven, six, five, four three two one and hold last flutter, eight, seven, six, five, four three two and one bring the knees in for me. We'Ve got three more exercises for the upper and lower abs. If you want, you can use weights for this next exercise. We'Re gon na start on our back feet are flat. We lift punch two three four and roll two. Three four we're started up: two three four and roll. Two, three four keep your feet flat on the mat. It'S gon na make it harder to do that working into that sit-up. You can do this without the weights. Absolutely all it's gon na do is increase the intensity, which i think you guys know by now, i'm a pretty big fan of increasing the intensity. Four three: two one and down two three: four: four: three: two one and down two: three: four great job: one: two: three: four and down two: three: four: last time: two: three: four and roll: two, three four finish with those rolls: two more sit. Ups, there we go feel that burn last one and you can lower those weights if you were using them using them over to the side and if you weren't well great flip over. For me, we're gon na go into a downward dog into a bear plank. So for this hands are right below the shoulders come up onto those toes. We lift the hips up. We come down and bend the knees. Let'S go, lift coming down, bending those knees, tapping the mat and coming back up great job. So now we're stretching things back out, because we were just in quite a few positions that were creating a lot of tension on us right. However, we're still working the lower abs as we come into that fair plank and only hover the knees you're just tapping the mat do not come down, do not rest on the mat. Just keep on going stay strong for me, lift and tap that mat in three. In two in one i want you to hold in this position here for the last seven seconds. Okay, you've got five four three squeeze those abs in two and one come down next exercise. Beginners, you can stay on your knees. You can actually relax them on the mat here. Same thing, same motions, but we're gon na come back up into that bear plank. If you can give it your best and in three in two and one you should be in position hold for four three. Two on one left knee to left elbow hold ten second hold. We'Ve got four of them. Squeeze those abs in five, four three two one right knee to right elbow face straight down at the mat. Keep those abs engaged lower that knee down. As far as you can to the mat three two on one left knee to right elbow, hold touch the elbow squeeze there for five four three, two one and right knee left elbow hold last ten seconds. You'Ve got seven seconds. Five seconds keep holding three two one and lower it down stretch those arms out quickly going straight into our waist circuit. My hair is like falling out of this ponytail right now, so we're gon na extend our left leg out towards the side foot faces forward. Let'S bring those hand up hands up form a candle stick with your fingers. For me, we come down for two and lift for two. Let'S get started if you didn't start already we're just flowing through this workout, the breaks are pretty minimal because we are changing positions. You know we're getting ready for the next position, so keep going with me work hard. This is our second circuit, so we are already 10 minutes in you. Come down for two and up for two now tuck those hips under squeeze those glutes squeeze the abs. In so so so, tight you're pulling up through that waistline, okay, so come down and lift great job in three two one. I'M going to hold to the side hold here now lower, now lower pulse for five four three two last one and lift it up all right. You'Ve got a 15. Second rest. Keep that left leg out for me. We'Ve got one more exercise here just to fire. It up just a little bit further. Okay, so we're gon na bring those hands up palms are facing away from you, bring the right arm out to the side. We tap the wrists and lift up swan dive. They call it a swan dive all right. So this exercise funny story about it. I used to do it all the time loved it completely forgot about it. It tends to happen as you look for new exercises. You try new routines, i'm always bringing you new things. Well, i did it again. I think it was two weeks ago i stumbled into it and the very next day my obliques were absolutely on fire, so dip down as low as you can, because you're gon na feel this one tomorrow, when you laugh, keep going down for two and lift for Two, you are doing such a great job. Two and two now come down: keep those palms facing out and pulse for ten nine, eight, seven lower six, five, four three two and one come up all right. We'Re switching sides yeah! I feel it there so we're gon na take that right, leg out and we're gon na bring our hands overhead going back into the original candlestick ones, all right in three two one we come down for two. We lift for two exhale for two inhale for two enjoy this one. This is just the beginning of our waist circuit. This is gon na get so much harder as we go through, because you know i like to take you from that minimal burn. You feel it a little bit all the way to the very extreme keep going down for two and lift for two, and this is part of our holiday glow guide right. So we want to feel good. Did you notice, i'm wearing a green top? I did that for a reason. Merry christmas am i allowed to say that i don't even know anymore keep going and lifting in three and two and one i want you to take it down. We pulse for five, four, three, two one and lift it up. Oh all right, shake those arms out. I feel like we're getting a shoulder. Workout just doing this right, like i feel it there do. You feel warm there. Okay, so we're gon na bring those hands up. The palms are away from you and squeeze those abs in left. Arm comes down out towards the side, we tap the wrists and we lift this arm stays exactly where it is. The only thing moving right now should be your waistline you're, squeezing there tucking the hips forward, making sure not to arch the spine, you're, just leaning and lifting keep those palms out. It should feel pretty it kind of feels silly, but it also feels kind of pretty right. Don'T you feel, like you're, just dancing, tap and lift. Imagine if you went to a party and dance like this they'd be like what is she doing? Oh, it's just how she dances, keep going ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five and four three two and one. I want you to lean down and pulse for five four lower three two one and lift it up shake those arms out. For me, we're gon na go into a standard russian twist, so something that we're all familiar with here. We do it like every routine right, because it really does work wonders for the waistline, so feet are gon na stay flat on the mat, bring those hands in front straighten them out. For me, this time you come to the side. Tap come to the left tap twisting those obliques feel that burn in your side, abs, so we've got, we've got two pretty basic exercises that we've done a million times before, followed by things that you have not seen and the reason i include different exercises. All the time is for one to challenge you so that you don't get bored and the one. The reason i include the same ones is not just because i know them because you can see the progress that you've made now, if you want to make this harder, bring those legs into a tabletop position, point those toes and even harder than that, of course, straighten Them out and keep on twisting in five and four in three two one. You are done with that exercise, this time beginners, you can come onto your back you're, going to do a standard, bicycle crunch across and extend, or just take that extension out and crunch across. Otherwise, hands come behind the head, straighten those feet out in front of you. We bicycle across in this decent position. Yes, we do squeeze that elbow in towards me. Squeeze those abs in breathe out as you crunch across. You can do this. If you want to try this and you're just starting out, you can have one hand behind and simply alternate okay, so anyone can do this, you just have to want it. All you have to do is want it. If you want it bad enough, you want to be able to do it. You probably can okay, unless you have some sort of injury, in which case i would say, okay, maybe avoid that, but keep squeezing that elbow across the knee amazing job. You'Ve got 15 seconds. Keep working hard lean back even further. There we go. I feel this in the lower in the obliques. It burns five, four three really twist, two last one: oh, my goodness, and we're coming down to our back. So this is a new exercise that i've i've picked up and i love it for obliques. So we're gon na come down and lift those legs up into a table top position feet come together. Knees come out wide hands behind the head. Now lift that chest. We squeeze to the right we squeeze to the left, oh yeah, so the goal here is to try to bring your elbow past that knee all right. I want you to tap it squeeze it and over to the other side in four in three in two in one squeeze you're squeezing right here now pulse ten, nine, eight, seven, six five get further three two one end to the other side and pulse ten. Nine. Eight seven six, five, four three two one and just hold in the center - bring those knees in and lower those feet down to the mat. Oh wow yeah that one it like brutalizes your side, abs, all right! So our next exercise. We did this in our last routine actually, but we're going to alternate it so hands come behind the head. Keep those feet flat on the mat we lift. We twist come down. We lift we twist come down alternating the sides, lift twist right and down lift twist left and down. Keep those elbows super wide for me. Lift the chest up off the ground, get those shoulders off the mat. You can do this amazing, absolutely incredible job if you've made it this far, and i know this isn't the easiest workout. Actually, none of mine really are the easiest workout, because the easiest workout is not the one that's going to make those changes, especially if you're looking for definition, which also - and i told someone on here recently - protein is a big factor in that too. You cannot build muscle without taking in enough protein, keep going five four three two and one lower your head down to the mat. Okay, we've got our favorites or my favorite personally, we're going into our side planks and, of course, i'm gon na mix it up. For you now, beginners just have your hand under the shoulder right here hold here and then just follow along otherwise advanced intermediate stage of the feet or stack now hold for five four, three, two on one. I want you to lift that leg now hold for five. Four, you got this three two on one hand: behind the head crunch for ten nine eight keep going hips in alignment, lift those obliques up. Five. Four, my arm shaking two three two on one we're gon na come down and lift extend down crunch, lift, extend four three you've got ta finish it two and one lower yourself down. Ouchy we've got one more side to do, though. Yes, it's a trap because you do have to finish the other side, because you don't want to have like uneven abs right. No, i don't want you to have on even out so, let's even you out we're coming on. To that hand, beginners you're, just gon na lift that leg up if you can and squeeze otherwise just hold here, stagger the feet hold for five four harder than that bring them on top of each other. Two on one, you lift that leg hold for five. Four lift the obliques up three: two on one hand, behind the head. We crunch for ten nine, eight point that toe seven six, five, oh four, you got three more in you, two and one you remember. What'S next, we dip crunch extend for another four another. Three, oh man, two and one all right, lower yourself down. I hope that killed your side, abs and your obliques. You are gon na feel that tomorrow and if you don't mop, do it again and we're gon na go into our arm circuit now. So i want you to grab one of your weights, singular you're, going to bring it right between your hands. Here. Elbows come out wide at shoulder height, we lift squeeze the elbows together and come down all right, so we lift squeeze and lower no arching in the back tuck those hips under squeeze the abs in squeeze up and lower. You guys are killing it right now. This is gon na, be it's gon na start up pretty easy. All right. I'D like to think that the first couple exercises are like all right, no problem, i get you geared up and then i'm just gon na finish. You off now come up and squeeze and pulse up and down for ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four three two one now bring the elbows out and pump for five four three: two finish it one and lower it down. Okay, our next exercise grab both of those weights for me still just kind of warming up the arms and we're going to come into a curl out and extension in. So we come out towards the sides. Palms come back in lean and lift those arms up. I will show you from the side here one two, three four lean: it forward: squeeze those abs in and concentrate on, squeezing those triceps at the top triceps is the back of the arms, so the bingo wings, the bat wings. When i was younger, i used to call them lunch. Lady arms - oh that sounds kind of cruel, though so i took that out of the library, keep going lift, squeeze and curl on out. Keep those elbows tucked in towards the waist another 15 seconds. You'Ve got a few more reps of you, three on one we're gon na come to the back. We hold for the last four three two one and lower those weights down for just a second shake the arms out. It'S gon na get harder from here everybody! So we're actually gon na grab one of those weights one more time. If you want you can use both you're gon na bring that weight behind the head. Now squeeze the elbows in we come down and squeeze up come down and squeeze up tuck those hips underneath rib cage is down, shoulders are down. All we are doing is working the triceps now something i used to do is i'd. Have my elbows out here. It'S not really working the same thing. It'S not great for your form, so you're gon na squeeze those elbows in we're gon na kind of concentrate on that for right. Now now squeezing the elbows in while you extend those arms up and squeezing the back of the arms yes, there you go, feels different right, keep going in three and two in one i'm going to dip down. We pulse for ten nine, eight, seven, six, five. Four three two and one great job, still one weight for this exercise, but it burns like a you know what i won't say. The word i don't know if youtube will get mad at me for that, but we're gon na bring our hands out towards the front into a front raise from here. We circle behind the head, come to the front circle behind the head come to the front. Let'S go now try to keep that weight as close to the back of your head as possible, without actually hitting yourself in the head, because i would hate to see you do that which i've definitely done, and actually there was one time i was filming right. So i was making a short video and i taped my phone to the ceiling. I was like this would be a great angle. Well, i was picking up a weight and a dust bunny fell on my face and i panicked and i dropped the weight on my like. There are accidents that happen. That can be avoided, so don't hit yourself in the back of the head. Keep going five four! Three two on one and when you come to the front now hold and twist for five for four four three, two last one and lower it down all right now for the next few exercises. If you have super super light weights, you can absolutely use those because you're still really gon na feel it or you could go with no weights at all. But what we're gon na do here is we're gon na take it into a front raise twist and lower. Let'S go up twist lower now i don't want you to bring your arms all the way down. I want you to give me everything. You'Ve got. This is your workout. These are your results. This is your progress. This is what you want and what you came here for right. You came here for a sweat. You see my hair falling out of the ponytail on a sweaty mess. I'M here doing this, for you, i'm here doing it, because i love to inspire you to motivate you to feel that adrenaline rush, you're going to get by the end, keep going lift twist lower work for it get it everything keep going. You'Ve got 15 seconds, lift those arms up, no matter what you can keep going. If you have to drop the weights, you can still move your arms. It is one thousand percent the mind that gives up the body will keep going. If you tell yourself how you've got this four five, four, three two and one all right, we are still doing some raises we're going to switch it up this time, no twisting, but we're going to lift and we're going to lower keep your back straight in three. Two one: if you want to do this in standing by the way you one thousand percent, can no problem, keep the shoulders down. I say it in every video. Don'T want you to do this, so bring them down you're, not hunchbacks of notre dame. Do you remember that movie, that's one of my favorites growing up and it was between. Did we go see when that movie came out? It was harriet the spy and hunchback of notre dame and it took me three hours to decide which movie i wanted to see it and it ended up being hunchback noted on because i don't know, esmeralda was cool, keep going talking to you about disney princesses trying To keep your mind off this burn, oh my goodness! Yes, it hurts now in three in two and one lift it up pump for eight seven, six, five, four, three two and one lower down i'm using three pound weights right now and my arms are like they feel like they're gon na fall off. But i'm doing this with you so stay with me, we're not done yet. We are very close to the end, though. We'Ve got three more exercises so this time we're gon na come into an overhead press, come down and forward rotation. If you have rotator cuff issues, please do not do that rotation just take it into those presses, lift lower rotate back light weights for this or no weights at all, ribcage down tuck those ribs under squeeze those abs in and breathe, breathe through it and enjoy it. We are so close to the end, my friends up, extend down and forward for ten for nine and eight seven. Six keep on going work hard. Four three two last one now hold out to the side for four three, two and one all right, so we're gon na do a different exercise here. It is very different from what we've done before, so the back of your hand is going to be facing up. I want your elbows out towards the side. The weights come by your shoulder, we're going to press out towards the side on the left and over to the right squeeze and lower squeeze and lever we're working into the triceps. I want to lift that arm up nice and high and press for ten nine. Eight seven keep going six, keep the elbows high four three and two and one we're going to double time it. Ten nine, eight seven six palms are facing out five four. You should be feeling it now. Three two one now hold hold at the top turn: the palms up pump; ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four three, two one and lower all right back into our goal post this time we come into that 90 degree position we're going to come out, we're going To come to the front, come back post press, let's go out, come in come back, post, press down and out come forward, come back 90 degrees and press keeping those elbows high. It is really tough for me to do right now. Not gon na lie to you. My arms aren't fine they're, actually shaking they feel crazy. Warm i'm telling myself to keep going. I need you to keep going too come forward back and press in five four three, two one. I want you to take it on the left. Four: five straight in the right right arm: four: three: two one left arm out right arm up five: four: three: two last one and lower those arms down all right. Our final exercise you're gon na, like this one, it's body weight only, but it's still gon na burn like crazy, so we're gon na bring those hands out towards the side. If you want, you come into position now, but i'm sure you're like over here going like this, because that's exactly what i want to do in three two: one palms up: we pump up for ten nine, eight slow, seven straighten the arms six five, as straight as You can get them three. Two one palms down ten nine eight seven feel the burn. Six. Five, four, three: two on one circle: back ten, nine, eight, seven shoulders down: six: five wow four: oh my god, three, two one! We take it forward for ten nine eight you're. Almost there, seven six, you can hear my voice going four three two and one shake the arms out. Don'T forget to do your cooldown find me on tick-tock on instagram follow there. I'Ve got new exercises for you every day. Thank you for joining me. Don'T forget your guide from the links in the description. It'S gon na help. You stay fit all the way through the month of december, and i will see you for our next workout. Congratulations. Everyone on making it to your workout. I hope you enjoyed that burn as much as i did now. Don'T forget that i've, given you a free workout guide in the links in the description, all you have to do is open that up and follow the clickable links to each day in the schedule that i've, given you and that's, going to help you stay fit and Motivated all the way, through the month of december now next week, we've got a brand new, lower body. Workout, coming up, it's going to be body weight only we're going to cover the glutes, the thighs, the hamstrings, everything there we are covering it. So don't miss that subscribe to the channel turn your notifications on smash that thumbs up button for me to help me reach more people and if you missed day one from the holiday glow guide, we'll just stay tuned to the end, because i'm gon na link it Out right on the screen here, all right: everyone thanks for joining me and have a great day,

Tina Blakely: Absolutely loved it! It is amazing how the body weight exercises at the end burn do darn much! Still struggled with side planks. I will get them though! And since you wore your green top I wore knee high Christmas socks. And by golly you sure can say merry christmas!! Thank you for another wonderful workout. Did this one along with a few other workouts so got in almost an hour and a half. That's what happens when you have to play catch up from rest day-lol. Looking forward to next Wednesdays workout!

Tamara Currier: OMG! That was intense! That workout will be on repeat. I wanted to give up so many times, but I made it!!

Tone With Tiffany Quinn: How are we feeling this week, everyone!? How did you like the new waist exercises!?

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