Bloom Bundle Hair | This Ponytail Shook Me!! | Quick Ponytail + Cheap Bundle Review

I tried out this synthetic bundle. The Bloom Bundle in color 1 and the style bohemian wave. I tell you the facts about the hair and compare it to it's straight counterpart. I didn't try to slay this at first and I wish I did cause this was actually a cute look. Next time, I'll go hard for ya'll.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think and if you've tried the hair before.

I'Ve tried several times to film is, but I keep getting super steady because I just didn't mean to snap that's hard. I didn't mean to gold is hard for myself, but it is 2020, and that is what we're doing all 2020 so like. Why would I not expect that hey guys, it's your girl, Tara, Jean coming to you with this ponytail coming to this vibe? Coming to you with the looks this is so I just wanted to try out this ponytail that I got for around ten dollars. It was specifically was 1199. I look crazy right now. I don't look crazy. Stop perpetuating that standard that my natural hair makes me look wild, but I just have a hairstyle that I have in mind that I want to want to do today. I want to do a well. You guys probably saw it in the beginning, but at this video, but I want to do a hello, sleek ponytail, it's hard for me to get my hair, really slick down sort of charb best and you guys going toward out hopefully turned out well enough. Cuz, your girl be having lumps and bumps - and this is an old twist out - and I just had a side part. I'M gon na keep the side part and I'm just gon na use. My continuous spray bottle. I'M gon na use some eco styler, so the hair that I'm using is this bloom bundle, but this is the bloom bundle Bahama wave, it's the color is one and it says his heat safe up to 400°. I don't plan on curling, my hair. I just want to do a cute low pony, as I've already stated, let's get into this type, let's get er done so at this point I've done my hair. I didn't super slick it down because it doesn't really bother me if my hair is not super slick depending on the look, if it ain't, where I'm going things like that things like that, so that doesn't really bother me as much. So this is the bundle it's the bloom bundle in the Bahama wave. This is 36 inches, I'm gon na our magnetics, because I don't know I just like it like. I just I just had a vision of me being a long fresh chiles. You know it hits about. It hits like just packed up with me, so yeah, so what I've done now after I chose it. I just tied it down and I took my hair and I, like my hair, is really thick, so I banded it with my ponytail holder and then I wrapped it in one of the yeah just one of the rap strips and now I'm going to wrap this Around that and I'm gon na use hair glue. The bundle is it's obviously synthetic because ain't, no we're gon na go for $ 11.99. But, oh my god like it's so soft, it's not tinkling! It'S! Oh my gosh! So, if you ever wanted to like use this here, I also have the straight hair, and I have a video of me using the straight hair - that's straight here, the straight. What, anyway, the straight hair, I found tangled a little bit more nose and it was a little harder to ma'am. It smells like what is this, my like some like plastic? Okay, let's try this over. The wept was folly, which is why I had to take it out, even though the West was falling. I just love this bundle. This is just so pretty it's so soft. It'S just putting hair glue on it and I let it get tacky a little bit. I'M gon na take some glue. Okay now the bundle has has been completed to the other side. So I can show you because it ended over here. I'M gon na take a little bit and put it on a hair dry it a little bit so that it gets tacky like your sister's wardrobe and we're gon na stick it down. I wan na take a small piece from the bottom, so it's wrapped around a mess up honey. Tail now, like I said my hair is not super sleek. So if that's your thing or if that's like your got ta, have it super sleek. If you're going out - and you just you know, if I was the one out, I would have worked harder to make my hair sleek, but this literally took me 15 minutes total without talking and like dancing and whatnot and girl baby this this $ 10. I know you lying and then yeah I'm gon na deal with girl. You went out with the girls you gon na watch your book. This is day night who won't [ __ ] you who won't strike you? Oh no, I might've just done did something. This is a vibe y'all and don't get me wrong like it's not perfect, like I didn't, do it in a way that would like. I didn't do it perfectly, but, oh, my goodness, this is so much you are they let's discuss. This ponytail makes me feel like who is she your new stepmother? Yes, yes, I am okay, let's talk about it. Y'All cuz, something white got a janella bun to one, and this is the one for that. But let's talk about the hair. Let'S talk about. The bundle is how about this look. Look. Let'S come in. Let'S talk hey, so I just want to do a really quick look. This takes you maybe like 15 minutes. All you got to do is lay your hair down how you like it. If you want it, super super sleek. Do that if you just want, I don't even do baby hairs, because y'all know what baby hairs look like I don't have to. I don't have to show you what that looks like off, but this is the ponytail. It'S really soft. This is 36 and it's a cheap bundle, but it's not like you're, not getting the bang for your buck like it's worth it. It'S soft. Now, don't get me wrong. This bundle is not gon na last. You super a long time because it's it's a synthetic bundle. It'S gon na get tangled eventually, but I think it's better than the straight bundle, which I have another video I'll link that in the high cards above the other video. Where I tried that bundle - and I basically did the same thing I think it was. I did a high ponytail, though, if I'm not mistaken, like this video leave a comment down below and let me know what she would like to see from me next subscribe and I'll see you guys next time.

Brandon's Universe: Very entertained. Cuz like you looking like you tryna go out and about during this quarantine. I be here for it!

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