Diy Ponytail With Bundles| No Glue, No Heat!! | How I Got My Natural Hair Blonde Without Damage

Welcome back babes, this is my first hair tutorial mainly for people who do not want to put heat or glue on their hair. This is a quick painless hairstyle that will last as long as you want it to. I will start doing more hair tutorials for my natural babies!

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Items used:

One bundle

Rubber band

Got 2b glue (black bottle)

Got 2b spray

Rat tail comb

Okay, y'all welcome back to my mother, freaking channel. So today i'm gon na show y'all. Let me fix myself, look hold up okay, so, as you can see, i got my hair blonde. Now the intention was to go gray, but i did like a little pull on instagram and everything. I should keep this color for at least like a month, so i'm gon na keep this color until i leave right, then i'm gon na go gray so um to put in this video today, i'm gon na show you guys how to do like a weave ponytail With like bundles and [ __ ], with no glue no thread, just hair bows weave, and maybe that's it now - y'all know i'm in the military. So you know certain hairstyles i can't have while i'm in uniform, so um i try not to use. You know too much glue either because that'd be a his hassle trying to get that [ __ ] about my head, so yeah y'all just watch me do my hair, because this is my little go to this in the library [ __ ], that's my go-to! So, first i'm going to take a little piece of this hair with a whiff and i'm a tie rubber band around it. So i don't really know how to explain how you do the loop, the loop you just got down, take this and put it over there. Like this here, so it'll be like that bomb tighten that hole up like this boom, so it should be focused. It should be like that. Oh girl, i need them braid, my hair, yet i'm just stick something in there, so i don't disappear or something hold up. Give me a second so we're going to braid the hair now. Sometimes i comb through it. It just depends. Oh and i did not use no heat on my hair, no heat all right, so we just come in the ponytail. I spread it with some conditioner water and baby. That'S it like, and i do my edges last because i i always mess them up when i'm trying to put this damn ponytail around my around my braid for some reason so yeah we just going to take that and we're going to do like a little braid. Now don't make it too tight because you don't want your ponytail to be stiff and like sticking up so just make it you know tight enough, but not too tight there. We go just braid that on now just like that, if y'all hear background music, i'm sorry, but i was watching um, the kissing booth part three, i'm a big ass child that hurts so don't judge me. I just [ __ ], ac wan na come on like this [ __ ], just don't be loud all right! So now that that's done, hair is braided and y'all can see here. It'S brown all right so, instead of using a separate rubber band to you know, tie for my hair, i'm going to take the rubber band that we attached to the weft and tie at the end of my hair to secure my braid, i'm going to show y'all What it look like after i get it on there and i'll make that real tight. You don't got ta, be super tired, but it should look like this all right now now that we got that done, i don't know if y'all can see, but we're gon na start wrapping we're gon na wrap the whiff up the braid now i'll show y'all how I do it once i get closer and more comfortable because it's not really comfortable, i'm just going to wrap it up all the way up in this process. I really don't you know, tie it too close together, we'll wrap it too close together. I just kind of wrap it just a little loose just because that's just a personal preference but yeah i'll wrap that up. It'S really self-explanatory to just wrap crap, and if you want to comb through the weave as you're wrapping it that's fine too. I just wait till i'm completely done since we're not using no thread or anything. I don't have anything to hold my whips in place, so i'd rather just place all the wefts before i start to comb through everything. Okay, okay and my hair is double just wrap. It around keep going all the way to the top. Now that i'm at the top of my brain - and i have my wife around my ponytail holder - hold on, let me get it together. So the same, like the same little piece that we took with the rubber band, will be wrapped around at the beginning. You'Re gon na take a little small piece just like that at the top it can be a heavier thicker thing you want it to be. It does not matter so you're going to wrap that around the base of your ponytail. Just like this sorry y'all can't see wrap it around the base of the ponytail. That'S it okay! So now, once you have that secured boom, so before i, you know wrap stuff around this part, that's what i like to kind of comb through my ponytail make sure everything is everything see what i'm working with stuff like that? This is what we like to do. Okay, so now that i've come to my ponytail, i'm really not worried about it, because we're not completely done yet all right. So now you're going to take a piece from the back of the ponytail. Yes, the back. You don't want bald spots in the top of your [ __ ] ponytail, showing gaps in between your damn tracks. That'S not what we want all right, so take a piece you can make it bigger. You can make it smaller adjust to your liking, comb through it, smooth it out and you're just going to begin to wrap around the base of the ponytail. The whole time you are wrapping be sure to try to keep the hair that you're wrapping as smooth and spread out as possible. All right so just keep it the same part the whole way around all right and if you need to stop and come back out, do so doing your own hair is not hard. It'S just as hard as you make it to be honest, okay! So now that that's done me personally, since i don't keep this hairstyle in long i'm going to wrap it, i don't want to use glue now, i'm going to use no glue, i'm going to wrap it under at the base under what we already done, like what We'Ve already done so after that is done, make sure you get every inch of that hair all right all right. So that's the ponytail right now and don't mind the roots, honey. The the roots is a little darker than the ears which is okay. That is completely fine, so now we're just gon na comb. Everything out make sure you get it a little more thorough this time, because now your ponytail is on it's on baby, so we got to comb it through see it through all this [ __ ]. So yeah, that's that ponytail is on now. As far as the edges go, do your edges as you please. I will show you how i do my edges just for the sake of the video and the fact that i'm already [ __ ], recording all right and also make sure you get the name of that [ __ ], ponytail baby. You do not want this [ __ ] napping up on the on the back side. You will not want that [ __ ] for real okay. So i'm just going to take these pieces kind of cover those little tracks that you can see and mind you. I am not a professional; this is just how i do my hair. This is what works for me. Okay, okay, so to kind of keep these hairs in place, i'm going to use some got to be spray, just spray. It like that. I'M gon na get a rat tail comb and i'm gon na just spread that out on the top side of my ponytail okay, i do still use a toothbrush for my edges and i use this got to be black bottle. [ __ ] black bottle. So i usually just cut my edges down like that, get whatever i can get and while i'm doing my edges, i guess i'll tell you how i got my hair. This color because mind you baby. I do my own hair. I do not pay nobody to do. My hair, unless it's my birthday and i just don't feel like doing my hair um but yeah other than that i do my own hair. So what i did was i bought some bleach from sally's um. I don't remember what that [ __ ] called, but it's not the it's, not the one in the blue planet. It'S the one in the the white pack, so i bought that one and i bought 30 volume developer right. So the first time i dye my hair yeah, i might just look invisible right now, but they'll come back so the first time i dye my hair. I lift the dot on for about 10 minutes right because um for you natural, it's naturally curly girls. You do not want to fry your freaking hair, all right, so i left it on for about 10 to 15 minutes after i did that i rinsed it out did not wash it. I rinsed it out. I put leaf and conditioner. I coated my hair relieving conditioner. Just to add a layer of protection for my hair - and i put the bleach back on for that time about 30 minutes. So after i did that my hair was like a a light honey blonde color, which i still want it a little darker. It was about the color of this up here, so it's a little darker than what it is right now so after i did that i rinsed it out did not wash it rinse it out, conditioned it again and i did well. I did um a hair mask treatment. First, did a hair mask treatment and then rinse that out coat my hair with conditioner leave-in conditioner. After that i waited 24 hours so a whole day. I waited 24 hours to give my hair a little break and then that's when i bleached my hair again so this time that i bleached my hair. I left it on, for i said about 45 minutes 45 minutes after that was complete. I then wash my hair condition, my hair and then once again i put in some leave-in conditioner now um. That process might not work for you. I don't know what type of hair you got or whatever the case might be, but that is what worked for me. So yeah, that is what i did to get my hair. This color, oh okay, you're almost done with this damn ponytail y'all! I just had to do my [ __ ] edges all right, so i put got to be glue on the front of my hair. I'M just going to comb through with my rat tail comb, smooth everything out and once everything is smooth. I'M going to take this into my rat tail comb and just guide it into the base of my ponytail boom and now sure it will be done. That'S about it! That'S all i do and tweak as you will is up to your discretion, whatever you want to do, okay, so now i'm about to do my makeup and i'll come back once i'm all beautified and [ __ ] yo, okay, okay y'all! So this is the final look. Hair is done and i mean i did my makeup. You know um cute. Is she but not for real um? This? Is it real cute, real, simple, all right, okay and i'm gon na start giving y'all more hair tutorials, because i do my hair all the time and just don't [ __ ] record it so yeah there you go and be sure to like comment and subscribe. I don't know what to say so: bye

Flacko BPG: Beautician


Michael Campbell: a41q5

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