I Bought A Shein Wig For $85!

Finally saw what all the hype was about for these #shein wigs! It was originally for $100 but with a discount I got it for $85. Let me know down below if you would buy a SHEIN wig!

Link to wig: 4*4 Lace Front 150% Long Straight Human Hair Wig

I discovered amazing products on SHEIN.com, come check them out!


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#sheinwig #wigreview

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Okay, so this is how the wig comes. It comes in this plastic bag. Well, it comes with a standard package that she incense whatever. So i come in this plastic bag and then see right here i got 18 inch 4x4. It says right here. I don't know. If you can see the label but yeah, let's take it out, it comes in the typical satin bag that most of the wood companies send the wigs in and open it. Okay. So just the way, there's no lashes, no wig caps, nothing! It'S just a wig and it tells you the length see how this looks. Okay off rip. I don't know if i like the lace, the hair is pretty soft. It'S pretty looks pretty full. I'M not gon na lie. If i had to guess the density, i would say: 130. lace, okay, so overall it's very workable. I think the lace is kind of hard. It'S a little dark. I don't know, but it's not like um. It'S not like beauty supplies to a lace. It'S not that bad, but it's not the best you could tell, but it's sheen and i got it for cheap. I'M gon na go ahead and do what i usually do. Prep, the wig bleach, the knots pluck it all the other stuff and yeah i'll get back with that forgot to show the actual construction of the wig. So it's a 4x4 with three clips up top and one in the back, and this is the lace i look at you. This brown water is exactly why i boil my hair before i try to style it or anything, especially if it's like you know, cheap hair, because who knows what all of that stuff is, and it's going to make them super stiff or anything like that. You choose to straight out the packs. Yes, that is dishwashing liquid dishwashing liquid, without bleach very clarifying, and it's going to strip whatever that was wow, be free spray on the roofs just to prevent over bleaching, because every time i bleach the knots from my wigs i'll be over bleaching. It like it turns the roots blonde, so i'm spraying the spray on it, i'm doing little sections little by little, horizontal part and across the whole closure just to make sure that doesn't happen. This time i don't know if you could tell, but i'm using like zero pressure when putting on the bleach because, like i said before, i'm known to like over bleach my roots, so i didn't want to do that this time. So, on top of spraying, with the spray, i'm just using a spoon and just lightly like pressing that into the closure like so lightly, i'm not using hardly any pressure, and i want to make sure that i get um all of the knots saturated so rather than Having a big glob on one area, i want to make sure i spread it thin across the whole closure. So i don't get like some parts, some parts, that's like super blonde and then others, that's not like you know, with the bleach i have left over. I'M also putting bleach on the actual lace lace because it was a weird color. So i was thinking maybe like the bleach would change the color a bit talk to me. Yes, is me, okay is yes, i know um is i can't stop crying? I don't know how i allow you to dream this way all right, so i tried to give like a quick little one, two of how i was the wig, but i was in a rush. It was thanksgiving, there's a lot going on, so i might do another completely different video of how i actually stole the wig, because after i did this, i took it off and redid it like. It was a lot overall for 85 dollars into how i got this from sheen. I'M not disappointed um. It definitely was thin, but it wasn't as thin as i initially thought, and i do plan on adding a bundle to this um. I'M definitely gon na be tweaking it a little bit more and sprucing it up a bit, but the lace takes the tent very well. Although i will say it's gon na take a little work to actually melt it um, but yeah. It'S it's good. If you want to see more videos like this and more then don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Thank you. So much for watching and i'll see you in the next one.

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Princess Demii: Ca’ this be made into a side part ???

D.monayyyy 🤍😩 .: i want a lace front & i wanna do hair but im 11 so i dont have any more or essentials , u are making me motivated knowing this could be me one day

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