No One Should Ever Sleep With A Ponytail, Here'S Why

There are few things finer than sinking into bed after a long, hard day, right? But before you hit the sack, you probably have a bedtime routine that might include putting your hair up - if it’s long. But, this habit could do more harm than good.

Anyone with long hair might think that sleeping with a ponytail protects it from getting tangled or damaged. Turns out, this habit can trigger hair loss. It could even lead to a health condition called traction alopecia. Your hair especially deserves a break at night if you style it a lot during the day. But in fact, sleeping with a ponytail isn’t the only common bedtime habit that can have a negative effect on your body or sleep...

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Why it's bad for your health 0:19

Going to bed hungry 1:51

Sleeping on your stomach 2:26

Checking social media 3:05

Working out 3:36

Not stretching 4:14

Leaving a glass of water near your bed 4:49

Sleeping with pets 5:22

Sleeping with wet hair 6:10

Choosing the wrong pillowcase 6:44

Not taking time to unwind 7:20

#sleeping #haircare #brightside


- Tight buns or braids, and even sleeping with rollers, can also be harmful to your mane.

- Your hair especially deserves a break at night if you style it a lot during the day. But if you want to get it out of your face before turning in, try wrapping it up in a silk or satin scarf, or get yourself a sleeping cap.

- Having a pre-bedtime snack full of protein and fiber boosts your metabolism, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight. Also, if your body doesn’t get any fuel before getting rest, insulin levels drop.

- Sleeping on your stomach puts additional strain on your spinal cord and back, which doesn’t allow your muscles to relax during rest.

- Staring at your device’s screen also poses a threat to your eyes. Blue light can damage light-sensitive cells in the retina.

- Doing vigorous physical exercises makes you feel more alert and awake, making it hard to doze off.

- While experts are still not sure what exactly causes night leg cramping, they advise stretching the muscles regularly to lower your risk of getting them.

- Sharing a bed with a pet is especially not advised for elderly people and those who have diabetes. On top of that, humans and animals have different sleep cycles.

- Your face touches a pillowcase for much longer than any other fabric. That’s why getting a silk one is important if you want to keep your face looking good.

- We live in a pretty stressful time, and many of us have to juggle multiple commitments. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to relax and prepare yourself mentally for bedtime. So, take a warm bath, take a walk in the park, or simply meditate to improve your health.

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There are few things finer than sinking into bed after a long hard day right, But before you hit the sack, you probably have a bedtime routine. That might include putting your hair up -- if it’s long., But this habit could do more harm than good.. Anyone with long hair might think that sleeping with a ponytail protects it from getting tangled or damaged. Turns out. This habit can trigger hair loss.. It could even lead to a health condition called traction alopecia.. Some early symptoms are small bumps on your scalp that look like pimples.. If you ignore them and continue sleeping with tight ponytails, you might wake up to see even more hairs on your pillow.. Apart from losing hair people with traction, alopecia might experience itching redness of the scalp and flaky patches.. The good news is that all those negative effects I’ve just mentioned will go away. If you stop pulling your hair up before bed and give it some time to grow. Back., But keep in mind it’s, not only about ponytails., Tight, buns or braids, and even sleeping with rollers can also be harmful to your mane.. In other words, the best thing you can do is to let your hair down at nighttime.. Your hair especially deserves a break at night, if you style it a lot during the day., But if you want to get it out of your face before turning in try wrapping it up in a silk or satin scarf or get yourself a sleeping cap., This will Save your strands from tangling and breaking while you toss in bed., But in fact sleeping with a ponytail isn’t the only common bedtime habit that can have a negative effect on your body or sleep.. There are many other, seemingly harmless things. People do without realizing how it impacts their well-being.. I have a list. Surprise. Surprise. Let’s start with… Going to bed hungry. If to shed a few pounds. You strictly follow the rule of not eating. After a certain time. You might do yourself a disservice. While going to bed. Stuffed is bad doing the opposite. Isn’T any better. In fact, having a pre-bedtime snack full of protein and fiber boosts your metabolism, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight.. Also, if your body doesn’t get any fuel before getting rest insulin, levels drop. That can be dangerous for people with diabetes, but even healthy people could wake up dizzy or with a headache. Sleeping on your stomach., So what’s your favorite sleeping position. Let me know in the comments, But if your answer is “on the belly”, then I have some bad news for you. This position just might be the worst.. It puts additional strain on your spinal cord and back which doesn’t allow your muscles to relax during rest.. This extra strain on the spine might cause pain or numbness in different body. Parts.. Also sleeping on your stomach can be the reason for neck problems since it’s in a twisted position, all night. Doctors believe that sleeping on your back or side is the best option. Checking social media.. Many people are already aware that taking gadgets to bed means poor sleep since the blue light they emit, slows the production of melatonin – the hormone that makes us sleepy., But staring at your device’s screen also poses a threat to your eyes.. Blue light can damage light-sensitive cells in the retina.. The strain gets even worse when you do it in the darkness, which is a common thing right before dozing off for a lot of people.. This might even lead to partial or permanent vision, loss. Working, out., A hectic schedule and everyday responsibilities often leave you with only one option – working out right before bed., But while you’re trying hard to keep your body strong and lean, you just might be setting yourself Up for a failure. Doing vigorous physical exercises makes you feel more alert and awake, making it hard to doze off., And if you don’t get enough good-quality sleep, your body will produce less muscle-building hormones and even cause muscle mass to decrease.. So if you want to achieve your fitness goals, work out as early in the day as possible., Not stretching., But hey skipping, a bedtime, workout doesn’t mean you should avoid all physical activity. In reality, light stretching can help you with warding off leg cramps at night.. This type of muscle spasm, which can be really painful and disturbing, affects up to 60 % of adults in the US alone.. While experts are still not sure what exactly causes night leg cramping, they advise stretching the muscles regularly to lower your risk of getting them., But don’t go overboard with the stretching or you’ll have to sleep with sore muscles. Leaving a glass of water near your bed. A lot of people put it there, just in case they wake up in the middle of the night. Thirsty. Some prefer to drink it first thing in the morning to start the day: right., But leaving water overnight might give it a bad taste.. This happens when carbon dioxide starts mixing with the water. And let’s not forget that left-out water could become home to dust particles or even a swimming pool for insects. Ew.. While all this won’t cause you any health problems, drinking fresh or bottled water is a much better option. Sleeping with pets.. You might think that the only disadvantage of this is having to deal with pet hair in your bed. And, if your pet regularly visits a vet you’re safe since the risk of disease transmission is low.. However, if your immune system isn’t at its best, the chances for disease transmission, rise. Sharing a bed with a pet is especially not advised for elderly people and those who have diabetes. On top of that humans and animals have different sleep, cycles. Pets, wake up more often During the night, which can leave you cranky in the morning. Worst still, dogs in particular, tend to hog the bed and not leave you much room like my dog Riley does. Do c. I kick him off Heck no.. Do you sleep with your pets? Tell me about it in the comments: below. Sleeping with wet hair. Chances are you’ve already heard the tale that it can make you ill. You won’t catch a cold just because you sleep with wet hair., But hair is the weakest when it’s wet.. So when you toss and turn in your bed, it creates friction and causes breakage.. Also, the pillow’s fabric absorbs not only water from your hair, but natural oils. That’s why you’ll wake up with dull and less shiny, locks. Besides water and warmth, are all bacteria need to start blooming right on your pillow, which puts you at risk of a break-out. Choosing The wrong pillowcase. Your face touches a pillowcase for much longer than any other fabric. That’s why getting a silk one is important if you want to keep your face. Looking good.. First, silk is naturally hypoallergenic and resistant to mold, fungus and dust mites.. Also, this fabric helps your skin, maintain its natural moisture. And producing silk requires much fewer chemicals than other fabrics on the marketplace.. This saves your face from unnecessary exposure to these substances.. Besides, the smoothness of its texture helps prevents wrinkles. Not taking time to unwind.. We live in a pretty stressful time, and many of us have to juggle multiple commitments. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to relax and prepare yourself mentally for bedtime.. There are a lot of health conditions that are related to anxiety and stress., Just to name a few bloating teeth, grinding, irritable, bowel syndrome and diabetes.. And of course, many people don’t get any “me time” to relieve stress until bedtime.. So take a warm bath. Take a walk in the park or simply meditate to improve your health. If you can’t decide which of these to try. First, just sleep on it.: Hey! If you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a friend, And here are some other cool videos. I think you'll enjoy., Just click to the left or right and stay on the Bright Side of life.

BRIGHT SIDE: Hey there Bright Siders! What's your favorite hair length?

kokipotato: Who else is watching this while lying down in their bed while wearing a ponytail? Edit: Thanks for the likes!!

•A e s t h e t i c M o o n s & S t a r s•: Me: *who always sleeps with a ponytail *

• Fxllin •: I'm gonna stop wearing a pony tail to bed thank you

Denise Goodnite: So helpful. My sister always sleeps with a ponytail and I used to sleep on my stomach with wet hair so this vid is very helpful.

Lilah Betes: Me laying here watching my phone before I go to sleep with wet hair that’s in a ponytail while enjoying the company of my cat while laying on my stomach all after I just exercised and refilled my water bottle that I keep next to me at all time

Fun with Myra: Thank you so much bright side for telling all this! Now I know that why I have a lot of hair fall and why I get body aches in different parts of the body specially my spinal cord and neck! Thank you very much again

Isabella D'Amico: Them: says to lay on your side Also them: don’t sleep on your side

zĐream The LynxX 🎄🕎: ive slept with a ponytail my whole life, and I feel totally fine Owo

Princess Park: Ahh I'll show this to my mom who genuinely frightens me that ill go bald if I don't tie ponytails ;_;

starry: “Don’t look at social media before bed” Me at 2 A.M: *Wait wh—*

Lia!Midzyy: BrightSide: don’t leave a cup near ur bed! Me: *has about 10 glasses and bottles of water on my bed* Chile.. anyways so..

Nane: 1:13 I totally disagree, sleeping with open hair would cause waaay more split ends than sleeping in a protective hairstyle, bc of all the rubbing and friction, it also gets even more knotted.

JUFIEA Family: Thanks for sharing this! Now I'll always sleep with out a ponytail :)

MADELINE: When you sleep with a ponytail everyday: ❌❌

AlliRxses: Who else had a ponytail and took it out when you saw this vid?

♡ • ℝ𝕆𝕊𝔼 • ♡: I almost fell asleep while watching this lol

Merrie E: I sleep with a ponytail, but it's never tight. To my memory, I've never been able to sleep on my stomach. Silk pillowcases? Have you seen the prices on these? No problem sleeping with cats on the bed. At the moment, I have one cat. She's very considerate and never wakes me up. Once I'm awake, then she wants attention, and not just to get fed. I keep a bottle of water nearby. Never would I do that with a glass of water. As for using technology and watching TV before I go to sleep, that's a habit I'm not ready to break entirely.

Natasha Granholm: Bright side: "Leaving water overnight, might give it a bad taste. " Me: "GET A FREAKING WATER BOTTLE WITH A CLOSED CAP."

Victoria Carleno: Sleeping with a lose braid is actually the best way to sleep, it keeps it out of your face but won't cause brakedge. Don't sleep with a ponytail! I've slept with braids and I've slept with ponytails and trust me SLEEP WITH A BRAID!!!!!!!!

Velvet Wayman: I've been doing this for about a year, I've got all the symptoms so thank you for this I'm gonna stop wearing a pony tail to bed

Angela Perez: My dog has been sleeping with me for 15 years and it’s been wonderful. Best companion!

Angelbabe: I sleep on my side, tie my hair back, otherwise it'd tangle in the straps of my breathing machine, and share the bed with the cat, whenever she feels the urge. My hair is healthy.

Shashi Singh: My grandmother always scolds me because she says that we should sleep with a ponytail but I don't because I don't feel comfortable but today I am also having a proof that we should not sleep with ponytails

Chris M: I fall asleep on my stomach, but always roll onto my side during the night. I have RLS and laying on my stomach makes my legs twitch less, but once I'm asleep it stops.

【gay espresso】: Me: sleeps 15 years long almost every night with a ponytail* Brightside: why you should NEVER wear a ponytail while sleeping Me: :o

Aditya Singh Gour: 1:04 I do sleep with my hair tied I sleep with the first one and I have also hairfall you told my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather were really shocked to see that my hair was gone in a small circle thank you very much for telling and making this video

🍭Taecious: Me: Watching this while laying on the bed with pony tail

Know One: It's freaky right ,I thought it was due to immune deficiency that caused alopecia areata ,but yes I used to do pony tale while sleeping and it resulted in causing red patches

°• Euhanna •°: my mom's advice when i was a kid: dont tie your hair when going to sleep if its tied you should untie it. Me:mom your advice had been helpful.

Taniya CS: Bright side : let your hair down when you sleep *Girls with curly hair : NO

Fatima’s vlogs: Me: watching the vid Also me: sleeps with a pony tale almost every night

McKenna’s corner: I did it for the last 9 years of my life when I actually had hair my hair is still fine lol Edit: I’m not nine btw

Jelly Belly: My cats love taking up the whole bed and leaving one corner for me

•Myra Nightshade•: I always sleep with my hair tied but it’s so annoying cause after a while my hair will have a dip in it

Jirame Moto: Dont ever sleep with a ponytail Ariana Grande: ️️

♡Shinobu_Kocho♡: Actually I'm always sleeping on my stomach for years now and I never had problems with my back or anything else.

CherryBleed: I used to sleep on my stomach last year cuz I had problems falling asleep and that was the only way I could fall asleep. My back started to hurt a lot lol.

King Joshua: I like how bright side is not like some of these other channels and actually talks about their title instead of clickbait beforeee, leading us on.

Anna Moore: Checking social media happened to my daughter! She uploads videos and now, she’s in glasses as well as my second child. My last daughter yes the one I was talking about first, her eyesight is the worst out of the whole house!


zory: I knew something was wrong, ive been sleeping with my ponytail for soo long and whenever i would sleep without it my scalp would feel so fresh and pain free

Dejoke Deji: Title: never sleep with ponytails Me: trying to fall asleep with two pony tails

Sumaila Zahra: Thanks for telling! I always used to tie a ponytail and sleep! You saved my life! ❤️Love You!

Py Cooper: Thanks man now I can relax with no pain

_ Jiniret _: This was actually really helpful- I used to sleep with buns and ponytails in my hair, and this made me realize why I was getting red and flakey patches on my head!

Hafsa Shehzad: Bright side: working out beforecan damage ur body Also Bright side: 3 min workout to do before sleeping

Anna: I actually have always took my hair down before I sleep because when it’s the end of the day if feels nice to take it down then rub my scalp.

Rachel’s Way: I’d much rather have my hair down for bed . The only time I pull it up is if I have a cold and need the Vicks Vapo Rub , my hair is quite long and I don’t like my hair to smell like camphor. I also keep a bottle of water in the fridge if I need it.

Δ. Σ.: I loose tie my bangs. I just lift them up from my face but they aren't tied so that I can feel strain/pulling or any discomfort.

Faridah Sheen Magondaya: Me who just woke up with a ponytail: *slowly removes it* Not guilty

Alien ElinPup: My ponytail is always on my hair is curly and long and it gets in my face lol but it gets lose during the day so it’s lose when I sleep

Woody & Firey Lover: Thanks man, I will stop sleeping on my stomach. It’s my fav sleeping position

Anime_girl: Thank you so much bright side you really helped me!!

donut-chan: I never even slept with ponytails in my hair but sleeping on my side is uncomfortable for me tho

Nellity: Bright side: don't sleep with ponytail! My mom: SLEEP WITH YOUR PONYTAIL!

Riyan Khan: This soooo... helpful thank you . My friend told to sleep in bed with a ponytail and i was going to do it and then i saw the nof and saw this vid and i gave it a like.

imwiki2012: If I wouldn't see this video I would have like no hair. Sometimes I was sleeping with a braid or ponytail but thankfully i didn't lose hair.

Maxxie Waaka: I have long hair & sleep with my husband, and even if I have my hair down he will land on it and if I move he will pull my hair and it hurts. I can't even do pony tails or braids/plats my only option is buns and even they fall out sometimes, the struggles r real

난 절대 포기 못해~~: Now I know why my hair are falling (our floor tiles are white so I can see all my hairfall its a LOT) but it says when you sleep but when I sleep I take it out sometimes but through out the day I wore a hair tie.

Sharmin Jahan: Who is watching this during qurantine??? This is the number Edit: Wow.. I never thought I would THIS much like tysm!!!!!

Zhang Huilin: I've heard that sleeping on your stomach is bad already I always try to not do it but since I've been doing it so much I cant stop I always move in my sleep to go on my stomach I already have neck problems and Im still just a kid what should I do to stop myself

•flower•: Lesson learned My hair was tangled the next day,

nayma nazmoon nahar: My sleeping position is back and both sides not on my belly and i love medium long hair not very long hair and thanks for warning me about these symptoms

Lagopus Vulpuz: I have thin hair & my mother never taught me how to care of my hair. I slept with a ponytail when I was 14 I had serious hair lost & sometimes i did slept with wet hair.

ii๖ēງxຖē: Me about to go to sleep with a ponytail- *sees notification* Me: wait what-

Lalla angsana2: My mom: don't sleep with your ponytail or any hairstyle Me: why? My mom: just don't Me now: that's why-

•「 Cheezy ! 」☀︎ ☁︎: Ive slept with a ponytail for 10 years. I am living greatly and peacefuly

Chao AJ: I always used to do that for a while when I was a kid. I can’t put my hair in ponytails anymore, I cut it off

NINA: If I sleep on my back or on my side I get nightmares . So I rather have a little discomfort when I wake up than not sleeping all night because of nightmares

Thr3at: Summary: Don't Wear Ponytails When You Go To Sleep

Mimiplaysroblox: My favorite sleeping position is on the back and your legs away from each other And I prefer long long hair just like I was a child

Natasha Granholm: I love sleeping on my stomach, I am extremely uncomfortable if on my back. I am also a dancer, sleeping on MY stomach helps relieve pain. I dance 4-5 days a week, side sleeping is also comfortable but I try avoiding sleeping on my back as much as possible. { LOL }

d3c3mb3r !: So... I haven't watched the video yet, but I am here because I always sleep with a ponytail. Edit: I sleep without a pillow and I can't sleep with my dog.

Thea Agatha: Me watching with a braid hair and actually going to sleep, but I saw this

lemon lemon55: Me: **watches video during night** Also me: **Always is hungry before going before bed** Me again: **already brushed my teeth** Me just me: *_I DID NOT EAT!_*

inaplays4: just when you thought that you only watch their videos for entertaining purposes only, then you realise you have been sleeping with ponytails your whole life O_O

Sasha Braus: The thing is i searched up to see if i should sleep in a pony tail because my hair is too messy when i wake up. but.... i guess getting messy hair is better

Chinbhav Techs & vlogs: Fun fact: your hair was in a ponytail and when you heard tight ponytail you slowly loosen it

Alexis: I was in my bed watching this video with my hair up in a ponytail and when I saw this video I took it out and passed out on my bed

melontree: "Don't sleep on your belly" Dogs: am I joke to you?

Dragun-Wulf'Demun: My hair is actually strongest when is WET, because my hair is so thin and brittle. But I still take showers during the day not night

ayannapoop21PLAYZ: Me:"leaves braid on hair" You: its bad My mom: no its not Me: BRIGHT SIDE non of my hair falls off!!

·ButterflyBoba·: I have always slept with a bun because it keeps my hair straighter.

Kami Lynn: My cat voluntarily sleeps with me every night she doesn’t bother me I never wake up she is always in the same place she left off I’m not changing that and my amine system is great

ShaniQua Harris: You can't ask how many sleep on their stomachs. Cause i do every different position through the night

Aishling Wall 98: I never tie up my hair plus I keep it short easier kept clean and tidy l liy on my side and I always use a bottle for my drink

NyLa#road to 7: My favorite hair length is short long, like hair up to my waist/belly is great for me but my hair stops right in between my chest and belly . I don't really enjoy it

Fannah Trolls: I’ve slept with a ponytail for almost 20 years. Almost I said. Im still 19

SwaggyIsla☆: Them: Don't stretch before bed Also Them: Make sure you stretch before bed Me: What?!

Nananana: "You shouldn't sleep on your belly and with your hair in a ponytail!" Me sleeping on my belly with my legs on the wall,my head on the floor and my hair in a ponytail:

YourLocalSquidGameFan^^: "Dont ever sleep with a ponytail" Me who sleeps wiht it every night: *But I just did*

Flow EE: Now i know why my mom never let me sleep with a ponytail

MyaMG: Me who always sleeps with a ponytail every single night.

*pastel sun*: Bright side i wish you could be my class teacher you teach so many things and i learnt everything from you tysm so every youtuber the whole world should subscribe you you're the best

Naji Cutie Kitty: Bright side: Never go to sleep with a ponytail Well someone probably should have said that to Jojo Siwa

Aury Angus: That stuff happen to me but I always sleep with my hair down

Forhad Uddin: I don't ever sleep with a ponytail but I always think that maybe I should sleep with a ponytail. Now I'm not going to sleep with a ponytail anymore. Thanks!! This is really the BRIGHT SIDE of my life

Riya: Straight sleeping posture is my first posture when I sleep

Marek Bieniecki: My Favorite Sleeping position is the right side because of the positive Dreams and thoughts

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