High Ponytail Hack For Lots Of Volume | Chris Appleton

Chris Appleton, hairstylist to stars like JLo and Kim Kardashian, demos his secret trick for styling a high ponytail with LOTS of volume.

So the perfect hairstyle is what we're focusing on next. To help us out is celebrity hair stylist to women, like I don't know, maybe you've heard of them J.Lo Kim Kardashian.. This is Chris Appleton. ( audience applauding ), So good to be back., So Anjana, this beautiful lady right here she is hoping to achieve what type of hairstyle. So I am trying to get a ponytail that doesn't look boring.. I usually only do a ponytail when I go to the gym., So I want it to look a little bit more put together and elegant ,'cause. I always wear my hair down and I'm sick of it.. Well, I wish I had her hair to wear down. (. All laugh ) because it looks pretty good to me, but I'm sure you have some fabulous ideas, here., Absolutely yeah.. Basically I can help you out Awesome. With your little challenge.. It'S actually really interesting, ,'cause everyone's into TikTok and thing these days. And I've been recently on it, and everyone said ,''. You should give a little bit to people, show people how to do some hairstyles.''. So we've literally just been doing simple things like buns ponytails, and it's really what women want. They're like ``. How do I put my a hair making it look? Good, quick, ?'' Right., It's a simple stuff., Not like crazy Super Bowl, J.Lo hair.. It'S actually just like how do I do a top knot and it actually look good Right., Because it's always something like (, inaudible ), I don't know like a doughnut or a croissant or interesting shaped.. This is about keeping it real. Just so, people at home can get an idea of how to create basic ponytail., So you've got your ponytail that goes to the gym, which is regular. Right.. I'M gon na show you how to do a double ponytail where effectively you just split the hair into two.. So we're just gon na basically there's no combs or anything.. I'M just gon na pull your hair back like you would normally whip it into a ponytail. And you wan na tie it relatively loose.. So it doesn't have to be perfect guys., It's not about creating a perfectly even base.. It can be a little bit natural, but this is how I do ponytails for a red carpet.. So basically, you've got your first ponytail in so you guys can see. I'M just gon na clip it out the way. And then I'm gon na just put a second ponytail in.. So I'm just gon na use my hands. Everyone following me. So far, Yes. Yes. Everyone felt like they could do this. Okay, good. ( audience applaud ). I don't wan na lose anyone. Two ponytails. I wan na keep this relatively simple. Once that's in all we're gon na do is take the top ponytail and we're gon na twist it inside out.. So you just open it. Out.. Remember guys, I said, keep it loose.! You'Re just gon na flip it through itself.. So once you get that through you get this nice little detail, but then you're gon na grab the bottom ponytail on top and you're gon na pull it through., And this is how you get that really beautiful. I guess it's not almost- Shut up. Like a water full ponytail., So you guys can see a little bit of hair spray.. It'S a waterfall ponytail. ( Chris laughs, ) ( audience clapping ). Can you guys see that Okay, my darling? What would you like to do with your gorgeous hair? So I'm looking for that cheek boho top knot with the little pieces hanging down.. My problem is I'll. Try it right. It'S flopping all over the place.. It'S like a croissant, it's not cheek. Or croissant.. ( Rachael laughs ). It'S really interesting to see these different shapes that (, inaudible, ) braid., You get those fancy, braid shapes and it just never really maintains the same consistencies.. It goes off to the side or in the middle. Yes. ( Rachael, laughs ). But I really wanted to just I use social media in a way just to show real women. This is how we do it. Right.. This is how you can look at. This is how you can achieve it. Yourself. - And I think people seem to respond nicely to that., So we're just gon na work, the hair up., When you are doing a top knot, guys key little thing I always like to do - is to follow the cheekbones. Follow. The cheekbones gives you a nice little snatch. Got you.. What, if you have a Charlie brown head like me, and you might not have been born with cheekbones ( all laugh ). What, if you can't find the cheekbones, Keep pulling. ( all laugh ), I'm just ( inaudible ). Just keep pulling just keep pulling. ( audience. Clapping ) Good answer.. Just keep going. They're in there they're in there somewhere. All right. We'Re gon na tie it with a regular elastic. And guys like I said this is a fail proof way.. So I wan na make sure you guys follow. All we're gon na do is tie into a knot.. We can do that right, Like a pair of shoelaces.. So tie into a knot and then we're gon na bring it forward and tie it into a second knot. Shut up., It's as simple as this guys. And then we're gon na bring it around. And look you got this cute little knot.? Oh, my God, it looks like a rolled up, braid., (, audience, clapping ), A little pin just pin it into place, maybe we'll put two in. And then once you've done that just look in the mirror. You just wan na pull it out to personalize it.. You can make it look thicker. If you wan na a tight little top knot, you can. And then pull out a few little soft bips a little bit of hairspray, and you should be ready to go. ( audience applauding ).

Dr Cory: Cool video

Jessica Cheramie: Jesus died for you was buried and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. If you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. Please repent of sins and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.

Samantha Calabrese: Sara fan club

Antoine Ray: SRB hey /im sorry , / but stack your caases , and be prepared

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