Men’S Hair: What Do Real Women Look For In A Guy? | Gq

We rounded up a group of discerning women to find out what they really think about guys’ hair and grooming habits. Spoiler alert: If you take longer than her to get ready, you’re taking too long

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Men’s Hair: What Do Real Women Look for in a Guy? | GQ

No one wants to wait for a guy to get ready or like if you're ever taking a blow dryer to your hair, get it out Wow get out. I love something I can like hold on to interesting rattling my mom likes ponytails. I found I really don't like long hair. I don't like the Fabio hair thing as long as his hair is shorter than mine, it's fine. My first crush was on um, the Beast and Beauty and the Beast when he transformed back into a man, and he like kind of looks like Axl, Rose's, premies liquids too feminine or something for me. I don't know I like like feminine. I want like my lumberjack yeah yeah, give me my ass, like a man, but I am very much into a man but right now, I'm not out here looking for dudes and man buns. That'S not! Oh! That'S not my true man bun! No! Thank you. Why he's didn't know man butter, and I saw the hair tie in the bathroom and I at first I thought it was another girl, my ex had long hair and the growing out process. I hated it. He looked like a lesbian, but after he was able to put it in a ponytail or a man bun. Oh man, I was like town that is hot, like that was sexy. I do not want a guy with corn rolls, oh hell, no, no! You braid it or you go to your mom's house to Braden, know or your homeboys brain. Oh one, room or you're, asking me to braid and no no, we can have like writing sessions and you know, doesn't lie in bed all night and just chat and colorants. Like I like, I, like bald guys marsh chestnut balls like the milk dud shiny. All bald is one thing like if it's like a shaved Bend diesel. Look, I don't know, maybe a deal-breaker hairstyle a mullet, so you don't like mullets. I don't like mullets, but it's like a specific weird euro football player Molly. I know exactly what you're talking about definitely mind it white guy drips, that's stopping just just oh I don't like when it when you need to use a lot of product. You shouldn't love. Your products more than I love my products also here, that's too hard like dues that for too much killing it yeah and you're like why, like just let it kind of just do what it wants to do: crunchy crunchy! Oh, that's even more like the wet look that that isn't wet like Stamos when his hair wasn't fluffy anymore, so they were like, I guess, we'll gel it.

Psycho Joe: They're just scared of us having better hair than them.

Larry Johnson: I'm a girl. I like men with long hair. Please men, don't listen to these women.

Cezary Dubaj: Wow, i seriously hate these women, they make me want to grow my hair longer just so i never have to be scared of attracting any girl like them.

Blaxie: if those were men expressing opinions about womens hair they would've gotten crucified, also worst opinions ever? Yes? Yes.

knowledgeiskey: You're not man if you care about what other people think of you.

Meathead Masks: "Let's make a video to offend guys with every type of hair"

thethijsy: wtf so i cant use a blowrdryer? i always shower in the morning and im not gonna wait for 45min for my hair to be dry....

Nighthawk1097: My hair is longer than almost all their hair, and I'm an 18 year old male.

Felix Andino: To all the guys out there DONT listen to them long hair is freaking Awsome! and sometimes it looks even better on u then it does on us

Nicole Honrado: I love when guys have long hair! do you not know Eddie Vedder or Chris Cornell, ladies?? gosh

The High Ground: “Nobody wants to wait on a guy getting ready.” How do you think us guys feel when you take forever getting ready?!

Claudia Arends: Tbh i like long hair on guys because i think they'll look very handsome with it and pretty badass too! Ps i don't mind guys having short hair either i mean it's your hair do what you like with it :)

Jade Chong: These girls complaining how guys should style their hair ... Meanwhile they can style it however they want

R S: Where' you guys pull the percentages from? The statistics? Asking 8 women doesn't really count as a study

f9Ti: They hate competition.

Gnysh Jaydan: Ladies,We don't care about your opinions

Adrian Amundsen: The dislike to like ratio on this video is a strong indicator that the "98% of women like men with shorter hair" statistic is completely wrong

taba247: I've had long hair for over 20 years and have never gotten anything but complements. When I talk about cutting it, every women in my life begs me not too. If you can grow it out then do it. Every guys should try it at least once in his life.

Bambostarla: I hate these chicks. I'm growing my hair down to my waist and I dont care. The only thing they are right about is that the growing out phase looks ugly and I agree

AQMohra: All of these women have terrible personalities. No thanks Jeff.

Maui JoeTV: why do they judge guys with long hair when us men don't judge Girls with short hair

Jonathan: Just do you, dont worry bout it too much, experiment with different hair styles and find what suits you and your style. If anyone is judging you on your hair then their already too shallow to know the real you. Stay stylish my friends!

Emily Chen: I prefer guys with long hair

Mechanical GoatWitch: I have a thing for guys with long hair, I think they're so much cooler and better looking than guys with short hair. (I'm a girl)

boneless books: I’m a girl, I think long hair is really hot. I want to be able to play with my man’s hair and run my fingers through it. You do you, boys.

hadhad129: everyone in the comments, i am so proud of the human race (minus the girls in the video) we stand united against a common enemy, the girls in the video.

balls stuck in the ceiling fan: As a dude, I’ve wanted nearly all my life. Literally as long as I can remember, maybe when I was like 5 or 6 years years old. I was always ridiculed for wanting it, especially by my dad. I’m a metalhead. As of the posting of this comment, I’ve been growing it out for almost a 15 months

Hippie With A Cowboy Hat: As a guy with "Fabio" hair, I can say with all honesty that the majority of ladies love it. You gotta have a tough, masculine look to have hair to your lower back without looking like a chick though. Not knocking, but if you look "soft" with short hair, you're not gonna look good with long hair.

Krish Metalhead: what those women think doesn't matter if a man wants to grow long hair he's free to grow it

Anna Frantsuzova: I love men with long hair, I adore them, they’re perfect

The Fiend: All these chicks are fools. I’m growing my hair out and I’m glad they won’t be attracted to me. Men, we deserve better.

BronzeAlive: I'm a guy, I sometimes feel like having long hair for a few years then go short and back and forth to keep things different all the time, and if some girls only like short hair then they can eat it! We like to have styles to you know and change our looks around as well

Luke Dylan: Well as long as it looks good on a man...why not??? Even if not.. if he likes it and feels alright with it he can do it.. and some look better with long hair than with short hair. Some of the girls really should overthink their views. Much of them are like:"Men with long hair are ugly!" (with Patrick Star voice) cause they saw guys not looking good with it... but ignore the ones who do. Besides I have no problem with short hair on women as long as it looks good. To be honest I often preferred longer hair so far but there are women that I really liked and preferred with shorter hair. Anyway I'm a lot more tolerant on looks than this girls here and even it would be 100 % (98% are hard to believe) I would stay longhaired because I don't think long hair is just a "woman thing" :-P is the message of the video??? More women prefer short hair and that's why long haired men should cut it??? Now I really want to be the "Rapunzel" of men..

Louis: just like what girls say when they put on makeup: we dont do it for you we do it for ourselves

NMEofdaST8: lol I blow-dry may hair everyday with product it looks bomb and the girls love it

OffToNeverLandIAm CatchMeIfIFlyAway: My brother has always had longer hair than me, his hair has been down to his elbows since he was 5 years old, and no girl has ever said they dislike his hair and most girls Iv met said that they like guys with long feminine hair as long as they look after themselves

Moss: My boyfriend has extremely long hair, longer than mine and I love it. It's extremely attractive to me and I'm so happy I'm not like these women cause honestly this is just toxic. If you don't want a man with long hair, don't date one, but DON'T tell your man or woman or partner to not grow their hair OR shave it

cyb3rgothh !!: Long hair is so beautiful so men grow it out and do what you like! ❤️ you’re the most beautiful people ever!

Patrick Bourne: I feel like this needs to be said this was obviously meant to be a fun video and not an attack on men with long hair. I feel that the reason that it seems more aggressive then it was is because it was done in a just talking with friends way that meant they didn't mind making jokes and not making a super balanced rationalised argument for and against long hair.

Alexalia: I love men with long hair, especially the ones that still have their baby curly cues. Hair doesn't make a man but it sure is attractive.

Antonio Vasquez: I get it, gender differences are useful, having short hair is an advantage when it comes to physical activities among men, but also a guy that lets his hair growth isn't defying nature because in the wild all women and men grow hair, actually guys are way more hairy than women so, long haired men have existed for thousands of years, modern world has different standards of course, in ancient times having a haircut was not only more difficult but also a status sign (depending the culture). Also you won't tell me that a viking or a native American are femenine because their hair, guys with long hair that I know have different hair routines than average girls, so it won't necessarily became a vanity little girl for just some male grooming, kinda ironic because girls always talk about how dirty and careless are most guys, caring about your hair doesn't mean hairspray and colorful extensions.

tgafire87: You can be a lumberjack and have a man bun too.

Una Verse: For the guys who actually care about what these women say- don‘t. Long hair ist amazing. Bandana+ long hair ist amazing. And braided freaking long man hair ist amazing, too. I‘m a women and I freaking love long hair on men xD And I‘m not even talking about the Metalhead men with long hair while headbanging. That‘s a whole other level of beauty, dude.

Elaini: If we let it, the nature would grow a long hair on both males and females. As a woman I do absolutely like it that way.

Erik G: This is inspiring me to grow out my hair into a man bun

Lexi Riley: "Real" woman here! I love men with long hair. To me most men look way better with long hair. I will say though that anything too far past the shoulders is definitely a look only few men can pull off without looking just gross.

Frankie Reyes: If you're confident and you love it rock it. F what others think.

Sunny D'Light: Girls: "He looks too feminine, gross." Next month: "Soooo, I'm dating a girl now." Next Year: "Omg where are all the good guys?"

Angel: I love love love Guys with long hair. Longer the better

ComradeCommissar: I love it when the girl with pink and blue hair is telling men what to do with their life

Kins 3301: I have long hair. I'm a test subject for all girl hairstyles for my sister's, and I love having long hair!

patreice: Omg why are they so negative. My boyfriend has long hair that goes to his back and it suits him! He also loves me styling it for him and playing in it. He takes care of it and he get ready process isn’t long at all trust that. Don’t listen to them, they don’t know what they’re going on about...

jayce jones: These girls are stupid long hair can be extremely beautiful and majestic on a man they can look as strong and as beautiful as a lion

Thanos The Farmer: You see guys with short hair everywhere you go. Men with long hair are just special in a way, different.

Tito Floww: Most women I met prefer long hair though, kids dont believe everything you see in the internet... unfortunately many have forgotten that rule.

neonlights777: I swear these videos make me MORE and MORE happy i'm gay.

Comrade Polar bear: I guess the vikings were feminine and the greeks too since thry had long hair

Jae Swag: Within the first ten seconds of the video I shook my head in disappointment. So women can use a blow dryer but men can’t?!?? WHAT. LMAO!

Nerthus Adler: I love long hair and beards, Viking style (not to long beard) and I also think dreads are looking good on men if they are really long

LilyLilac: The reason these women don't have a ring on their fingers personally I love all mens hairstyles. I love bald, long hair, short hair, dreads, the lot. All men have attractive qualities

Monkey D. Luffy: I like guys with hair. It can be blonde, black, red, brown or some crazy color even. The thing I care about is the cleanliness and that it's not a botched cut (like that rat-tail guy or the "arrested while getting a haircut" guy), can be kinda short and kinda long, what matters is the confidence of the guy, who's wearing it

Enter Valhalla: Trust me they say shorter hair but when they see a guy with long hair they start wetting themselves, the longer my hair gets the more chicks I'm getting.

GoMhaaad: Man, these REAL women are killing it with their opinions. I need to see what imaginary women think of my hair.

MsMatki: Never listen what women say! just be what you want to be, and people will love you!

Esteban A: Fellas, use long hair or short hair, whichever you prefer. In the very end, we don't want to attract girls like these.

Mulumebat Alemu Asefaw: I think long hair are better because we can do any style that we want

Mermaid Ocean: Honestly, I'm currently attracted to a guy who has long hair even though he has a girlfriend.

Random Citizen: Long hair. All the way. I love it <3

Genius Poocho: When I walk everybody looking at me, and my glorious hair. I am the only one with the glorious hair. People are tremendously jealous.

onetrackmindaf: The only thing I kind of agreed with was when that one lady brought up Axl Rose. He was a real cutie back in the 80's.

Llama 🦙: As a woman I like long hair on a man as long as they take care of it.

Allie S: I adore men with long hair! However, it has to be maintained. If it's dirty, grungy, or ratted it looks terrible. I fell in love with men and long hair when I became aware of 'Lord of the Rings'.

riri: tbh i find men with long hair more attractive and can we pls be done with gender roles? Like, anyone can keep any type of hair

CelebrityNews: Feminine and masculine is a social construct and is 100% percent opinion based on whats feminine and masculine.

Joseph: These women all want guys with like no style at all lol

vivalasexy: Blow dry and straighten my hair all the time, doesn't take long at all. Girls like guys who put in effort to look good just don't be over the top obsessive about it

amethyst: I grew up on metal music and had crushes on native Americans at school most of those guys have long hair so...I love long hair dudes

Angelx7: I absolutely love long hair on guys ♡:((

Seven Ellen: Two seconds in I'm already hearing hypocrisy. "No one wants to wait for a guy to get ready." Well that's how it feels when he has wait hours for YOU to get ready!!!

darkelect: I'm late but dude, I love long hair on men!!

Muhammad Farhan: It's OUR Choice!!

Jonathan Jones: Something as simple as hair should never be a deal breaker. As long as it is neat and doesn't look like a homeless person. I wear 2 braids and it keeps my hair neat and it's better than wearing the same ponytail everyday. Uniqueness is good. Being the same as everyone else is what's boring.

Jill Kawecki: Long hair is waaaaay hotter. this video is dumb.

Seb McCoy: this video is actually motivation to grow it out to not get with these women

xerox: who tf do they think they are judging us to what we do, we can do what we want and no one should complain

Incresta Barista: I think longer hair makes men more attractive, and shorter hair works the same for women... Kind of balances the femininity-masculinity factor. But only when you're comfortable in your own skin...

Rex Amethyst: So I guess I'm in the 2% that loves long hair on guys.

Vera Kitten: I LOVE men with long hair! Man buns are just so HOT

no: i love shoulder length hair on pretty guys + mullets are cute if they're not exaggerated

FnF Boyfriend: You got to love sexism, if it was the other way around, the men would have been crucified all over the media

S. V.O.: One of the things multiple women have told me is to keep long and very curly hair

Charlie Sierra: "Man -bun no," culturally appropriated hair texture just fine though.

Andrew Feakes: this is the when men feel they need to be "masculine"

Michael Stock: I get way more action when I have a manbun

useBitChute fightCensorship: I had a lot of naysayers when I first started growing my hair out a few short years ago but now that it's actually long nobody ever tells me to get a haircut.

Drew: Define "Real Women"?

505: I love long-haired dudes. A thick shiny mane is always glorious. Besides, who cares about the hair?? What about style, attractive personality? smh

Chaos Reality: They are just jealous that we have better hair.

TheEmpireBand: Sometimes I watch these sorts of opinion videos and I just think about all the women who say men have too high standards and I laugh

Mohaned Jbir: Girls: no one wants to wait for a guy to get ready Also girls: 4 hours to get to ready

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