Black Women Wearing Weave & Blonde Hair - Is It Cultural Appropriation?

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It'S funny how, a few days ago, i received a comment from this white woman that was offended about my what is cultural appropriation video, where i explain in detail what cultural appropriation is, that video will be in the description, make sure you watch it. She said if cultural appropriation is a thing, then black women need to stop wearing our hair straight weaves and perming their hair. Firstly, i don't think any black woman has ever bought 18 inches of virgin becky. As far as i'm aware, most weave is indian malaysian or something like that. It'S definitely not no damn european hair, but here's where i felt i needed to make a point. The texture of someone's hair and their hair color is not. Cultural culture has nothing to do with natural physical traits, hair, hair, color, texture, curly straight afro are physical characteristics, not cultural. So, in order for this point to be driven home, i guess i have to explain what culture is culture. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people defined by everything from language, religion, food, social habits, music, art, customs, tradition, clothing, social norms and traditional hairstyles notice. I said hair styles, not hair, but styles. So, for example, cornrows are an african hairstyle tied to the african culture. Afro hair, however, is a physical, trait commonly associated with people of the black race. I'Ll put a link in the description to a video that explains the differences between race, nationality, culture and ethnicity, and it also explains the correct racial classifications. But for now, let's keep it basic. So a white woman with straight hair, simply wearing her hair down, is not doing so in any cultural significance. She'S merely in possession of hair that grows naturally out of her head and wearing your hair down, has no actual cultural significance, nor is it exclusive to any culture. So when a black woman, relaxes or perms her hair, she's, manipulating the follicles and changing the texture, is she culturally appropriate in another culture? No, because straight hair is not cultural. It'S a physical trait! Is she changing her hair to imitate another race's hair? Well, you could say yes, however, straight hair is not exclusive to a particular race. Europeans can have straight hair, asians can have straight hair middle easterns and also believe it or not. Even africans can have straight hair. Naturally, i've even seen white people europeans with very thick curly or even afro, hair physical, trait, not cultural. Some people may then say yes, but if the hair that grows out of your hair naturally is not straight, then you have no business doing it and apparently it's self-hate well, first, i don't think perms are good because they're really bad for your health. There'S a video in the description which will explain the reason why a long story short is killing you. Now speaking of self-hate white women also perm their hair and make it curly. Nobody calls that self-hate. They simply call it her right to change styles and be versatile. Her right to choose white women dye their hair, different colors from blonde to brunette, to red, to green, to blue and no one says a thing. No one calls itself hate, white men, don't get up on camera and start screaming and shouting because she's changed her hair. Curly or she's dyed it blonde or brunette. No one says to the brunette who dyes her hair blonde: oh you're, trying to be blonde you're, culturally, appropriate in viking culture self-hate her! No because it's not self-hate it's their right to be versatile. These are just physical characteristics, whether she wears contacts gets a nose job or even gets a curly perm. This is physical, so why is it that a black woman that perms her hair or wears a weave doesn't get the same consideration? You can't just change the rules because it no longer fits your narrative. If you're going to chastise black women for dying their hair or changing the texture of their hair, then you have to chastise white women because, yes, they also do it too, and i know there's a bunch of black men who hate when people say but white women Do it too, and they respond with but white women, don't change their texture or wear weave a different texture to their natural hair? This is how you know these men know nothing about women whatsoever, white women, wear weave extensions of different hair, colors and dye their hair to match the weave white women get curly perms all the time. Some white women also have naturally curly hair and they straighten their hair daily. There is also a trend of white women in fashion, turning straight hair into afro textured. So, yes, they do it too, but no one jumps down their throat for doing it plot twist. What? If a black woman with afro hair, who straightens her hair, isn't trying to imitate a white woman but she's trying to imitate a black woman with straight hair, hmm think about that when white women change their hair, texture, curl pattern, hair, color or even hairstyle she's. Just being a woman she's looking the way she wants to look it's part of beauty, but when a black woman does it she's called all sorts of names. So why is it okay for white women, but not black women? Sadly, black women are held at a higher standard than anyone else. Sometimes these standards are set so high purposely, so black women can fail or be attacked. What a lot of people don't understand is, while white women change their hair for fun or beauty. A lot of black women do it to assimilate in a society that says natural afro hair is unprofessional, messy or ugly, even some of their own men tell them it's ugly to be natural or they call them nappy-headed, then, when they change their hair texture, they get Called self-haters, it's like black women can't win. I personally love natural hair, but at the same time i respect the woman's right to be versatile. I love my woman's afro hair. I love the way it feels i love when it's out. I love that it's natural. However, sometimes i like to see her in something straight: haired, sometimes curly, sometimes braids. I like to see a difference and if no one says anything about other races of women, changing, hair, color or hair texture, then you can't say a thing to black women. I don't agree with parents because they're so unhealthy for you. I do prefer natural, but if a woman wants to wear a wig of different texture, that's her right. If, today, she wants to wear an afro wig tomorrow with straight wig or a curly wig then leave her to do it. White women wear wigs too trust me so no straight hair and straight weave or straight haired. Wigs are not cultural appropriation simply because the texture of your hair is not cultural. It'S like saying big lips are cultural nope. Big lips are a physical trait, but here's the other aspect. If a white woman makes her lips bigger her hair, afro textured darkens, her skin gets butt implants and she's imitating a black woman. That'S not cultural appropriation, because she's changing her physical characteristics and white women really shouldn't imitate black women, because, what's sad is a lot of the time these white women that imitate black physical characteristics get praised for having black features, while black women get put down for them. Naturally, and yes, there are black women that lighten their skin change, their hair texture get nose jobs. We know this, but sometimes this is deeper than quote unquote. Self-Hate black people have been brainwashed and conditioned to believe in the european beauty standards while in the opposite, white people have continuously told us, their black features are ugly, unless it's on them, hmm, imitating someone's culture would be. If a white woman wears cornrows box, braids or bantu knots, because it's not the texture of the hair that has significance here, it's the hairstyle, the style has cultural significance. The style is part of the culture. Cultural appropriation, however, is slightly different. There'S a difference between cultural appreciation, you know you like the style you like to wear it, you appreciate it and you want to show love and pay homage to it notice. I said pay homage pay homage to the originators of that particular style, but there's a difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation. If you like a style - and you appreciate it, you wouldn't then try to steal it, rename it and claim it as your own. So white women, when black people talk about cultural appropriation, you don't have elect to stand on by bringing up an irrelevant argument like, but relaxed, hair and straight weave is cultural appropriation because it's not even historically the egyptians used to wear wigs. It was part of their african culture. Writing. Your hair straight is not cultural appropriation, but yes, there will be a bunch of links in the description for videos that you definitely need to watch they'll go into detail about each point that i touched on make sure you share the video peace, love and coconut oil. Hey man, that's racist! Please remember that from now on brand new, never before seen, videos as well as live streams, will only be available on my website. Ikyg.Com via a patreon subscription is a black owned black grand platform 100 free from censorship. 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Everybody Hates Angel: Join my patreon for exclusive livestreams & more: Show support via PayPal: Donate to the running of the IKYG website, an independent Black video platform: Check out uncensored & unfiltered content as well as brand new videos (remember brand new never seen before videos will only be available on my site) : Here’s what happened to my last channel: This video tells you what you get for joining my Patreon: Don’t forget to check out the description to watch any other videos I mentioned.

Cherie Tillman: Thank you for telling the truth.

Darin Melton: Keep dropping the knowledge Brother

pornanyone: Odd how people don’t know what assimilation is

janice 22: Exactly

Cadillac Deville: Angel always

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