Match The Hair To Person | Lineup | Cut

Could you guess who's rockin' each of these hairstyles?

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Match The Hair to Person | Lineup | Cut

#Cut #Lineup

© 2021

How old are you I'm 32.? I thought you were 32. [ interviewer ] Wait. Why did you think he was 32, The outfit it's giving like millennial, vibes., (, interviewer, laughs, ), [, interviewer, ], Hello, there. Hi., [, interviewer ]? What'S your name, My name's Tim., My name is Angelo Teresiano., I'm a hair stylist., My name's Olivia and I'm 11 years, old. [ Interviewer ] Olivia. What are you doing here today? I'M going to be guessing people's hair. [ Interviewer ] Tim? What'S your hair story? Well, I mean I grew up doing Catholic school, my entire life., So it was always had to be under five inches Pulled measured.. Once I escaped that and went to college just one day I was like. Ah, it's not gon na get cut. And I don't think I've cut it in 10 years., [, Interviewer ]. When you wake up. How do you know what you wan na do with your hair Some days, I just feel like doing a side part Afro some days I'll just have a natural Afro like today. (, interviewer, giggles, ), [, Interviewer, ] Angelo when you meet a new client. How do you decide like what kind of hairstyle they should get? So one of the things I like to do is something called style: stepping where you kind of give them like the elevator eyes up and down and kind of look at their personal style. Think I'm hopefully gon na be good at this. [ Interviewer ]. Do you think you're gon na be good at this No.? I fear that I will hurt someone's feeling by saying that their hair is different than it is.. That'S. What lineup is all about. Buddy., I'm going to hand you this iPad.. It has a bunch of hairstyles to choose from. There's one on here that looks like someone's skull was tattooed.. This one looks like uncle David or Bob.. Is that a specific person or just ..., No [ Interviewer ] Okay.? This looks like my tattoo artist. He's got beautiful long dreadlocks.. I mean something to aspire to right: here., [, Interviewer ]. Why is that? You know a classic party in the back. As long as I'm invited [ Interviewer ] You ready to get started, Bring that first person out. ( bell, chimes ), [, Interviewer ], Open your eyes.. Oh my all right.. I see now. (, both laugh ) Hi., Hello, (, indistinct, ), (, Angelo laughing ), I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you.. How are you miss girl? I am good.. What do you do for a living? I am a full-time mom.. What is your relationship to your hair? Fun and free., The life's too short to have boring hair. ( finger. Snaps ), Have you had the similar haircut for most of your life Have changed it about four years ago.. My haircut is basically a way to rebel against my childhood.. How do you dress up when you go out? I straight iron, my hair, Your hair. I think she might have this one right, here., This baddy. Okay., So we got one., (, Tim laughs, ) Or this. Seems also very plausible to me.. I think I'm gon na go with this one because she says she's straight edged, her hair., And this is the straightest one that I found. Was. I right Is this Okay. ( Olivia screams, ) ( Angelo cheers ), You got it. Yes. Nice.. Tell me about your hairstyle., I grew up in a cult. And it was all about looking a certain way, acting a certain way. And they preferred women to have super long hair and just super plain.. Why did you join the cult My parents joined? So I didn't really have a choice That sucks. I got out of it when I was 18 years old. And I've just been learning how to be myself and going on my own journey., And this is one of the ways to express myself. You fucking did it. Hell yeah. Thank you.. If I don't wan na show it I just ... See I can hide it.. I can do this thing that I call the Martha Washington.. I don't actually know what her hair looked: like. Yeah. Now, I'm Martha Washington. (, Sarah laughs, ), Hello. Hi.. What'S your name, My name's Scott., Hello? Scott.? How old are you I'm 32.? I thought you were 32. [ Interviewer ] Wait. Why did you think he was 32, The outfit it's giving like millennial vibes.? What do you do for fun? I rock climb. I hike a lot., I camp.. What kind of hair products do you use? I don't use hair products.. Ah me neither., I feel, like you have curly hair.. I don't think you got the weirdo Yankovic necessarily curls, going on. Incredible. If you do. You're, giving this vibe right here.. I think it's this one.. I think it's this.. I think you have dreadlocks. No ( Scott laughs. ), Give us a little. A little. What A little Yep. Yay. (, both laugh ). Do you let your hair down, naturally Sometimes yeah. Ooh.? Can we see it? It looks good.. Thank you.. Have people ever asked to touch it All the time yeah. People walk up and just touch it. And some people think it's fake.. Does that ever happen to you Actually yes. A lot.? It'S really annoying. Next person, please. ♪ Under my umbrella ♪ ♪ Ella ella, eh, eh ♪, Oh hi., Hi, there. I like her style.. Thank you so much. I like your style. Nice nose, piercing. And the eyeliner is on flick with the outfit. Thank you. ( finger. Snapping ), What do you like to do for fun? I, like hosting elaborate theme parties. What kind of theme parties? What do you do? One of my favorites was a sexual innuendo, themed party. Okay. ( Angelo laughs ). So you just dressed like an innuendo. Okay.. Did you have a favorite one? I was a tossed salad., ( Angelo laughs, ). I thought that was pretty clever.. I definitely don't take you as long colored, hair necessarily.. I also don't take you as having wildly long dreadlocks., [ Interviewer ]. What kind of hair do you think this person has Just off the bat, The ponytails or bald.? I already have two guesses., This one., That's where my first gut goes., But also something like this., I'm guessing. And I'm fine with being wrong, because it's all about learning and growing. Are you on full shave, You're right.. I knew it. Huh. ( Olivia screams ). You look so good being bald too.. Thank you! So much. ( fingers, snaps ). Why did you go bald So right around? When I was your age, my hair actually started to fall out.. I actually have alopecia. Oh., So I started losing hair when I was about eight years old.. It got to a point where it was just really patchy. And I felt like I really wasn't in control of it. So right around when I was your age, I shaved. My head for the first time. And pretty much has been this length ever since. Cool. Yeah., A shaved head sometimes can be a little uh, at least for me as in .... Are you calling me a skin head? I'M not calling you a skin head. ( Tim giggles ). I don't think I gave up skin.. No, I don't think you do either.. Does anyone ever assume you have cancer As a little kid like, I was like thin and pale and like it was constantly like `` I'll, be praying for you.'' And I, like I, do get ,'' I'll, be praying for'', you still pretty frequently. And like I always Just respond with like thank you. Cause like I think I could use all the help. I could get. Sure. (, both laughing ). Thank you. Thank you.. How are you I'm doing good.? How are you I'm doing swell.? What do you think about hair? I think it can tell a lot about a person. How they present themselves their personality.. What do you do for a living? I work in the HVAC field.. What is that? ( Angelo laughs, ) HVAC., So like air conditioning., Oh., Okay. Ventilation, so ... HVAC? Now that's the good money.. Is there good money, Um. Can be? Are you an introvert For the most part yeah., You seem like a low maintenance person.. I think I'm low maintenance. You're low maintenance. In an industry like HVAC You're, going into people's homes or businesses., Something that looks professional. [ Interviewer ] - Are any of these standing out to you. I think we're going with this.. I think it's this one. No offense. Am. I right Yay., I was correct.. You ever thought about growing it out Skol style Like what style Skol it., You just grow it out long and even if it's you know a little bit shorter on top it's a sick, look. Yeah.. If I had more hair on the top, I would definitely grow it out.. I definitely like having my hair kind of a bit more shaggier.. Do you think I could pull off a pull off a skol? I think anyone should rock a skol.. It'S a hard look.. If you wanted to go the skoler route, get a leather, jacket. Yeah., Oh yeah, definitely.! That way up. Super nice to meet you brother., Yeah. Thanks.. What do you liked you for fun? I like to go hiking and you know climbing.. How long have you had the hair? You have now For six years. Six years, And was it something that you had to put a lot of work into making it look like it is No., Not really. He's giving intubular vibes.. Have you ever had someone either to your face or online, be like ,''? This guy's hairstyle is not chill., Not for me.''. My mom has said that a few times., My mom too., How do people see your hair and what do they think They see my hair as impressive. And they sometimes wish they had hair like mine.? Do people think you wan na spend time in Jamaica or have a fascination with Jamaica, ( Tim chuckles ). I'Ve never been asked that. Okay. It's this guy.. It'S just got ta be., I know it.. I just know it. ( Angelo chuckles ), I'm gon na go curls.. My final guess this color.. Can I just say this: I don't really like the look on white people or Caucasians.. I feel like. Sometimes it can be annoying. Like we. We created that hairstyle., No offense., No offense., None taken. Was that right Hit me with the truth: baby.. Ah God damn it Okay.. I see the hair flip.. What do you think about what I just said? No, I hear that often., But then I also hear the same that like ,'', But it looks really good on''. You know, me. Have other people black people made comments like that to you before No, but I have had two black women who work on dreadlocks. Ask if they'd do my maintenance cause? They are very intrigued that you know I have locks that are this long., That's cool., ( man, chuckles ). Thank you for showing your hairstyle. You're welcome. [ Interviewer ] Did chatting with him change your perception at all about dreadlocks and white folks No. ( people laugh ), Hello. Hi.. What do you do for work? I work at a education nonprofit as a program manager.. What do you think out of all these hairstyles [ Interviewer ]? Well, you can't have her pick. (, Interviewer laughs ). How much time does it take you to deal with your hair, I would say: maybe: 30 minutes.. I look at you and I don't necessarily see whatever the kind of Rachel Maddow look is.. Can I ask your ethnicity? What do you think my ethnicity is? Oh, my God., Like always, is like how old am I Or how much do I weigh ( lady laughs. ) Is there Indian in there? Yes, there is., Okay okay.. I'M surprised, got that actually. Yeah. You're, Indian and um ... And black. (, lady chuckles, ) And black. Okay okay., So that definitely would equal this hair texture.. I think we have this beautiful, style., [ Interviewer ]. That'S your final guess. Yes, it is. Show me your hair. ( Olivia screams, ) Yes.. I was correct.. Oh my gosh.. This looks too cute on you.. Did you do any color in here --, It's color and it's a balayage right now., So balayage is sort of having little highlights. Okay. Up here., But there's more color at the bottom., See balayage to me sounds like a tap dance. Move., Like I balayage. (, both laughs ). When people see you on the street, what do they say? Do they try to touch your hair In the past, when I was younger, everyone would come and touch my hair, but they don't do that anymore.. So I like that., I don't like people touching my hair.. Thank you for sharing your hair story and her story. Bye bye. Thank you., [ Interviewer ]. Were you inspired by any these hairstyles Think about maybe going to a person who does hair once to see what that's all about Do some? What'S it balayage or whatever., ( interviewer, laughs, ), [, Interviewer ]? How was that for you? I had fun. [ Interviewer ]. Did you learn anything about hair No. (, interviewer, laughs, ), [, Interviewer ]? What do you love about hair Angelo You're in people's bubble.? So I work in a private room with one client., So I learn a lot.. We know everything about them. Things, their husbands and wives. Don'T know., It's just a very, very private personal thing.

Yaz: "I feel like I will hurt someone's feelings..." "That's what Lineup is all about" - Sums it up pretty well actually

Leina Amatsuji-Berry: Olivia! May nothing break her spirit or stop her from achieving her dreams, she’s already such a bright soul!

Raspberry: I did NOT expect them to come out holding the giant boxes over their heads LMAO

veronica hudson: she said “no offense” and then showed him his own hairstyle

Don’t Care Tbh: Who’s ever raising Olivia you’re doing a damn good job

iasminah rakotoarison: Olivia just made my week, she brings a lot of good energy

Repzion: 1:40 THANK YOU for including my sister in this, came as a pleasant surprise. Finally others in my family are speaking up on how we were raised.

Janis Gay: I taught 11-year-olds for 30 years. They are on an oasis of sanity--they don't fall off their bikes anymore and puberty hasn't fully overwhelmed them. Retired now, and miss the kids a lot.

lani: “Did chatting with him change your perception at all about dreadlocks and white folks” “..No” LMAOO

Bree Bree: I love Olivia's energy. She's a natural comedian

Gloria Mortezaei: it's Olivia's world and we are just living in it

Janellelives: I love that Olivia’s rocking her natural hair! Her Afro is so cute.

Dougal Pollux: ‘ This one looks like uncle David or bob’ ‘Is that a specific person, or…?’ ‘No’

kerbeto: Tim is such a kind being!

Creature Named Syn: Oh my GOD, Olivia is one of the coolest kids EVER. I adore the personality, so great. What a light of joy. May she succeed in everything she dreams for.

Goodness David: I'm glad I found this channel. They make random content so much fun. Hopefully, I can feature in one of the videos someday

b1njjj95: I'm so happy to see an 11 year old girl like Olivia being so confident and smart at her age. She knows her history and you can tell she has amazing parents that guide her well.

Benjamin Carabajal: The giant white boxes that they have to hold are KILLING me! I'm sure there has to be a better way to hide the hair. But they went with that and I can't stop laughing! I love Cut.

T Mac: Olivia wasn’t afraid to hurt anyones feelings, but she was kind about it I respect that she voiced her opinion on cultural differences with the guy having locs. There’s a lot of dread and pain behind that hair style and she knows it.

Ray luvr: They need to have this young girl on here more often she's had me cracking uppp

Rvyna: “Did chatting with him change your perception about white people in this style” “No” LMFAOOOOO. I love this little girl. Her parents are lucky to be raising someone with so much personality.

Manu Deras: her randomly singing umbrella, such an icon i love her

Based Angel: Olivia is too much for me this grown little woman is killing me

Adrienne Reimer: ok I saw the thumbnail and expected people to be wearing bald caps or hats but the giant box over the head made me bust out laughing

Laura Jimenez: Olivia needs to be taught the dangers of saying "no offense" un prompted

Lori Thomas Scott: “I like your style! It’s giving body!” Out of an 11 year olds mouth is absolutely the energy I needed today

tristegarc0n: everyone's talking about Olivia but Tim is such a pure soul too. I would definitely love to see him again

Sarah Hoffman: This was a blast! So glad to have had the experience!

Chat & Chill: I love how the content on this channel manages to be fun but also really shows some beautiful humanity! These people don't know each other and yet they shared some actually tender and intimate moments just by learning about their hair.

Jasmin C: I love the little girls personality. So confident!

Rachael Appold: Little sister's personality was everything! Love that for her!

Tiffany Le: i love having kid guessers, their reactions are always genuine and they aren’t afraid to say stuff sometimes. but she was great and respectful and nice. some kids can just be straight up mean

Avery B: Can we get Sarah’s story!! I feel like she has a story to tell

Gavin Meloro: Olivia is such a free spirit!!! Love her!!! Definitely wouldn’t turn down a chance to be her best friend forever!

ellen: but i really wanted to see who had the split dyed hair :(

meredith: i think you should do an episode asking people when they learned about certain things like sex, suicide. what different people are exposed to like abuse, mental illness stuff like that. teenagers compared to adults. sense social media has been provided to our generation at such a young age i think it would be interesting to see when adults learned about stuff like that because kids learn from social media.

Para Noia: Pleeease bring Olivia back! Such a great person to watch and enjoy.

LilliaMariee: you guys should do match the person to their shoes or bag/purse that would be so much fun and id love to see it or be apart of it !!

Ding Dong Football: You gotta put Olivia in more of these, she’s hilarious!

Lindani Ndebele: Olivia's energy is giving me life. And she was so good at this! Also blew my mind that as she was singing Umbrella, I realised that the song is older than she is LOL

Taylor Tarver: I loved all the people in the boxes as well this was alot of fun great casting!

Zoey’s Zooted: Omg Olivia has such a bright and fun personality, I love how expressive she is

C. M. Buford: You know you've been watching this channel for a long time when you see Curtis' hairstyle out of all the hair options...

chrissy hromadka: That younger girl is EVERYTHING. I ADORE her!

Indi Darling: If someone told me my outfit was giving "millennial vibes" I would ACTUALLY die!

aly666: Olivia is a damn queen and Tim is so so so wholesome. Please can we have them both back?

Alani Connor: Olivia is giving, she definitely was my favorite part of this video

Vicky Likes This: I love Olivia and tim but why is no one appreciating angelo! The way he interact with people with hus genuine giggles are so wholesome.

Tara Lown: This girl is everything, she's amazing

Hadassah: The 11 year old is adorable, hilarious, and a straight up cool kid.

Emily: I freaking love Olivia, she has such a bright and sunny personality

PhMa: I ABSOLUTELY love Olivia ❤. Her confidence, energy and truth are what more young black girls need today. Plus her style and voice are top notch. May she never change but continue to grow and develop.

Mx. Menacing: I'm really happy to se more of Tim, I can relate to them and their personality!

Achal Thakkar: hey can you do... guessing peoples faces based on their bodies?

Basicbatch: to whoever is raising Olivia, good job. She's so funny and bright!

Frankey Johnson: Omg I loved Olivia's energy! Olivia's energy juxtaposed to Tim's made this video for me.

Abby Sow: I think Olivia is a very smart young woman and she handled the locs very well

Meri: Olivia is so wonderful!! I like seeing Tim on here too. Great casting on this one

Fatimah Conteh: Love this little girls energy she adorable.

sophie kook: the fact that angelo got them all right is so cool !!!

elizabethesther: the way that young girl is so well-spoken, thoughtful, and fun :D love you olivia

Lizzy.: ‘i was a tossed salad i thought was pretty cool” yes.

Kristal NYC: Olivia is a serious vibe!! Love her!!

eightrm: olivia had me laughing the entire episode. i’d love to see more of her in the future

Angelo Terracciano: This was so fun to do!!!!

Kiayhna: yes yes yes more lineups like these

Stefanie Lamson: I empathize with the lady who had to be put through an awful cult situation... I hope she heals from it, therapy or anything. And I hope she finds happiness and safety in her life now.

MCB: It's so nice when people are open minded

Flaminia Sterbini: I loved Olivia bringing up the dreadlocks and white folks theme, that was so blunt and brave for a girl of her age, I'm impressed

Sumer Haynie: Olivia is great… we need more of her

Jalisa XO: Olivia was the star of the show.. she’s real, no filter, funny asf I love her personality she has such a big personality for a young person! I pray she keeps that up throughout her lifetime ❤️

Cesiley Garcia: Olivia is amazing and I hope she returns. I also, would love to hear Sarah's story about living in and leaving the cult.

Ava pickering: Olivia is just such a character and I love it

Luca Oláh: I wanna see Olivia more She is sass

Mikayla Malchione: Love Olivia's energy and gonna try to channel some of it myself

Carlaaliee B: Everyone is so great I love this.

Nicole: I hope Olivia’s pillow is always cool and cozy at night

Annie Moore: ok but olivia is a vibe! absolutely love her!! nothing bad to say abt any of them but especially not olivia

Anika Koller: I love the 11yr old. I hope no one ever dulls her!!

Brad Canning: olivia needs her own show

Melonoire: They all have so beautiful hair

amara t: olivia is amazing. she’s so genuinely her, i hope she never changes!!

Pikachu: They should do more of these!

La Suprema Personal: I love how Olivia has her hair!!! You rock that fro ♥️

Danielle Lake: I love how much personality this lil girl has!

Matthew Bofenkamp: Saw one of the hairstyles they had to choose from looks really similar to mine and half expected to see myself walk out as one of the people in this lineup even though I have no memory of being in this

Arslan Younas: Olivia has a great sense of humor!

Ashley: We need more of Olivia. She’s gonna be such a baddie when she’s older. Love her.

A2hley: I wish they had all of the cast members line up at the end like usual. I really wanted to look at all the hairstyles together. Great video though.

Ehmwhat: Olivia really said NO with the quickness in the end

beautiful obsidian: I am living for Olivia! What a beacon of light, may this world never break her ❤

Nina Williams: As a black woman with locs I'd like to say another race having the style doesn't bother me as long as you treat it with respect and good energy. God says do not judge :)

A. D. Gardenhire: Olivia is EVERYTHING!!! Please keep her on.

c4keboo🖤🤍: I love Olivia she is just so pure ❤️

Alyssa: We need more of that random 11 year old lmao, she’s a vibe

Mr. Bork Bork: Someone needs to teach the very nice 11 year old that no race owns a hairstyle, she was very fun though!

Tuva Moen: Olivia was so funny when she started singing umbrella

Tashoi: I would like to see Tim's hair after he goes to a stylist

Omontola Onibon: God bless this child. Love love her energy!!!

Aves aryanna: Dreadlocks are beautiful on all skin colors. Culture appreciation!!

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