Black Women'S Hair In The Military... #Airforcefridays


Welcome to another Air Force Fridays video. Today I discussed what it is like to be a Black woman with natural hair in the Air Force.

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*The feelings and thoughts expressed in this video are my own and are not those of the USAF*

Hey guys welcome back to my channel, so today's video is another Air Force. Friday'S video excuse the noise in the background, I'm actually watching a load of clothes, and I've recorded quite a few videos today, so I'm gon na be having that boundary. In the background of all those videos, so it is what it is, but today's video I decided I wanted to make a video about black woman's hair and military, how we do it what's accepted and how to maintain and make sure it is healthy throughout the strenuous Pullback that we have to put on our hair. So if you don't know I'm in the United States Air Force, most people know that let's watch them in this video. If you don't know now, you know subscribe to my channel. Leave me a like and comment below. So either way I am 100 percent afro-american and I am natural underneath all of my wigs and weaves or whatever else I decide to wear, but I wear my hair natural in its natural state to work. I just jelly, I pull it down. I either do a high puff like this or I do a low puff back here, I'm as long as your cover or your cap can fit over your hair you're good to go the regulations, I'm not gon na, read them verbatim, but I will insert them down Here, like the regulations for women's here, I'm not gon na fit at all cuz. It'S our lives, it's a long ASI. So, basically, all you need to know is that you're, a bun or your hair cannot extend. I think it's three inches outside of your head, so it can't be like all the way out here. You know I'm saying we can like this huge puff on top of your head has to be neat and well-kept, meaning it has to be pulled back nice. You can't have any pieces falling out. It just has to look neat. It has to be in a bun if your hair can't fit into a bun. You are able to have like a pixie cut bob cut as long as it doesn't hit your collar. I'M trying to kind of summarize the rest of the rules without having to reverb a them the AFI, but to touch on black woman's hair. As you guys know, I have 4 C coarse texture and it was it's a little tough, sometimes to wear my hair. It'S a little tough, sometimes to maintain and keep my hair healthy, because by May through Friday, I am pulling my hair back into this tight bun that has to look neat has to look put together there and it has to be within regulation. So that puts a lot of strain on your hair. It may actually weaken your curl pattern, which it has done for me and the front of my hair. My hair is so like it doesn't curl anymore, it's it's like I'm kind of straightening straightening it naturally over time. By pulling it back all the time. The back of my hair is still curled, because I don't tend to put a lot of tugging and pulling on the back, but the flying is like it's a lot. I I experience some type of isolated some breakage actually with pulling my hair back constantly in BMT, because I was not trying BMT and I experienced breakage on the nape of my neck. So I was having like little bald spots owner said, nape my neck, because how hard or how tight I was pulling my hair back so be aware of that. If you are in the Air Force, just make sure that you're not pulling your back too much allowing yourself to breathe the easiest way I say to do it is to put your head down and put your ponytail on. So when you put your head up, you allowed yourself some breathing room in the back and that's helping me a lot, but nobody taught me that I had to learn that on my own. So now you guys know my load tip my little cheat sheet. Umm. Another thing with women in the military: we black women in the look that we just I think last year, two years ago, 2018 they are added to the regulation that women can have locks and we can have braids. So that's awesome before I wasn't allowed, but we all know and we're not gon na get into the history of black women in America and we're not gon na get into that. But John know the joy. I know what it is, so it took a while for that to be accepted, but now you're able to wear locks and you're able to wear single braids like box braids. That are that, but again they still have to be pulled back into a neat bun and they can exceed passionate color. So you are able to have some fun which are here, but another thing is that you can't do crazy design and you can't do any extreme. Colors right here has to be a natural color. So if you know me, if you've been watching my videos - and I mean I don't think - I really have loaded a lot of videos. But if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I've liked wearing different color. Here I really enjoy colored hair. I think it looks really good, but that is a no-no in the Air Force and in all branches of the military. It has to be a natural color to you. It can't be, although red here is a natural color. If that's not your natural hair, it's a no-no like my friend she's Hispanic and she actually got hair colored blonde and they made her clerk back because it's not a natural hair color for her. So yeah it sorry. The wash is really loud but yeah. So you have to be kind of mindful Ana and I personally, like I personally made this video, because I felt like black woman's here in the military. Is it's underrated how complicated or how difficult it is for some black women in the military, especially black women, would foresee coarse, textured hair, tight, coils, tight curls, because for us it takes a lot to have our hair pulled back. Looking neat and presentable, I'm for work. Every single day, and also make a show where take care of my hair and not putting too much tension on I hear, but on the bright side, you're able to wear weave extensions. It just has to be in a neat button when you're in uniform of yourself be in the neat button and it can extend how's your collar, so you could do the cube Bob wink. I'Ve done that. I do that in my blues. Actually, you can do the high puff, but it has to be. You know me and your cut your cat has to fit over it. So if your cap can fit over it, it's a no-go um, you can do corn rolls. You can do Kong rules, I've done coals. You could do that again. It just has to be in a bun in the back. I'Ve done passion, twigs, I've done, which other thing I've done so many different hairstyles, but you just have to always keep in mind. It has to be be able to be pulled back in that bun and it can exceed past your collar other than that. It'S good to go it can't. You can't do any like crazy designs. You can't do like a half up half down, that's not our eggs. You can't do like. I wanted to do one time I wanted to do braids in the front and crochet in the back. Can'T be that it all has to be. If you're gon na do braised the braised happen, it go all the way from the front to the end. It can't be like halfway stopped, but yeah there's a lot of different rules and being a black one. You know saying you have a you know. Sometimes it's hard they're girls, we don't have a long like here, then we could just wrap up into a bun. Is that so just keep that in mind, don't get discouraged either. Don'T get frustrated. Explore, try different things. You can do your hair in different ways and dependent schedule. Like me, I'll wear my hair pull back or pull it up or something like this for work Monday through Friday, but then Friday, when I get off work, it's coming down and braiding my hair. Don'T wait on doing whatever I want to do it, my hair, because that's your time, you know like you, don't have to be. Your hair doesn't have to pull back and pull it up like that. 24/7 35, like whenever you're at work, be at work and when you get off work, do what you want to do to your hair. Take care of your hair make sure you're nurturing your hair, nursing your hair, giving your hair moisture things that it needs to be healthy, because these hair ties will they will put some strain on your hair, like no other and again like just take care of your Hair, ladies, like really seriously take care of your hair black women, black women in their hair. It'S a big thing. Our hair is a big part of who we are and how we identify ourselves, how we view ourselves and just make sure you're taking care of your hair, because the other day you don't want the bald spot. You don't want the breakage, you don't want to mess up your curl pattern, just try to put as less tension as possible to try to put some technics I'll do waves. If you want to do wigs, I personally didn't I personally wear waves on the weekend and not during the week only because I don't like tying up my hair, my weight, because I'm gon na be getting the best quality ways. I get affordable. Wigs and you know every time up, they start messing up and doing some craziness lying. I talk all that I just wearing on my free time when I'm off working when I could do what I want to do with my hair. I don't wear my hair and another thing when you go to sleep. I do my hair the night before so when I get off work. I take my ponytail whatever out I let my hair breathe, I don't touch it on the do anything when I go to get ready for the night. Take my night shower. I go ahead and re-wet wherever I put gel just to reactivate the gel brush. It tie it down. Do right, go to sleep, get up, do it all over again, so that your hair has some time to breathe throughout the day. Make sure you take a time out like that, so I know this video was really random and really rambley and all those things. But i i've been when to make this video for a while, and i didn't know its angle, to make it out or to start the video, and so i kind of just threw all this information in there and hopefully some parts of it some bits of it. Along the way were helpful to you and if it wasn't shaking it thumbs up and if it wasn't I'd apologize, if you have any other questions, comment them down below and I'll try and get back to you guys and thank you for watching and as always, they Were bye guys

BlackWomanUSA _24: I wore my hair to work in a headband an entire 2 years until I could pull it all the way back it was 2 inches long. As it grew to 4-9 inches a few ppl weren't happy about it. A general told them to leave me alone once he was white. It seemed strange that so many curly women are shunned for our hair in uniform. I was harassed by 5 ppl and many others thanked me for doing it an not backing down. Many would cower if someone said they should change their hairstyle despite it being too short. Most other black women on my base would stick to braids, straight hair, or sew-in. It had no interference with my uniform or duties and I couldn't be touched because high ranked individuals supported me. It wasn't in any sort of disarray. I slicked it back far as I could as it grew out.

Not playing Gonzalez: Thank you so much for this, I’m meeting with a recruiter on Monday and I was worried about my hair! This helped ease a lot of my worry!

Tiana Leigh: Loved your video ! I also realized instead of gel use a leave in conditioner it’s less drying on the hair and just wear a scarf at night to hold it down while damp it does wonderful ✨

Kiyanna Lott: What would you say is the best hairstyle for BMT? My hair is about 3c/4a and definitely not long enough to put in a bun. I’ve seen mixed videos of women saying to not get any other hairstyle other than doing cornrows but I don’t know how to braid

Paja Jones: Love your video. I’ll keep my hair in braids ❤️

La Tajah Upton: You can do your ponytail in layers so it won’t pull on your edges and stuff that’s what I do cause I don’t play with my edges the Airforce not bout to cop me

Sowhatlol 1: I have 4C hair I will be doing another big chop when the time comes for basic

Ashley Moore: I love your videos love ❤️ what about locs .. did you have any women that had locs in BMt when you went or do you see ladies now that are active ..❤️

i don't care: Yeah.... I’m going to do box braids

lela thompson: Could u wear braids at basic training

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