Can White Women Do Black Hair? | Judge Of Characters

Rachel Dolezal is out here bragging on her braiding styles for black women and her fried chicken. She's officially doing the most. But she makes us wonder: Can white women do black hair?

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Y'All rachel dolezal is out here: cash cropping our cornrows just look welcome to judge of characters where black hair matters it all started when this girl shared a shocking discovery, america's least favorite black identifier, braided, her mom's hair rachel dolezal, is trying to be as black as Possible even doing hair in the kitchen and frying chicken at the same time that chicken do look good, though rachel, how come every time i come in the kitchen you in the kitchen, black hair has been co-opted since forever. There'S a plethora of non-black women who go on vacation to the caribbean and get their hair braided by locals. And then there are the kardashian sisters who get braided up and attribute the look to boxers and boderick. Then there's marc jacobs, who puts his models with the least amount of melanin and bantu knots, and then we can't forget about the multi-step process to get afro hair from allure. Can we help that we're trendsetters and ahead of our time? Look at these eight and ten-year-old babies slaying these braids black hair is more than just hair or a look. It'S a huge part of our culture. There'S history, wrapped into each one of our kinky coily curly tresses from pre-slavery to issa. Rae black hair has always been intentionally innovative. It'S been said that during slavery, cornrows were used as maps to help guide slaves to freedom. Brains were also said to help relay messages between slaves and they also stored gold and seeds for them to use for survival while they were on the run. So forgive us if we're a little sensitive or selfish. Around non-black people rocking these historical hairstyles culture, writer, zeba blade once said it so perfectly. When white women wear black hairstyles, it's a slap in the face to black women speaking of slaps in the faces of black women. This white woman became the first person ever jailed for racist verbal abuse in south africa, and here she is rocking cornrows in court. Well, she did have to get that gel. Look together. What about when white women do black hair? Is that considered a slap i'ma? Go ahead and say: yes, especially if that slap comes from rachel dolezal's white hand. Let'S look at the tweets. Why don't y'all just go right ahead and admit that you didn't want rachel dolezal to be good at braiding? I don't care how hard my life gets. If my only option to do my braids is rachel dolezal, i'm going on youtube to learn my damn self rachel dolezal's true mission is to infiltrate the black community and destroy black women's edges. The woman who braids my hair is a white redheaded woman for over 10 years. She be doing it. She understands my hair, so she knows how to be gentle with it, while still getting styles to hold. My hair is fine. Let'S judge these characters. Yes, white women can do black hair. Well, some of them some black women can't do black hair. I mean chlorine is hard, but my conclusion is this: black hair is sacred. We don't have time for rachel dolezal's hands to be all up in it. The colonnades are motto they make it. We take it and, what's worse, black women have historically been made to feel like our hair is unkempt or nappy, and it isn't considered good or professional. I sentence all of the thieving white hands to back away from our hair. Don'T ask to touch it, don't rock it and, most importantly, don't be rachel dolezal. What'S up, i'm pj with the room, we want to bring you more series and videos like this and we need your help. Let us know what you thought below and subscribe to our channel on youtube.

leung: Ok, I'm with you when it comes to corn rows. But claiming that braiding in general or even knotting and towering up is an exclusively black thing and everyone doing it is appropriating black hair is just ridiculous. Braided, knotted and towered up hairstyles in Europe can be traced back to the Vikings and Celts. Also, there are many white people with curly hair, who arrive quite naturally at the style you show at 1:17 just by keeping their hair relatively short.

Literary Lady1: When I was a little the first stylist who did my hair was a Japanese man. It should be based on skill and experience. I think it is great that stylist are being taught to work with diverse hair texture.

Carter: My grandma was 3/4 Native American (I look white as can be, my sis is dark) and my grandfather braided grandma's hair and re-rolled her bun for 50+ It's NOT just a black-thing

Reagan B: Imagine thinking certain women can't wear a certain hairstyle because of the color of their skin Edit: let me clarify that if a white woman wears one of these hairstyles and credits other white women or disrespects the culture somehow, that is completely different and I do agree that that is cultural appropriation

imgonna getyelledat: I feel like, to move on from what happened in the past, we should be able to share these hairstyles. Things in the past won't be forgotten but, it will show how much we've come together after all that. In the end though, it's just hair.

delphidae: so you can straighten your hair so it looks "white" instead of natural and that's OK - nobody owns a hairstyle - history is fine but it does not denote ownership

TacoTuesdayProduct: Using this logic Black people should never be allowed to have straight blonde hair. But if I said this, I would be racist. So please stop. This video is racist.

Toxic Gamer: God created us in different races and nations so that we could introduce to one another and SHARE OUR CULTURES.

The Nail Room: Baby, love. Spread it. Hair is an expression. If a white woman thinks she is Beautiful in a set of box braids then who are you to tell them any different.

Magos Autokratoris Wyndham: Since when was hair a thing that belonged to one group of people?

Kyra Tillman: Well I understand her point but I never, ever touch any of my African American friends hair or asked but yet they always play and touch my hair and yet I have no problem

olivia15073: I’m white and I’ve seen white women do black hairstyles very well. No one believed it was done in a “white” salon. I think if white women want to learn how to respectfully style and care for black hair, it shouldn’t be considered a slap in the face. You can be respectful of history AND provide a useful service to EVERYONE in the community. I also completely understand if black women are more comfortable only having their hair done by other black women b/c they have the same hair type. To each his own. Either way, Vanilla Care For Chocolate Hair is a real thing.

Liza M.: As somebody who graduated hair school, it would have been awesome to learn how to do black hair. I have not gone into hairdressing as a career because I don’t have the confidence and don’t want to touch anybody’s head out of fear of ruining their hair because I wasn’t taught how to style all types. Maybe if teachers would teach how to do all hair types, it would help everyone from the clients to stylists. However, after reading articles online about this topic, one thing that stuck out is the issue of white women taking over a space that black women make money in.

A L: This is horrendous! So let’s all us white girls gets pissed coz black women wear weaves made from European hair! Stuff like this is what keeps racism Ali e and keeps dividing races. Can’t we all just enjoy and experiment with the styles we want to!

alex: I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this group called the *vikings* but they were as white as possible and had braids.

Graham Childers: How are cornrows/dreadlocks a uniquely ‘black’ invention when every culture in the world has had them naturally occur? Native American peoples, such as the Sioux or Cree have had them, the Vikings had them, early Scottish Celts had them, various cultures of the Indian Subcontinent had them dating back as early as the Indus Valley Civilization, the ancient Egyptians had them, and even the Greeks had descriptions of “snake-like” hair. Each of these cultures developed dreadlocks/cornrows, because dreadlocks are a naturally occurring hairstyle. Nobody can claim to determine who can and cannot style-let alone wear- dreadlocks, because most cultures on earth has developed them independently of each other.

Jack: She says while stealing my hair color, that less than 1% of the world has naturally. *sarcastic claps*

First Name: Okay sis don't straighten your hair anymore or wear long straight weaves. Rock your kinky Afro hair.

Loree Morrow: I have been wanting box braids because they are beautiful. I've done some research on it. It's really cool how people learn how to communicate with hair. You could tell what their status was just by how the hair is styled. It is amazing. I don't see it as a race thing, but as the beauty of it. I may sound ridiculous I apologize I just really love it :)

Sam Ellenberger: I love black hair. I think it is gorgeous. I like the styles and just plain curly hair. I’m very good with hair and braids as-well. I really want to do box braids on myself, or get them done but I know it can be offensive. It has so much to do with your culture and background. I can see it being a complement to your culture but I still think it’s kind of wrong so that’s why I’m too scared to get them. I don’t want to be disrespectful. My family is really against racism and my ancestors fought for black rights.

Ugh: Not gonna lie I’m thinking of braiding my hair and I’m a boy but I’m afraid that people are gonna hate me ;-;

Ruqaya AL Gburi: Disliked this. I’m an Arab and I always rock my “cornrows”. Does that mean I’m imitating black women? For as long as I remember... dreadlocks or cornrows were done by Egyptians.. and that’s where I got the idea. Black women are gorgeous, just as all women out there... please, talk about a more important issue.

Sweet Cheesecake: Okay, story time. So I was on roblox(yes I know I'm cringey ) and a game that I play recently added black hair styles. Now there was this girl saying that another girl was racist because she was wearing a black hairstyle ( the girl wearing the hairstyle was white) . Now I got mad, most of these players are children who saw these black hairstyle and think "Ooo this hairstyle is pretty" and wear them. She was going on a rant about how those hairstyles are for black people and people like her are ruining black culture. I uh snapped and told her that "I guess I'm racist for using chopsticks, chopsticks are only for Asians oops"

Mini Gacha Storys: Omg,so much ignorance

Zajah Moore: It’s just hair and people can do what they want it’s not even a slap in a face braids are not just for black women

john shanahan: Can someone explain to me why it's a slap in the face for white person to wear cornrows just because of the history? I don't really understand why black history of cornrows means other races can't wear them. I mean, I think you can view it as a slap in the face, or as the opposite (acknowledgement or support of black culture and hairstyles and a statement against the white people who would look down on black hairstyles), or even.... as nothing at all because the white person wearing it isn't making any sort of statement. It's really how you interpret it Maybe if you are black, you wear cornrows as a statement of your race or history, but that doesnt mean everyone wearing them, including white people, has to be making a statement too. Of course, if the person wearing them intends to mock or insult you then it should be interpreted that way, but in think that's very rare. I don't think it really affects your life if white people wear that hairstyle, unless they are trying to mock or insult. Just get in living your life and only complain when someone else is actually affecting it. If this is about things that have a dark history, then loads of things have dark history, but we can't stop people using them just because of that. Examples: Hugo Boss used to make uniforms for the Nazis, so can only Germans wear this brand now? Treadmills were inspired by the treadwheel which was essential a torture device in britain in Victorian times. Maybe only British people should be allowed to use treadmills now? Tattoos were used in Auchwitz by the Nazis to mark prisoners, who were mainly Polish Jews. Should only Polish or Jewish people be allowed to wear tattoos now? Or if it's about stealing things from another culture then that's happened throughout history. I mean braids were thought to have started in ancient Egypt and spread throughout Africa, so if you aren't Egyptian maybe you shouldn't wear braids? Or maybe if you are black you shouldn't wear jeans because they were created and worn in the States by white people 140 years ago?

Nicholas Bloxxer: 0:28 thought she was about to rap

Nina Gall: None of my business if a type 4 wants to rock a straight blonde wig. Do your thing. Dont listen to the negative Nancys. Keep your head up. Love, a white girl.

Mikey Jamieson: No one's gonna be asking her for any hair tips with edges like those.

ExposedRoot: I’m a black woman rocking natural hair who gave this video a thumbs down. If you can’t figure out why…You certainly could’ve found a better way to present.

Ivonne Hunter: While I understand and respect everyone’s opinion, it saddens me to see such division. If we can’t even share and unite hairstyles how can we expect to share and unite in other aspects? I may look white but I’m not, did you ever think about that possibility before giving nasty looks to that person? I don’t hear white women criticizing black women for wearing silky straight weaves, why should braids be different?

Bleu Berry: How about yall stop wearing wigs too then, equality remember

Theshortkid: idk- even if we just forget about the culture the hair comes from, also can think that it wasnt made for people with thin straight hair- mostly saying just cause everyone can wear it doesnt really mean that- they should

Nathy Nice: Btw you're appropriating blond people hair (by your own mindset), tell me about hypocrisy

Brittany Bridgers: Even though you hate me for the color of my skin, i still love you. God bless...

Felicity Harkins: I think if you wanna rock hair you rock it as long as you respect the style and the history and dont try to claim what is not yours you're doing fine I'm personally getting braids because I would like them I think there beautiful and I respect the history of them I've wanted them for years but when I was 16 I sat down and learned the beauty of the history of braided hair I thought it was amazing the communication through something semingly so simple I am white and I'm getting braids but I will NEVER claim that they are my history or my idea because I know there not theres a difference between appreciating and rocking the style and appropriating and stealing the style

Reina Rutaquio: Is it offensive if I braid my hair? Im Filipino

Koffie Cake: I loved black woman hairstyles a lot since second grade

itsbrooke_rbf: So I love how black women rock their hair whether it’s weave or their natural hair, I think black women are so creative and beautiful. I’m white and I’ve admired black hair braids, but I have not nor will ever wear their braids because it is offensive to the black community (also not meant for my wavy hair type). But one of my career paths I want to take is braiding hair, white hair, hispanic hair, black hair, any type of hair. I love braiding people’s hair in general, I do it all the time in my school (for free) because I love doing it so much. So is that still a slap in the face to black women or not? I do not want to be offensive

Dee Looks: For anyone wanting to bring up Vikings as an example, no, no! 1st it was mainly men wearing those messy ass braids that we would never wear nor claim!! Those styles aren't apart of our culture nor for our hair type. YOU CAN KEEP THOSE BABY! NO, NO, LOL! Vikings my ass !! NOT THE SAME THING.

aniello fico: I'm already for this world to just end at this point.

Michellej Smith: In my lifetime, ONLY 2 white women have ever been ALLOWED to put their hands, in my head. That's something "i" just don't do. THAT'S, a no no. Hell, i don't allow just any ol' body to play around with my hair. I don't care what skin colour, race, culture, ethnicity or nationality the woman may be. I, don't, give, a, shit!! And i sincerely don't give 2 good shits about HOW any feels, about what i wrote. NOT, Really. My daughter and my sister are the ONLY HANDS that touch my hair. And every once in a blue moon, a "professional" hair dresser. Every so often. "IF", That

Thalia Antanasia: I think if white people work at a stylist place (idk what they’re called) it’s okay to braid hair. But if they own a braiding business..that’s not. (But tbf a lot of that’s starting because white people feel excluded from black salons) And if you’re white you can braid your black friends hair. I don’t see a’s something girls do.

Slap Me: If I chose to get braids Im not trying to steal your culture/ mock it/ offend anyone Im just trying to wear a hairstyle I like ‍♀️ (im white)

Lacey F: Yes rachel..that lady is a beautiful lady

Qslig: Wow, kkk must be jealous of this channel.

Wrknfish: I thought this was a video of Can white hairdressers Do black hair? Not Can white women wear black hair? I'm confused. Girl snap

Kyiverdam: 0:54, the least amount of melanin, but the most variety of hair/eye colors

CaravanSmoker: We got way bigger proplems then hair....

Buddaful L: This is one of the most racist videos I have ever seen

Wasserrübenvergilbungsvirus: You should appreciate the fact that your hairstyles are so popular among other ethnic groups. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

Kimberly Reed: You don’t like to be judged so don’t judge her! She wasn’t loved by her white parents so when they adopted black kids she felt like she fit in she was only loved by black ppl.

Taco Taci: I get that you need to respect the culture from which you borrowed the style, but why couldn't I wear braids? Like besides it being bad for my hair... think this video takes it way to far. Like my natural hair is blonde, should I also shame POC and say they imitate me by dyeing their hair??

Sweet Keys: Aw man but I love the curls but I’m Hispanic would it still be rude cause I don’t wanna be rude

Thalia Antanasia: I think a non black person braiding black hair is okay but when they charge for it and have a business based on braiding black hair that isn’t.

alice mi: This is not a constructive message. Of course, I won't touch your hair, but I will do with mine whatever I want to and have it done by whoever I want to. My hair, my choice!

Kxnglee: My mom can

Jill T.: I stopped the video at 0:28 because if that’s the case then why tf do most of you black women wear the hair of other ethnic groups. Baby, I’m a proud black woman and my locked hair is passed the center of my back and it’s 100% mine. You’re mad at Rachel because she’s embracing our culture that YOU’VE all turned your backs on.

krhawkins91: I haven't seen white women in years with Dreadlocks except the internet. I only seen a few not many.

Alison Larson: It’s funny how people with this attitude and perspective are putting white people down if they don’t learn or open themselves up to black culture and become educated, but when we do want to learn we’re called demons and colonizers. I’m a white girl who’s the only white one in my friend group and in my band. I do my and my friends’ hair and they love it because we have a mutual respect. I know that though I’ll never fully understand the experience of being black I do respect and admire culture and experience and heritage. My heart and passion every single day is to love people and bring unity to people, while still staying strong in our roots and differences and learning from each other but when I see these videos it discourages me and makes me think that people don’t want that. I don’t say this to make me look like I’m holier than thou please don’t think that. I’m not trying to prove myself or make myself look good or without fault. I’m not trying to overlook my privilege and the unfairness that comes with that. I’m simply pointing out that videos like this don’t do as much justice as they could. Black hair is beautiful, sacred, and is rooted with history, honor, and culture; but when the people you’re trying to prove this to are the people you’re demonizing in the same video, it doesn’t do much.

5%LowBattery: “Wypipo”

Pancake potato Bubbles: I’m just going to ask a question. Is it racist of me to wear a hairstyle that comes from black culture if I am a white person? Sorry I’m just confused.

SnowyThePyroBear: People telling other people what they can’t do based on their skin color. Excuse me, how is this not racist?

Idara Udoh: My Two cents for Anyone who truly cares to understand why this is a debate in the first place. 1) anyone can wear anything they want to, that's your personal freedom, what you don't have a right too is how others who own the culture will respond to it. So white people can wear braids, their free, and black people can take offense with it for any reason, it belongs to their culture. A black person can wear a Japanese Kimono, and a Japanese person has the right to take an offense for any reason, it's their culture. There is no one collective white culture, not in Europe, not in America, (most whites have an idea of which country or ethnicity they come from, like Asains and Africans) but there is a collective black culture especially in America due to its slavery history. Straight hair is not eurocentric, it's not Asain and its not African, its due to genetics that anyone, from any race can have, some more than others. Blond hair is not an eurocentric feature, same reason as above. Cornrows are cultural they don't naturally grow from ones head, they had and still have cultural significance in Africa, to Black Americans and people of African descent. Dreadlocks are natural and cultural to black people, dreads occurs naturally due to the texture of 4c hair, so if you have 4c from any race, you will get dreads, it is also cultural as some ethnicities use it as a form of identification I.e Rastafarians, in Nigeria it also has some form of religious importance too. 2)Black people (especially from America) would take offense with Non black people wearing cornrows or dreads for the following reasons. 1) Historical ostracization: Cornrows, dreads and the natural state of a black persons hair is and was not considered appropriate(neat) enough for work and school environments. They had to "do something about it". The result from such discrimination is black women using chemical relaxers, using heat to straighten their hair and wearing straight wigs. Black men on the one hand were good keeping it short, but dreads and braids were and is a no for them too. Its just recently in this decade that black women have decided to challenge this status quo, with the natural community, the aim was to teach black people how to love, care and appreciate the hair that comes out of their head naturally, this is a concern that an European or Asian might not uñderstand, those who might understand are the ones who didnt have the "normal" hair. That's why it can't just be hair. Besides if we're being honest, hair is tied very closely to beauty and beauty to self confidence. That's why when we want to look good we do our hair and make sure it's well kept irrespective of race, if you uñderstand how hair is important to everyone you can understand, why black women take their seriously and why they might defensive about it. There is the African perspective to it, as a lot of girls in several African countries have some hair beliefs to unpack. chemical relaxers, straightening and wigs are also common place in Africa due to colonization in these countries, but the effects are different. Braids are allowed at work, certain styles that used to represent royalty and dignity are considered "not beautiful". Dreads is a huge no and is considered unclean or a sign of mental illness or witchcraft. Afros are not allowed in schools, your hair is either clean shaved or braided with no extensions. The concept of "neat hair" is one that is eurocentric, which requires your hair to be straight to accomplish. Please note these do not apply uniformly to every African country or ethnicity, remember Africa is not a country it's a continent, with each country having many ethnicities and they don't experience the same things the same way. Opinions on the who can wear this styles vary too, some Africans don't care, others may appreciate it and others may not. Africa is not a monolith. 2) Most non-black people like the culture but don't care for the history and don't respect black people or people of African descent. For example - When someone who isn't black would casually say it's "just" hair, it means you like it but don't care enough to know anything about it, because it's just a hairstyle to you and when it's time to get back to your 9-5, you take it off and resume your life as normal, it means wearing these hairstyls does not inpact the way you are perceived negatively, and if it does your at liberty to take it off and resume with your life. It means You don't experience the discrimination or the dirty looks for wearing this hairstyles but others do. Black people do, so before wearing these hairstyles understand it, understand that the people who give you dirty looks for your braids cause your not black also receive dirty looks for wearing these hairstyles too. You can even think of it as having the full cultural experience if you like, not just the good but the bad and the ugly as well. - if you go through this comment section enough you see people talking about viken braids, if they would just use Google you will know viken braids and cornrows are different, and no black person cares if your wearing viken braids, braiding is not one thing, there certain kinds of braids from Senegalese and certain kinds of braids from Nigeria and Ghana and other African countries which includes Egypt (although they have their specific names you can call them braids generally), they are different and distinct and the people who wear such can tell, but the people bringing up viken braids don't know that and they dont care, they bring it up so that black people don't claim braids as part of their culture so they in turn can appropriate without backlash. Other reasons include... - Racism is still a huge problem in America and all over the world. - In this day and age people still address others with mean and unfavorable stereotypes based on skin color and and looks. -Most beauty standards were eurocentric (that's changing gradually, thank the good Lord) - many black people are just learning to love and appreciate themselves after many years of trying to assimilate (yes, black people tried to be closer to white for economical and social reasons, that's why there is colourism, texturism and bleaching in many African descent communities) My Personal opinions You don't need to know everything about another's culture to respect it. It is nice for People of other cultures to learn how to do cornrows and box braids. I don't have any opinions of someone i see wearing black hairstyles until they open their mouths or post some stupid shit on social media, I think thats when you can decide if such person is culture appropriating or appreciation. As a Nigerian to be precise, I am supportive of cultural appreciation, but not at the expense of any of my African descent brothers and sisters, so if Black Americans have suffered discrimination for who they are and have decided to gatekeep any part of their culture that has ancestry in African culture, I respect it and hope others will too, thats the only way we can actually achieve real cultural appreciation and get rid of racism.

Ki Ma: European and native Americanwomen having been wearing braids forever. Ever hear of a French braid? So do you want to tell Tina Turner, a stunningly beautiful woman, she can't rock that blonde hair cause it belongs to the white culture? To stop racism, start with stopping up your mouth

Natasha Monea Smith: As a salon owner, I don't care what color your skin is. If you can braid and you are professional then you are hired. Not going to sit around and wait for the right skin tone to fill a chair. Smh

Bridget B: Who cares it's just hair I'm learning how to do braids and other natural hair styles and im getting my hair braided soon I really hope I don't have idiots making comments but then again I live in the hood we all have bigger problems to think about

Mad Max: Can black women do white hair? The majority of black women I see have straight hair. Is that not appropriating white women hair? I haven't seen a crisp afro since the '70's!

Layla Ako: I haven’t done it yet but am I being disrespectful If I do/attempt to do my edges I’m not going to do it if it is I just wasnt sure although I love the look I love black hair it’s gorgeous

dragonsarecool: guys i have a question and it might sound stupid but i rlly don’t want to offend anyone so ima gonna ask so basically i take hair and beauty as a subject in school (it sounds cool but it’s rlly hard lol) and a part of the syllabus is 1960s hair and a trendy look back then was afro’s so would it be wrong to do an afro on a white person? ik ik ik it probably sounds so stupid and makes me look like an idiot but like i’m scared i’m gonna offend someone and i rlly rlly don’t want to do that

ireland wells: How is it a slap in the face

Jordan Saunders: If i were to get them it would be because of the amazing history not because i want to offend anyone. But also thats not why all white girls get braids thats just me‍♀️

Jacy Maher: Uh.... box braids where based in Egypt

TrueBliss Consciousness: I'm not with you on the holiday braids. You want to rob black people of their work or something?

Caleb A: You could be flattered rather than offended tho.

Gabriela Rodriguez: I’m Mexican and my black friend wants to do my hair braided but I told her I’m like afraid of the judgement she told me to do whatever I want to because life is short and it would look cute so she got me the hair and everything and now I feel conflicted I think it would be cool and cute but I don’t want to offend anyone and i’ve never been one to want to be anything other than my Mexican self Not because I don’t want to do it I think it would be cute but I think I would just feel self-conscious the entire time I have them in

cherry pancake: I think this whole drama only started because most history systems don't teach outside that countrys history unless you take a higher or an advanced higher (these are just the difficulty level of your last two years of school) because if they did then black Americans would have learnt that other cultures did this and that it wasn't anything knew. But damn this Rachel person really be out here making a name for her self And Kim k trying to rename corn rose was. Never going to work

Blank: I have a coworkers who loves to say racist shit but brags about how she can do black hair...(she can’t).

wolfeewolf 3675: wait so i’m kinda confused so i’m mixed black and white so i have curly hair but it’s not like the super curly or afro hair but it’s also not like the big curls their medium so would i still be able to wear black hairstyles without getting idk like called out.

Lieebliee: What if you're mixed race?

Lieve Carroll: Can’t relate..... it’s kinda hard to be racist in Hawaii. THE HATE STOPS WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE LEARNED FROM PAST.

C P: My Great Grandparents were Cherokee Indian and they braided hair, so does that mean I can’t braid my hair because of my Dutch heritage? My Dad migrated with has family from Holland back in 1957 so I am white but I have Indian in me as well. You’d never know by looking at me. So if I braided my hair, this video is saying I can’t and I am wrong because I’m white even though my family on my moms side is Indian and Indians braid hair too.

Your playlist: Excuse me, I m very new to this topics, I want to know if Asians can braid their hairs too

Bunn!3: *But black woman get there hair done to look like white woman hair everyday with hair relaxers and blond weave you need to take a step back a look before you speak*

Vixen Sashi: Just gonna ignore that these hairstyles are white historically? Here in Ireland the gaelic, the celts of Scotland Wales England Ireland and britanny, the vikings and other cultures of Northern Europe, French royalty, British generals officers and judges. Braids are not a "black" hairstyle. They were adopted by black people in America, but not a single hairstyle belongs to anyone. Just because another culture invented it dosent mean other cultures can use it. Going by that logic, black people aren't allowed to use most of the African American hairstyles people get offended over white people using, even if the white person comes from a cultures which invented that hairstyle.

Guilherme Castro: braids actually started in Scandinavia and some say it started in India but no one says it started in Africa

Mason R. Powers: Yes they can. In America, one is free to do whatever they want, as long as it is within the confines of the law. White women may wear braids, as can anybody else.

Aspen Hunter: Wait. Hold up. Now braids are racist??!?! The fuck?

Davania Hopkins: She ain't got no edges, lol

Will B: Uh it’s not because no matter what has been used as it’s still hair

Colten Harris: I don't understand why this woman has to label everything with "black" and "white"

L Bubbles: Can’t watch! By the way the “vikings” were the first to braid hair!! Look it up

Miah Bridgens: It’s a fucking hair style

Lacey F: People of the Solomon islands are black people with straight blond hair and blue eyes...its just one race people...the human race...carib indians are dark with straight hair.ethopians too...people just come in lovely shades colors like flowers...everyone is beautiful ...a white couple had a dark child with thick hair...they tested the child the child is 100% caucasian....people who are closest to the equator are dark because it is hotter therefore the skin produced more melanin. The equator runs right thru kenya so they are darker....those furthest from the equator where there is less sunlight are lighter...eskimos are lighter

NigaHiga 1212: What about when people like Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj straighten their hair and dye it blonde. Is that ok?

ဇေယျ: In Bhutan our Holy Man wore braid hair hair. You are not special with this. Our neighbor India also have men wear braid hair. They invent shampoo too but they are not selfish and they share, despite the racism act against them. If they don't share all black and white hair will look like khwan.

Kcelenem Krishnan: As a black person I feel offended by this video. If white people want to style their hair like a black person then they should be allowed to do so. It's not a slap in the face to black people, it should show blacks that whites show and interest and appreciation to black culture, and another thing it's not cultural appropriation to do that, especially when black women like beyonce is wearing white women's hairstyles.

ireland wells: One of my best friends is white and has a big Afro naturally I don’t get it.

Baby _Boo: The like to dis like ratio speaks volumes. Other people did braids. It ain't JUST y'alls hair style. Yeah it's your culture, but it ain't just y'alls. Anf what did you expect was gonna happen? It's 2020. It's fucking hair. Calm the fuck down.

Texas Hippie&cowboy: Vikings braided hair and I’m sure they didn’t learn it from Blahpipo

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