Bleach My Brows Black Women Hair Can We Talk

Hello everyone. This was my 3rd attempt to bleach my brows and I was successful. I also discuss my views on proper etiquette when it comes to asking someone if something on there body is real or not.

Is it rude. Is there a more respectful way to ask about ones appearance with out invade or being intrusive or its simply nunya? what defines real. In my humble opinion if you buy it, grow it or a combination there of its yours and its real with out question.

People whom go against the grain are not public property or for public skeptical.

Business Inquire: [email protected]


TikTok: Fabjennie

#bleachingbrows #bleachingblackbrows #bleachingbrowslive

Oh we're gon na get started here in a minute. I just had these plastic pieces cut out and it looks like i dropped. One did i drop this. Is this the one? Probably so god i thought i'd cut that smaller anywho, okay, so i've already bleached a little bit of my brows um. You can see it's a little bit blonder here, uh, really blonde right here and more of an auburn color which actually matches my hair a little bit better, but we're going to go as far to the deep as possible. Um that way i'll be able to tint. My brows, whatever color i want to i'm going to try to get as close more so to this color and then in another month, when i go uh blonde it'll be super easy to match the eyebrow color or the go a little bit dark like a white. Still a light brown, and it not looks so funny on me, because i want my brows to kind of match my hair. So i have a little headband where my hair is kind of sort of out of my way. Um, i'm still in the process of trying to style it to frame my face a little bit better god, jesus lots of hair, so i've already taken the um developer. I use a 20. I think it's a 20 developer. If you use a 30, it's going to burn um, i learned that the hard way and i took off the 30 and um and then what with the 20 and the powder that goes with it, whatever the powder is called. Sorry, i don't know the names of it and i go in with vaseline. It doesn't take long to um bleach, the brows and, if they for me, it's like, if the brows like fall out, it's not a big deal because i can always draw in brows. So i'm going over the area where i know it's going to spread, which is going to be right here, going in old fashioned vaseline put some here, because it's going to spread big time, big, big, big time sucks when it sucks sucks sucks when it burns it Burns it burns. Okay, let me go and get a hair clip, because this hair is a little bit more wilder than i thought i put them on the floor like. I cannot believe it do. Do do sorry, i'm back and you will see. Hopefully, it's not super ultimate bright, so i've vaseline i've got my bleach here. Oh my gosh and i've got a spoolie. It can be an old mascara one as long as it's clean and i'm just going to go in and brush it through, like. I would a brow tint, you can go against the grain if you want, which i am planning to do so, can get all those little bits. Oh lord, jesus wish me luck have mercy on my soul. Okay, that's one brow down this works so much better with a spoolie than like an eyeshadow brush the first time i did it. I did it with the 30 developer and i could have kicked myself in the ass. It burned really really bad and i had to take it off. Thank god i did, and i went in with the 20 developer and that was way way way way way better whew. I can still kind of feel it burning out. Let'S take a little bit of plastic, i take the plastic put it over here and it adheres to the vaseline we've already put down, and it also keeps the i put a lot on this side god. I hope that turns out right, uh this on this side and again it's adhering to the vaseline i already put down, keeps everything nice in its place and boom wait to a cook. Good luck, loving your hair, hey cynthia! Yes, um! Thank you! So i'm bleaching my brows, it's something that i've been wanting to do for a couple of years, and this is my yolo year. This is the year. Well, actually, last year was my year of just living kind of doing living, my best life and going for it period going for the gold doing everything that i wanted to do and then some so i've always wanted to bleach my brows, and this is going to Help me match my hair color a little bit more as far as my brows and then when i go a little bit lighter next time, it will i'll be able to match my brows how my hair color, because my hair color will probably be changing over the Next few months, not by goo gap gobs, but enough to where i would want my brows to probably match to match it, so i'm looking real crazy. I i'm going to leave this on. Not super duper long. I noticed that it changed almost instantly. So it's probably not going to go bleach blonde until i do it maybe two more times i'll probably have to do it two more times, because my hair is extremely my hair. Color is more black, more believe it or not. Um. When i stop perming my hair, my hair color, what shook me was that my hair color is actually more black. It'S not completely jet black, but it's pretty damn close, so um lifting my hair is extremely hard to do. Um, it's going to be something when and if i decide to do it to my whole entire head um, it's going to be a it's going to be. Take me at least two months to do it. If i want to go really white with my hair, really really really white with my hair, which is on my list of things that i plan to do uh by the uh by summer, i'll probably have it all out of my system and i'll. Do like white white white hair white, like white storm white, hey gorgeous queen, hey sammy? How are you the afro is everything? Yes, i've got a new color. Thank you sitting here, bleaching my brows trying to match it glad to have you here, as always so um. While i'm sitting here cooking, my brows, this is gon na burn, so good, it's like this. One right here is like on fire. It'S like only fire fire, i'm in here um. I love you too, i'm doing good. How about you, i'm doing really good, really, really good good energy, positive vibes, getting a lot of stuff done, um feeling a little overwhelmed with stuff on friday kind of freaked me out a little bit so this weekend i took time to kind of breathe, so i Feel a lot better, i don't feel as overwhelmed um. I was just noticing um more, so i might go back in and put some more here full of positivity and never with the negativity. Thank you so much, i'm always full of positivity and never negativity. Thank you. Sammy, i'm i'm glad that you are um. Unfortunately, there are some people that they're, not so nice and i kind of know that that comes with the territory. Um. It'S been like that social media has created a lot of these uh kind of these people. These monsters of people and these people are just really just sad, really not happy with themselves kind of people they want to make everybody else miserable and very judgmental, and i think our society has also put that on us too. I'M going in back in with a little bit of developer. I think this side's a little bit lacking. Oh my gosh have mercy on my soul, lord jesus, oh there you go okay, so i'm gon na go back in and cut a new slather slither slather. Oh, my god, now i feel it holy sugar, honey, iced tea. Oh my gosh! There you go. Let'S see that sticks. Hopefully it does a little bit also one of my favorite female youtubers. I'M always here to show you some love and support, no matter what thank you so much. It'S been all my favorite female tech talkers. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you and uh on the topic of positivity i wan na uh. You know hair positivity too um. This is a thing um, the more some of my tic tocs and i say tic toc, because that's where i'm getting a lot of traffic in from and i and i love tick, tock. There'S some amazing things. I'Ve learned a lot from tick, tock, hair color. For me, you, like the hair color. Thank you sammy at first i was like ooh. It'S it's pretty! It'S pretty auburn, it's pretty red um, but it's not bad it. I like it's starting to grow on me and i'm gon na have my brows match it soon here good afternoon, hey. How are you doing it's good to see you talking while my brows are cooking, i'm talking about uh, hair positivity, and i noticed that on tick. Tock uh, it tends to be after the good comes, usually there's a wave of really good comments and then it just kind of turns a little bit more on the ugly side, um and um. It was a discussion in one of the lives about you, know, hair and what's appropriate, to ask somebody, and is it appropriate to walk up to somebody and ask them if that is their hair, do and that's what i posed the question to a lot of people. I'M like, if somebody walked up to you randomly, maybe gave you a compliment open up. The conversation said hi hello and then started to proceed to question. You yourself, who's who's, not in their own business living the best life, whether or not that is their hair. Is that appropriate? Is that socially appropriate, and for me the answer is no, it's not. I was like i've never done that. I'Ve never been curious to ask somebody. Is that their hair or not, i make i either make my own deductions or i don't care or if i see something that i want to achieve, maybe their uh hair, color or something like that. We'Re in the age of google. So there should be no uncomfortable awkward. I don't know how they did that. So i want to ask them. You can actually google a lot of this stuff and a lot of times you can take pictures scan it into google and google will give you some um. Some recommendations good afternoon to you as well noon. I love the hair color um. Thank you so my my idea, i know some of y'all how y'all feel about it but um. I just don't think it's appropriate. I think it's socially inappropriate because i don't think that it's a question that's asked of all nationalities. I think it's just a question. That'S asked only to women of color, i'm fine. I want to tell you that revlon colorstay foundation hazelnut, if you find your friends coming from countries in africa, get minnie and hazelnut it's the one the color y'all don't have. I don't wonder if we have haze i'll look for hazelnut, but i'm ready for the stuff to be over sammy's, like i'm ready sammy. Where are you located at this? Is our color hazelnut is that colors of foundation, if you have friends coming from okay, is that that might be something. If i see i'll pick up i'll pick up that color, i wouldn't mind trying color stay again: color stays really really good. With support from virginia virginia virginia's on lockdown, texas, isn't um on lockdown texas, don't know what the hell it's doing at this point um they have. I will say that you know um, there's testing centers everywhere it looks like a war zone right. There'S a million test. Centers test sites and everything else like that. Millions and millions of dollars are going into this test sites, but there's so many people that don't have jobs that are hungry, that don't have housing and stuff like that, and i don't see anything: advertising hey if you're being evicted because of work or unemployment ran out Or something like that or you, you know uh, we we have services, here's a service man that can help you and we can get you at least a couple of months of rent, free blah, blah blah. Let'S get you back on your feet, i don't see anything like that. I see testing centers everywhere everywhere. It looks like a war zone to me. You have to get it from africa. Only oh man that sucks. That makes sense that the demographics is for that virginia's. Not on lockdown, because people still going somewhere fun support. Oh i'm! Sorry, sam, i'm, just assuming that you were on lockdown. It'S just the same old same. It'S kind of a rainy day here, um in in texas, um people are they're trying to repromote some clubs and stuff, like that. I just don't see that going well right now, because people are just not going to come out uh for that. Let'S see, oh my god, is it easing out the side. It is oozing out the side. Let'S see, okay, i may go over it and apply some more it buns it burns. I'M gon na go over with a little bit more vaseline you're gon na go to the grocery store agree with you. It'S none of anyone else's business, hey cynthia people who still still got ta, wear masks when they go somewhere yeah. I just for me that just seems like a you know when you're going out to club, especially for women and even some men i was like they won't look bomb and good and a lot of times that people will wear makeup and you can't with that on The mask i've tried several different things, setting sprays and it will still rub off on the mask so even without powder. So it's a little bit of a pain in the ass and it's a little less fun like that. It'S not even what's going on with our hair by the way it is, our hair always be brought. We brought it and our pay for it for it to get styled. Just saying: hey, cynthia uh, i'm right there with you for me, it's always i've. Never and i'm trying to think maybe it's because it's how um the poc community of black community is, but i don't think that's true, because a lot of people i've been approached more so by people of color than i have uh about it than non-people of color And just because you are black, does not give you too right to ask about what and who i do with my body, because we are the same skin tone. I don't know you, you are a stranger just like anybody else. I was like that. Doesn'T give you a right, there's no code, saying hey, i'm going to invade your space, so i'm gon na ask you things uh, because you know me and you we we both team poc. Now they don't work that way. I said you know at the end of the day we're human beings and um, we got ta, be respectful of people's, but i really enjoy this live. Thank you sammy, even when they go to the grocery stores. Oh, my god. The efforts everything is always looking magnificent. Beautiful, like always thank you, sam you're, so sweet um. So it's good to hear. I want to hear people's thoughts regardless is that okay, and if somebody came up to you - and i tell people put yourself in my tick-tock lives - put yourself in that position if somebody walked up to you said gosh, i love your hair and you're like thank you. Maybe you just got freshly styled and then they start to say is that your hair and it totally negates it's a backhanded compliment? It totally negates everything i was like. Why would that be the second thing that comes out of your mind? Why can't you say it's just really pretty i really like your hair and or if you're curious to be polite and say how do you? How did you get your hair to do that and then it's up to that person, whether or not they want to get uh, have their explain to you or not? They don't have to explain anything to you. They could simply walk off. I just do not get that. I just i've, never gotten it. I'Ve never walked up to somebody and like with tattoos who have been covered in tattoos and gone like. Oh, your tattoos are cool like like. Are those really your tattoos or are they like? Do you have them painted on that's like dude? That is your tattoos? Are those tattoos real, that's so stupid? I said by definition, if you look up real, i said it is it's it's real and real can be tangible or intangible. It is real whether someone grows grows it from their scalp and or uses a protective hairstyle or uses different methods to achieve their look. It is theirs, and i want that concept of this is not my hair. It is your hair. It'S your hair, it's nobody else who else's! Is it it ain't anybody else's? I just subscribe to you and your youtube. Yes, it's rude! Oh thank you, sammy um blonde. I'M going to go blonde! I'M going to go a little bit into the ranch somebody. Some people would consider that ratchet but um. I i've been testing out colors like lavender and stuff, like that. That'S a real hard color to achieve i'm having a hard time finding it and uh achieving it like uh dye and all that stuff, i'm having a really hard time for it, so either i'll have to customize the dye, but the blonde. I found a really nice blonde. That'S not too, yellow that i like um, that i'm gon na do because i've always wanted to do a blonde. I'Ve always wanted to do gray. Gray is really what i want to do like a pastel, pastel gray and um a storm white like really really really white hair. That might be my final form. I may do that, but then that will always require me to bleach my hair. So i may not do that. I may do it once and, to be honest i'll, probably do it in a wig form, because i want to ultimately make sure i really like the way it looks on and then um decide if i want to take take on that process of always bleaching. My hair, because it is going to be a very uh, hard process if i ultimately want to do that. But again it's my choice. Whether i want to do that um i haven't decided. So that's when july. I'Ll probably get to a point where i will start you'll see me with completely different hairstyles, more so um figuring out what hair color i ultimately like, without putting too much damage on my hair, permanent uh taught me many things and i gave them different perspectives and What is next clear, your afro virgin? I think black people should educate each other. Okay on i love that i would agree with that. The rudest thing on the whole planet, my crib and call taught me many things and i gave them different perspectives so um. I hope i want to change that. That'S my goal is to it's and i have to understand because you get pissed we're i'm human. I was like i get annoyed, it gets annoying, it gets really old, but i was like there's people that aren't going to be so patient. There are going to be angry about it. I was like versus edge, really educating people like and i'm not always going to have time to do that, but i will there are times where i will have to pull somebody, so i say, hey like why would let me just pick your brain for a little Bit like what would make you think that it was okay to ask that question, get kind of get into their brain a little bit and say what. If somebody came up to you and asked you if something was real or wasn't real on your body? How would that make you feel and that's the empathetic side of it? I was like. Oh, they people feel like if you're outside of the norm say you're, you've got different. Color hair you've got long nails, your tattoos, you've got gauges and piercings and stuff. They feel like you're, a a you're on display that you're a public um public object and that people are allowed to treat you sub subhuman that you are like somebody like a animal at the zoo, you're, not an animal at the zoo um. You got bills, you're, hume, that person's human, that person has feelings and what would make somebody question that i would never do that. Even if i thought - or i was pretty sure i was like that's none of my damn business i was like, but i will give somebody a call. You look gorgeous i'ma. Give you a compliment. There'S nothing wrong with that. You ain't got something nice to say you. Don'T say it at all, just don't say it just do not say it. If somebody feels good about their body - and maybe you know - but society tells us this certain body type looks best well, you know what that person wants to wear skirt shorts and show their legs or whatever that's on them. I was like you keep it moving. I was like as long as they're not like being naked their hair too. Don'T don't do analysis, they ask them if it's their hair too. I'M going to do that next time and nothing can stop me from supporting you to my last. You should exchange information after you can never ask questions like that. I was like it's just bizarre. It'S to me it's taboo and you shouldn't be asking that it's rude. It'S just improper etiquette, hey sammy! Ask their hair, don't do analysis. I have lived and traveled several countries on the motherland, so i have different perspectives. So do you think so? When you have, you asked somebody if that's their hair and if so, what is their reaction? I always be looking so gorgeous. You always be looking so gorgeous. Thank you sammy. It'S at it's so bizarre to me. It does not make sense, it does not make sense, it does not make sense, it does not make sense, but that is what the brainwashing, that kind of colonization has done to america, and it goes to people of color african-americans too, because they have been subject subjected To it so many times that they, they think that it's okay and it's appropriate they're, just as bad as the uh. You know uh it's actually i'm not. I don't even know why, every once in a blue moon, i get a question like that for somebody who's uh caucasian, but mostly comes from black people, and it's the most embarrassing that it does come from them and they feel comfortable as that they'll think you're crazy. They they internalize the white rudeness, yep yep yep. It is that makes me feel better because sometimes it makes me just go like like. Yesterday i was out with my children and i went to the grocery store and uh a man. I passed the guy we weren't next to each other. We are totally different, self-checkout lanes and he's like i, like your hair, and i said thank you and then i continue to walk and he's like is that your hair white man, silver hair silver, just it's still silver here and i said bb me. I said yes, sir and i walked off. I was like and what i need to start doing is. I don't have to answer to all of that. That'S just me being kind i was like, but in all actuality i shouldn't have to answer that it was. It'S actually considered rude. It'S a rude comment and uh. It'S a rude ques, it's a rude thing to say and i should have just walked off and i really should say you know what sir that's really rude for you to ask that this is just really rude. I was like. Would you ask karen if that was her hair? Would you ask her? That was her hair, but i don't want to make a scene and embarrass my children, but i should have just walked off and i just said yes, sir: i just kept it walking. I'M not gon na entertain, entertain you and your stupidness ever then so, but i think this looks like it's it's coming along. It'S cooking. I can feel it bubbling. You'Re right. I need to stop being like you said. Logical. Just ask them hey. Is that your hair? Hey yeah, that's my hair. Is that your hair i'd be like? Oh, oh, oh, the audacity, the sheer audacity exactly absolutely. I just want to know if i'm crazy, i said i feel like i'm going crazy, sometimes because i just don't know where that comes from he's. Like uh look, i can go of course it's a quarter of courses. Of course it's my either, of course. How? How could you ask me that what would make you think that i said then? Why would you ask me that bam exactly they are very rude, so i need to learn how to not answer it all the time, and it really is just the niceness to me. I need to just walk away from it, not answer it, ignore it do what i need to do live my best life put on headphones, keep it walking, but i don't want to be rude to the people who actually want to say something nice uh. So sometimes most of the times when i do go to the grocery store i'll have a hip set in but um. I shouldn't feel over anxious about it, i'm starting to feel anxious about it and that's not right, and i should be able to go to the store without you know, being asked it. And if i do, if somebody asks me that i'll walk off like i'm going to start, i'm taking your advice girl, i'm going to take your advice, i'm just going to either not acknowledge either not acknowledge them, keep it moving. I don't have to answer them or uh respond to them. Is that your hair, i think you're, absolutely right, don't be rational about it. Just do it, don't ignore them, jim, be being nice and has never helped anyone in the white world being nice nasty you're right. I should i should be i i should be a little bit more. Absolutely i think i need to need to. I said it probably in the end will make me feel a lot better. So that way, when i do go out, it's not like you know whatever. So just keep it moving, let's keep it moving, and i bet you if i had said that to him. He wouldn't have said that to another woman again, so anybody keep that to yourself. Oh jesus, i have one lady. She took a picture, she asked me and that's okay, i was like you could add i've had people take pictures. Can i take a picture with you? Like i love your hair. I want to take a picture with you. Can we take pictures together? So, yes, you can take pictures together. I don't mind that so uh pictures don't bother me. The looks. Don'T bother me. It'S the dumb, ass questions that bother me. So it looks like it's coming along. It'S cooking! Oh my god. It'S kind of burning a little! Oh! So i tried rice, water, um, rice, water worked pretty good, it wasn't as stank as i thought it was going to be. It didn't have really a smell it smelled like um like cheesecake, or something like that. It smelled like key lime pie. It smelled really really good and it was almost fermented for two mix. Yes, nice nasty love that absolutely nice nasty being nice is a good thing like i always do, and i don't like those negativity and not with the negativity, energy and what i what i'm gon na do is i'm going to start. I have to i'm kind of one of those people like i will talk to everybody. I will acknowledge everybody and that's kind of my it's my downfall and it's it's a good thing. It can be a bad thing too. It'S just walking away walking away, ignoring knowing them, like, i said, not even knowing, like you said, not ignoring them, but giving them back that energy that they gave me ignoring the rude and negative energy and focus on yourself. So um. It'S it's one of those things because i'm one of those people, i'm uh, will be more on the empathic side of myself. So if i fed back into that, i have to be very careful if i feed back into that. That'S going to really upset me and then, when i get upset, then that's going to really drain my energy so sammy. I get what you're saying, and i also get what my girl is saying too, but she's right. Sometimes you just sometimes it just best just walk away, because i will lose it. I will get like my mama real quick. My mom will curse. You out, read you the boots down for backwards and have no problems with it. Make you feel it all the time. You'Re going to think about it, but y'all have both of y'all. Uh have brought up really good points, and i really need to do some soul, searching about that and um. It shouldn't be something that's eating at me either and i should not feel uncomfortable about questions. I don't mind the stairs, i don't mind asking for the pictures, i'm on people, you know saying nice things or that doesn't bother me. I said what bothers me is just the the questions i was like. That'S just not appropriate, so i'm gon na figure out how the best way to handle that the the best way to handle that guy um, but i'm gon na. Let me i want to tell me i said: what's your definition, i bet you half of them. Couldn'T even tell me really let alone spell it so um, it's just the thing. It'S just is gon na, be a struggle and it's not to happen overnight, and it may never happen. That'S why, four years, i'm not playing four years. Jenny will not be in the united states of america. Four years i plan i, your girl, gon na, be somewhere. Try overseas uh, your girl might be returning to the motherland, because i said hell stevie wonder's left, i was like people are gon na, be leaving. I guarantee that over the next four years is gon na be a mass exodus. People are getting the out of here. I was like that's why it's more important than ever. I was like i'm gon na get my little duckets in a roll, my debt, everything paid off - i have very little, i'm almost there and i'm gon na i'm gon na jump ship four years whatever. Yes, sometimes people need a good read though their ignorance is real and most folks you right so there is as a good person like strong queen. I always believe in you as a good person. You don't do any of that negative energy. I will uh there's a there's, a balance and i think that you should absolutely be able to defend yourself. I don't think people should sit there and constantly attack you and everything else like that um, but it's like. If i need to read somebody i can read them to my. My inner mama will come out so fast. You are sweet and empathetic woman. You should rely reply in a nice nasty way. None could do it again, uh again to you and you could be good at going back, relax with a good good with god blessings you're, so sweet. Thank you um. I will i'm going to learn that i'm going to i'm going to practice that and i'm trying to be understand, and i can be up with them like. I can simply say why. What makes you ask that question really make them feel uncomfortable and make them think as uncomfortable as they made me and that's: that's, that's still not channeling bad energy and they start asking well it's because it's just like out of this world, and it's just so big And beautiful, i said: okay, that's very nice for you to pay a compliment, but this is coming from a person that this is the best advice i could give you don't ever ask a woman or a man. Anyone whether or not their hair is real or not. It'S rude and it's socially inappropriate and i'm trying to help you to better you. I was like so next time. Please think before you speak, that's a nice little boom boom boom boom. I was like, if i put yourself in my shoes, if somebody asked you if your hair was real, how would that make you feel and just give them that kind of read it's your reading, but it's it's! It'S still nasty nice. Don'T do that again. Don'T do that again, i said other people will sit up there and curse you out. I was like and you will go back feeling that this particular oh, we'll see black people are so aggressive. No we're not aggressive, you're, stupid, you're stupid. Stop asking the stupid questions. You'Re welcome to the millionaire. Have you have you chosen? I'Ve not chosen a country yet have not um me and a really good friend have been researching. He suggested some things. I'Ve suggested some things um, it's very doable um, it's just um figuring out where what, when healthcare-wise availability to to stuff that travel and um healthcare and all that other stuff, we're looking at the sweetest person does with you and block the negative energy. Thank you sammy. That you don't do it just asking at their hair. If you just give explanation you're losing the power. Ask me if i've been i've been everywhere. Okay, all right! I trust you. Okay, let's wipe off these browns me go get a claw. Did? Oh, oh, that definitely got blonde? Oh whoa, that's like white! That is like that is uh! Oh idea, it's! He is definitely there. That is definitely blonde. Okay, um! Still a little bit orange there holy oops, your girl went there. Oh, oh, that's real blonde right. There holy mother of harriet tubman, look at this. Oh yikes, that's really really blonde! Okay! Well, there you go. That'S really blonde um wow! Oh that's blonde! It'S real blonde! Oh oh gosh! I'M taking a little bit of this jesus christ is really going to be blonde, because this takes out the brassiness of it a little bit. I really don't notice it, but we'll see. Let'S just do one one brow and see if it does take out the brassiness. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, i'm using this um shampoo, blonde and silver. This is supposed to help take out the brass brassiness um. Oh my gosh, i'm gon na leave that in and i'm gon na, compare and see if it does help with the brassiness. A little bit um, oh my gosh, oh my gosh y'all beautiful blonde eyebrows. Oh my god! It'S the best place. Healthcare is good. It'S high or or namibia. Botswana is the best really botswana, okay, botswana. They are blonde girl, damn okay, um imma. Let this sit. This silver shampoo to sit um. I promise to have better quality um youtubes, i'm deciding to do once a week one week i'll do like a simple one like this and then the following week, i'll go in and do a more um kind of cinematography type of youtube. I really want to step my youtube game up like big time. It'S a lot. I'Ve gotten a little bit more used to my cameras. That looks like almost white. Oh my god, um it's! Oh my god! I don't have a problem with my brows being this blonde, because i can go in with any color and i can draw in my own brows. It'S just kind of creepy. That'S all wan na uh people are on nami nam. Nibia people are really christian there and are loving and caring. You could uh. You would feel comfortable. Thank you so much what about ethiopia? I'Ve always loving your beautiful lifestyle. Your youtube videos and your beautiful, looks. Thank you so much sammy um. My goal too, is um. I want to do a youtube youtube video about just like i don't live a glamorous. I live like everybody else, because we always see the the tick tockers other than corey kitchen. He actually shows from where he started and to where he's at now. That'S why i really like them um, but they don't really show you where they lived at. It'S not so glamorous, not everybody lives, a glamorous life. To be honest, i'm a hermit! I really stay inside a lot. I really don't go out, let's talk to um and then, when i do go out, i try to go out when it's really slow. If that makes any sense like people are at work and then like i'll, go to stores it's just a little easier for me. Laundromat, less full less energy around me um, unless you and all that other stuff, not necessarily wary but um, just don't wow that looks like it is pretty um blonde i'll, be back and go rinse this out! Oh my gosh! Let me go rinse out this south africa or east africa, okay. So let's wipe this out. This one has the uh blue shampoo in it and let's see if it does take some of the brassiness out of it um. Oh, i i might leave it a little longer next time, um this by the way yeah it takes a little bit a little bit of the brass side. You can see it's still a little orange there. It took out a little bit of the brass brassiness out. I may need to leave it in a little longer, but it takes a little bit. So your girl - oh my god, it's blonde man. This is how i'm gon na act when i have blonde hair because i'm not used to colored hair. So it's gon na. Be me freaking out, i'm gon na see that just go. Oh my god! Oh my god! So i'm gon na look how cool i'm gon na go in a little bit. My kids are in there watching shrek the musical, which i actually really like. It'S really good. It'S actually really really good. Oh yeah, i'm gon na get into that again. Let that sit. Oh yeah, okay, really gon na be looking all kind of weird, but for the most part i stay inside, i don't really go out. I go out in the morning. I take my daughter to school um. I have my hairs out during that time. I walk back. My hair is out uh because i don't want going up there look with a hair up on it because you know whatever, so i go up there and i pick her up in the afternoon. Usually i try to run any errands. If any, i go to select stores that i know usually are a little less busy um. I don't usually get too many questions or too many stairs. So i typically stick with my regular stores because a lot of times they're used to me um one or two stores i try to avoid like to play either i'll go early in the morning or go late in the evening and then um like if i'm gon Na go around uh shopping for stuff, like that. I try to like go a little bit more in the middle of the day and then try to go and get stuff, but for the most part nobody really gives some store. That places i go down really give me all that trouble so fine on camera. Thank you, um, i'm just not! It'S me freaking out, because i'm just not used to the color. Just when i finished my hair, i was like holy it's going really red, but on camera it looks very red, but in person it's more of a brown red. It'S it's more of a true auburn. This is really really bright. With the lights on oh wow, coming from a risk country, i don't think you would feel at your ease with racist people, but people who hate each other in their own country wow. Oh, that's deep! I don't care! Thank you. Cynthia um looking smooth um and you talking about in my lifetime. How many times have i dyed my hair, seeing me and i need to show a video um there you go looking smooth. Thank you sammy. Okay - let's see, i don't want this to stay on super long. Oh my god! Oh lord jesus fix it fix it fix it, i'm very much blind, no more bleaching at first. I thought i was gon na have to do it again, but this is the third time i went in and bleached it. So i think this is good. They are blonde honey. Yes, let's see what they look like with the tent. I bet you they look really. Oh, my god, that's so much better! This is a brown tint. It'S probably not the best thing. My skin is like super sensitive right now. Oh there you go that that there you go that way. I don't look like i'm a complete like braless. This is so funny, that's with the brow tint in them. Oh i'm tripping, i'm just tripping balls, i'm absolutely utterly tripping. This is dark brown. Let'S see what that one looks like that's just going back to my original color. I don't want it to be. Oh, my skin, my it was super sensitive like i need to let that chill and relax a little bit. Okay, i'm like what i'm just kind of curious what that was staying like okay, that came out pretty easily uh. Your girl got some blonde going on. Okay, i'm, i think i'm done with this. I i i'm done. I'M done done like i am. This is as good as it's gon na get um. I have auburn, let's try it with auburn um. Let'S treat let's try this. This is midnight brown. I don't want midnight brown, i want a um, a brown color. Thank you, sam you're, so sweet they are hey, they did they. They there um. Let me see what this auburn looks. On top of it, maybe it'll look a little bit better. My skin is hella sensitive right now, underneath it is like, i probably need to put some aloe on it and then, when i wash my face um tonight, when i do my skin treatment, it'll it'll feel a little bit better. So this is anastasia, beverly hills and auburn um yeah, that's better that the auburn didn't look so good. When i did the second bleach, it looks way better. Now that looks better. That looks better than it did before, and normally what i would do is mix the colors like chocolate would go really really good with this look. Actually there you go so that is with the auburn on still shows a little bit of the blonde coming through. But it's not bad! I would probably do a little bit of a tent, probably go in with the uh inglot. This right here would really make it pop this inglot one here: uh duraline, inglot duraline, and that would really adhere to it. But right now, since it's kind of fresh and my brows are like dying right now, it's best that i just kind of leave that alone leave it alone, but it looks pretty good with the auburn. I don't even know where to draw my browser. I don't even know where the hair is it's so blonde: okay, um, i'm gon na. Let i'm gon na take this off and i'm going to let it um i'll probably do chocolate. Chocolate will probably be better. It'S a really nice reddish brown without going too light. Auburn, i can mix it a little bit, but um or a medium brown would really actually be really nice with this so um it is there honey that blonde. Is there it ain't going nowhere. Their brows is not the end of the world. I can either shave them off or grow them back. It doesn't make a difference to me and they can be dyed. I can go and get like um some dye, um, semi-permanent or okay. I'M gon na look at you, so they're very, very blonde. Um a little bit of brassiness going on here, um, it looks like i don't have any brows, it looks like i don't have any brows. I love it. It'S kind of creepy cool and you know i like how it looks like i don't have any brows. That'S just me because i'm just weird like that, so that's my whole little bleaching process. I did three times. First, i did the 30 developer. Then i did the 20 developer and then this is the final 20 developer and i'm done i'm not gon na bleach. It anymore um, maybe next month, if i really do like it, i will keep the um keep the bleaching going, if not i'll, just stop it and let it just grow out and either do a um permanent, color or semi-permanent color until the hair officially grows out And then i'm i'm good but looks like i have new brows, it's so hilarious anyway, thanks for joining my live. Thank you sammy. Thank you, everyone for that cynthia. Thank you to my girl. Here'S who's telling me how to get a uh nah nah. I always get your name wrong, but you're so sweet to me uh, giving me some tough love there and i will see you. I can't believe this was 52 minutes and i will see you in the next slide, but that's how i bleach my brows. So three times in order to get it like this, if you want it really white you go in with um, i forgot what it's called toner to tone it and make it like silvery color. I could do that too, and then uh you're good to go. If you want to get really really white your girl's not trying to do that, but it looks good. It looks good, looks like you're having a brows. All alright i'll, see you in the next one. Take care bye,

Eris: Anyone w/ common sense and respect knows not to ask someone “is that your real X”? That’s so invasive. BW already are so policed aesthetically that it’s very rude to me when people act like they know the tea with your hair, like you’re trying to hide it. It’s shady.

AdrienneRoxanne: Wow that's a giant fro! Love it!

Sammy Da Goat: I Really Enjoyed The Live

velma smith: I think people ask you because no one is accustom to seeing hair like that.

velma smith: No to offend you, but why do you wear it so big.

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