My Wedding Hair - Easy Wedding Hairstyles - Imogen & Spencer Wedding


Dress I'm wearing:

Red lipstick:

Lee Stafford products:


Surprising my fiance:

Mum Sex Q&A:

Wedding dress try on:


Where I'm getting married:

S O C I A L S:



Snapchat: Imogenhudson93

Camera I used:

Podcast: Gettinglippywith (apple, spotify, youtube)

Thanks so much to Lee Stafford for collaborating with me for part of this video, I have used Lee Stafford products for years so I feel so grateful to be working them! I would never ever work with a brand unless I genuinely love them. I'm so grateful to you guys for always supporting me and allowing me to create videos. I love you so much xxx

Hello honeys welcome back to my youtube channel if you're just joining me now than hi my name's Imogen and I am so excited because we are doing another wedding. Video today is a really exciting one, because I can't wait to take you on this journey and I'm wearing white. I'M really ready. I'Ve got a red lip on which I'm not gon na wear for the wedding, but today I am going to be doing my wedding. Hairstyles, so we are going to go through four different hairstyles and hopefully fingers crossed by the end of this video. You will help me decide and I will decide which hairstyle I'm wearing for my wedding. So it's kind of like a trial because I'm going up to London right now and I'm gon na go to a studio and I'm gon na have a beautiful stylist help me with my hair. But the only downside is on the actual wedding day. I'M doing my own hair so today, they're going to be teaching me how to do my wedding hair. So you get to see the whole situation you get to see the whole finished product. I mean my hair right now. What is it saying not much at all? So, let's get on the train to London: let's go! Do my hair wedding hairstyles make sure you hit the subscribe button. Join the family of hands makes me that, like button for more videos like this, because I've got so much wedding content coming your way, I'm getting married so soon like so ridiculously soon. I can't wait to show you it all. Okay, let's go I'm in London, I'm so so so excited. I have to show you around this place. This is absolutely unbelievable, but I am here with the least upper team, I'm here with Evelina and she is going to be doing the 14th house sales today. Yes, I would have you been a hair stylist for a long time. I'Ve been working in London for six years, Wow, okay, amazing, so Evelyn was gon na help me today do the four different hairstyles we've looked at. We'Ve said like a mood board and stuff like that, and then hopefully because I'll be able to film it. When I get married in Italy I'll be able to do it myself, I'm obviously never gon na be able to the way. I believe it does it, but fingers crossed so we'll talk you through all the stuff we're using, but I'm so so so grateful that Lea staff that team have come here. The age of the hiding they're like but they're amazing as well and yeah. Let'S get in with the shoot, let's just love our life look at this place. This is an actual place to live. Sorry like actually it's three bedrooms, it's unbelievable. I know we're going off slightly off topic, but this is in the middle of London and look can't even believe we're doing this here feel so grateful or that they actually want to help me do my wedding here, because I'm not very good at hair. I can kind of do my makeup not great, but I'm not a makeup artist, I'm definitely not a hair stylist, so I'm so lucky that they're going to be able to show me like what stuff to use and also I need your help to. Let me know down the comment section below which one you like the best, so one two three four, so I really need your help. Just like I need your help. My wedding dress. You need to help me tell me which one you like the best so because, obviously I'm not washing my hair, we're just gon na wet my hair down now, because the first look is going to be a big bouncy blow-dry. I haven't feeling that I might want to have my hair off the face on the side or something like that, but I love a big fancy blow-dry, so we're going to do that. First show them what product we're going to use and let's get our hair, wet and love our life with it in focus tap me. Yes, I'm in favor, someone's mooring, then so the lovely Evelyn I was just we've washed. My hair we've now blow-dried it into place. So she's pin curled it for me because, basically, if I was to do this on the day, I would definitely want to have pin kursk's. It would really hold it, but she's totally some really top tips, which I hope will help my Angels and also she's, going to show me how to tame it out and sort of tease it through and stuff like that ever you have to help me. So we put the mousse in first didn't we yeah, I put the mousse in first on wet hair and then he protection and heat protection, which we have also these products smell, unbelievable at least staff had sent me some products, and I was like, oh my god, They'Re, good and really nice smelling sorry yeah. Also she Tommy top tip. If you are just gon na sort of tongue it and do it not a blow dry and Tong it to get it into the pin curls. She said that you put a light hairspray on. First, because otherwise it gets too sticky, so each section you're doing or using your wand and then rolling it up and loving your life. You use a light hairspray which I've never done before. So I use this one, which is really really light, because basically I always do it with a really thick and heavy one, and then it gets really sort of hard and rock solid. So point when you bring it out, it looks greasy yeah. So then you use when you take it all out. You'D then use the heavier yes right. Okay, there you go ever Lina's top tips, images just relaying to you. So this is number one I'll show you what obviously when we finished it, but also Evelyn has really helped me. Teach me how to pin curls properly because I'm so bad, but basically you put them through their back on you. So there's nothing at the front. I mean everyone else probably knows how to do: pin curls, but I don't and I'm gon na get these little pins, because these are good ones, because sometimes I've done it in the past. I'Ve got like really bad little sort of edges and they come out and then you've got. We had Pinner there. So luckily I now know how to pin curl. So I look like hey what do I look like sewing from the 60s to us yeah? Oh, oh, I wish I'll have Victoria come on away together, but I'm gon na take it out of it and I'll show you it we're gon na. Take it out now together. So how long would you say to leave it just until it cools just till it cools down, yeah would says to do your hair yeah that is set yeah, and do your makeup take out just yeah. That'S what I would do yeah I like to do. Hair fast because then you've got it set in place and I feel like then your makeup looks so much better when you've done. I agree yeah, I'm so nervous to do it myself, though, because you feel like it's really apprehensive, because obviously I'm not my hair stylist, but I feel like I'll, give myself a lot of time yeah. So I don't get married until the afternoon, so I'm gon na wake up relax, do my face, masks, chill out yeah and then start slowly getting ready. Yes, I think, when you've got a lot of time to get ready, then it goes best if you rush and you're worrying, you know so, I'm wearing like today, everybody's wearing the white as well for the wedding. I'M look. Your skirt matches, my lip. There you go so this is it before everything is just going to show you that before you brush it out so looks lovely. Oh, it's really soft, it's typed as well, which is good but we're gon na make it look. Even softer by brushing it out and stock and everything, it's gon na show you how to do that. I'Ve got my Starbucks very happy. Thank you. We'Re just finishing this look which looks wonderful. I love the body on the top and if I always have a little clip at the side here, I think it would look so pretty honestly, I love this or even yeah behind the ear. That'S nice very classy and elegant also the sash have really helped me. So much just give me some tips and tricks, because um Emily knew when she was showing me how to back home. You were saying to use this brush weren't, you so back home with the comb and obviously only work at the top not take the curl out, but then also take this cut brush this sort of a bristly brush and that's gon na help them smooth it down. It really has honestly it's helped me so so so much I love this look. What do we think? So this is number one: the bouncy below lovely soft, curls I'll show you the back as actually we don't show the back as it's here. Isn'T it it's all here, Oh baby girls, so this is number one. I love this one so much I feel like it looks so elegant and nice and also everything is said: don't be scared to have the curls really tight because, obviously going to be kissing, hugging everyone you're going to be going around taking photos and stuff. So the tighter sometimes about it, we drop yeah. But yes, okay, nothing slightly scary! Now, because I think, oh, my god, I'm going to actually have to do this hair on my own, but anyway, Evelyn is really helping me and taking me through the steps. So I feel like I'm gon na, be good to go. I'M gon na be fine to the next one. We'Re gon na do is a soft kind of bridal braid, so it's just gon na be really soft, natural and easy for me to do. Isn'T it. So this is number two angels. We'Ve got a really soft nice braid here, which I actually didn't think I'd actually super. I think it looks so nice very classy, boho chic hue. I mean the thing is, I think, I'm gon na use all these wedding hair cells before I get married anyway, because I feel like I'm a bride anyway, I'm a bride to me, so I should be wearing her like this, but basically what you did was every Now I'm going to tell her what you did. You'Ve got to sort of big braids in years, every big right, I say three big braids and then braid them in together, basically, and then that you teased out to make it look kind of effortless, and it does actually look like that. It looks amazing and because obviously, we've got the curve from before it looks even cuter and she still just pulled it apart the fraud and then sprayed it when we finished with the big hair spray, another the good full hold one. I just feel of it looks pretty nice very sort of Shakespearian. Oh my god, it looks lovely I feel like tangled up on so obviously she has so much hair at the beginning. Anyone that likes Rapunzel will know she had that big parade when she goes that I haven't. If some talking I love Disney honestly, I feel like a princess then get my hair played, but I love it. So much look at it. It'S absolutely beautiful. I love this one, so this lady's number two. So definitely let me know down the comment section which one again you prefer. The thing is the reason I keep asking you all is because you've helped me so much in this journey. I feel like I'm really taking on this journey that I feel like I want to know your honest opinions of which hair you feel like would look best for my wedding day, because then, hopefully, when you watch the wedding video, then you'll be, like. I told baby girls get that hair, so unless it just looks terrible because I didn't do, I did it and Evelina didn't okay, so this is unbelievable. Am i ariana grande? I think I am Thank You Evelina. So basically, we've done a half up, half down style. She'S really teased out at the bottoms here then what she did. She took some dry shampoo to give me some body up here, because sometimes it can look, flattened sort of not great there. So I'm glad we've given me some texture up here and loved that and then also what you do. You trip texture spray on your fingers. Yeah and this all went around the front. You lovely just make it look a bit more soft and subtle and cute. I feel very young in this hairstyle like when I was younger. The half-up half-down was always the thing I think Ari's bought it back just called two areas if she's my mate Ariana, but anyway she's, not my maybe I love this hairstyle. So let me know it's not number three, because at the moment this is really probably this is really doing it for me, like I love this style, it's really softer the ends. It'S just very pretty and just quite yeah Brit see. That'S why I want to feel like on my wedding day. I want to feel pretty and useful. I don't look like you know too much makeup. I don't look too heavy or anything like that, so this is doing it for me. Let'S go to the fourth one. So this is the fourth and final that this is so Bridal. This is absolutely beautiful. Having off my face actually is really really nice. I didn't think it would be that nice because I always envisioned envisaged having my hair down, but actually a nice updo, and you actually made this look so simple at honestly. So what I think did was she just sectioned the top part and made it hard? My path down, then, what she did is she sort of pulled everything, I'm sorry about the noise, oh really, and then why do people kind of cold everything it, and we did this really cool thing? Where I'm going to show you my how much within this thing, everything unhappiness, big purpose or to the park and then pushed it in or black rather pushed in, so that fits that we drop our they've taken the milk and they want to get involved, and they Are I know like, I think it's better? Oh, my god. They love it anyway. So whatever Lena did what she kind of picked it up and sort pulled it in and then anything that kind of fell down it's kind of natural and gorgeous so and then for the front part they were using sort of a flexible hold hairspray to go through It and work with it. Then we took the shine spray at the end and the anti humidity, which I really will need. Do you think I'll need this, for one am in Italy? Definitely 100 % yeah I'll need an auntie Mincey, so baby girls I'll leave that one anonymous. I got it, but I haven't used the young humidity yet, but I think I really need something to lock that styling. So when I'm working with hair all use flexible, hold, then I'll go to the big home when I'm finished, yeah, yeah and then Anton sheesh. I give myself a nothing that will glow on my hair. Thank you, lovely yeah, sorry about the noise angels. I don't know whether I'm in focus but she's gon na come here. Is she in focus? Don'T make she loves me? Oh, my god, I didn't even realize I had it on manual, focus the whole time. That'S what was it focusing in, but we're still focused and it's fine, but this is the fourth and final look, please. Let me know down in the comment section below which one you love I've had the best day. Thank you. So much Evelina you've been amazing. Oh she's, so lovely we've just been having a good old chinwag with the girls. I'Ve just been telling them my whole life story. How I met Spencer you're, yet to know all of that, so you need to know. I'M really sorry about the noise. If I hadn't had Emily in his help, I wouldn't actually know what I was doing on my wedding day like genuinely I just wouldn't have known, and I wasn't even thinking about not having a wedding hair trial. Am i okay? Just like I was thinking about not having a videographer. Am i okay yeah? I know if just ignore me, the next time you see me I'll have done my wedding hair. The next time, you'll see me with wedding hair will be on the wedding day. It'S so soon. It'S so soon. It'S making my stomach actually turn and so exciting, so nervous. So I just left the girls and I just feel so overwhelmed like I feel like. I want to cry I'm literally walking through London with like the best princess hair ever, but I just got me so excited for my wedding, like trying those hairstyles out and like feeling like a bride. It made me feel so like, oh, my god, it's so real! Now, if you know what I mean, I just feel so overwhelmed. I genuinely just want to get on the train now and just cry, because not only do I feel so lucky that lisa has got a stylist to help me out and show me stuff, because, honestly, I'm so unorganized I wouldn't have even got hairstylist and I wouldn't Have even gone to a winning trial like people need to go to a wedding hair trial unless you're a hairstylist, because you just need to know kind of what looks that look nice on your face, because you know it's all wedding good knowing you can do hair, But I just feel so like honestly, I feel like crying because I'm actually gon na marry my best friend so close so soon like so soon. I just can't believe it. I just hope he thinks I look beautiful on my wedding day and I hope I do my makeup nice and I hope we do my hair nice. The next video that I've got coming for you is I'm gon na, be doing my wedding makeup, so I'm nervous about that one. But I hope I do my wedding makeup. Good. I'M gon na do a wedding makeup trial because obviously I'm doing my own wedding, hair and makeup. So I will definitely do my wedding makeup, so you can see that one, I'm so excited. So many people look at you so funny when you blog in London. I don't really care, oh really care, I'm getting married, my hair looks good, I'm gon na go. This way. Boy wants to say is make sure you. Let me know down in the comment section, because you are my best friends and I just feel like. I really want your opinion because I'm so picky, I'm so bad. Like honestly, it's taken me like five times to try and choose my wedding dress. You know I mean like I'm awful but yeah. Let me know down in the comment section below, because I just I'm so grateful that you all coming on this journey with me and you get to come to my wedding hair trials with me, and I get to show you my wedding makeup and I'm gon na Show you my wedding day so I'll, probably a vlog a bit on the wedding day like showing you like what I'm doing with my hair and stuff and my makeup, and just how I'm feeling. Because I really want to take on this journey. And I also really want to look back when I've got married and when I'm all like you know, loved in life, then I can look back on youtube be like that was how I was feeling - and it's just like her. It'S just a lovely, always lovely dockings. Here anyway, I'm gon na love you and I'm gon na leave you thanks so much for watching guys. I love you all so much I'm getting married. What is going on?

Imogenation: Which hairstyle is your favourite huns? NEED YOUR HELP! The wedding is soo SOON OMG xxxxx

Jess King: Number 4 is STUNNING! And with those cute little pins that you can curl into the bun would look insane!

Charlotte Hughes: Number 4 was gorgeous that really looks like wedding hair and it really suits you xxx

C K: I’ve been watching you for so long and I still can’t believe you are getting married! I’m so happy you are getting your fairytale! You and pups are adorable together. Couldn’t wish happiness for another couple. Just love you so much hun. You are a beautiful soul.. and a very funny one ❤️ I hope this new chapter in life is an amazing one! xxx

Alex Cherrill: You look so incredible with every hair style. They were all amazing and you are going to be the most beautiful bride angel

Tasha Booth: I can’t choose which one I prefer, they all look amazing. You’ll look stunning with whatever hairstyle you go for xxx

Abby F: Number 1 would look so good for the evening you look stunning hun ❤️ I think you look good in all of them.. you have great set of hair to begin with. My favourite has got to be number 4!

Ju Ju’s fun: Hairstyle number 4 for sure it’s so gorgeous and looks incredible on you!❤️❤️

Chantelle Martin: The braid is so pretty just imagine little clip in butterfly’s and beads and spray glitter with an open back dress

Louise edits: 4 looks absolutely STUNNING, you look GORGEOUS with that style. I just want to say I’m so happy for you and Spencer, i can’t wait for the wedding ❤️

L I S S Y M: Omg number 4 is definitely my favourite! I can’t wait for your wedding, you’re gonna be such a beautiful bride. So crazy how I met you 2 years ago and have been lucky enough to watch your amazing journey ✨

Meghan Mosalisa: Number 4 is absolutely stunning. I love how it frames your face. You look so stunning Hun❤️

Rebecca Hoyland: I LOVE number 1 and 4! I’m getting married next year and I’m really struggling to imagine what my hair should look like, this has really helped‍♀️

Faiza Akram: Number 4!! Matches perfectly with the lipstick! Spencer is so lucky to have a wife like you, so excited for the wedding!!!♥️♥️

Maisie X: Aww angel all the hairstyles look stunning on you but number 4 is my absolute favourite you look gorgeous. I’m so excited for your wedding

mumofthree: Been following you for a few months now amazing seeing your journey! Such a lovely couple wish you all the best.. makes me think there's hope for a fairy tale ending your videos really help me realise everyone shouldent settle for anything less then you deserve thank you

Yo me good you bad: Soooo number 4 its beautiful with pearl earrings and necklace. Going to look stunning. Cant wait to see the day.

Amy During: Number 4 is stunning!! I loved it!! your gonna look insane on your wedding day, omg I can’t wait. Congratulations to you Imogen and Spencer

Suzanne Parkes: I honestly think all four styles look beautiful so whichever you choose will be perfect but I personally love number 4 the most x

kaya thomas: All of these hairstyles are giving me a different vibe. 1 is like a soft glamour, 2 is a bohemian vibe, 3 is a fun , modern twist and 4 is a classic romantic look. All are stunning on you but number 4 is my favorite

megan louise: You look stunning in all 4 hairstyles! Love the fourth one so much tho, suits you so well angel ! can’t wait to see your wedding videos ❤️☀️ so excited for you and spencer !!!!!! Xxxx Love you !

Lauren Mcmillan: I really like hairstyle 4❤️ your going to be such a beautiful bride

Kirsty: Ooh I couldn’t put myself through the stress of doing my own hair and makeup but good for you ❤️ I think number 1 or 4 looks so nice for a wedding xxxxx

Holly: I loved number 4 so much. so hard to pick since you look stunning in all of them xx

Clara Rose: Imogen !!! I loved this video so helpful. Also you look stunning so happy for you and Spencer❤️❤️

L M: 1 OR 4. But I'd go for hairstyle number 4. Your lipstick suits that hairstyle too! Nice earnings either stud or drop ones will look amazing on you xx

Marie Aquino: ALL OF THEM HAIRSTYLES WOWWW!!! I’M OBSESSED WITH ALL OF THEM BUT I FEEL LIKE NUMBER 4 IS THE ONE but you’re honestly gorgeous no matter what, all of us Huns & Spencer/Pups will love you no matter what you look like even if you have nails on or makeup on bc you’ve genuinely got the biggest heart & you’re so kind. You’re beautiful on the inside and that’s all that matters☺️☺️☺️

SK1234: I love the braid ! And the all down ! The 4th is lovely but the one that most brides have ! You’re so beautiful inside and out xx

TheJustinlover1997: Oh Imogen you look absolutely stunning in all of them I can’t wait to see you as a bride. I actually feel emotional seeing this I don’t know why. I would say 1,2 or 4. Number 3 I feel is a everyday or night out kind of hair

Kezziaah🍁: Awww you looked beautiful with all of them but it has to be number 4 it really suites you and you looked absolutely gorgeous . I’m loving these wedding vlogs I’m so happy and excited huni so cant imagine how excited and happy your feeling.❤️❤️

Bethany Hayward: I’m in love with this video. Hairstyle 2 and 4 make you look stunning and beautiful Imogen!!!! Can’t wait for the wedding video. Love you so much!!!!

Imaan Anwar: Number 4 was absolutely stunning and gorgeous Imogen!!!❤️❤️❤️You are honestly Sooo beautiful and kindhearted and inspiring and motivating and unique!!!!I'm sooo happy for you I always watch your videos and they always put a smile on my face!!! I love the fact that u r sooo down to earth and you inspire me A LOT!!And I just wanna thankyou for it!!! Lysm I hope you have a great day lyyy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lavonne Hester: Please do # 4 !!!!!! You looked amazing with the fourth style ! They all looked beautiful but # 4 will go with a lot of wedding gowns ! It would help if we knew what the dress looks like ! I love you, Congratulations again !!!!!!

Chloe J: Imogen you are UNREAL! You honestly look like a Princess my favourites are no.2 and no.4 ! Eeee I’m so happy for you, love you ❤️

chloe rastoile: Hands down I would personally go with the fourth one as it’s so pretty and elegant on you, you just look like a princess ❤️♥️♥️xxx

H Txylor_: I love number 4 and also number 1 but you will look so beautiful in anything you wear and how ever you do your hair. Angel I'm so excited for the wedding and I'm so happy for you I was literally thinking about your weeding today and started tearing up. I love you so much angel xx I'm so excited aha

Millie Parrish: All the hair styles are gorgeous but number 4 is more bridel bbg and it looked STUNNING

Shania Brooke: I love number 1&4! But they’re all so stunning on you imo❤️

Ruby Baker: OMG THEY ALL LOOK ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL I LOVE THEM. But I think number 4 would be the best one for your wedding day it's stunning

Lifeofholly Xo: Number four is my favourite. Looks classy and so beautiful for a wedding. You don’t have your hair like it ever so it will feel different and make you feel special. Imagine it with either small butterflies or a small robin clip in. So beautiful xx

Olivia Jhalley: Hairstyle 4 makes you look like a goddess just like you will be on your wedding day

Shahida Islam: I really love hairstyle number 2 I feel like it’s more Imogen ♥️ also you get the best of both worlds cuz it’s a lovely half up half down hairstyle x. Also I really love hairstyle number 4 and I feel like it depends on the dress you have cuz number 4 would look amazing on perhaps long sleeved or more of a lace elegant gown however number 3 is very sexy but also classy at the same time ♥️♥️love you so much hope this helps xxxx

Cjstylezxox: Hairstyle ‍♀️ number one was gorgeous also number 4 was just stunning so beautiful Imogen xxxxx

courteney brown: 1 and 3 look beautiful but number 4 definitely looks more stunning for your wedding!❤️

Georgia Ann: number 4 looks the bed and looks like a wedding style hair xxx

Chrissy MemoryBook: Style one and four are my fave . So so so stunning ! Loved this video thanks for showing us the journey!!

Ashley Fortin: Ugh I LOVE number one! So classic and simple and STUNNING but I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the up-do. Stunning either way love!

Kayla Petts: 100% number 4. Looks so beautiful on you. Have a lovely wedding imo ❤️

Cath Clark: I love one and four. Four would be fab as once it’s done you don’t need to worry about it I had a similar for my wedding hair and then added some corkscrew sparkles clips that just caught the light . You will look amazing xx

Emilie Madill: Love hairstyle 2!! You look like a Disney princess

Chloe Jade: I think 2 or 4, 4 being my favourite, looks so beautiful and classy! Having the hair of your face, frames your cheekbones and everything, truly gorgeous!!!

Victoria Barker: 1 & 4 were STUNNING! Can't wait to see the wedding vlog and which hair and dress you've chosen!

laura maguire: Wow Imogen!!! I loved number 4 on you!! It looked so pretty and effortless!!! Can’t wait until your wedding!! Btw love you!!!❤️❤️

Sophie Louise: Number 1 and 4 are my favourite by far. They all looked gorgeous on you

Khadijah: Is it only me or does imogen look even more gorgeous than she normally does??

michelle roberts: Number 4 is stunning! Really like the braid too! Especially getting married in heat an up do that also looks phenomenal is a winner ❤️❤️❤️

heidi vines: You’re literally so stunning and so happy for you! My fav hair style was the 4th although I also loved the first but I think it also depends on what your dress is like!? If you want to show off the back of the dress then deffo 4th but if all the detail is on the front of the dress then I think the first would be better! Although I’m sure whatever you go for would look stunning because that’s just who you are! Love you so much! Can’t wait for more wedding vlogs

Jessica Billie: The first hairstyle is excalty what I had for my wedding day with a pearl flower clipped behind the ear. I love the vintage look

Aysha Batool: i love you so much imo, been here since day one and loved watching you grow as your journey takes place!!

Char The Blogger: Number 4 is my favourite you’re going to be such a beautiful bride

annmarie lane: I love the pin curls with the side back on one side and I also love the 4th one it’s very bridal both of them are so beautiful. 2.&3 were lovely but not for a bride but that’s just my personal opinion. I can’t wait to see what you end up doing on the big day.

KatieRose: My favourite was 1 because i feel it will hold the best and number 4 is more likely to fall out I think. Also I feel like big bouncy hair is your speciality so you’ll feel very much yourself :) you looked stunning in all of them tho! Xxx

Madison Turner: they all look gorgeous on you but my favourite is number 3 love you so much hun, very excited for your new chapter

Lynsey Butterfield: Hairstyle number 4 is my favourite for you, its elegant and timeless and frames your beautiful face perfectly, good luck on your wedding day Imogen, try to take it slow and enjoy it all as the day goes so quickly trust me! All the very best wishes for a wonderful future for you both, you deserve it, lots of love xxx

TemperanceWitchWay: Number 1 and 4 are my faves! Especially number 1 cause...i'm a sucker for a (pin curls) Vintage Hair styles! Ahhh, yes...Grace Kelly, Lauren Bacall, Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Marlene Dietrich...I could go on and on and on sweetie! will pick the right one so do not worry about it and remember to be mindful and breathe sweetie...nice deep breathes. You got this! :) Lots of love, light, joy, peace and many, many wonderful blessings to you and ya beloved loved ones! xxx :)

Laura Robinson: I think you looked beautiful with all the hair styles but I think that number 1 with a cute pearl or diamond hair slide on the side would be lovely or number 4. Whatever you decide you will look gorgeous! I hope you have the most magical day ever cant wait to see the photos and video x

Megieee 123: You look stunning with all of theses styles ❤️ but I think you should go for number 1 for your ceremony, and for all the family photos, then when the curls start to drop, and for the evening, do number 2, you can dance the night away and don’t have to worry about it looking messy ❤️ can’t wait to see your final look ☺️

Ellie: Can’t wait to see your wedding video! my favourite hairstyle on you is hairstyle 4 xx

Cara Swift: My wedding is on the 5th of this month and this video really helped me prepare for my hair style xxx thank you so so much

Harriet Wood: Number 4!!! Such a god send having your hair up in a hot place too because it keeps you cooler not sat in your neck, and if its put up loosely and effortlessly, it will drop and look so naturally beautiful. Plus hair up enhances the collar bone and wont hide any detail of your dress at the top!!❤

Niamh Music: Number 2 is so beautiful !!! Perfect for the wedding xxx

Amal Allansari: Makes me smile so much watching u smile. This journey with u feels amazing and I liked the first hairstyle the best ❤️❤️❤️

Chantelle Ashdown: Number 1 is so so stunning tucked behind the ear on one side!! You look so good in all of the styles! Can not wait to see what hair style you go for!! So excited for the photos and videos etc!! So happy for you and Spencer!! Love you❤️

Jade Imgrund: Hair number 1 or 4 for sure!! You look stunning hun, I’m so excited for you to get married x

jessica stanley: i love number 1 & 4 ❤❤❤ your going to be such a stunning bride I can't wait for the wedding vlog

harriet evans: Definitely number 4, looks absolutely gorgeous!!!❤

Serefina Falconer: Sooo excited getting excited to see your wedding dress honestly can’t wait hun ❤️❤️

Julie Kristine: 2 and 4 are my favourites! The others are lovely too but they're kind of more everyday-styles to me, whereas these are more bridal in my opinion! I wanna do 2 myself now but I don't have enough hair, it's just so thin

BurnItUpp2009: One and four are absolutely beautiful. But you will look stunning no matter what hairstyle you go for, girl!❤️

Ali-Mary Lyons: Loved the second and fourth one Imogen you look absolutely beautiful can’t wait to see which you pick in your wedding day video.

Shannon Jade: You really do look like a model! I’m so exited for the wedding day vlog,it’s soo soon. the first look would be my after party hair do, a up do just shows off the face and dress better. The up do just compliments you soooo well, pups won’t be able to take his eyes off you(not that he can anyways)

Aimee Douglas: I absolutely love the 2nd one with the braid it really suits you but I think number 4 is stunning, I think if you put some little Pearl's in the bun it would be absolutely beautiful cant wait to see what you pick on the day ❤

Gemma Langford: Yayy Mills this was such cute vid I loved it each wedding vid you do makes me even more excited for you actually wedding day ahhhh I can't wait all the hair we're so beautiful on you but hairstyle 4 really stood out the most this vid was amazing you are best and I love you so much Mills

Stephanie Wilkinson: Number 4 is definitely the one for you!! It frames your face and just looks beautiful. I love all 4, number 1 was incredible too! Whatever you choose, you will look stunning. Can't wait!!! X

Jes: Hi Imogen, I like number 3 because it's different for a wedding day and it looks stunning on you ❤❤

Poppy Rowe: Oh wow the last hairstyle is amazing! That up-do was unreal!!!!! And that boho braid !! Wow one of those amazing

amina Siddique: Love number 4 it really suits you and I think it will look gorgeous on you on your wedding day

zaynabnasrullah: Favourite for a wedding is 4 but looks the hardest to recreate on your own, so for ease and practicality, my next favourite would be 1 ❤

Ocean Buckland: Definitely 2 or 4!! Absolutely stunning and having your hair up with allow all the attention to be on your face and dress which is what we want

Ursula Scallon: The first and 4th looks are my absolute favourites they are gorgeous suit you so well

Bailey Davenport: I love both 4 and 3 either way you’d look like a princess with all

Molly Morris: Gotta be either 1 or 4!! You look so beautiful Imogen! So happy for you ❤️

Jess Griffiths: NUMBER 4 is absolutely STUNNING !!! xxx

Amelia Ellen: All of them are beautiful, I love hair style number one, you look like a beautiful goddess. Can’t wait to see the wedding. ❤️

Rebecca Mary: Definitely number 4 for the wedding and then number 1 or 2 for the evening so excited for you I’m loving all the wedding vids ❤️xxxxx

Maddie Robins: Imogen whatever hairstyle u pick you’ll look gorgeous anyway so don’t stress about ur appearance coz ur stunning xxxx

Bhumika Maisheri: Number 2 and 4 were my favourite you looked absolutely gorgeous in all 4 hairstyles

Lauren Russell: No 4 was stunning on you, you are going to be the most beautiful bride, Lee Stafford products are so good and smell amazing too. Cannot wait to see your wedding day xx

aeipathyspecter: All of them were so beautiful! I think 4 was my favourite ❤️

kel ydhd: I would do 1) for the ceremony 4) for the party event and then 2) for the day after so you can still feel like a bride ❤️❤️

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