20 Hair Regrowth Tips & Tricks That Work

There are tips for hair regrowth, and then there are tips for regrowing your hair that actually works. Hair loss can be a very serious personal issue that men and women alike dread. Losing hair, however, doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. You can promote hair regrowth in a variety of ways. 

We all know about Rogaine, the drugstore favorite, but what about all of the other methods and products out there? There are new products on the market and natural hair regrowth tips that have been proven to work. All you need is a little guidance and patience to restore your hair to happiness. 


Can I Regrow My Hair?

Tips for Hair Regrowth

It’s important to understand this question before attempting hair regrowth. It can really only be possible if the hair follicle is still intact. If the follicle has disappeared, then hair can’t regrow. With a follicle, however, there is hope. 


Hair Regrowth Tips

Below are 20 different hair regrowth methods that we are sure will work for you. 

1. Prenatal Vitamins

Even if you’re not pregnant or even trying to get pregnant, many women are turning to these rich vitamins for hair regrowth. Packed with vitamins known to stimulate hair growth, like folic acid and vitamin B, prenatal vitamins pack a powerful punch for your body and your scalp.

If you’re not keen on taking a vitamin, up your intake of folic naturally by consuming dark, leafy greens, brussels sprouts, and avocado. 


2. Massage 

Hair Massage for Hair Regrowth

Have you ever gotten into the shampoo chair at the salon and marveled over the way the massaging of the shampoo felt on your head? Massage not only relieves tension and stress but doing so often can stimulate hair growth. Of course, having someone else massage your hair is the best, but doing so on yourself can work wonders.

Take care when shampooing your own hair or when applying oil treatment. You can also use a hairbrush to stimulate hair growth. Brushing also moves the oils on the scalp down through the rest of the hair, making it healthier and even thicker.


3. Check Your Medications

medication can cause hair loss

Believe it or not, certain medications can cause hair loss. Pills for acne, arthritis, depression, and even fungal infections can harbor this unwanted side effect. They may not be the reason you’re experiencing hair loss, but they can contribute to the issue and are worth looking into if you want to regrow your hair.

Check the labels of your medications to see if they are preventing you from growing the thickest version of your hair. It may be time to switch it up or at least have a conversation with your doctor to let your needs be known. 


4. Castor Oil

castor oil helps in hair regrowth

Studies that prove castor oil promotes hair regrowth is lacking, but personal testimonies say otherwise. It is comprised primarily of ricinoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that, when rubbed into the scalp, can deliver some powerful results. 


5. Stop Smoking

Among other things, like wrinkles, smoking can cause hair loss.  Blood flow distributes oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, scalp included. Smoking, however, constricts the blood vessels and prevents circulation at the hair follicle. Without nourishment, the cycle of hair growth becomes disturbed and can cause hair to fall out. 

If you want to regrow your gorgeous locks, put down the cigarettes. In time, blood vessels can contract and hair can return to a normal functioning cycle.


6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera helps regrow hair

A moisturized scalp can stimulate hair regrowth. Dry scalps mean flaky skin, which, alongside product buildup, can block hair follicles and inhibit growth. Aloe vera has been proven as a highly moisturizing conditioner for the scalp that can encourage hair to grow. 


7. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil for Hair Regrowth

Coconut oil is one of those products that belong in every bathroom. Rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, and lauric acid, coconut oil not only encourages strong, healthy hair but when massaged into the scalp, can stimulate hair regrowth like a charm. 


8. Fish Oil

You may have already heard about the benefits of eating oily fish like salmon for your hair and skin. Make things easier with a daily fish oil supplement. The omega-3 fatty oils that stimulate healthy brain function promote hair regrowth by delivering vitamins and nutrients straight to the follicle, as well as strength and shine.

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