Protein Treatments for Natural Hair - Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

The protein treatment deep conditions your natural hair and straightens each thread. Black hair tends to become coarse for several reasons: bleaching, color treatments, irons that straighten or curl the locks, or too much styling. Many of us want to change our hair color any now and then, but this is quite damaging for the hair if we don’t use quality hair dye or apply products that protect the thread during the process.

protein treatment for natural hair

There are a few protein treatments for black hair that you can use to add strength to your hair, and some are even DIY masks that can provide all the nutrients and penetrate the hair follicle, pomping all the good stuff into your mane. The effects will appear sooner than you think if you avoid making some common mistakes.


Mistakes Women Do While Using Protein Treatments for Natural Hair

Mistake 1: Using natural hair protein treatment when you don’t need one! Find out what your hair needs! A protein treatment will not solve all your hair problems. Research first!

Mistake 2: Stop using Henna as a protein treatment! Even if it is ideal when dyeing your hair and makes miracles for your locks, it doesn’t offer the necessary protein. However, it will not damage your hair when you want to change its color.

Mistake 3: Don’t make these treatments too often! They can help your hair so much, but they can also destroy it if using them too frequently. Make one every 4-6 weeks!

Mistake 4: Products or DIY masks that don’t contain the hydrolyzed protein are not protein treatments! They will make the hair glow, feel better, silkier, but they will not provide the protein.

Mistake 5:  Wash your hair with shampoo BEFORE protein treatments! Girl, you have to let that excellent mix work on your hair, not wash it off after you applied it!


Make sure you avoid doing the steps mentioned above when doing a natural hair protein treatment and always search for products that contain the hydrolyzed protein if you want the treatment to work!

Also, because we want to make this so much easier for you, here’s a hair mask that will do its job beautifully!


DIY Protein Treatment for Natural Hair

This protein treatment is excellent for damaged natural hair and also helps hair growth, and it contains products any girl has in her house: avocado, eggs, olive oil, and honey.

  • Avocado is filled with nutrients that moisturize your hair and scalp; it’s full of vitamins and amino acids and helps promote strong, healthy hair growth.
  • After removing the skin of the avocado, use a fork or a blender to create a paste and add an egg yolk. Mix that up and add three tablespoons of olive oil. The hair will look shinier and will gain strength because it’s rich in vitamin E and Omega 3. It quickly penetrates the hair and makes your hair hold moisture. The last ingredient, honey!
  • Mix all the ingredients and let the mask sit for an hour, and it will give your hair a marvelous glow.


Protein treatments can be the best friends for your natural locks, but if you use them wrong, they can become the worst enemies for your hair. If your hair is damaged, looks coarse, and lost its luster, you need this ASAP! Remember, never apply it too often because you will cause breakage and more problems for your hair!

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