Top 10 Things to Know About Beard Transplantation

Like any hair transplant, a beard transplant is when you take hair from one place and transplant it to your face or jaw area. The reasons for such a transplant depend on the patient. Regardless of the reasons for the hair transplant, it is essential to know what to look out for as you weigh your options. Here are the top 10 things to know about beard transplantation.

beard transplant - with and without beard


#1: The Procedure May Be Costly

A beard transplant is an excellent option if you want to grow a beard, but have a hard time growing one. Like many hair treatments, cost is important to consider. Beard transplants are not budget-friendly and can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000. 

Depending on certain factors, the cost of transplant may change. These factors include what clinic you choose, your doctor, which procedure you select, and whether you are charged per session or hair graft.


#2: Choose Your Clinic and Doctor Wisely

Before making a final decision about where to get the procedure done, make sure to do your research. Many clinics offer hair and facial transplants, but it’s important to look for a clinic that meets your criteria. 

It’s always a good idea to check out patient feedback and reviews when looking for a reputable clinic. You would also want to ensure that the physician conducting the procedure is an expert in the field and certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons. Remember, you can check out several clinics and talk with many doctors before making your final decision.


#3: There are Different Types of Beard Transplant Procedures

There are two main types of beard transplants. The first is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). This type of transplant is the most common type and involves taking individual hair grafts from one area and placing them in another.

The other type is the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). This type of transplant uses microscopic dissection to remove small strips of tissue. Although less popular, FUT leaves only one small scar instead of several small scars left by FUE.


#4: Have Realistic Expectations

beard transplant

It’s crucial to have realistic expectations regarding this procedure. Not everyone is the right candidate for a beard transplant and your beard will not grow overnight. Keep in mind that you need to have hair that can be transplanted. It’s also important to note that the process can take up to a year to complete.


See All Beard Types


#5: It is a Surgical Procedure

A beard transplant is a surgery. Your doctor will monitor you beforehand to see if you can undergo the procedure. Your doctor will caution you not to take any aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications before your procedure. 

The procedure takes several hours using local anesthesia. The doctor will be making tiny incisions along your jaw to determine the direction in which your beard will grow before beginning the procedure.


#6: Schedule Time off From Work

You may want to schedule one or two days off from work, depending on your job. You will experience some crusting around the new implants, but this should not last for more than a week. Your clinic will give you some antibiotics to prevent infection.


#7: There are Side Effects

Some patients have experienced side effects after their procedure. These include mild bruising, redness, sensitivity, and swelling. Fortunately, they usually go away after a few days.


#8: You Will Use Hair From Someplace Else 

The transplanted hair will come from another part of your body. The hair will most likely be hair that has grown on your head. Most doctors like to use the hair that grows on the back of the patient’s head, which is thicker and resembles a beard.


#9: Your New Beard Will Fall Out

Expect your new beard to fall out within 2-3 weeks. Do not be alarmed by this phenomenonWhen the hair follicles are getting in place to grow new hair, the beard that was transplanted will fall out. In 3 months, you will see your new beard start to grow on its own. The whole process of achieving a full beard will take six months to a year.


#10: There are Alternatives

If you are still undecided and want to look into alternatives, several other options are less invasive. The most popular of these alternatives is Minoxidil, an FDA approved topical medication that stimulates hair growth. Supplements and hormone therapy are also other popular alternatives.


Final Words

Although it is now easier than ever to have that beard you always wanted, it will come at a price. If, for whatever reason, you are not ready to have a physically invasive procedure, there are many other things that you can do. The key is to do your research and see what the best option is for you. 

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