15 Useful Long Haired Weimaraner Care Pointers

Long haired Weimaraner is a breed with a rich history. These beautiful hunting dogs require special care from their owners. Their lustrous shiny coats can make any owner proud.

Weimaraner dogs are very appealing to families due to their soft temper. They go by the names Silver or Gray ghost thanks to their silvery gray coats that feature a slight touch of amber. Weimaraners usually have blue gray or gray eyes. Special attention should be paid to the appearance of these dogs. They have an aristocratic, almost regal, look to them while they are very tender and loving.


Long Haired Weimaraner Smart Care Tips

Long Haired Weimaraner

If you purchased a long haired Weimaraner puppy, you have a lot to learn. If you’ve never owned a dog before, a Weim is not the best breed to start from. These dogs require plenty of special care, mental stimulation, and workout. If you don’t give enough attention to the Weimaraners, they can become nervous, which can lead to various health problems.

These hunting dogs have plenty of energy and you need to provide them with a chance to vent it. Meanwhile, these animals require special grooming, which is not always an easy deal.

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How to Groom A Long Haired Weimaraner

When you buy a long haired Weimaraner puppy, make sure to purchase a wide-toothed comb. It will become yours and your dog’s best friend.

You need to brush the dog’s hair at least once a month to remove all the dirt and dead hair. Weims are extremely active dogs so if they like rolling in dirt, you need to be ready for more frequent brushing. Besides combing the dog’s body, you need to brush the neck and the tail. Be very careful when doing the brushing not to touch the skin. Weimaraners have sensitive skin that can be damaged by combs.

The same goes for the areas around its eyes and nose. When it comes to bathing, long-haired Weimaraners don’t need regular baths. Frequent washing might be damaging to their health. Don’t wash your dog unless it smells bad or appears very dirty. Use special dog shampoo to keep your pet clean. Make sure to keep the water out of the pet’s ears by inserting cotton balls.


1. Get ready for long walks

Weimaraner long hairstyle

If you want your long-haired Weimaraner to stay healthy, you need to let it use up its energy. These hunting dogs have plenty of it! So you need to be ready for long daily walks. If you don’t have time for such walks, don’t buy a Weimaraner.


2. Sell the cat

nice long hair for weimaraner

Weims are hunters at heart and they don’t tolerate little animals, such as hamsters, cats, and even small dogs. If you have any of those, think twice before buying a Weimaraner. You might get a serious problem on your hands.


3. Care for the teeth

cute weimaraner long haircut

Make sure your dog’s teeth are well cared for. You need to buy special toothbrushing accessories and clean your pet’s teeth twice a week. Regular teeth care can help you avoid various diseases and increase the dog’s lifespan.

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4. Trim the nails

long haired with weimaraner

Carefully watch your dog’s nails. As soon as you hear them clattering on the floor, the time has come to cut them. Make sure to use special nail cutting accessories to do the job. Long nails can break and split. This can cause painful moments for your dog.


5. Cut the excess hair on feet

favorite weimaraner long hairstyle

Check your dog’s hair once a month. Pay close attention to the hair on its feet. It needs to be cut as short as possible in order to avoid knotting and tangling. This will keep the dog from carrying dirt on its feet.


6. Don’t leave

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Longhaired Weimaraners may suffer from separation anxiety. Don’t ever leave the dog for long periods of time or it can suffer from psychological. When left alone for a long time, these dogs can even injure themselves.


7. Make space

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Weimaraners need to be close to their owners. Even though they love running around, they prefer to come back indoors. Make sure you have enough space for your new pet. Consider buying a sizable dog bed to accommodate it inside your house.


8. Socialize

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Long haired Weimaraners can be very aggressive when it comes to strangers. In order to avoid problems, you need to teach your pets that not all people are dangerous. Make sure to help the dog meet as many people as possible when it’s still a puppy.

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9. Keep them inside

long hair for big weimaraner

Since Weims are huge bundles of energy, they often look for ways to escape the house and/or backyard. Make sure that there is no way the dog can leave your yard. If it runs away, it might not find its way back home.


10. Learn to be patient


Training these dogs is not easy. When they are puppies, Weims can become real destroyers, chewing everything on their way. You need to start training immediately and learn to be patient about their active lifestyle.


11. Say “No”

Long haired Weimaraner look

You have to be very consistent with your training. Weims are just like children and they need to understand what “no” is. If you decide to be soft with your long-haired Weimaraner puppy, you might regret it in the future.


12. Weim-proof your house

 weimaraner brown long hair color

Weims are very intelligent and they do all types of things, such as getting ice from the ice dispenser, turning on the light, starting the microwave and flipping on the faucets. Make sure to weim-proof your house as much as possible by keeping doors closed and restricting access to bathrooms.


13. Check the waist

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Weimaraners are prone to excess weight. If you worry that your pet is eating too much and getting bigger, do a waist check. When you look down on the dog, you must be able to see a waist. If you don’t, ask your veterinarian about the compulsory changes in your pet’s diet.


14. Talk to your kids

kids weimaraner

Weims make wonderful companions for kids, but they can be a hassle when it comes to small children. They might even chase toddlers just as they would smaller animals. Make sure to talk to your children and teach them how to behave around a dog.


15. Have fun

long hair weimaraner

Long haired Weimaraners are amazing companions. They might be the only creatures in the world that can help you get your butt off a sofa and do some cardio. They are nice, friendly, and loving. Have fun with them!

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If after reading these tips, you haven’t changed your mind about buying a long-haired Weimaraner, you are in for a wonderful adventure. If you ask any owner of a Weim whether they made the right choice, every single one will say yes.

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