Ott Grinch Christmas Hair Bow-Part One

Ok guys I really apologize for the length of this video. I was really tired and had so much on my mind with orders and a huge work load but I didn't have time to do it over.

*Spikes are 6 inches

*Base Bow 26 inches

*Surround a Bow-2 pieces each 11 inches

*Boutique Bow 22 inches link for 7/8 and 1 inch print ribbon used.

The green glitter 7/8 inch ribbon comes from hobby lobby. Link for Big Southern Bows FaceBook page.

[email protected]

Hello, everybody. What I'm going to do is this is going to be a two video tutorial. The first video will be actually constructing the over-the-top Christmas faux and it is the Grinch theme. The second video will be adding the oversized fell. T'S, okay and I want to go ahead and get started without yapping too much, because apparently I talk too much before starting the actual tutorial, so I'm going to try to get better with that. Okay, several months ago, I had put pictures on the Facebook page about all of the Christmas over-the-top bows with the oversized fell tees and I finally gotten a chance to do the tutorial for one and it is going to be the giveaway bow. So what we have here - and you know, of course it's just your preference, which you you know want to add to it - I'm going to use two types of tool. This is the glitter, a lime tool, and I have this made already and I'm going to show you how to make it with this tool. This is new. This is something new and I'm gon na leave the links to all of this stuff. This is you know. The red with the gold metallic dots, this came from hairbow company love, it comes in, I don't know six or seven different colors ostrich puff feathers. Okay. Now, besides the barrette, I'm using. This is a gator bite, but you know you can use. If you mean, if you use this kind of thing, you can use anything, the Gator bite to me is good for for doing this, bikes lighter scissors glue, gun, let's see needle and thread, and that is something I need to get real quick. I did not get my needle threaded, but I use the upholstery thread, remember: okay and then the ribbon itself. Now there are a few different places that I got my ribbon. I didn't get it all from the same place. This gold ribbon right here that I'm going to use to make the surround of oh. I got that from Hobby Lobby. Okay, bear with me a minute. I can't see all right. Um the red polka dot ribbon comes from gifts, intel, okay. It is 7/8 of an inch, and so is this one. In fact, all of the ribbon we're using is pretty much seven. Eight, I think, except for the Grinch ribbon. It is a full inch. Okay and I'll do a close-up in just a second of course. No matter how hard I prepare still not prepared okay, so look at how cool this is. It'S you know, has the Grinch theme and this one I'm gon na check for sure, but I believe it came from Samantha treasure and and that it's not Samantha's treasure treasure. It'S Samantha treasure, and then this is just you know: solid lime that I'm gon na use for the backing it. You know it's, you can get that anywhere and you'll need on like a three-eighths piece or one and a fourth piece, something to go around the middle of the bow. Okay, I've already cut my spikes, and you know this is one that we're going to use Samantha treasure and then, of course, here's the the other pattern: okay and yeah. That'S it! Okay and again, I'm gon na leave the links for where I got the ribbon. From now the spikes are cut to six inches and what I normally do is you know, because you need two of each. I generally cut a 12 inch piece. You know I stretch out 12 inches and then just cut it in the middle and then, of course, I've already cut you know of dovetailed. My um, you know angle cut whatever you call it the end and I actually do not heat seal until I have the whole thing together. Otherwise, you just you know, you're constantly fraying and having to heat, so it okay and let's see how many spikes I have believe it is nine. Let me make sure - and I do have three of these, because I just needed one for the middle. Yes, I have nine okay, and I mean you know you can use any pattern you want, but I'm also using the grinch ribbon for my main bow in the middle okay, so each of the spikes, nine spikes or cut to six inches. Okay, then my surround a bow piece. If you're gon na do a surround a bow, I'm using 7/8 inch ribbon, it is 22 inches. I cut it in half, so each piece is 11 inches. Okay and my Center bow the boutique bow that we use in the center. It is also 22 inches and, like I said you need you know a vacuum P. Now my bass boat also 7/8. I just find that for a bass bow 7/8. You know it works. Pretty well the 1 and 1/2 inch and I'll find works. You know I mean it's just too big, too bulky unless you're doing a pen. Well, this is cut to 26 inches and I have two pieces here. You know just to double up. Okay - and I warn you in advance - I do not edit my videos, I just don't have time. So that's why I'm splitting it up into two - and you know this first one, especially it's going to be kind of long, all right so to get started. We'Re gon na do our spikes first, okay, and you know basically, I just lay them out. However, I mean you know there, there are several different tutorials on how to do this. You know you could put a pin in the middle. You know whatever works for you. You know you just line the corners up. Basically, alright and my dogs are not cooperating in the background, so you may hear me fussing Adam and I'm just gon na just because I know I'm not gon na have enough room all right, then that one's upside down and then this this third red piece. You know is what I have in the middle okay and whenever you're dealing with spikes, you know you want to make sure that you kind of have a circular type thing and you want to just um alright, and so that's, basically what we have and I mean There'S so many videos on this okay, so you know if you have another way of doing it, so be it. You know. Spikes are probably the most time consuming okay. So then I want to put my my finger in the middle there and gently pick it up and some people hand fold. You know their spikes. I don't know I just have fat little fingers, so you know, plus I have a lot of issues with my fingers. So I have to use you know these creasing tools. Okay, so you just slide it on and what I like about the Gator bite is. Is it doesn't curve like that salon clip it's just kind of straightforward? It has the teeth. Okay, so just take a look see here, and this is the pattern I'm you know I'm using, but you know you can certainly do whatever you want. Okay, then, you can use the needle and thread you know to go through the back and twist it around or whatever. But I have this thread from Walmart and what I do is it's. It tends to pop if you pull it too hard. So I just kind of double up alright and then I go in through the back. Okay and then you know I go through the front and then I tie it, but I don't you know, do it real tight? I just kind of you know just enough to where it's not loose. Okay, you know something like that. Then I feed it around to the back again, you know holding on pretty tight taut, alright and you know the painted ribbon. You know that has the paint on it and and all the design versus just the solid color makes the difference sometimes and how easy it is to get your spikes to work all right. So you tie it off in the back and what I do is, you know, start slowly tightening and then I just pull it real, quick, okay, why are you fussing it huh, okay and then, once you have your crease, then you tie it off again: okay and Then, on you know, then, basically, you take your take your creasing tool off now that looks awful. Okay, and this is where the work really comes. In with the spikes. You have to do a lot of adjusting and gluing, and then you know you want to go around it with your lighter okay and I'm gon na do a little bit of that, just to kind of show you and I think I've I've done this in a Previous video and I didn't get mine real tight in the middle, but basically what you want to do is you want to start? What I do is I start in the middle on each side. Okay and you know, make sure that they're lined up and then you get your glue gun, and you know you just add a little bit of glue somewhere in the middle generally is what I do and and then that way you know there's kind of like a You know perfect straight up-and-down, then I go to the other back to the other side, and I keep switching so that you're gon na have an even you know, set of spikes, okay, all right and and see. I just put you know, just a dab of glue in there like that. Okay, and so you know you have your first three on each side and you know, then you go back to the other side and you glue this together and so on and so forth. You may have to pull a little bit but make sure you don't pull too tight because remember the the middle you know, if you didn't sew through the middle, you could pull it out. Okay. Now I'm gon na set this to the side because for times sake, I've already created another one. Once you get your spikes completely done, you've glued them all up. You know this is what it looks like in the back. Then. What I do is I spray with my my hairspray stiff and quick whatever and let it dry and I have a little table fan. You know hairdryer whatever you want to do and it makes it real stiff and you know you're ready to go. One thing I do need to do is go through with my lighter and that's why I like to wait till the end, because I feel like I'm I'm. You know I might as well wait till the end. Okay and then that way, if you have any glue strings, you can kind of deal with that as well. Okay, so that's that's our spice that you know, and you certainly don't have to start with the spikes um. But that's where we're at and let me get my dogs, some turkey, real, quick, okay. Now next thing, I'm going to do yes. Okay, let me put my spikes to the side over here. Next thing I have here is my bass boat and I I you know it's not. I guess it's not necessary to have a bass boat, but I always do I just like the way it looks. You know on the child's hair, alright, so I've got both of them lined up print. You know you want the non-print sides to be together and then I fold it in half, because I'm actually gon na do the figure 8 method on this one. I just find that it flattens better okay and I'm sure I've done this before this tutorial and there are several tutorials on youtube. You know on how to do this, one, okay, so here's my center point and then I just bring it around and you want kind of a skinny loop on both sides for this one, and then you take your one on the left hand, side and you bring It around the other way: okay and that's your cake, you're right, hmm, okay and then you take this right hand, side and you bring it in the middle and you bring the left hand side, and you want to overlap about half way. Something like that. All right and just kind of, and that's your back okay, so then you turn it over, and this is actually the front of your bow and I just kind of spread it out like that, because it'll be a little flatter and let's see I'm actually going to Use this rather than the Gator bite, I have three different creasing tools: Salon clips, whatever this salon clip actually came from hair bow Center, okay, and so I'm gon na use my needle and thread on this one where's. My dog's pick this time to aggravate me any other time, maybe asleep. Okay, so you just want to kind of take a look see, and then you remember my method. I just kind of do like this to make sure the loops I'm out of camera range. I just do like this, to kind of you know, make sure that my loops are even okay and remember. This is this: is a bass boat and this one um, the the ribbons I cut to 26 inches and I'm not gon na hand fold this one in the middle, I'm just gon na go around the center a couple of times and then I just pull it Tight, I help. Let me go through the top one more time and pull it to where you have a tight Center and you still want to hold it in the middle, especially when you have your you know, your ribbon doubled up like that. It tends to slip. Okay and before I tie it off in the back, I'm just kind of adjusting okay and then I'm going to tie it once it's. You know tight enough and I'm happy with the loops, and this one is not wanting to stay all right. I'M going to tie it off in the back all right and it's kind of you know the shaping is kind of off right now, but you know you just want to work with it and once you're satisfied with you know what it looks like then you're gon Na stiffen this one, okay, all right and then again you kind of want it to be, not not real poufy. You know like this. You want it to be flat, okay, so once you're done, you want to set back to the side all right now, riah, not your your end. There, okay, now we're gon na, do the main center bow or grinch bow okay, and I'm just going. What I did was, I just got, you know my Grinch ribbon and I doubled it up with the lime green and I just snip snip it off there to kind of get an angle, and you can also use the wood-burning tool, but I'm just you know going To heat seal with awesome all right - and this is the bow that's so challenging for for most folks - for some reason. Actually, I generally use a little clip for the bottom. So if you, you know, want an alligator clip to like kind of be an extra hand or whatever make sure you grab one of those okay, and this is a tiny bow. Alright, so there's your first loop, I've made several several of these, but most of them are big. Okay and there's the second one, and at this point I'll get my clip and just hold it here: okay, and that's what we have so far and on these I don't like to have much of a tail and you can do the figure 8 method. For this too, all right and then I've got my third loop and then, like I said, I'm not gon na have much of a tail for this one, all right. So again, I'm going to readjust just a little bit to get my bottom loop, smaller, okay and then try that top top again. Alright! So there's my third loop, I just put it in behind that little tail. Okay and then I just kind of bring this around, and you know this little tail we're gon na cut off right. There there's really you're not even going to be able to see it, because I'm gon na put like a bottle cap in the middle okay, and so you know basically that's what you have okay and then I'm gon na get my salon clip and I can go Ahead and take this out now, okay and again, I just you - know kind of fold these down and make sure the loops are, even because you want that symmetry and again, I'm out of camera range. But anyway that looks good to me. Okay, so I'm going to get my needle and thread I'm gon na go through the back and if I'm going kind of fast um, you know and you're just watching my videos. For the first time I have like 30 videos and I've made one of these modes in just about every video. So if you want to go back through, I have some ones where I go slower and I'm just going around the center a few times. I always end up at the top, so I'm not hand creasing, and then I again just pull that as tight as as you can, then you take the salon clip off but make sure you're holding the center and tie it off in the back. Okay and you know just kind of adjust and pull and okay and there you have it alright, and you want to cut this off right now. You kind of have this ugly little tail part right there, so I am just simply going to cut that at an angle to where it's almost gone. Like I said, that's basically gon na be covered up. Okay, okay, so there's our third part. Now I've got my two pieces for my surround about all right. Take one fold it in half and again each piece is 11 inches. Okay, and so I get a crease okay and there's my my middle alright. So then I get my gun and put just a strip of glue, and then you want to bring it around and glue that down, leaving just a little bit. You know you don't want to get it directly in the center. You want to leave a little bit of room, okay, same thing on the other side, all right, okay, and so that's what the first piece looks like, and you know there are several tutorials on surround, oppose as well. I think it's pretty much the same method in every video and do the same thing. Okay, then you have your two pieces and then you simply just want to run some glue along the bottom and overlap somewhat. Okay and there you have it, there's your surrounded that okay and those are your bow parts, not sure. If I had mentioned, I like to use the for this size bow with it being, you know, six inch, spikes and whatever I like to use the French barrette, because the these bows are just way too heavy for alligator clips, especially if, if you're going to use, Felt ease and feathers and and all the stuff to it. Okay, so before we end the video, let's just put the bow together now. Actually we can't do that because I've got to stiffen all these parts. Okay, just to recap, you've got your spikes and you know we're gon na put the put this on the bow and I've got to reshape mine, okay and then you're going to put your surround the boat, and then you know your actual Center boutique, but okay, and So what I'll do is I'll end here and I'm going to stiffen at this point once you know once you've finished with all your parts, what you want to do is get you know this like tray and I've got this old nasty towel and I just you Know put mine well now this is glitter ribbon and it's stiff enough. You don't have to stiffen it, and I had already done this. You know before and this one too and you just want to shape them and and make sure that they look the way you want and you spray them and dry and then you're ready to put it all together. Okay, you don't have to add felt ease or anything to it, but you know that's just my way of doing and over the top. You know with all of the bow parts. Okay, so I'm going to end this part, one video here and check out part two and we're gon na add all the pretties and I'm going to show you several of the Christmas oversized fell, tees that I have and how they would look and so part two Is probably gon na be equally as long as this one alright saw see you in the next video

mimis craftycreations: Nice job! Love your bows!

mimis craftycreations: Nice job! Love your bows!

Ashley Artiaga-Bartley: Like always... your bows and videos just make me so happy!!!!! Keep up the great job!!!! ❤️

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